//! Mapping between `TokenId`s and the token's position in macro definitions or inputs. use std::hash::Hash; use stdx::itertools::Itertools; use syntax::TextRange; use tt::Span; /// Maps absolute text ranges for the corresponding file to the relevant span data. #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Hash)] // FIXME: Rename to SpanMap pub struct TokenMap { // FIXME: This needs to be sorted by (FileId, AstId) // Then we can do a binary search on the file id, // then a bin search on the ast id pub span_map: Vec<(TextRange, S)>, // span_map2: rustc_hash::FxHashMap, } impl TokenMap { pub fn empty() -> Self { Self { span_map: Vec::new() } } pub fn finish(&mut self) { debug_assert_eq!( self.span_map .iter() .sorted_by_key(|it| (it.0.start(), it.0.end())) .tuple_windows() .find(|(range, next)| range.0.end() != next.0.start()), None, "span map has holes!" ); self.span_map.shrink_to_fit(); } pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, range: TextRange, span: S) { self.span_map.push((range, span)); } pub fn ranges_with_span(&self, span: S) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // FIXME: linear search // FIXME: Disregards resolving spans to get more matches! See ExpansionInfo::map_token_down self.span_map.iter().filter_map( move |(range, s)| { if s == &span { Some(*range) } else { None } }, ) } // FIXME: We need APIs for fetching the span of a token as well as for a whole node. The node // one *is* fallible though. // Token span fetching technically only needs an offset really, as the entire file span is // populated, where node fetching is more like fetching the spans at all source positions, and // then we need to verify that all those positions have the same context, if not we fail! But // how do we handle them having different span ranges? pub fn span_for_range(&self, range: TextRange) -> S { // TODO FIXME: make this proper self.span_map .iter() .filter_map(|(r, s)| Some((r, s, r.intersect(range).filter(|it| !it.is_empty())?))) .max_by_key(|(_, _, intersection)| intersection.len()) .map_or_else( || panic!("no span for range {:?} in {:#?}", range, self.span_map), |(_, &s, _)| s, ) } pub fn spans_for_node_range(&self, range: TextRange) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // TODO FIXME: make this proper self.span_map .iter() .filter(move |(r, _)| r.intersect(range).filter(|it| !it.is_empty()).is_some()) .map(|&(_, s)| s) } // pub fn ranges_by_token( // &self, // token_id: tt::TokenId, // kind: SyntaxKind, // ) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // self.entries // .iter() // .filter(move |&&(tid, _)| tid == token_id) // .filter_map(move |(_, range)| range.by_kind(kind)) // } // pub(crate) fn remove_delim(&mut self, idx: usize) { // // FIXME: This could be accidentally quadratic // self.entries.remove(idx); // } // pub fn entries(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { // self.entries.iter().filter_map(|&(tid, tr)| match tr { // TokenTextRange::Token(range) => Some((tid, range)), // TokenTextRange::Delimiter(_) => None, // }) // } // pub fn filter(&mut self, id: impl Fn(tt::TokenId) -> bool) { // self.entries.retain(|&(tid, _)| id(tid)); // } // pub fn synthetic_token_id(&self, token_id: tt::TokenId) -> Option { // self.synthetic_entries.iter().find(|(tid, _)| *tid == token_id).map(|(_, id)| *id) // } // pub fn first_range_by_token( // &self, // token_id: tt::TokenId, // kind: SyntaxKind, // ) -> Option { // self.ranges_by_token(token_id, kind).next() // } // pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, token_id: tt::TokenId, relative_range: TextRange) { // self.entries.push((token_id, TokenTextRange::Token(relative_range))); // } // pub(crate) fn insert_synthetic(&mut self, token_id: tt::TokenId, id: SyntheticTokenId) { // self.synthetic_entries.push((token_id, id)); // } // pub(crate) fn insert_delim( // &mut self, // token_id: tt::TokenId, // open_relative_range: TextRange, // close_relative_range: TextRange, // ) -> usize { // let res = self.entries.len(); // let cover = open_relative_range.cover(close_relative_range); // self.entries.push((token_id, TokenTextRange::Delimiter(cover))); // res // } // pub(crate) fn update_close_delim(&mut self, idx: usize, close_relative_range: TextRange) { // let (_, token_text_range) = &mut self.entries[idx]; // if let TokenTextRange::Delimiter(dim) = token_text_range { // let cover = dim.cover(close_relative_range); // *token_text_range = TokenTextRange::Delimiter(cover); // } // } }