// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. extern crate toml; use file_lines::FileLines; use lists::{SeparatorTactic, ListTactic}; use std::io::Write; macro_rules! configuration_option_enum{ ($e:ident: $( $x:ident ),+ $(,)*) => { #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum $e { $( $x ),+ } impl_enum_decodable!($e, $( $x ),+); } } configuration_option_enum! { NewlineStyle: Windows, // \r\n Unix, // \n Native, // \r\n in Windows, \n on other platforms } configuration_option_enum! { BraceStyle: AlwaysNextLine, PreferSameLine, // Prefer same line except where there is a where clause, in which case force // the brace to the next line. SameLineWhere, } configuration_option_enum! { ControlBraceStyle: // K&R/Stroustrup style, Rust community default AlwaysSameLine, // Allman style AlwaysNextLine, } configuration_option_enum! { ElseIfBraceStyle: // K&R style, Rust community default AlwaysSameLine, // Stroustrup style ClosingNextLine, // Allman style AlwaysNextLine, } // How to indent a function's return type. configuration_option_enum! { ReturnIndent: // Aligned with the arguments WithArgs, // Aligned with the where clause WithWhereClause, } // How to style a struct literal. configuration_option_enum! { StructLitStyle: // First line on the same line as the opening brace, all lines aligned with // the first line. Visual, // First line is on a new line and all lines align with block indent. Block, // FIXME Maybe we should also have an option to align types. } // How to style fn args. configuration_option_enum! { FnArgLayoutStyle: // First line on the same line as the opening brace, all lines aligned with // the first line. Visual, // Put args on one line if they fit, or start a new line with block indent. Block, // First line is on a new line and all lines align with block indent. BlockAlways, } configuration_option_enum! { BlockIndentStyle: // Same level as parent. Inherit, // One level deeper than parent. Tabbed, // Aligned with block open. Visual, } configuration_option_enum! { Density: // Fit as much on one line as possible. Compressed, // Use more lines. Tall, // Try to compress if the body is empty. CompressedIfEmpty, // Place every item on a separate line. Vertical, } configuration_option_enum! { TypeDensity: // No spaces around "=" and "+" Compressed, // Spaces around " = " and " + " Wide, } impl Density { pub fn to_list_tactic(self) -> ListTactic { match self { Density::Compressed => ListTactic::Mixed, Density::Tall | Density::CompressedIfEmpty => ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, Density::Vertical => ListTactic::Vertical, } } } configuration_option_enum! { LicensePolicy: // Do not place license text at top of files NoLicense, // Use the text in "license" field as the license TextLicense, // Use a text file as the license text FileLicense, } configuration_option_enum! { MultilineStyle: // Use horizontal layout if it fits in one line, fall back to vertical PreferSingle, // Use vertical layout ForceMulti, } impl MultilineStyle { pub fn to_list_tactic(self) -> ListTactic { match self { MultilineStyle::PreferSingle => ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, MultilineStyle::ForceMulti => ListTactic::Vertical, } } } configuration_option_enum! { ReportTactic: Always, Unnumbered, Never, } configuration_option_enum! { WriteMode: // Backsup the original file and overwrites the orignal. Replace, // Overwrites original file without backup. Overwrite, // Write the output to stdout. Display, // Write the diff to stdout. Diff, // Display how much of the input file was processed Coverage, // Unfancy stdout Plain, // Output a checkstyle XML file. Checkstyle, } /// Trait for types that can be used in `Config`. pub trait ConfigType: Sized { /// Returns hint text for use in `Config::print_docs()`. For enum types, this is a /// pipe-separated list of variants; for other types it returns "". fn doc_hint() -> String; } impl ConfigType for bool { fn doc_hint() -> String { String::from("") } } impl ConfigType for usize { fn doc_hint() -> String { String::from("") } } impl ConfigType for isize { fn doc_hint() -> String { String::from("") } } impl ConfigType for String { fn doc_hint() -> String { String::from("") } } impl ConfigType for FileLines { fn doc_hint() -> String { String::from("") } } pub struct ConfigHelpItem { option_name: &'static str, doc_string: &'static str, variant_names: String, default: &'static str, } impl ConfigHelpItem { pub fn option_name(&self) -> &'static str { self.option_name } pub fn doc_string(&self) -> &'static str { self.doc_string } pub fn variant_names(&self) -> &String { &self.variant_names } pub fn default(&self) -> &'static str { self.default } } macro_rules! create_config { ($($i:ident: $ty:ty, $def:expr, $( $dstring:expr ),+ );+ $(;)*) => ( #[derive(RustcDecodable, Clone)] pub struct Config { $(pub $i: $ty),+ } // Just like the Config struct but with each property wrapped // as Option. This is used to parse a rustfmt.toml that doesn't // specity all properties of `Config`. // We first parse into `ParsedConfig`, then create a default `Config` // and overwrite the properties with corresponding values from `ParsedConfig` #[derive(RustcDecodable, Clone)] pub struct ParsedConfig { $(pub $i: Option<$ty>),+ } impl Config { fn fill_from_parsed_config(mut self, parsed: ParsedConfig) -> Config { $( if let Some(val) = parsed.$i { self.$i = val; } )+ self } pub fn from_toml(toml: &str) -> Config { let parsed = toml.parse().expect("Could not parse TOML"); let parsed_config:ParsedConfig = match toml::decode(parsed) { Some(decoded) => decoded, None => { msg!("Decoding config file failed. Config:\n{}", toml); let parsed: toml::Value = toml.parse().expect("Could not parse TOML"); msg!("\n\nParsed:\n{:?}", parsed); panic!(); } }; Config::default().fill_from_parsed_config(parsed_config) } pub fn override_value(&mut self, key: &str, val: &str) { match key { $( stringify!($i) => { self.$i = val.parse::<$ty>() .expect(&format!("Failed to parse override for {} (\"{}\") as a {}", stringify!($i), val, stringify!($ty))); } )+ _ => panic!("Unknown config key in override: {}", key) } } pub fn print_docs() { use std::cmp; let max = 0; $( let max = cmp::max(max, stringify!($i).len()+1); )+ let mut space_str = String::with_capacity(max); for _ in 0..max { space_str.push(' '); } println!("Configuration Options:"); $( let name_raw = stringify!($i); let mut name_out = String::with_capacity(max); for _ in name_raw.len()..max-1 { name_out.push(' ') } name_out.push_str(name_raw); name_out.push(' '); println!("{}{} Default: {:?}", name_out, <$ty>::doc_hint(), $def); $( println!("{}{}", space_str, $dstring); )+ println!(""); )+ } } // Template for the default configuration impl Default for Config { fn default() -> Config { Config { $( $i: $def, )+ } } } ) } create_config! { verbose: bool, false, "Use verbose output"; skip_children: bool, false, "Don't reformat out of line modules"; file_lines: FileLines, FileLines::all(), "Lines to format; this is not supported in rustfmt.toml, and can only be specified \ via the --file-lines option"; max_width: usize, 100, "Maximum width of each line"; ideal_width: usize, 80, "Ideal width of each line"; tab_spaces: usize, 4, "Number of spaces per tab"; fn_call_width: usize, 60, "Maximum width of the args of a function call before falling back to vertical formatting"; struct_lit_width: usize, 16, "Maximum width in the body of a struct lit before falling back to vertical formatting"; struct_variant_width: usize, 35, "Maximum width in the body of a struct variant before falling back to vertical formatting"; force_explicit_abi: bool, true, "Always print the abi for extern items"; newline_style: NewlineStyle, NewlineStyle::Unix, "Unix or Windows line endings"; fn_brace_style: BraceStyle, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere, "Brace style for functions"; item_brace_style: BraceStyle, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere, "Brace style for structs and enums"; else_if_brace_style: ElseIfBraceStyle, ElseIfBraceStyle::AlwaysSameLine, "Brace style for if, else if, and else constructs"; control_brace_style: ControlBraceStyle, ControlBraceStyle::AlwaysSameLine, "Brace style for match, loop, for, and while constructs"; impl_empty_single_line: bool, true, "Put empty-body implementations on a single line"; fn_empty_single_line: bool, true, "Put empty-body functions on a single line"; fn_single_line: bool, false, "Put single-expression functions on a single line"; fn_return_indent: ReturnIndent, ReturnIndent::WithArgs, "Location of return type in function declaration"; fn_args_paren_newline: bool, true, "If function argument parenthesis goes on a newline"; fn_args_density: Density, Density::Tall, "Argument density in functions"; fn_args_layout: FnArgLayoutStyle, FnArgLayoutStyle::Visual, "Layout of function arguments"; fn_arg_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Visual, "Indent on function arguments"; type_punctuation_density: TypeDensity, TypeDensity::Wide, "Determines if '+' or '=' are wrapped in spaces in the punctuation of types"; // Should we at least try to put the where clause on the same line as the rest of the // function decl? where_density: Density, Density::CompressedIfEmpty, "Density of a where clause"; // Visual will be treated like Tabbed where_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Tabbed, "Indentation of a where clause"; where_layout: ListTactic, ListTactic::Vertical, "Element layout inside a where clause"; where_pred_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Visual, "Indentation style of a where predicate"; where_trailing_comma: bool, false, "Put a trailing comma on where clauses"; generics_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Visual, "Indentation of generics"; struct_trailing_comma: SeparatorTactic, SeparatorTactic::Vertical, "If there is a trailing comma on structs"; struct_lit_trailing_comma: SeparatorTactic, SeparatorTactic::Vertical, "If there is a trailing comma on literal structs"; struct_lit_style: StructLitStyle, StructLitStyle::Block, "Style of struct definition"; struct_lit_multiline_style: MultilineStyle, MultilineStyle::PreferSingle, "Multiline style on literal structs"; enum_trailing_comma: bool, true, "Put a trailing comma on enum declarations"; report_todo: ReportTactic, ReportTactic::Never, "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of TODO in source file comments"; report_fixme: ReportTactic, ReportTactic::Never, "Report all, none or unnumbered occurrences of FIXME in source file comments"; chain_base_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Tabbed, "Indent on chain base"; chain_indent: BlockIndentStyle, BlockIndentStyle::Tabbed, "Indentation of chain"; chains_overflow_last: bool, true, "Allow last call in method chain to break the line"; reorder_imports: bool, false, "Reorder import statements alphabetically"; single_line_if_else_max_width: usize, 50, "Maximum line length for single line if-else \ expressions. A value of zero means always break \ if-else expressions."; format_strings: bool, true, "Format string literals where necessary"; force_format_strings: bool, false, "Always format string literals"; take_source_hints: bool, true, "Retain some formatting characteristics from the source code"; hard_tabs: bool, false, "Use tab characters for indentation, spaces for alignment"; wrap_comments: bool, false, "Break comments to fit on the line"; normalize_comments: bool, true, "Convert /* */ comments to // comments where possible"; wrap_match_arms: bool, true, "Wrap multiline match arms in blocks"; match_block_trailing_comma: bool, false, "Put a trailing comma after a block based match arm (non-block arms are not affected)"; match_wildcard_trailing_comma: bool, true, "Put a trailing comma after a wildcard arm"; closure_block_indent_threshold: isize, 5, "How many lines a closure must have before it is \ block indented. -1 means never use block indent."; use_try_shorthand: bool, false, "Replace uses of the try! macro by the ? shorthand"; write_mode: WriteMode, WriteMode::Replace, "What Write Mode to use when none is supplied: Replace, Overwrite, Display, Diff, Coverage"; }