//@ edition: 2021 //@ check-pass #![feature(async_closure)] fn outlives<'a>(_: impl Sized + 'a) {} async fn call_once(f: impl async FnOnce()) { f().await; } fn simple<'a>(x: &'a i32) { let c = async || { println!("{}", *x); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); let c = async move || { println!("{}", *x); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); } struct S<'a>(&'a i32); fn through_field<'a>(x: S<'a>) { let c = async || { println!("{}", *x.0); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); let c = async move || { println!("{}", *x.0); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); } fn through_field_and_ref<'a>(x: &S<'a>) { let c = async || { println!("{}", *x.0); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); let c = async move || { println!("{}", *x.0); }; outlives::<'a>(c()); // outlives::<'a>(call_once(c)); // The above fails b/c the by-move coroutine of `c` captures `x` in its entirety. // Since we have not asserted that the borrow for `&S<'a>` outlives `'a`, it'll fail. } fn main() {}