//@run-rustfix #![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)] #![warn(clippy::string_lit_as_bytes)] fn str_lit_as_bytes() { let bs = b"hello there"; let bs = br###"raw string with 3# plus " ""###; let bs = b"lit to string".to_vec(); let bs = b"lit to owned".to_vec(); // no warning, because these cannot be written as byte string literals: let ubs = "☃".as_bytes(); let ubs = "hello there! this is a very long string".as_bytes(); let ubs = "☃".to_string().into_bytes(); let ubs = "this is also too long and shouldn't be fixed".to_string().into_bytes(); let strify = stringify!(foobar).as_bytes(); let current_version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION").as_bytes(); let includestr = include_bytes!("string_lit_as_bytes.rs"); let _ = b"string with newline\t\n"; let _ = match "x".as_bytes() { b"xx" => 0, [b'x', ..] => 1, _ => 2, }; } fn main() {}