// Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. #[allow(missing_doc)]; use digest::DigestUtil; use json; use sha1::Sha1; use serialize::{Encoder, Encodable, Decoder, Decodable}; use sort; use std::cell::Cell; use std::cmp; use std::comm::{PortOne, oneshot, send_one, recv_one}; use std::either::{Either, Left, Right}; use std::hashmap::HashMap; use std::io; use std::result; use std::run; use std::task; use std::to_bytes; use std::util::replace; /** * * This is a loose clone of the [fbuild build system](https://github.com/felix-lang/fbuild), * made a touch more generic (not wired to special cases on files) and much * less metaprogram-y due to rust's comparative weakness there, relative to * python. * * It's based around _imperative builds_ that happen to have some function * calls cached. That is, it's _just_ a mechanism for describing cached * functions. This makes it much simpler and smaller than a "build system" * that produces an IR and evaluates it. The evaluation order is normal * function calls. Some of them just return really quickly. * * A cached function consumes and produces a set of _works_. A work has a * name, a kind (that determines how the value is to be checked for * freshness) and a value. Works must also be (de)serializable. Some * examples of works: * * kind name value * ------------------------ * cfg os linux * file foo.c * url foo.com * * Works are conceptually single units, but we store them most of the time * in maps of the form (type,name) => value. These are WorkMaps. * * A cached function divides the works it's interested in into inputs and * outputs, and subdivides those into declared (input) works and * discovered (input and output) works. * * A _declared_ input or is one that is given to the workcache before * any work actually happens, in the "prep" phase. Even when a function's * work-doing part (the "exec" phase) never gets called, it has declared * inputs, which can be checked for freshness (and potentially * used to determine that the function can be skipped). * * The workcache checks _all_ works for freshness, but uses the set of * discovered outputs from the _previous_ exec (which it will re-discover * and re-record each time the exec phase runs). * * Therefore the discovered works cached in the db might be a * mis-approximation of the current discoverable works, but this is ok for * the following reason: we assume that if an artifact A changed from * depending on B,C,D to depending on B,C,D,E, then A itself changed (as * part of the change-in-dependencies), so we will be ok. * * Each function has a single discriminated output work called its _result_. * This is only different from other works in that it is returned, by value, * from a call to the cacheable function; the other output works are used in * passing to invalidate dependencies elsewhere in the cache, but do not * otherwise escape from a function invocation. Most functions only have one * output work anyways. * * A database (the central store of a workcache) stores a mappings: * * (fn_name,{declared_input}) => ({discovered_input}, * {discovered_output},result) * * (Note: fbuild, which workcache is based on, has the concept of a declared * output as separate from a discovered output. This distinction exists only * as an artifact of how fbuild works: via annotations on function types * and metaprogramming, with explicit dependency declaration as a fallback. * Workcache is more explicit about dependencies, and as such treats all * outputs the same, as discovered-during-the-last-run.) * */ #[deriving(Clone, Eq, Encodable, Decodable)] struct WorkKey { kind: ~str, name: ~str } impl to_bytes::IterBytes for WorkKey { #[inline] fn iter_bytes(&self, lsb0: bool, f: to_bytes::Cb) -> bool { self.kind.iter_bytes(lsb0, |b| f(b)) && self.name.iter_bytes(lsb0, |b| f(b)) } } impl cmp::Ord for WorkKey { fn lt(&self, other: &WorkKey) -> bool { self.kind < other.kind || (self.kind == other.kind && self.name < other.name) } fn le(&self, other: &WorkKey) -> bool { self.lt(other) || self.eq(other) } fn ge(&self, other: &WorkKey) -> bool { self.gt(other) || self.eq(other) } fn gt(&self, other: &WorkKey) -> bool { ! self.le(other) } } impl WorkKey { pub fn new(kind: &str, name: &str) -> WorkKey { WorkKey { kind: kind.to_owned(), name: name.to_owned(), } } } struct WorkMap(HashMap); impl Clone for WorkMap { fn clone(&self) -> WorkMap { WorkMap((**self).clone()) } } impl WorkMap { fn new() -> WorkMap { WorkMap(HashMap::new()) } } impl Encodable for WorkMap { fn encode(&self, s: &mut S) { let mut d = ~[]; for self.iter().advance |(k, v)| { d.push(((*k).clone(), (*v).clone())) } sort::tim_sort(d); d.encode(s) } } impl Decodable for WorkMap { fn decode(d: &mut D) -> WorkMap { let v : ~[(WorkKey,~str)] = Decodable::decode(d); let mut w = WorkMap::new(); for v.iter().advance |pair| { w.insert(pair.first(), pair.second()); } w } } struct Database { db_filename: Path, db_cache: HashMap<~str, ~str>, db_dirty: bool } impl Database { pub fn prepare(&mut self, fn_name: &str, declared_inputs: &WorkMap) -> Option<(WorkMap, WorkMap, ~str)> { let k = json_encode(&(fn_name, declared_inputs)); match self.db_cache.find(&k) { None => None, Some(v) => Some(json_decode(*v)) } } pub fn cache(&mut self, fn_name: &str, declared_inputs: &WorkMap, discovered_inputs: &WorkMap, discovered_outputs: &WorkMap, result: &str) { let k = json_encode(&(fn_name, declared_inputs)); let v = json_encode(&(discovered_inputs, discovered_outputs, result)); self.db_cache.insert(k,v); self.db_dirty = true } } struct Logger { // FIXME #4432: Fill in a: () } impl Logger { pub fn info(&self, i: &str) { io::println(~"workcache: " + i); } } struct Context { db: @mut Database, logger: @mut Logger, cfg: @json::Object, freshness: HashMap<~str,@fn(&str,&str)->bool> } #[deriving(Clone)] struct Prep { ctxt: @Context, fn_name: ~str, declared_inputs: WorkMap, } struct Exec { discovered_inputs: WorkMap, discovered_outputs: WorkMap } struct Work { prep: @mut Prep, res: Option>> } fn json_encode>(t: &T) -> ~str { do io::with_str_writer |wr| { let mut encoder = json::Encoder(wr); t.encode(&mut encoder); } } // FIXME(#5121) fn json_decode>(s: &str) -> T { do io::with_str_reader(s) |rdr| { let j = result::unwrap(json::from_reader(rdr)); let mut decoder = json::Decoder(j); Decodable::decode(&mut decoder) } } fn digest>(t: &T) -> ~str { let mut sha = ~Sha1::new(); (*sha).input_str(json_encode(t)); (*sha).result_str() } fn digest_file(path: &Path) -> ~str { let mut sha = ~Sha1::new(); let s = io::read_whole_file_str(path); (*sha).input_str(*s.get_ref()); (*sha).result_str() } impl Context { pub fn new(db: @mut Database, lg: @mut Logger, cfg: @json::Object) -> Context { Context { db: db, logger: lg, cfg: cfg, freshness: HashMap::new() } } pub fn prep + Decodable>(@self, // FIXME(#5121) fn_name:&str, blk: &fn(@mut Prep)->Work) -> Work { let p = @mut Prep { ctxt: self, fn_name: fn_name.to_owned(), declared_inputs: WorkMap::new() }; blk(p) } } trait TPrep { fn declare_input(&mut self, kind:&str, name:&str, val:&str); fn is_fresh(&self, cat:&str, kind:&str, name:&str, val:&str) -> bool; fn all_fresh(&self, cat:&str, map:&WorkMap) -> bool; fn exec + Decodable>( // FIXME(#5121) &self, blk: ~fn(&Exec) -> T) -> Work; } impl TPrep for Prep { fn declare_input(&mut self, kind:&str, name:&str, val:&str) { self.declared_inputs.insert(WorkKey::new(kind, name), val.to_owned()); } fn is_fresh(&self, cat: &str, kind: &str, name: &str, val: &str) -> bool { let k = kind.to_owned(); let f = (*self.ctxt.freshness.get(&k))(name, val); let lg = self.ctxt.logger; if f { lg.info(fmt!("%s %s:%s is fresh", cat, kind, name)); } else { lg.info(fmt!("%s %s:%s is not fresh", cat, kind, name)) } f } fn all_fresh(&self, cat: &str, map: &WorkMap) -> bool { for map.iter().advance |(k, v)| { if ! self.is_fresh(cat, k.kind, k.name, *v) { return false; } } return true; } fn exec + Decodable>( // FIXME(#5121) &self, blk: ~fn(&Exec) -> T) -> Work { let mut bo = Some(blk); let cached = self.ctxt.db.prepare(self.fn_name, &self.declared_inputs); match cached { Some((ref disc_in, ref disc_out, ref res)) if self.all_fresh("declared input", &self.declared_inputs) && self.all_fresh("discovered input", disc_in) && self.all_fresh("discovered output", disc_out) => { Work::new(@mut (*self).clone(), Left(json_decode(*res))) } _ => { let (port, chan) = oneshot(); let blk = replace(&mut bo, None).unwrap(); let chan = Cell::new(chan); do task::spawn { let exe = Exec { discovered_inputs: WorkMap::new(), discovered_outputs: WorkMap::new(), }; let chan = chan.take(); let v = blk(&exe); send_one(chan, (exe, v)); } Work::new(@mut (*self).clone(), Right(port)) } } } } impl + Decodable> Work { // FIXME(#5121) pub fn new(p: @mut Prep, e: Either>) -> Work { Work { prep: p, res: Some(e) } } } // FIXME (#3724): movable self. This should be in impl Work. fn unwrap + Decodable>( // FIXME(#5121) w: Work) -> T { let mut ww = w; let s = replace(&mut ww.res, None); match s { None => fail!(), Some(Left(v)) => v, Some(Right(port)) => { let (exe, v) = recv_one(port); let s = json_encode(&v); let p = &*ww.prep; let db = p.ctxt.db; db.cache(p.fn_name, &p.declared_inputs, &exe.discovered_inputs, &exe.discovered_outputs, s); v } } } //#[test] fn test() { use std::io::WriterUtil; let db = @mut Database { db_filename: Path("db.json"), db_cache: HashMap::new(), db_dirty: false }; let lg = @mut Logger { a: () }; let cfg = @HashMap::new(); let cx = @Context::new(db, lg, cfg); let w:Work<~str> = do cx.prep("test1") |prep| { let pth = Path("foo.c"); { let file = io::file_writer(&pth, [io::Create]).unwrap(); file.write_str("int main() { return 0; }"); } prep.declare_input("file", pth.to_str(), digest_file(&pth)); do prep.exec |_exe| { let out = Path("foo.o"); run::process_status("gcc", [~"foo.c", ~"-o", out.to_str()]); out.to_str() } }; let s = unwrap(w); io::println(s); }