// xfail-test use core::cast::transmute; use core::from_str::FromStr; use core::libc::{STDOUT_FILENO, c_char, c_int, c_uint, c_void, fdopen, fputc}; use core::libc::{fputs}; use core::ptr::null; struct mpz_t { _mp_alloc: c_int, _mp_size: c_int, _mp_limb_t: *c_void, } impl mpz_t { fn new() -> mpz_t { mpz_t { _mp_alloc: 0, _mp_size: 0, _mp_limb_t: null(), } } } #[link_args="-lgmp"] extern { #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_add"] fn mpz_add(x: *mpz_t, y: *mpz_t, z: *mpz_t); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_cmp"] fn mpz_cmp(x: *mpz_t, y: *mpz_t) -> c_int; #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_fdiv_qr"] fn mpz_fdiv_qr(a: *mpz_t, b: *mpz_t, c: *mpz_t, d: *mpz_t); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_get_ui"] fn mpz_get_ui(x: *mpz_t) -> c_uint; #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_init"] fn mpz_init(x: *mpz_t); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_init_set_ui"] fn mpz_init_set_ui(x: *mpz_t, y: c_uint); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_mul_2exp"] fn mpz_mul_2exp(x: *mpz_t, y: *mpz_t, z: c_uint); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_mul_ui"] fn mpz_mul_ui(x: *mpz_t, y: *mpz_t, z: c_uint); #[fast_ffi] #[link_name="__gmpz_submul_ui"] fn mpz_submul_ui(x: *mpz_t, y: *mpz_t, z: c_uint); } struct Context { numer: mpz_t, accum: mpz_t, denom: mpz_t, tmp1: mpz_t, tmp2: mpz_t, } impl Context { fn new() -> Context { unsafe { let mut result = Context { numer: mpz_t::new(), accum: mpz_t::new(), denom: mpz_t::new(), tmp1: mpz_t::new(), tmp2: mpz_t::new(), }; mpz_init(&result.tmp1); mpz_init(&result.tmp2); mpz_init_set_ui(&result.numer, 1); mpz_init_set_ui(&result.accum, 0); mpz_init_set_ui(&result.denom, 1); result } } fn extract_digit(&mut self) -> i32 { unsafe { if mpz_cmp(&self.numer, &self.accum) > 0 { return -1; } // Compute (numer * 3 + accum) / denom mpz_mul_2exp(&self.tmp1, &self.numer, 1); mpz_add(&self.tmp1, &self.tmp1, &self.numer); mpz_add(&self.tmp1, &self.tmp1, &self.accum); mpz_fdiv_qr(&self.tmp1, &self.tmp2, &self.tmp1, &self.denom); // Now, if (numer * 4 + accum) % denom... mpz_add(&self.tmp2, &self.tmp2, &self.numer); // ... is normalized, then the two divisions have the same result. if mpz_cmp(&self.tmp2, &self.denom) >= 0 { return -1; } mpz_get_ui(&self.tmp1) as i32 } } fn next_term(&mut self, k: u32) { unsafe { let y2 = k*2 + 1; mpz_mul_2exp(&self.tmp1, &self.numer, 1); mpz_add(&self.accum, &self.accum, &self.tmp1); mpz_mul_ui(&self.accum, &self.accum, y2); mpz_mul_ui(&self.numer, &self.numer, k); mpz_mul_ui(&self.denom, &self.denom, y2); } } fn eliminate_digit(&mut self, d: u32) { unsafe { mpz_submul_ui(&self.accum, &self.denom, d); mpz_mul_ui(&self.accum, &self.accum, 10); mpz_mul_ui(&self.numer, &self.numer, 10); } } } fn pidigits(n: u32) { unsafe { let mode = "w"; let stdout = fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO as c_int, transmute(&mode[0])); let mut d: i32; let mut i: u32 = 0, k: u32 = 0, m: u32; let mut context = Context::new(); loop { loop { k += 1; context.next_term(k); d = context.extract_digit(); if d != -1 { break; } } fputc((d as c_int) + ('0' as c_int), stdout); i += 1; m = i % 10; if m == 0 { let res = fmt!("\t:%d\n", i as int); fputs(transmute(&res[0]), stdout); } if i >= n { break; } context.eliminate_digit(d as u32); } if m != 0 { m = 10 - m; while m != 0 { m -= 1; fputc(' ' as c_int, stdout); } let res = fmt!("\t:%d\n", i as int); fputs(transmute(&res[0]), stdout); } } } #[fixed_stack_segment] fn main() { let n: u32 = FromStr::from_str(os::args()[1]).get(); pidigits(n); }