use std; use rustc; import std::fs; import std::getopts; import std::getopts::optopt; import std::getopts::opt_present; import std::getopts::opt_str; import std::io; import std::io::stdout; import std::vec; import std::ivec; import std::str; import std::uint; import rustc::syntax::ast; import rustc::syntax::fold; import rustc::syntax::walk; import rustc::syntax::codemap; import rustc::syntax::print::pprust; import driver = rustc::driver::rustc; // see import rustc::back::link; import rustc::driver::rustc::time; import rustc::driver::session; /* // Imports for "the rest of driver::compile_input" import rustc::metadata::creader; import rustc::metadata::cstore; import rustc::syntax::parse::parser; import rustc::syntax::parse::token; import rustc::front; import rustc::front::attr; import rustc::middle; import rustc::middle::trans; import rustc::middle::resolve; import rustc::middle::ty; import rustc::middle::typeck; import rustc::middle::tstate::ck; import rustc::syntax::print::pp; import rustc::util::ppaux; import rustc::lib::llvm; */ fn file_contains(&str filename, &str needle) -> bool { auto r = io::file_reader(filename); auto contents = str::unsafe_from_bytes(r.read_whole_stream()); ret str::find(contents, needle) != -1; } fn find_rust_files(&mutable str[] files, str path) { if (str::ends_with(path, ".rs")) { if (file_contains(path, "xfail-stage1")) { //log_err "Skipping " + path + " because it is marked as xfail-stage1"; } else if ( !str::ends_with(path, "") && // str::find(path, "utf8") != -1 && // true) { //log_err "Skipping " + path + " because of a known bug"; } else { files += ~[path]; } } else if (fs::file_is_dir(path) && str::find(path, "compile-fail") == -1) { for (str p in fs::list_dir(path)) { find_rust_files(files, p); } } } fn steal_exprs(&ast::crate crate) -> ast::expr[] { let @mutable ast::expr[] exprs = @mutable ~[]; // "Stash" cannot be type-parameterized because of fn stash_expr(@mutable ast::expr[] es, &@ast::expr e) { *es += ~[*e]; } auto v = rec(visit_expr_pre = bind stash_expr(exprs, _) with walk::default_visitor()); walk::walk_crate(v, crate); *exprs } // fn safe_to_replace(ast::expr_ e) -> bool { alt (e) { case (ast::expr_if(_, _, _)) { false } case (ast::expr_block(_)) { false } case (_) { true } } } // Replace the |i|th expr (in fold order) of |crate| with |newexpr|. fn replace_expr_in_crate(&ast::crate crate, uint i, ast::expr_ newexpr) -> ast::crate { let @mutable uint j = @mutable 0u; fn fold_expr_rep(@mutable uint j_, uint i_, &ast::expr_ newexpr_, &ast::expr_ original, fold::ast_fold fld) -> ast::expr_ { *j_ += 1u; if (i_ + 1u == *j_ && safe_to_replace(original)) { newexpr_ } else { fold::noop_fold_expr(original, fld) } } auto afp = rec(fold_expr = bind fold_expr_rep(j, i, newexpr, _, _) with *fold::default_ast_fold()); auto af = fold::make_fold(afp); let @ast::crate crate2 = @af.fold_crate(crate); fold::dummy_out(af); // work around a leak ( *crate2 } iter under(uint n) -> uint { let uint i = 0u; while (i < n) { put i; i += 1u; } } fn devnull() -> io::writer { std::io::string_writer().get_writer() } fn pp_variants(&ast::crate crate, &session::session sess, &str filename) { auto exprs = steal_exprs(crate); auto exprsL = ivec::len(exprs); if (exprsL < 100u) { for each (uint i in under(uint::min(exprsL, 20u))) { log_err "Replacing... " + pprust::expr_to_str(@exprs.(i)); for each (uint j in under(uint::min(exprsL, 5u))) { log_err "With... " + pprust::expr_to_str(@exprs.(j)); auto crate2 = @replace_expr_in_crate(crate, i, exprs.(j).node); pprust::print_crate(sess.get_codemap(), crate2, filename, devnull(), pprust::no_ann()); } } } } fn main(vec[str] args) { auto files = ~[]; auto root = "/Users/jruderman/code/rust/src/"; // XXX find_rust_files(files, root); // not using time here because that currently screws with passing-a-mutable-array log_err uint::str(ivec::len(files)) + " files"; auto binary = vec::shift[str](args); auto binary_dir = fs::dirname(binary); let @session::options sopts = @rec(library=false, static=false, optimize=0u, debuginfo=false, verify=true, run_typestate=true, save_temps=false, stats=false, time_passes=false, time_llvm_passes=false, output_type=link::output_type_bitcode, library_search_paths=[binary_dir + "/lib"], sysroot=driver::get_default_sysroot(binary), cfg=~[], test=false); for (str file in files) { log_err "=== " + file + " ==="; let session::session sess = driver::build_session(sopts); let @ast::crate crate = time(true, "parsing " + file, bind driver::parse_input(sess, ~[], file)); pprust::print_crate(sess.get_codemap(), crate, file, devnull(), pprust::no_ann()); pp_variants(*crate, sess, file); } } // Local Variables: // mode: rust; // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: