#![crate_type = "dylib"]
// When denying at the crate level, be sure to not get random warnings from the
// injected intrinsics by the compiler.
#![allow(dead_code, non_snake_case)]

type Typedef = String;
pub type PubTypedef = String;

struct Foo; // ok
pub struct PubFoo; // ok
enum FooE {} // ok
pub enum PubFooE {} // ok

mod module {} // ok
pub mod pub_module {} // ok

fn foo() {}
pub fn pub_foo() {} // missing #[inline]
pub fn pub_foo_inline() {} // ok
pub fn pub_foo_inline_always() {} // ok

pub fn pub_foo_no_inline() {}

trait Bar {
    fn Bar_a(); // ok
    fn Bar_b() {} // ok

pub trait PubBar {
    fn PubBar_a(); // ok
    fn PubBar_b() {} // missing #[inline]
    fn PubBar_c() {} // ok

// none of these need inline because Foo is not exported
impl PubBar for Foo {
    fn PubBar_a() {} // ok
    fn PubBar_b() {} // ok
    fn PubBar_c() {} // ok

// all of these need inline because PubFoo is exported
impl PubBar for PubFoo {
    fn PubBar_a() {} // missing #[inline]
    fn PubBar_b() {} // missing #[inline]
    fn PubBar_c() {} // missing #[inline]

// do not need inline because Foo is not exported
impl Foo {
    fn FooImpl() {} // ok

// need inline because PubFoo is exported
impl PubFoo {
    pub fn PubFooImpl() {} // missing #[inline]

// do not lint this since users cannot control the external code
pub struct S;