// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use mod ast; use mod parse::token; use codemap::{span, BytePos}; use ext::base::ext_ctxt; use token::*; /** * * Quasiquoting works via token trees. * * This is registered as a expression syntax extension called quote! that lifts * its argument token-tree to an AST representing the construction of the same * token tree, with ast::tt_nonterminal nodes interpreted as antiquotes * (splices). * */ pub mod rt { pub use ast::*; pub use parse::token::*; pub use parse::new_parser_from_tts; pub use codemap::BytePos; pub use codemap::span; } pub fn expand_quote_tokens(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { base::mr_expr(expand_tts(cx, sp, tts)) } pub fn expand_quote_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { base::mr_expr(expand_parse_call(cx, sp, ~"parse_expr", ~[], tts)) } pub fn expand_quote_item(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { let e_attrs = build::mk_uniq_vec_e(cx, sp, ~[]); base::mr_expr(expand_parse_call(cx, sp, ~"parse_item", ~[e_attrs], tts)) } pub fn expand_quote_pat(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { let e_refutable = build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_bool(true)); base::mr_expr(expand_parse_call(cx, sp, ~"parse_pat", ~[e_refutable], tts)) } pub fn expand_quote_type(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { let e_param_colons = build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_bool(false)); base::mr_expr(expand_parse_call(cx, sp, ~"parse_type", ~[e_param_colons], tts)) } pub fn expand_quote_stmt(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> base::mac_result { let e_attrs = build::mk_uniq_vec_e(cx, sp, ~[]); base::mr_expr(expand_parse_call(cx, sp, ~"parse_stmt", ~[e_attrs], tts)) } fn ids_ext(cx: ext_ctxt, strs: ~[~str]) -> ~[ast::ident] { strs.map(|str| cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@*str)) } fn id_ext(cx: ext_ctxt, str: ~str) -> ast::ident { cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@str) } fn mk_option_span(cx: ext_ctxt, qsp: span, sp: Option) -> @ast::expr { match sp { None => build::mk_path(cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"None"])), Some(sp) => { build::mk_call(cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"Some"]), ~[build::mk_managed(cx, qsp, mk_span(cx, qsp, sp))]) } } } fn mk_span(cx: ext_ctxt, qsp: span, sp: span) -> @ast::expr { let e_expn_info = match sp.expn_info { None => build::mk_path(cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"None"])), Some(@codemap::ExpandedFrom(cr)) => { let e_callee = build::mk_rec_e( cx, qsp, ~[{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"name"), ex: build::mk_uniq_str(cx, qsp, cr.callie.name)}, {ident: id_ext(cx, ~"span"), ex: mk_option_span(cx, qsp, cr.callie.span)}]); let e_expn_info_ = build::mk_call( cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"expanded_from"]), ~[build::mk_rec_e( cx, qsp, ~[{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"call_site"), ex: mk_span(cx, qsp, cr.call_site)}, {ident: id_ext(cx, ~"callie"), ex: e_callee}])]); build::mk_call(cx, qsp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"Some"]), ~[build::mk_managed(cx, qsp, e_expn_info_)]) } }; let span_path = ids_ext(cx, ~[~"span"]); build::mk_struct_e(cx, qsp, span_path, ~[{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"lo"), ex: mk_bytepos(cx, qsp, sp.lo) }, {ident: id_ext(cx, ~"hi"), ex: mk_bytepos(cx, qsp, sp.hi) }, {ident: id_ext(cx, ~"expn_info"), ex: e_expn_info}]) } // Lift an ident to the expr that evaluates to that ident. // // NB: this identifies the interner used when re-parsing the token tree // with the interner used during initial parse. This is _wrong_ and we // should be emitting a &str here and the token type should be ok with // &static/str or &session/str. Longer-term issue. fn mk_ident(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, ident: ast::ident) -> @ast::expr { build::mk_struct_e(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"ident"]), ~[{ident: id_ext(cx, ~"repr"), ex: build::mk_uint(cx, sp, ident.repr) }]) } fn mk_bytepos(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, bpos: BytePos) -> @ast::expr { let path = ids_ext(cx, ~[~"BytePos"]); let arg = build::mk_uint(cx, sp, bpos.to_uint()); build::mk_call(cx, sp, path, ~[arg]) } fn mk_binop(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, bop: token::binop) -> @ast::expr { let name = match bop { PLUS => "PLUS", MINUS => "MINUS", STAR => "STAR", SLASH => "SLASH", PERCENT => "PERCENT", CARET => "CARET", AND => "AND", OR => "OR", SHL => "SHL", SHR => "SHR" }; build::mk_path(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[name.to_owned()])) } fn mk_token(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tok: token::Token) -> @ast::expr { match tok { BINOP(binop) => { return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"BINOP"]), ~[mk_binop(cx, sp, binop)]); } BINOPEQ(binop) => { return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"BINOPEQ"]), ~[mk_binop(cx, sp, binop)]); } LIT_INT(i, ity) => { let s_ity = match ity { ast::ty_i => ~"ty_i", ast::ty_char => ~"ty_char", ast::ty_i8 => ~"ty_i8", ast::ty_i16 => ~"ty_i16", ast::ty_i32 => ~"ty_i32", ast::ty_i64 => ~"ty_i64" }; let e_ity = build::mk_path(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[s_ity])); let e_i64 = build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_int(i, ast::ty_i64)); return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"LIT_INT"]), ~[e_i64, e_ity]); } LIT_UINT(u, uty) => { let s_uty = match uty { ast::ty_u => ~"ty_u", ast::ty_u8 => ~"ty_u8", ast::ty_u16 => ~"ty_u16", ast::ty_u32 => ~"ty_u32", ast::ty_u64 => ~"ty_u64" }; let e_uty = build::mk_path(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[s_uty])); let e_u64 = build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_uint(u, ast::ty_u64)); return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"LIT_UINT"]), ~[e_u64, e_uty]); } LIT_INT_UNSUFFIXED(i) => { let e_i64 = build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_int(i, ast::ty_i64)); return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"LIT_INT_UNSUFFIXED"]), ~[e_i64]); } LIT_FLOAT(fident, fty) => { let s_fty = match fty { ast::ty_f => ~"ty_f", ast::ty_f32 => ~"ty_f32", ast::ty_f64 => ~"ty_f64" }; let e_fty = build::mk_path(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[s_fty])); let e_fident = mk_ident(cx, sp, fident); return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"LIT_FLOAT"]), ~[e_fident, e_fty]); } LIT_STR(ident) => { return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"LIT_STR"]), ~[mk_ident(cx, sp, ident)]); } IDENT(ident, b) => { return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"IDENT"]), ~[mk_ident(cx, sp, ident), build::mk_lit(cx, sp, ast::lit_bool(b))]); } DOC_COMMENT(ident) => { return build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"DOC_COMMENT"]), ~[mk_ident(cx, sp, ident)]); } INTERPOLATED(_) => fail ~"quote! with interpolated token", _ => () } let name = match tok { EQ => "EQ", LT => "LT", LE => "LE", EQEQ => "EQEQ", NE => "NE", GE => "GE", GT => "GT", ANDAND => "ANDAND", OROR => "OROR", NOT => "NOT", TILDE => "TILDE", AT => "AT", DOT => "DOT", DOTDOT => "DOTDOT", ELLIPSIS => "ELLIPSIS", COMMA => "COMMA", SEMI => "SEMI", COLON => "COLON", MOD_SEP => "MOD_SEP", RARROW => "RARROW", LARROW => "LARROW", DARROW => "DARROW", FAT_ARROW => "FAT_ARROW", LPAREN => "LPAREN", RPAREN => "RPAREN", LBRACKET => "LBRACKET", RBRACKET => "RBRACKET", LBRACE => "LBRACE", RBRACE => "RBRACE", POUND => "POUND", DOLLAR => "DOLLAR", UNDERSCORE => "UNDERSCORE", EOF => "EOF", _ => fail }; build::mk_path(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[name.to_owned()])) } fn mk_tt(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tt: &ast::token_tree) -> @ast::expr { match *tt { ast::tt_tok(sp, tok) => { let e_tok = build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"tt_tok"]), ~[mk_span(cx, sp, sp), mk_token(cx, sp, tok)]); build::mk_uniq_vec_e(cx, sp, ~[e_tok]) } ast::tt_delim(tts) => { let e_delim = build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"tt_delim"]), ~[mk_tts(cx, sp, tts)]); build::mk_uniq_vec_e(cx, sp, ~[e_delim]) } ast::tt_seq(*) => fail ~"tt_seq in quote!", ast::tt_nonterminal(sp, ident) => build::mk_copy(cx, sp, build::mk_path(cx, sp, ~[ident])) } } fn mk_tts(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: &[ast::token_tree]) -> @ast::expr { let e_tts = tts.map(|tt| mk_tt(cx, sp, tt)); build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"vec", ~"concat"]), ~[build::mk_slice_vec_e(cx, sp, e_tts)]) } fn expand_tts(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> @ast::expr { // NB: It appears that the main parser loses its mind if we consider // $foo as a tt_nonterminal during the main parse, so we have to re-parse // under quote_depth > 0. This is silly and should go away; the _guess_ is // it has to do with transition away from supporting old-style macros, so // try removing it when enough of them are gone. let p = parse::new_parser_from_tts(cx.parse_sess(), cx.cfg(), tts); p.quote_depth += 1u; let tts = p.parse_all_token_trees(); p.abort_if_errors(); // We want to emit a block expression that does a sequence of 'use's to // import the runtime module, followed by a tt expression. let uses = ~[ build::mk_glob_use(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"syntax", ~"ext", ~"quote", ~"rt"])) ]; build::mk_block(cx, sp, uses, ~[], Some(mk_tts(cx, sp, tts))) } fn expand_parse_call(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, parse_method: ~str, arg_exprs: ~[@ast::expr], tts: ~[ast::token_tree]) -> @ast::expr { let tts_expr = expand_tts(cx, sp, tts); let cfg_call = || build::mk_call_( cx, sp, build::mk_access(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"ext_cx"]), id_ext(cx, ~"cfg")), ~[]); let parse_sess_call = || build::mk_call_( cx, sp, build::mk_access(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"ext_cx"]), id_ext(cx, ~"parse_sess")), ~[]); let new_parser_call = build::mk_call(cx, sp, ids_ext(cx, ~[~"syntax", ~"ext", ~"quote", ~"rt", ~"new_parser_from_tts"]), ~[parse_sess_call(), cfg_call(), tts_expr]); build::mk_call_(cx, sp, build::mk_access_(cx, sp, new_parser_call, id_ext(cx, parse_method)), arg_exprs) }