#!/usr/bin/env pwsh # See ./x for why these scripts exist. $xpy = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot x.py # Start-Process for some reason splits arguments on spaces. (Isn't powershell supposed to be simpler than bash?) # Double-quote all the arguments so it doesn't do that. $xpy_args = @("""$xpy""") foreach ($arg in $args) { $xpy_args += """$arg""" } function Get-Application($app) { return Get-Command $app -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -CommandType Application } function Invoke-Application($application, $arguments) { $process = Start-Process -NoNewWindow -PassThru $application $arguments # WORKAROUND: Caching the handle is necessary to make ExitCode work. # See https://stackoverflow.com/a/23797762 $handle = $process.Handle $process.WaitForExit() if ($null -eq $process.ExitCode) { Write-Error "Unable to read the exit code" Exit 1 } Exit $process.ExitCode } foreach ($python in "py", "python3", "python", "python2") { # NOTE: this only tests that the command exists in PATH, not that it's actually # executable. The latter is not possible in a portable way, see # https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/12625. if (Get-Application $python) { if ($python -eq "py") { # Use python3, not python2 $xpy_args = @("-3") + $xpy_args } Invoke-Application $python $xpy_args } } $found = (Get-Application "python*" | Where-Object {$_.name -match '^python[2-3]\.[0-9]+(\.exe)?$'}) if (($null -ne $found) -and ($found.Length -ge 1)) { $python = $found[0] Invoke-Application $python $xpy_args } Write-Error "${PSCommandPath}: error: did not find python installed" Exit 1