use crate::pp::Breaks::{Consistent, Inconsistent}; use crate::pp::{self, Breaks}; use rustc_ast::attr; use rustc_ast::ptr::P; use rustc_ast::token::{self, BinOpToken, CommentKind, DelimToken, Nonterminal, Token, TokenKind}; use rustc_ast::tokenstream::{TokenStream, TokenTree}; use rustc_ast::util::classify; use rustc_ast::util::comments::{gather_comments, Comment, CommentStyle}; use rustc_ast::util::parser::{self, AssocOp, Fixity}; use rustc_ast::{self as ast, BlockCheckMode, PatKind, RangeEnd, RangeSyntax}; use rustc_ast::{GenericArg, MacArgs}; use rustc_ast::{GenericBound, SelfKind, TraitBoundModifier}; use rustc_ast::{InlineAsmOperand, InlineAsmRegOrRegClass}; use rustc_ast::{InlineAsmOptions, InlineAsmTemplatePiece}; use rustc_span::edition::Edition; use rustc_span::source_map::{SourceMap, Spanned}; use rustc_span::symbol::{kw, sym, Ident, IdentPrinter, Symbol}; use rustc_span::{BytePos, FileName, Span}; use std::borrow::Cow; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; pub enum MacHeader<'a> { Path(&'a ast::Path), Keyword(&'static str), } pub enum AnnNode<'a> { Ident(&'a Ident), Name(&'a Symbol), Block(&'a ast::Block), Item(&'a ast::Item), SubItem(ast::NodeId), Expr(&'a ast::Expr), Pat(&'a ast::Pat), Crate(&'a ast::Crate), } pub trait PpAnn { fn pre(&self, _state: &mut State<'_>, _node: AnnNode<'_>) {} fn post(&self, _state: &mut State<'_>, _node: AnnNode<'_>) {} } #[derive(Copy, Clone)] pub struct NoAnn; impl PpAnn for NoAnn {} pub struct Comments<'a> { sm: &'a SourceMap, comments: Vec, current: usize, } impl<'a> Comments<'a> { pub fn new(sm: &'a SourceMap, filename: FileName, input: String) -> Comments<'a> { let comments = gather_comments(sm, filename, input); Comments { sm, comments, current: 0 } } pub fn next(&self) -> Option { self.comments.get(self.current).cloned() } pub fn trailing_comment( &mut self, span: rustc_span::Span, next_pos: Option, ) -> Option { if let Some(cmnt) = { if != CommentStyle::Trailing { return None; } let span_line =; let comment_line =; let next = next_pos.unwrap_or_else(|| cmnt.pos + BytePos(1)); if span.hi() < cmnt.pos && cmnt.pos < next && span_line.line == comment_line.line { return Some(cmnt); } } None } } pub struct State<'a> { pub s: pp::Printer, comments: Option>, ann: &'a (dyn PpAnn + 'a), is_expanded: bool, } crate const INDENT_UNIT: usize = 4; /// Requires you to pass an input filename and reader so that /// it can scan the input text for comments to copy forward. pub fn print_crate<'a>( sm: &'a SourceMap, krate: &ast::Crate, filename: FileName, input: String, ann: &'a dyn PpAnn, is_expanded: bool, edition: Edition, has_injected_crate: bool, ) -> String { let mut s = State { s: pp::mk_printer(), comments: Some(Comments::new(sm, filename, input)), ann, is_expanded, }; if is_expanded && has_injected_crate { // We need to print `#![no_std]` (and its feature gate) so that // compiling pretty-printed source won't inject libstd again. // However, we don't want these attributes in the AST because // of the feature gate, so we fake them up here. // `#![feature(prelude_import)]` let pi_nested = attr::mk_nested_word_item(Ident::with_dummy_span(sym::prelude_import)); let list = attr::mk_list_item(Ident::with_dummy_span(sym::feature), vec![pi_nested]); let fake_attr = attr::mk_attr_inner(list); s.print_attribute(&fake_attr); // Currently, in Rust 2018 we don't have `extern crate std;` at the crate // root, so this is not needed, and actually breaks things. if edition == Edition::Edition2015 { // `#![no_std]` let no_std_meta = attr::mk_word_item(Ident::with_dummy_span(sym::no_std)); let fake_attr = attr::mk_attr_inner(no_std_meta); s.print_attribute(&fake_attr); } } s.print_mod(&krate.module, &krate.attrs); s.print_remaining_comments(); s, AnnNode::Crate(krate)); s.s.eof() } pub fn to_string(f: impl FnOnce(&mut State<'_>)) -> String { let mut printer = State { s: pp::mk_printer(), comments: None, ann: &NoAnn, is_expanded: false }; f(&mut printer); printer.s.eof() } // This makes printed token streams look slightly nicer, // and also addresses some specific regressions described in #63896 and #73345. fn tt_prepend_space(tt: &TokenTree, prev: &TokenTree) -> bool { if let TokenTree::Token(token) = prev { if let token::DocComment(comment_kind, ..) = token.kind { return comment_kind != CommentKind::Line; } } match tt { TokenTree::Token(token) => match token.kind { token::Comma => false, _ => true, }, TokenTree::Delimited(_, DelimToken::Paren, _) => match prev { TokenTree::Token(token) => match token.kind { token::Ident(_, _) => false, _ => true, }, _ => true, }, TokenTree::Delimited(_, DelimToken::Bracket, _) => match prev { TokenTree::Token(token) => match token.kind { token::Pound => false, _ => true, }, _ => true, }, TokenTree::Delimited(..) => true, } } fn binop_to_string(op: BinOpToken) -> &'static str { match op { token::Plus => "+", token::Minus => "-", token::Star => "*", token::Slash => "/", token::Percent => "%", token::Caret => "^", token::And => "&", token::Or => "|", token::Shl => "<<", token::Shr => ">>", } } fn doc_comment_to_string( comment_kind: CommentKind, attr_style: ast::AttrStyle, data: Symbol, ) -> String { match (comment_kind, attr_style) { (CommentKind::Line, ast::AttrStyle::Outer) => format!("///{}", data), (CommentKind::Line, ast::AttrStyle::Inner) => format!("//!{}", data), (CommentKind::Block, ast::AttrStyle::Outer) => format!("/**{}*/", data), (CommentKind::Block, ast::AttrStyle::Inner) => format!("/*!{}*/", data), } } pub fn literal_to_string(lit: token::Lit) -> String { let token::Lit { kind, symbol, suffix } = lit; let mut out = match kind { token::Byte => format!("b'{}'", symbol), token::Char => format!("'{}'", symbol), token::Str => format!("\"{}\"", symbol), token::StrRaw(n) => { format!("r{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize), string = symbol) } token::ByteStr => format!("b\"{}\"", symbol), token::ByteStrRaw(n) => { format!("br{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize), string = symbol) } token::Integer | token::Float | token::Bool | token::Err => symbol.to_string(), }; if let Some(suffix) = suffix { out.push_str(&suffix.as_str()) } out } /// Print the token kind precisely, without converting `$crate` into its respective crate name. pub fn token_kind_to_string(tok: &TokenKind) -> String { token_kind_to_string_ext(tok, None) } fn token_kind_to_string_ext(tok: &TokenKind, convert_dollar_crate: Option) -> String { match *tok { token::Eq => "=".to_string(), token::Lt => "<".to_string(), token::Le => "<=".to_string(), token::EqEq => "==".to_string(), token::Ne => "!=".to_string(), token::Ge => ">=".to_string(), token::Gt => ">".to_string(), token::Not => "!".to_string(), token::Tilde => "~".to_string(), token::OrOr => "||".to_string(), token::AndAnd => "&&".to_string(), token::BinOp(op) => binop_to_string(op).to_string(), token::BinOpEq(op) => format!("{}=", binop_to_string(op)), /* Structural symbols */ token::At => "@".to_string(), token::Dot => ".".to_string(), token::DotDot => "..".to_string(), token::DotDotDot => "...".to_string(), token::DotDotEq => "..=".to_string(), token::Comma => ",".to_string(), token::Semi => ";".to_string(), token::Colon => ":".to_string(), token::ModSep => "::".to_string(), token::RArrow => "->".to_string(), token::LArrow => "<-".to_string(), token::FatArrow => "=>".to_string(), token::OpenDelim(token::Paren) => "(".to_string(), token::CloseDelim(token::Paren) => ")".to_string(), token::OpenDelim(token::Bracket) => "[".to_string(), token::CloseDelim(token::Bracket) => "]".to_string(), token::OpenDelim(token::Brace) => "{".to_string(), token::CloseDelim(token::Brace) => "}".to_string(), token::OpenDelim(token::NoDelim) | token::CloseDelim(token::NoDelim) => "".to_string(), token::Pound => "#".to_string(), token::Dollar => "$".to_string(), token::Question => "?".to_string(), token::SingleQuote => "'".to_string(), /* Literals */ token::Literal(lit) => literal_to_string(lit), /* Name components */ token::Ident(s, is_raw) => IdentPrinter::new(s, is_raw, convert_dollar_crate).to_string(), token::Lifetime(s) => s.to_string(), /* Other */ token::DocComment(comment_kind, attr_style, data) => { doc_comment_to_string(comment_kind, attr_style, data) } token::Eof => "".to_string(), token::Interpolated(ref nt) => nonterminal_to_string(nt), } } /// Print the token precisely, without converting `$crate` into its respective crate name. pub fn token_to_string(token: &Token) -> String { token_to_string_ext(token, false) } fn token_to_string_ext(token: &Token, convert_dollar_crate: bool) -> String { let convert_dollar_crate = convert_dollar_crate.then_some(token.span); token_kind_to_string_ext(&token.kind, convert_dollar_crate) } pub fn nonterminal_to_string(nt: &Nonterminal) -> String { match *nt { token::NtExpr(ref e) => expr_to_string(e), token::NtMeta(ref e) => attr_item_to_string(e), token::NtTy(ref e) => ty_to_string(e), token::NtPath(ref e) => path_to_string(e), token::NtItem(ref e) => item_to_string(e), token::NtBlock(ref e) => block_to_string(e), token::NtStmt(ref e) => stmt_to_string(e), token::NtPat(ref e) => pat_to_string(e), token::NtIdent(e, is_raw) => IdentPrinter::for_ast_ident(e, is_raw).to_string(), token::NtLifetime(e) => e.to_string(), token::NtLiteral(ref e) => expr_to_string(e), token::NtTT(ref tree) => tt_to_string(tree), token::NtVis(ref e) => vis_to_string(e), } } pub fn ty_to_string(ty: &ast::Ty) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_type(ty)) } pub fn bounds_to_string(bounds: &[ast::GenericBound]) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_type_bounds("", bounds)) } pub fn pat_to_string(pat: &ast::Pat) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_pat(pat)) } pub fn expr_to_string(e: &ast::Expr) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_expr(e)) } pub fn tt_to_string(tt: &TokenTree) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_tt(tt, false)) } pub fn tts_to_string(tokens: &TokenStream) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_tts(tokens, false)) } pub fn stmt_to_string(stmt: &ast::Stmt) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_stmt(stmt)) } pub fn item_to_string(i: &ast::Item) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_item(i)) } pub fn generic_params_to_string(generic_params: &[ast::GenericParam]) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_generic_params(generic_params)) } pub fn path_to_string(p: &ast::Path) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_path(p, false, 0)) } pub fn path_segment_to_string(p: &ast::PathSegment) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_path_segment(p, false)) } pub fn vis_to_string(v: &ast::Visibility) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_visibility(v)) } fn block_to_string(blk: &ast::Block) -> String { to_string(|s| { // Containing cbox, will be closed by `print_block` at `}`. s.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); // Head-ibox, will be closed by `print_block` after `{`. s.ibox(0); s.print_block(blk) }) } pub fn meta_list_item_to_string(li: &ast::NestedMetaItem) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_meta_list_item(li)) } fn attr_item_to_string(ai: &ast::AttrItem) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_attr_item(ai, ai.path.span)) } pub fn attribute_to_string(attr: &ast::Attribute) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_attribute(attr)) } pub fn param_to_string(arg: &ast::Param) -> String { to_string(|s| s.print_param(arg, false)) } fn visibility_qualified(vis: &ast::Visibility, s: &str) -> String { format!("{}{}", to_string(|s| s.print_visibility(vis)), s) } impl std::ops::Deref for State<'_> { type Target = pp::Printer; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.s } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for State<'_> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { &mut self.s } } pub trait PrintState<'a>: std::ops::Deref + std::ops::DerefMut { fn comments(&mut self) -> &mut Option>; fn print_ident(&mut self, ident: Ident); fn print_generic_args(&mut self, args: &ast::GenericArgs, colons_before_params: bool); fn strsep( &mut self, sep: &'static str, space_before: bool, b: Breaks, elts: &[T], mut op: F, ) where F: FnMut(&mut Self, &T), { self.rbox(0, b); if let Some((first, rest)) = elts.split_first() { op(self, first); for elt in rest { if space_before {; } self.word_space(sep); op(self, elt); } } self.end(); } fn commasep(&mut self, b: Breaks, elts: &[T], op: F) where F: FnMut(&mut Self, &T), { self.strsep(",", false, b, elts, op) } fn maybe_print_comment(&mut self, pos: BytePos) { while let Some(ref cmnt) = self.next_comment() { if cmnt.pos < pos { self.print_comment(cmnt); } else { break; } } } fn print_comment(&mut self, cmnt: &Comment) { match { CommentStyle::Mixed => { if !self.is_beginning_of_line() { self.zerobreak(); } if let Some((last, lines)) = cmnt.lines.split_last() { self.ibox(0); for line in lines { self.word(line.clone()); self.hardbreak() } self.word(last.clone());; self.end(); } self.zerobreak() } CommentStyle::Isolated => { self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); for line in &cmnt.lines { // Don't print empty lines because they will end up as trailing // whitespace. if !line.is_empty() { self.word(line.clone()); } self.hardbreak(); } } CommentStyle::Trailing => { if !self.is_beginning_of_line() { self.word(" "); } if cmnt.lines.len() == 1 { self.word(cmnt.lines[0].clone()); self.hardbreak() } else { self.ibox(0); for line in &cmnt.lines { if !line.is_empty() { self.word(line.clone()); } self.hardbreak(); } self.end(); } } CommentStyle::BlankLine => { // We need to do at least one, possibly two hardbreaks. let twice = match self.last_token() { pp::Token::String(s) => ";" == s, pp::Token::Begin(_) => true, pp::Token::End => true, _ => false, }; if twice { self.hardbreak(); } self.hardbreak(); } } if let Some(cmnts) = self.comments() { cmnts.current += 1; } } fn next_comment(&mut self) -> Option { self.comments().as_mut().and_then(|c| } fn print_literal(&mut self, lit: &ast::Lit) { self.maybe_print_comment(lit.span.lo()); self.word(lit.token.to_string()) } fn print_string(&mut self, st: &str, style: ast::StrStyle) { let st = match style { ast::StrStyle::Cooked => (format!("\"{}\"", st.escape_debug())), ast::StrStyle::Raw(n) => { format!("r{delim}\"{string}\"{delim}", delim = "#".repeat(n as usize), string = st) } }; self.word(st) } fn print_symbol(&mut self, sym: Symbol, style: ast::StrStyle) { self.print_string(&sym.as_str(), style); } fn print_inner_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_either_attributes(attrs, ast::AttrStyle::Inner, false, true) } fn print_inner_attributes_no_trailing_hardbreak(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_either_attributes(attrs, ast::AttrStyle::Inner, false, false) } fn print_outer_attributes(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_either_attributes(attrs, ast::AttrStyle::Outer, false, true) } fn print_inner_attributes_inline(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_either_attributes(attrs, ast::AttrStyle::Inner, true, true) } fn print_outer_attributes_inline(&mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_either_attributes(attrs, ast::AttrStyle::Outer, true, true) } fn print_either_attributes( &mut self, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], kind: ast::AttrStyle, is_inline: bool, trailing_hardbreak: bool, ) { let mut count = 0; for attr in attrs { if == kind { self.print_attribute_inline(attr, is_inline); if is_inline { self.nbsp(); } count += 1; } } if count > 0 && trailing_hardbreak && !is_inline { self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); } } fn print_attribute(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute) { self.print_attribute_inline(attr, false) } fn print_attribute_inline(&mut self, attr: &ast::Attribute, is_inline: bool) { if !is_inline { self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); } self.maybe_print_comment(attr.span.lo()); match attr.kind { ast::AttrKind::Normal(ref item) => { match { ast::AttrStyle::Inner => self.word("#!["), ast::AttrStyle::Outer => self.word("#["), } self.print_attr_item(&item, attr.span); self.word("]"); } ast::AttrKind::DocComment(comment_kind, data) => { self.word(doc_comment_to_string(comment_kind,, data)); self.hardbreak() } } } fn print_attr_item(&mut self, item: &ast::AttrItem, span: Span) { self.ibox(0); match &item.args { MacArgs::Delimited(_, delim, tokens) => self.print_mac_common( Some(MacHeader::Path(&item.path)), false, None, delim.to_token(), tokens, true, span, ), MacArgs::Empty | MacArgs::Eq(..) => { self.print_path(&item.path, false, 0); if let MacArgs::Eq(_, tokens) = &item.args {; self.word_space("="); self.print_tts(tokens, true); } } } self.end(); } fn print_meta_list_item(&mut self, item: &ast::NestedMetaItem) { match item { ast::NestedMetaItem::MetaItem(ref mi) => self.print_meta_item(mi), ast::NestedMetaItem::Literal(ref lit) => self.print_literal(lit), } } fn print_meta_item(&mut self, item: &ast::MetaItem) { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); match item.kind { ast::MetaItemKind::Word => self.print_path(&item.path, false, 0), ast::MetaItemKind::NameValue(ref value) => { self.print_path(&item.path, false, 0);; self.word_space("="); self.print_literal(value); } ast::MetaItemKind::List(ref items) => { self.print_path(&item.path, false, 0); self.popen(); self.commasep(Consistent, &items[..], |s, i| s.print_meta_list_item(i)); self.pclose(); } } self.end(); } /// This doesn't deserve to be called "pretty" printing, but it should be /// meaning-preserving. A quick hack that might help would be to look at the /// spans embedded in the TTs to decide where to put spaces and newlines. /// But it'd be better to parse these according to the grammar of the /// appropriate macro, transcribe back into the grammar we just parsed from, /// and then pretty-print the resulting AST nodes (so, e.g., we print /// expression arguments as expressions). It can be done! I think. fn print_tt(&mut self, tt: &TokenTree, convert_dollar_crate: bool) { match tt { TokenTree::Token(token) => { self.word(token_to_string_ext(&token, convert_dollar_crate)); if let token::DocComment(..) = token.kind { self.hardbreak() } } TokenTree::Delimited(dspan, delim, tts) => { self.print_mac_common( None, false, None, *delim, tts, convert_dollar_crate, dspan.entire(), ); } } } fn print_tts(&mut self, tts: &TokenStream, convert_dollar_crate: bool) { let mut iter = tts.trees().peekable(); while let Some(tt) = { self.print_tt(&tt, convert_dollar_crate); if let Some(next) = iter.peek() { if tt_prepend_space(next, &tt) {; } } } } fn print_mac_common( &mut self, header: Option>, has_bang: bool, ident: Option, delim: DelimToken, tts: &TokenStream, convert_dollar_crate: bool, span: Span, ) { if delim == DelimToken::Brace { self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); } match header { Some(MacHeader::Path(path)) => self.print_path(path, false, 0), Some(MacHeader::Keyword(kw)) => self.word(kw), None => {} } if has_bang { self.word("!"); } if let Some(ident) = ident { self.nbsp(); self.print_ident(ident); } match delim { DelimToken::Brace => { if header.is_some() || has_bang || ident.is_some() { self.nbsp(); } self.word("{"); if !tts.is_empty() {; } } _ => self.word(token_kind_to_string(&token::OpenDelim(delim))), } self.ibox(0); self.print_tts(tts, convert_dollar_crate); self.end(); match delim { DelimToken::Brace => self.bclose(span), _ => self.word(token_kind_to_string(&token::CloseDelim(delim))), } } fn print_path(&mut self, path: &ast::Path, colons_before_params: bool, depth: usize) { self.maybe_print_comment(path.span.lo()); for (i, segment) in path.segments[..path.segments.len() - depth].iter().enumerate() { if i > 0 { self.word("::") } self.print_path_segment(segment, colons_before_params); } } fn print_path_segment(&mut self, segment: &ast::PathSegment, colons_before_params: bool) { if != kw::PathRoot { self.print_ident(segment.ident); if let Some(ref args) = segment.args { self.print_generic_args(args, colons_before_params); } } } fn head>>(&mut self, w: S) { let w = w.into(); // Outer-box is consistent. self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); // Head-box is inconsistent. self.ibox(w.len() + 1); // Keyword that starts the head. if !w.is_empty() { self.word_nbsp(w); } } fn bopen(&mut self) { self.word("{"); self.end(); // Close the head-box. } fn bclose_maybe_open(&mut self, span: rustc_span::Span, close_box: bool) { self.maybe_print_comment(span.hi()); self.break_offset_if_not_bol(1, -(INDENT_UNIT as isize)); self.word("}"); if close_box { self.end(); // Close the outer-box. } } fn bclose(&mut self, span: rustc_span::Span) { self.bclose_maybe_open(span, true) } fn break_offset_if_not_bol(&mut self, n: usize, off: isize) { if !self.is_beginning_of_line() { self.break_offset(n, off) } else { if off != 0 && self.last_token().is_hardbreak_tok() { // We do something pretty sketchy here: tuck the nonzero // offset-adjustment we were going to deposit along with the // break into the previous hardbreak. self.replace_last_token(pp::Printer::hardbreak_tok_offset(off)); } } } } impl<'a> PrintState<'a> for State<'a> { fn comments(&mut self) -> &mut Option> { &mut self.comments } fn print_ident(&mut self, ident: Ident) { self.s.word(IdentPrinter::for_ast_ident(ident, ident.is_raw_guess()).to_string());, AnnNode::Ident(&ident)) } fn print_generic_args(&mut self, args: &ast::GenericArgs, colons_before_params: bool) { if colons_before_params { self.s.word("::") } match *args { ast::GenericArgs::AngleBracketed(ref data) => { self.s.word("<"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &data.args, |s, arg| match arg { ast::AngleBracketedArg::Arg(a) => s.print_generic_arg(a), ast::AngleBracketedArg::Constraint(c) => s.print_assoc_constraint(c), }); self.s.word(">") } ast::GenericArgs::Parenthesized(ref data) => { self.s.word("("); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &data.inputs, |s, ty| s.print_type(ty)); self.s.word(")"); self.print_fn_ret_ty(&data.output); } } } } impl<'a> State<'a> { // Synthesizes a comment that was not textually present in the original source // file. pub fn synth_comment(&mut self, text: String) { self.s.word("/*");; self.s.word(text);; self.s.word("*/") } crate fn commasep_cmnt(&mut self, b: Breaks, elts: &[T], mut op: F, mut get_span: G) where F: FnMut(&mut State<'_>, &T), G: FnMut(&T) -> rustc_span::Span, { self.rbox(0, b); let len = elts.len(); let mut i = 0; for elt in elts { self.maybe_print_comment(get_span(elt).hi()); op(self, elt); i += 1; if i < len { self.s.word(","); self.maybe_print_trailing_comment(get_span(elt), Some(get_span(&elts[i]).hi())); self.space_if_not_bol(); } } self.end(); } crate fn commasep_exprs(&mut self, b: Breaks, exprs: &[P]) { self.commasep_cmnt(b, exprs, |s, e| s.print_expr(e), |e| e.span) } pub fn print_mod(&mut self, _mod: &ast::Mod, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_inner_attributes(attrs); for item in &_mod.items { self.print_item(item); } } crate fn print_foreign_mod(&mut self, nmod: &ast::ForeignMod, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_inner_attributes(attrs); for item in &nmod.items { self.print_foreign_item(item); } } pub fn print_opt_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: &Option) { if let Some(lt) = *lifetime { self.print_lifetime(lt); self.nbsp(); } } pub fn print_assoc_constraint(&mut self, constraint: &ast::AssocTyConstraint) { self.print_ident(constraint.ident);; match &constraint.kind { ast::AssocTyConstraintKind::Equality { ty } => { self.word_space("="); self.print_type(ty); } ast::AssocTyConstraintKind::Bound { bounds } => { self.print_type_bounds(":", &*bounds); } } } pub fn print_generic_arg(&mut self, generic_arg: &GenericArg) { match generic_arg { GenericArg::Lifetime(lt) => self.print_lifetime(*lt), GenericArg::Type(ty) => self.print_type(ty), GenericArg::Const(ct) => self.print_expr(&ct.value), } } pub fn print_type(&mut self, ty: &ast::Ty) { self.maybe_print_comment(ty.span.lo()); self.ibox(0); match ty.kind { ast::TyKind::Slice(ref ty) => { self.s.word("["); self.print_type(ty); self.s.word("]"); } ast::TyKind::Ptr(ref mt) => { self.s.word("*"); self.print_mt(mt, true); } ast::TyKind::Rptr(ref lifetime, ref mt) => { self.s.word("&"); self.print_opt_lifetime(lifetime); self.print_mt(mt, false); } ast::TyKind::Never => { self.s.word("!"); } ast::TyKind::Tup(ref elts) => { self.popen(); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &elts[..], |s, ty| s.print_type(ty)); if elts.len() == 1 { self.s.word(","); } self.pclose(); } ast::TyKind::Paren(ref typ) => { self.popen(); self.print_type(typ); self.pclose(); } ast::TyKind::BareFn(ref f) => { self.print_ty_fn(f.ext, f.unsafety, &f.decl, None, &f.generic_params); } ast::TyKind::Path(None, ref path) => { self.print_path(path, false, 0); } ast::TyKind::Path(Some(ref qself), ref path) => self.print_qpath(path, qself, false), ast::TyKind::TraitObject(ref bounds, syntax) => { let prefix = if syntax == ast::TraitObjectSyntax::Dyn { "dyn" } else { "" }; self.print_type_bounds(prefix, &bounds[..]); } ast::TyKind::ImplTrait(_, ref bounds) => { self.print_type_bounds("impl", &bounds[..]); } ast::TyKind::Array(ref ty, ref length) => { self.s.word("["); self.print_type(ty); self.s.word("; "); self.print_expr(&length.value); self.s.word("]"); } ast::TyKind::Typeof(ref e) => { self.s.word("typeof("); self.print_expr(&e.value); self.s.word(")"); } ast::TyKind::Infer => { self.s.word("_"); } ast::TyKind::Err => { self.popen(); self.s.word("/*ERROR*/"); self.pclose(); } ast::TyKind::ImplicitSelf => { self.s.word("Self"); } ast::TyKind::MacCall(ref m) => { self.print_mac(m); } ast::TyKind::CVarArgs => { self.s.word("..."); } } self.end(); } crate fn print_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &ast::ForeignItem) { let ast::Item { id, span, ident, ref attrs, ref kind, ref vis, tokens: _ } = *item; self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::SubItem(id)); self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); self.maybe_print_comment(span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(attrs); match kind { ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(def, sig, gen, body) => { self.print_fn_full(sig, ident, gen, vis, *def, body.as_deref(), attrs); } ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(ty, mutbl, body) => { let def = ast::Defaultness::Final; self.print_item_const(ident, Some(*mutbl), ty, body.as_deref(), vis, def); } ast::ForeignItemKind::TyAlias(def, generics, bounds, ty) => { self.print_associated_type(ident, generics, bounds, ty.as_deref(), vis, *def); } ast::ForeignItemKind::MacCall(m) => { self.print_mac(m); if m.args.need_semicolon() { self.s.word(";"); } } }, AnnNode::SubItem(id)) } fn print_item_const( &mut self, ident: Ident, mutbl: Option, ty: &ast::Ty, body: Option<&ast::Expr>, vis: &ast::Visibility, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, ) { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(vis); self.print_defaultness(defaultness); let leading = match mutbl { None => "const", Some(ast::Mutability::Not) => "static", Some(ast::Mutability::Mut) => "static mut", }; self.word_space(leading); self.print_ident(ident); self.word_space(":"); self.print_type(ty);; self.end(); // end the head-ibox if let Some(body) = body { self.word_space("="); self.print_expr(body); } self.s.word(";"); self.end(); // end the outer cbox } fn print_associated_type( &mut self, ident: Ident, generics: &ast::Generics, bounds: &ast::GenericBounds, ty: Option<&ast::Ty>, vis: &ast::Visibility, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, ) { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(vis); self.print_defaultness(defaultness); self.word_space("type"); self.print_ident(ident); self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); self.print_type_bounds(":", bounds); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause); if let Some(ty) = ty {; self.word_space("="); self.print_type(ty); } self.s.word(";"); self.end(); // end inner head-block self.end(); // end outer head-block } /// Pretty-prints an item. crate fn print_item(&mut self, item: &ast::Item) { self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); self.maybe_print_comment(item.span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(&item.attrs); self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Item(item)); match item.kind { ast::ItemKind::ExternCrate(orig_name) => { self.head(visibility_qualified(&item.vis, "extern crate")); if let Some(orig_name) = orig_name { self.print_name(orig_name);; self.s.word("as");; } self.print_ident(item.ident); self.s.word(";"); self.end(); // end inner head-block self.end(); // end outer head-block } ast::ItemKind::Use(ref tree) => { self.head(visibility_qualified(&item.vis, "use")); self.print_use_tree(tree); self.s.word(";"); self.end(); // end inner head-block self.end(); // end outer head-block } ast::ItemKind::Static(ref ty, mutbl, ref body) => { let def = ast::Defaultness::Final; self.print_item_const(item.ident, Some(mutbl), ty, body.as_deref(), &item.vis, def); } ast::ItemKind::Const(def, ref ty, ref body) => { self.print_item_const(item.ident, None, ty, body.as_deref(), &item.vis, def); } ast::ItemKind::Fn(def, ref sig, ref gen, ref body) => { let body = body.as_deref(); self.print_fn_full(sig, item.ident, gen, &item.vis, def, body, &item.attrs); } ast::ItemKind::Mod(ref _mod) => { self.head(to_string(|s| { s.print_visibility(&item.vis); s.print_unsafety(_mod.unsafety); s.word("mod"); })); self.print_ident(item.ident); if _mod.inline || self.is_expanded { self.nbsp(); self.bopen(); self.print_mod(_mod, &item.attrs); self.bclose(item.span); } else { self.s.word(";"); self.end(); // end inner head-block self.end(); // end outer head-block } } ast::ItemKind::ForeignMod(ref nmod) => { self.head(to_string(|s| { s.print_unsafety(nmod.unsafety); s.word("extern"); })); if let Some(abi) = nmod.abi { self.print_literal(&abi.as_lit()); self.nbsp(); } self.bopen(); self.print_foreign_mod(nmod, &item.attrs); self.bclose(item.span); } ast::ItemKind::GlobalAsm(ref ga) => { self.head(visibility_qualified(&item.vis, "global_asm!")); self.s.word(ga.asm.to_string()); self.end(); } ast::ItemKind::TyAlias(def, ref generics, ref bounds, ref ty) => { let ty = ty.as_deref(); self.print_associated_type(item.ident, generics, bounds, ty, &item.vis, def); } ast::ItemKind::Enum(ref enum_definition, ref params) => { self.print_enum_def(enum_definition, params, item.ident, item.span, &item.vis); } ast::ItemKind::Struct(ref struct_def, ref generics) => { self.head(visibility_qualified(&item.vis, "struct")); self.print_struct(struct_def, generics, item.ident, item.span, true); } ast::ItemKind::Union(ref struct_def, ref generics) => { self.head(visibility_qualified(&item.vis, "union")); self.print_struct(struct_def, generics, item.ident, item.span, true); } ast::ItemKind::Impl { unsafety, polarity, defaultness, constness, ref generics, ref of_trait, ref self_ty, ref items, } => { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(&item.vis); self.print_defaultness(defaultness); self.print_unsafety(unsafety); self.word_nbsp("impl"); self.print_constness(constness); if !generics.params.is_empty() { self.print_generic_params(&generics.params);; } if let ast::ImplPolarity::Negative(_) = polarity { self.s.word("!"); } if let Some(ref t) = *of_trait { self.print_trait_ref(t);; self.word_space("for"); } self.print_type(self_ty); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause);; self.bopen(); self.print_inner_attributes(&item.attrs); for impl_item in items { self.print_assoc_item(impl_item); } self.bclose(item.span); } ast::ItemKind::Trait(is_auto, unsafety, ref generics, ref bounds, ref trait_items) => { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(&item.vis); self.print_unsafety(unsafety); self.print_is_auto(is_auto); self.word_nbsp("trait"); self.print_ident(item.ident); self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); let mut real_bounds = Vec::with_capacity(bounds.len()); for b in bounds.iter() { if let GenericBound::Trait(ref ptr, ast::TraitBoundModifier::Maybe) = *b {; self.word_space("for ?"); self.print_trait_ref(&ptr.trait_ref); } else { real_bounds.push(b.clone()); } } self.print_type_bounds(":", &real_bounds[..]); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause); self.s.word(" "); self.bopen(); self.print_inner_attributes(&item.attrs); for trait_item in trait_items { self.print_assoc_item(trait_item); } self.bclose(item.span); } ast::ItemKind::TraitAlias(ref generics, ref bounds) => { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(&item.vis); self.word_nbsp("trait"); self.print_ident(item.ident); self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); let mut real_bounds = Vec::with_capacity(bounds.len()); // FIXME(durka) this seems to be some quite outdated syntax for b in bounds.iter() { if let GenericBound::Trait(ref ptr, ast::TraitBoundModifier::Maybe) = *b {; self.word_space("for ?"); self.print_trait_ref(&ptr.trait_ref); } else { real_bounds.push(b.clone()); } } self.nbsp(); self.print_type_bounds("=", &real_bounds[..]); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause); self.s.word(";"); } ast::ItemKind::MacCall(ref mac) => { self.print_mac(mac); if mac.args.need_semicolon() { self.s.word(";"); } } ast::ItemKind::MacroDef(ref macro_def) => { let (kw, has_bang) = if macro_def.macro_rules { ("macro_rules", true) } else { self.print_visibility(&item.vis); ("macro", false) }; self.print_mac_common( Some(MacHeader::Keyword(kw)), has_bang, Some(item.ident), macro_def.body.delim(), ¯o_def.body.inner_tokens(), true, item.span, ); } }, AnnNode::Item(item)) } fn print_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &ast::TraitRef) { self.print_path(&t.path, false, 0) } fn print_formal_generic_params(&mut self, generic_params: &[ast::GenericParam]) { if !generic_params.is_empty() { self.s.word("for"); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); self.nbsp(); } } fn print_poly_trait_ref(&mut self, t: &ast::PolyTraitRef) { self.print_formal_generic_params(&t.bound_generic_params); self.print_trait_ref(&t.trait_ref) } crate fn print_enum_def( &mut self, enum_definition: &ast::EnumDef, generics: &ast::Generics, ident: Ident, span: rustc_span::Span, visibility: &ast::Visibility, ) { self.head(visibility_qualified(visibility, "enum")); self.print_ident(ident); self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause);; self.print_variants(&enum_definition.variants, span) } crate fn print_variants(&mut self, variants: &[ast::Variant], span: rustc_span::Span) { self.bopen(); for v in variants { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.maybe_print_comment(v.span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(&v.attrs); self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.print_variant(v); self.s.word(","); self.end(); self.maybe_print_trailing_comment(v.span, None); } self.bclose(span) } crate fn print_visibility(&mut self, vis: &ast::Visibility) { match vis.kind { ast::VisibilityKind::Public => self.word_nbsp("pub"), ast::VisibilityKind::Crate(sugar) => match sugar { ast::CrateSugar::PubCrate => self.word_nbsp("pub(crate)"), ast::CrateSugar::JustCrate => self.word_nbsp("crate"), }, ast::VisibilityKind::Restricted { ref path, .. } => { let path = to_string(|s| s.print_path(path, false, 0)); if path == "self" || path == "super" { self.word_nbsp(format!("pub({})", path)) } else { self.word_nbsp(format!("pub(in {})", path)) } } ast::VisibilityKind::Inherited => {} } } crate fn print_defaultness(&mut self, defaultness: ast::Defaultness) { if let ast::Defaultness::Default(_) = defaultness { self.word_nbsp("default"); } } crate fn print_struct( &mut self, struct_def: &ast::VariantData, generics: &ast::Generics, ident: Ident, span: rustc_span::Span, print_finalizer: bool, ) { self.print_ident(ident); self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); match struct_def { ast::VariantData::Tuple(..) | ast::VariantData::Unit(..) => { if let ast::VariantData::Tuple(..) = struct_def { self.popen(); self.commasep(Inconsistent, struct_def.fields(), |s, field| { s.maybe_print_comment(field.span.lo()); s.print_outer_attributes(&field.attrs); s.print_visibility(&field.vis); s.print_type(&field.ty) }); self.pclose(); } self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause); if print_finalizer { self.s.word(";"); } self.end(); self.end(); // Close the outer-box. } ast::VariantData::Struct(..) => { self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause); self.nbsp(); self.bopen(); self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); for field in struct_def.fields() { self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); self.maybe_print_comment(field.span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(&field.attrs); self.print_visibility(&field.vis); self.print_ident(field.ident.unwrap()); self.word_nbsp(":"); self.print_type(&field.ty); self.s.word(","); } self.bclose(span) } } } crate fn print_variant(&mut self, v: &ast::Variant) { self.head(""); self.print_visibility(&v.vis); let generics = ast::Generics::default(); self.print_struct(&, &generics, v.ident, v.span, false); if let Some(ref d) = v.disr_expr {; self.word_space("="); self.print_expr(&d.value) } } crate fn print_assoc_item(&mut self, item: &ast::AssocItem) { let ast::Item { id, span, ident, ref attrs, ref kind, ref vis, tokens: _ } = *item; self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::SubItem(id)); self.hardbreak_if_not_bol(); self.maybe_print_comment(span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(attrs); match kind { ast::AssocItemKind::Fn(def, sig, gen, body) => { self.print_fn_full(sig, ident, gen, vis, *def, body.as_deref(), attrs); } ast::AssocItemKind::Const(def, ty, body) => { self.print_item_const(ident, None, ty, body.as_deref(), vis, *def); } ast::AssocItemKind::TyAlias(def, generics, bounds, ty) => { self.print_associated_type(ident, generics, bounds, ty.as_deref(), vis, *def); } ast::AssocItemKind::MacCall(m) => { self.print_mac(m); if m.args.need_semicolon() { self.s.word(";"); } } }, AnnNode::SubItem(id)) } crate fn print_stmt(&mut self, st: &ast::Stmt) { self.maybe_print_comment(st.span.lo()); match st.kind { ast::StmtKind::Local(ref loc) => { self.print_outer_attributes(&loc.attrs); self.space_if_not_bol(); self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.word_nbsp("let"); self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.print_local_decl(loc); self.end(); if let Some(ref init) = loc.init { self.nbsp(); self.word_space("="); self.print_expr(init); } self.s.word(";"); self.end(); } ast::StmtKind::Item(ref item) => self.print_item(item), ast::StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) => { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, false); if classify::expr_requires_semi_to_be_stmt(expr) { self.s.word(";"); } } ast::StmtKind::Semi(ref expr) => { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, false); self.s.word(";"); } ast::StmtKind::Empty => { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.s.word(";"); } ast::StmtKind::MacCall(ref mac) => { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.print_outer_attributes(&mac.attrs); self.print_mac(&mac.mac); if == ast::MacStmtStyle::Semicolon { self.s.word(";"); } } } self.maybe_print_trailing_comment(st.span, None) } crate fn print_block(&mut self, blk: &ast::Block) { self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, &[]) } crate fn print_block_unclosed_indent(&mut self, blk: &ast::Block) { self.print_block_maybe_unclosed(blk, &[], false) } crate fn print_block_with_attrs(&mut self, blk: &ast::Block, attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.print_block_maybe_unclosed(blk, attrs, true) } crate fn print_block_maybe_unclosed( &mut self, blk: &ast::Block, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], close_box: bool, ) { match blk.rules { BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(..) => self.word_space("unsafe"), BlockCheckMode::Default => (), } self.maybe_print_comment(blk.span.lo()); self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Block(blk)); self.bopen(); self.print_inner_attributes(attrs); for (i, st) in blk.stmts.iter().enumerate() { match st.kind { ast::StmtKind::Expr(ref expr) if i == blk.stmts.len() - 1 => { self.maybe_print_comment(st.span.lo()); self.space_if_not_bol(); self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, false); self.maybe_print_trailing_comment(expr.span, Some(blk.span.hi())); } _ => self.print_stmt(st), } } self.bclose_maybe_open(blk.span, close_box);, AnnNode::Block(blk)) } /// Print a `let pat = scrutinee` expression. crate fn print_let(&mut self, pat: &ast::Pat, scrutinee: &ast::Expr) { self.s.word("let "); self.print_pat(pat);; self.word_space("="); self.print_expr_cond_paren( scrutinee, Self::cond_needs_par(scrutinee) || parser::needs_par_as_let_scrutinee(scrutinee.precedence().order()), ) } fn print_else(&mut self, els: Option<&ast::Expr>) { if let Some(_else) = els { match _else.kind { // Another `else if` block. ast::ExprKind::If(ref i, ref then, ref e) => { self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1); self.ibox(0); self.s.word(" else if "); self.print_expr_as_cond(i);; self.print_block(then); self.print_else(e.as_deref()) } // Final `else` block. ast::ExprKind::Block(ref b, _) => { self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT - 1); self.ibox(0); self.s.word(" else "); self.print_block(b) } // Constraints would be great here! _ => { panic!("print_if saw if with weird alternative"); } } } } crate fn print_if(&mut self, test: &ast::Expr, blk: &ast::Block, elseopt: Option<&ast::Expr>) { self.head("if"); self.print_expr_as_cond(test);; self.print_block(blk); self.print_else(elseopt) } crate fn print_mac(&mut self, m: &ast::MacCall) { self.print_mac_common( Some(MacHeader::Path(&m.path)), true, None, m.args.delim(), &m.args.inner_tokens(), true, m.span(), ); } fn print_call_post(&mut self, args: &[P]) { self.popen(); self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, args); self.pclose() } crate fn print_expr_maybe_paren(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, prec: i8) { self.print_expr_cond_paren(expr, expr.precedence().order() < prec) } /// Prints an expr using syntax that's acceptable in a condition position, such as the `cond` in /// `if cond { ... }`. crate fn print_expr_as_cond(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr) { self.print_expr_cond_paren(expr, Self::cond_needs_par(expr)) } /// Does `expr` need parenthesis when printed in a condition position? fn cond_needs_par(expr: &ast::Expr) -> bool { match expr.kind { // These cases need parens due to the parse error observed in #26461: `if return {}` // parses as the erroneous construct `if (return {})`, not `if (return) {}`. ast::ExprKind::Closure(..) | ast::ExprKind::Ret(..) | ast::ExprKind::Break(..) => true, _ => parser::contains_exterior_struct_lit(expr), } } /// Prints `expr` or `(expr)` when `needs_par` holds. fn print_expr_cond_paren(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, needs_par: bool) { if needs_par { self.popen(); } self.print_expr(expr); if needs_par { self.pclose(); } } fn print_expr_vec(&mut self, exprs: &[P], attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.s.word("["); self.print_inner_attributes_inline(attrs); self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, &exprs[..]); self.s.word("]"); self.end(); } fn print_expr_repeat( &mut self, element: &ast::Expr, count: &ast::AnonConst, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], ) { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.s.word("["); self.print_inner_attributes_inline(attrs); self.print_expr(element); self.word_space(";"); self.print_expr(&count.value); self.s.word("]"); self.end(); } fn print_expr_struct( &mut self, path: &ast::Path, fields: &[ast::Field], wth: &Option>, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], ) { self.print_path(path, true, 0); self.s.word("{"); self.print_inner_attributes_inline(attrs); self.commasep_cmnt( Consistent, &fields[..], |s, field| { s.print_outer_attributes(&field.attrs); s.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); if !field.is_shorthand { s.print_ident(field.ident); s.word_space(":"); } s.print_expr(&field.expr); s.end(); }, |f| f.span, ); match *wth { Some(ref expr) => { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); if !fields.is_empty() { self.s.word(",");; } self.s.word(".."); self.print_expr(expr); self.end(); } _ => { if !fields.is_empty() { self.s.word(",") } } } self.s.word("}"); } fn print_expr_tup(&mut self, exprs: &[P], attrs: &[ast::Attribute]) { self.popen(); self.print_inner_attributes_inline(attrs); self.commasep_exprs(Inconsistent, &exprs[..]); if exprs.len() == 1 { self.s.word(","); } self.pclose() } fn print_expr_call(&mut self, func: &ast::Expr, args: &[P]) { let prec = match func.kind { ast::ExprKind::Field(..) => parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN, _ => parser::PREC_POSTFIX, }; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(func, prec); self.print_call_post(args) } fn print_expr_method_call(&mut self, segment: &ast::PathSegment, args: &[P]) { let base_args = &args[1..]; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(&args[0], parser::PREC_POSTFIX); self.s.word("."); self.print_ident(segment.ident); if let Some(ref args) = segment.args { self.print_generic_args(args, true); } self.print_call_post(base_args) } fn print_expr_binary(&mut self, op: ast::BinOp, lhs: &ast::Expr, rhs: &ast::Expr) { let assoc_op = AssocOp::from_ast_binop(op.node); let prec = assoc_op.precedence() as i8; let fixity = assoc_op.fixity(); let (left_prec, right_prec) = match fixity { Fixity::Left => (prec, prec + 1), Fixity::Right => (prec + 1, prec), Fixity::None => (prec + 1, prec + 1), }; let left_prec = match (&lhs.kind, op.node) { // These cases need parens: `x as i32 < y` has the parser thinking that `i32 < y` is // the beginning of a path type. It starts trying to parse `x as (i32 < y ...` instead // of `(x as i32) < ...`. We need to convince it _not_ to do that. (&ast::ExprKind::Cast { .. }, ast::BinOpKind::Lt | ast::BinOpKind::Shl) => { parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN } // We are given `(let _ = a) OP b`. // // - When `OP <= LAnd` we should print `let _ = a OP b` to avoid redundant parens // as the parser will interpret this as `(let _ = a) OP b`. // // - Otherwise, e.g. when we have `(let a = b) < c` in AST, // parens are required since the parser would interpret `let a = b < c` as // `let a = (b < c)`. To achieve this, we force parens. (&ast::ExprKind::Let { .. }, _) if !parser::needs_par_as_let_scrutinee(prec) => { parser::PREC_FORCE_PAREN } _ => left_prec, }; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, left_prec);; self.word_space(op.node.to_string()); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, right_prec) } fn print_expr_unary(&mut self, op: ast::UnOp, expr: &ast::Expr) { self.s.word(ast::UnOp::to_string(op)); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX) } fn print_expr_addr_of( &mut self, kind: ast::BorrowKind, mutability: ast::Mutability, expr: &ast::Expr, ) { self.s.word("&"); match kind { ast::BorrowKind::Ref => self.print_mutability(mutability, false), ast::BorrowKind::Raw => { self.word_nbsp("raw"); self.print_mutability(mutability, true); } } self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX) } pub fn print_expr(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr) { self.print_expr_outer_attr_style(expr, true) } fn print_expr_outer_attr_style(&mut self, expr: &ast::Expr, is_inline: bool) { self.maybe_print_comment(expr.span.lo()); let attrs = &expr.attrs; if is_inline { self.print_outer_attributes_inline(attrs); } else { self.print_outer_attributes(attrs); } self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Expr(expr)); match expr.kind { ast::ExprKind::Box(ref expr) => { self.word_space("box"); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_PREFIX); } ast::ExprKind::Array(ref exprs) => { self.print_expr_vec(&exprs[..], attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Repeat(ref element, ref count) => { self.print_expr_repeat(element, count, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, ref wth) => { self.print_expr_struct(path, &fields[..], wth, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Tup(ref exprs) => { self.print_expr_tup(&exprs[..], attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Call(ref func, ref args) => { self.print_expr_call(func, &args[..]); } ast::ExprKind::MethodCall(ref segment, ref args, _) => { self.print_expr_method_call(segment, &args[..]); } ast::ExprKind::Binary(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => { self.print_expr_binary(op, lhs, rhs); } ast::ExprKind::Unary(op, ref expr) => { self.print_expr_unary(op, expr); } ast::ExprKind::AddrOf(k, m, ref expr) => { self.print_expr_addr_of(k, m, expr); } ast::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => { self.print_literal(lit); } ast::ExprKind::Cast(ref expr, ref ty) => { let prec = AssocOp::As.precedence() as i8; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, prec);; self.word_space("as"); self.print_type(ty); } ast::ExprKind::Type(ref expr, ref ty) => { let prec = AssocOp::Colon.precedence() as i8; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, prec); self.word_space(":"); self.print_type(ty); } ast::ExprKind::Let(ref pat, ref scrutinee) => { self.print_let(pat, scrutinee); } ast::ExprKind::If(ref test, ref blk, ref elseopt) => { self.print_if(test, blk, elseopt.as_deref()) } ast::ExprKind::While(ref test, ref blk, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); self.word_space(":"); } self.head("while"); self.print_expr_as_cond(test);; self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::ForLoop(ref pat, ref iter, ref blk, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); self.word_space(":"); } self.head("for"); self.print_pat(pat);; self.word_space("in"); self.print_expr_as_cond(iter);; self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Loop(ref blk, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); self.word_space(":"); } self.head("loop");; self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Match(ref expr, ref arms) => { self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.word_nbsp("match"); self.print_expr_as_cond(expr);; self.bopen(); self.print_inner_attributes_no_trailing_hardbreak(attrs); for arm in arms { self.print_arm(arm); } self.bclose(expr.span); } ast::ExprKind::Closure( capture_clause, asyncness, movability, ref decl, ref body, _, ) => { self.print_movability(movability); self.print_asyncness(asyncness); self.print_capture_clause(capture_clause); self.print_fn_params_and_ret(decl, true);; self.print_expr(body); self.end(); // need to close a box // a box will be closed by print_expr, but we didn't want an overall // wrapper so we closed the corresponding opening. so create an // empty box to satisfy the close. self.ibox(0); } ast::ExprKind::Block(ref blk, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); self.word_space(":"); } // containing cbox, will be closed by print-block at } self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); // head-box, will be closed by print-block after { self.ibox(0); self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Async(capture_clause, _, ref blk) => { self.word_nbsp("async"); self.print_capture_clause(capture_clause);; // cbox/ibox in analogy to the `ExprKind::Block` arm above self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); self.ibox(0); self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs); } ast::ExprKind::Await(ref expr) => { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX); self.s.word(".await"); } ast::ExprKind::Assign(ref lhs, ref rhs, _) => { let prec = AssocOp::Assign.precedence() as i8; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, prec + 1);; self.word_space("="); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, prec); } ast::ExprKind::AssignOp(op, ref lhs, ref rhs) => { let prec = AssocOp::Assign.precedence() as i8; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(lhs, prec + 1);; self.s.word(op.node.to_string()); self.word_space("="); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(rhs, prec); } ast::ExprKind::Field(ref expr, ident) => { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX); self.s.word("."); self.print_ident(ident); } ast::ExprKind::Index(ref expr, ref index) => { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_POSTFIX); self.s.word("["); self.print_expr(index); self.s.word("]"); } ast::ExprKind::Range(ref start, ref end, limits) => { // Special case for `Range`. `AssocOp` claims that `Range` has higher precedence // than `Assign`, but `x .. x = x` gives a parse error instead of `x .. (x = x)`. // Here we use a fake precedence value so that any child with lower precedence than // a "normal" binop gets parenthesized. (`LOr` is the lowest-precedence binop.) let fake_prec = AssocOp::LOr.precedence() as i8; if let Some(ref e) = *start { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, fake_prec); } if limits == ast::RangeLimits::HalfOpen { self.s.word(".."); } else { self.s.word("..="); } if let Some(ref e) = *end { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, fake_prec); } } ast::ExprKind::Path(None, ref path) => self.print_path(path, true, 0), ast::ExprKind::Path(Some(ref qself), ref path) => self.print_qpath(path, qself, true), ast::ExprKind::Break(opt_label, ref opt_expr) => { self.s.word("break");; if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident);; } if let Some(ref expr) = *opt_expr { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP);; } } ast::ExprKind::Continue(opt_label) => { self.s.word("continue");; if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); } } ast::ExprKind::Ret(ref result) => { self.s.word("return"); if let Some(ref expr) = *result { self.s.word(" "); self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP); } } ast::ExprKind::InlineAsm(ref a) => { enum AsmArg<'a> { Template(String), Operand(&'a InlineAsmOperand), Options(InlineAsmOptions), } let mut args = vec![]; args.push(AsmArg::Template(InlineAsmTemplatePiece::to_string(&a.template))); args.extend(a.operands.iter().map(|(o, _)| AsmArg::Operand(o))); if !a.options.is_empty() { args.push(AsmArg::Options(a.options)); } self.word("asm!"); self.popen(); self.commasep(Consistent, &args, |s, arg| match arg { AsmArg::Template(template) => s.print_string(&template, ast::StrStyle::Cooked), AsmArg::Operand(op) => { let print_reg_or_class = |s: &mut Self, r: &InlineAsmRegOrRegClass| match r { InlineAsmRegOrRegClass::Reg(r) => { s.print_symbol(*r, ast::StrStyle::Cooked) } InlineAsmRegOrRegClass::RegClass(r) => s.word(r.to_string()), }; match op { InlineAsmOperand::In { reg, expr } => { s.word("in"); s.popen(); print_reg_or_class(s, reg); s.pclose();; s.print_expr(expr); } InlineAsmOperand::Out { reg, late, expr } => { s.word(if *late { "lateout" } else { "out" }); s.popen(); print_reg_or_class(s, reg); s.pclose();; match expr { Some(expr) => s.print_expr(expr), None => s.word("_"), } } InlineAsmOperand::InOut { reg, late, expr } => { s.word(if *late { "inlateout" } else { "inout" }); s.popen(); print_reg_or_class(s, reg); s.pclose();; s.print_expr(expr); } InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { reg, late, in_expr, out_expr } => { s.word(if *late { "inlateout" } else { "inout" }); s.popen(); print_reg_or_class(s, reg); s.pclose();; s.print_expr(in_expr);; s.word_space("=>"); match out_expr { Some(out_expr) => s.print_expr(out_expr), None => s.word("_"), } } InlineAsmOperand::Const { expr } => { s.word("const");; s.print_expr(expr); } InlineAsmOperand::Sym { expr } => { s.word("sym");; s.print_expr(expr); } } } AsmArg::Options(opts) => { s.word("options"); s.popen(); let mut options = vec![]; if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::PURE) { options.push("pure"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::NOMEM) { options.push("nomem"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::READONLY) { options.push("readonly"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::PRESERVES_FLAGS) { options.push("preserves_flags"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::NORETURN) { options.push("noreturn"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::NOSTACK) { options.push("nostack"); } if opts.contains(InlineAsmOptions::ATT_SYNTAX) { options.push("att_syntax"); } s.commasep(Inconsistent, &options, |s, &opt| { s.word(opt); }); s.pclose(); } }); self.pclose(); } ast::ExprKind::LlvmInlineAsm(ref a) => { self.s.word("llvm_asm!"); self.popen(); self.print_symbol(a.asm, a.asm_str_style); self.word_space(":"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &a.outputs, |s, out| { let constraint = out.constraint.as_str(); let mut ch = constraint.chars(); match { Some('=') if out.is_rw => { s.print_string(&format!("+{}", ch.as_str()), ast::StrStyle::Cooked) } _ => s.print_string(&constraint, ast::StrStyle::Cooked), } s.popen(); s.print_expr(&out.expr); s.pclose(); });; self.word_space(":"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &a.inputs, |s, &(co, ref o)| { s.print_symbol(co, ast::StrStyle::Cooked); s.popen(); s.print_expr(o); s.pclose(); });; self.word_space(":"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &a.clobbers, |s, &co| { s.print_symbol(co, ast::StrStyle::Cooked); }); let mut options = vec![]; if a.volatile { options.push("volatile"); } if a.alignstack { options.push("alignstack"); } if a.dialect == ast::LlvmAsmDialect::Intel { options.push("intel"); } if !options.is_empty() {; self.word_space(":"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &options, |s, &co| { s.print_string(co, ast::StrStyle::Cooked); }); } self.pclose(); } ast::ExprKind::MacCall(ref m) => self.print_mac(m), ast::ExprKind::Paren(ref e) => { self.popen(); self.print_inner_attributes_inline(attrs); self.print_expr(e); self.pclose(); } ast::ExprKind::Yield(ref e) => { self.s.word("yield"); if let Some(ref expr) = *e {; self.print_expr_maybe_paren(expr, parser::PREC_JUMP); } } ast::ExprKind::Try(ref e) => { self.print_expr_maybe_paren(e, parser::PREC_POSTFIX); self.s.word("?") } ast::ExprKind::TryBlock(ref blk) => { self.head("try");; self.print_block_with_attrs(blk, attrs) } ast::ExprKind::Err => { self.popen(); self.s.word("/*ERROR*/"); self.pclose() } }, AnnNode::Expr(expr)); self.end(); } crate fn print_local_decl(&mut self, loc: &ast::Local) { self.print_pat(&loc.pat); if let Some(ref ty) = loc.ty { self.word_space(":"); self.print_type(ty); } } pub fn print_usize(&mut self, i: usize) { self.s.word(i.to_string()) } crate fn print_name(&mut self, name: Symbol) { self.s.word(name.to_string());, AnnNode::Name(&name)) } fn print_qpath(&mut self, path: &ast::Path, qself: &ast::QSelf, colons_before_params: bool) { self.s.word("<"); self.print_type(&qself.ty); if qself.position > 0 {; self.word_space("as"); let depth = path.segments.len() - qself.position; self.print_path(path, false, depth); } self.s.word(">"); self.s.word("::"); let item_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap(); self.print_ident(item_segment.ident); if let Some(ref args) = item_segment.args { self.print_generic_args(args, colons_before_params) } } crate fn print_pat(&mut self, pat: &ast::Pat) { self.maybe_print_comment(pat.span.lo()); self.ann.pre(self, AnnNode::Pat(pat)); /* Pat isn't normalized, but the beauty of it is that it doesn't matter */ match pat.kind { PatKind::Wild => self.s.word("_"), PatKind::Ident(binding_mode, ident, ref sub) => { match binding_mode { ast::BindingMode::ByRef(mutbl) => { self.word_nbsp("ref"); self.print_mutability(mutbl, false); } ast::BindingMode::ByValue(ast::Mutability::Not) => {} ast::BindingMode::ByValue(ast::Mutability::Mut) => { self.word_nbsp("mut"); } } self.print_ident(ident); if let Some(ref p) = *sub {; self.s.word_space("@"); self.print_pat(p); } } PatKind::TupleStruct(ref path, ref elts) => { self.print_path(path, true, 0); self.popen(); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &elts[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(p)); self.pclose(); } PatKind::Or(ref pats) => { self.strsep("|", true, Inconsistent, &pats[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(p)); } PatKind::Path(None, ref path) => { self.print_path(path, true, 0); } PatKind::Path(Some(ref qself), ref path) => { self.print_qpath(path, qself, false); } PatKind::Struct(ref path, ref fields, etc) => { self.print_path(path, true, 0); self.nbsp(); self.word_space("{"); self.commasep_cmnt( Consistent, &fields[..], |s, f| { s.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); if !f.is_shorthand { s.print_ident(f.ident); s.word_nbsp(":"); } s.print_pat(&f.pat); s.end(); }, |f| f.pat.span, ); if etc { if !fields.is_empty() { self.word_space(","); } self.s.word(".."); }; self.s.word("}"); } PatKind::Tuple(ref elts) => { self.popen(); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &elts[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(p)); if elts.len() == 1 { self.s.word(","); } self.pclose(); } PatKind::Box(ref inner) => { self.s.word("box "); self.print_pat(inner); } PatKind::Ref(ref inner, mutbl) => { self.s.word("&"); if mutbl == ast::Mutability::Mut { self.s.word("mut "); } self.print_pat(inner); } PatKind::Lit(ref e) => self.print_expr(&**e), PatKind::Range(ref begin, ref end, Spanned { node: ref end_kind, .. }) => { if let Some(e) = begin { self.print_expr(e);; } match *end_kind { RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotDot) => self.s.word("..."), RangeEnd::Included(RangeSyntax::DotDotEq) => self.s.word("..="), RangeEnd::Excluded => self.s.word(".."), } if let Some(e) = end { self.print_expr(e); } } PatKind::Slice(ref elts) => { self.s.word("["); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &elts[..], |s, p| s.print_pat(p)); self.s.word("]"); } PatKind::Rest => self.s.word(".."), PatKind::Paren(ref inner) => { self.popen(); self.print_pat(inner); self.pclose(); } PatKind::MacCall(ref m) => self.print_mac(m), }, AnnNode::Pat(pat)) } fn print_arm(&mut self, arm: &ast::Arm) { // Note, I have no idea why this check is necessary, but here it is. if arm.attrs.is_empty() {; } self.cbox(INDENT_UNIT); self.ibox(0); self.maybe_print_comment(arm.pat.span.lo()); self.print_outer_attributes(&arm.attrs); self.print_pat(&arm.pat);; if let Some(ref e) = arm.guard { self.word_space("if"); self.print_expr(e);; } self.word_space("=>"); match arm.body.kind { ast::ExprKind::Block(ref blk, opt_label) => { if let Some(label) = opt_label { self.print_ident(label.ident); self.word_space(":"); } // The block will close the pattern's ibox. self.print_block_unclosed_indent(blk); // If it is a user-provided unsafe block, print a comma after it. if let BlockCheckMode::Unsafe(ast::UserProvided) = blk.rules { self.s.word(","); } } _ => { self.end(); // Close the ibox for the pattern. self.print_expr(&arm.body); self.s.word(","); } } self.end(); // Close enclosing cbox. } fn print_explicit_self(&mut self, explicit_self: &ast::ExplicitSelf) { match explicit_self.node { SelfKind::Value(m) => { self.print_mutability(m, false); self.s.word("self") } SelfKind::Region(ref lt, m) => { self.s.word("&"); self.print_opt_lifetime(lt); self.print_mutability(m, false); self.s.word("self") } SelfKind::Explicit(ref typ, m) => { self.print_mutability(m, false); self.s.word("self"); self.word_space(":"); self.print_type(typ) } } } fn print_fn_full( &mut self, sig: &ast::FnSig, name: Ident, generics: &ast::Generics, vis: &ast::Visibility, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, body: Option<&ast::Block>, attrs: &[ast::Attribute], ) { if body.is_some() { self.head(""); } self.print_visibility(vis); self.print_defaultness(defaultness); self.print_fn(&sig.decl, sig.header, Some(name), generics); if let Some(body) = body { self.nbsp(); self.print_block_with_attrs(body, attrs); } else { self.s.word(";"); } } crate fn print_fn( &mut self, decl: &ast::FnDecl, header: ast::FnHeader, name: Option, generics: &ast::Generics, ) { self.print_fn_header_info(header); if let Some(name) = name { self.nbsp(); self.print_ident(name); } self.print_generic_params(&generics.params); self.print_fn_params_and_ret(decl, false); self.print_where_clause(&generics.where_clause) } crate fn print_fn_params_and_ret(&mut self, decl: &ast::FnDecl, is_closure: bool) { let (open, close) = if is_closure { ("|", "|") } else { ("(", ")") }; self.word(open); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &decl.inputs, |s, param| s.print_param(param, is_closure)); self.word(close); self.print_fn_ret_ty(&decl.output) } crate fn print_movability(&mut self, movability: ast::Movability) { match movability { ast::Movability::Static => self.word_space("static"), ast::Movability::Movable => {} } } crate fn print_asyncness(&mut self, asyncness: ast::Async) { if asyncness.is_async() { self.word_nbsp("async"); } } crate fn print_capture_clause(&mut self, capture_clause: ast::CaptureBy) { match capture_clause { ast::CaptureBy::Value => self.word_space("move"), ast::CaptureBy::Ref => {} } } pub fn print_type_bounds(&mut self, prefix: &'static str, bounds: &[ast::GenericBound]) { if !bounds.is_empty() { self.s.word(prefix); let mut first = true; for bound in bounds { if !(first && prefix.is_empty()) { self.nbsp(); } if first { first = false; } else { self.word_space("+"); } match bound { GenericBound::Trait(tref, modifier) => { if modifier == &TraitBoundModifier::Maybe { self.s.word("?"); } self.print_poly_trait_ref(tref); } GenericBound::Outlives(lt) => self.print_lifetime(*lt), } } } } crate fn print_lifetime(&mut self, lifetime: ast::Lifetime) { self.print_name( } crate fn print_lifetime_bounds( &mut self, lifetime: ast::Lifetime, bounds: &ast::GenericBounds, ) { self.print_lifetime(lifetime); if !bounds.is_empty() { self.s.word(": "); for (i, bound) in bounds.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { self.s.word(" + "); } match bound { ast::GenericBound::Outlives(lt) => self.print_lifetime(*lt), _ => panic!(), } } } } crate fn print_generic_params(&mut self, generic_params: &[ast::GenericParam]) { if generic_params.is_empty() { return; } self.s.word("<"); self.commasep(Inconsistent, &generic_params, |s, param| { s.print_outer_attributes_inline(¶m.attrs); match param.kind { ast::GenericParamKind::Lifetime => { let lt = ast::Lifetime { id:, ident: param.ident }; s.print_lifetime_bounds(lt, ¶m.bounds) } ast::GenericParamKind::Type { ref default } => { s.print_ident(param.ident); s.print_type_bounds(":", ¶m.bounds); if let Some(ref default) = default {; s.word_space("="); s.print_type(default) } } ast::GenericParamKind::Const { ref ty, kw_span: _ } => { s.word_space("const"); s.print_ident(param.ident);; s.word_space(":"); s.print_type(ty); s.print_type_bounds(":", ¶m.bounds) } } }); self.s.word(">"); } crate fn print_where_clause(&mut self, where_clause: &ast::WhereClause) { if where_clause.predicates.is_empty() && !where_clause.has_where_token { return; }; self.word_space("where"); for (i, predicate) in where_clause.predicates.iter().enumerate() { if i != 0 { self.word_space(","); } match *predicate { ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ast::WhereBoundPredicate { ref bound_generic_params, ref bounded_ty, ref bounds, .. }) => { self.print_formal_generic_params(bound_generic_params); self.print_type(bounded_ty); self.print_type_bounds(":", bounds); } ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ast::WhereRegionPredicate { ref lifetime, ref bounds, .. }) => { self.print_lifetime_bounds(*lifetime, bounds); } ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ast::WhereEqPredicate { ref lhs_ty, ref rhs_ty, .. }) => { self.print_type(lhs_ty);; self.word_space("="); self.print_type(rhs_ty); } } } } crate fn print_use_tree(&mut self, tree: &ast::UseTree) { match tree.kind { ast::UseTreeKind::Simple(rename, ..) => { self.print_path(&tree.prefix, false, 0); if let Some(rename) = rename {; self.word_space("as"); self.print_ident(rename); } } ast::UseTreeKind::Glob => { if !tree.prefix.segments.is_empty() { self.print_path(&tree.prefix, false, 0); self.s.word("::"); } self.s.word("*"); } ast::UseTreeKind::Nested(ref items) => { if tree.prefix.segments.is_empty() { self.s.word("{"); } else { self.print_path(&tree.prefix, false, 0); self.s.word("::{"); } self.commasep(Inconsistent, &items[..], |this, &(ref tree, _)| { this.print_use_tree(tree) }); self.s.word("}"); } } } pub fn print_mutability(&mut self, mutbl: ast::Mutability, print_const: bool) { match mutbl { ast::Mutability::Mut => self.word_nbsp("mut"), ast::Mutability::Not => { if print_const { self.word_nbsp("const"); } } } } crate fn print_mt(&mut self, mt: &ast::MutTy, print_const: bool) { self.print_mutability(mt.mutbl, print_const); self.print_type(&mt.ty) } crate fn print_param(&mut self, input: &ast::Param, is_closure: bool) { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.print_outer_attributes_inline(&input.attrs); match input.ty.kind { ast::TyKind::Infer if is_closure => self.print_pat(&input.pat), _ => { if let Some(eself) = input.to_self() { self.print_explicit_self(&eself); } else { let invalid = if let PatKind::Ident(_, ident, _) = input.pat.kind { == kw::Invalid } else { false }; if !invalid { self.print_pat(&input.pat); self.s.word(":");; } self.print_type(&input.ty); } } } self.end(); } crate fn print_fn_ret_ty(&mut self, fn_ret_ty: &ast::FnRetTy) { if let ast::FnRetTy::Ty(ty) = fn_ret_ty { self.space_if_not_bol(); self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); self.word_space("->"); self.print_type(ty); self.end(); self.maybe_print_comment(ty.span.lo()); } } crate fn print_ty_fn( &mut self, ext: ast::Extern, unsafety: ast::Unsafe, decl: &ast::FnDecl, name: Option, generic_params: &[ast::GenericParam], ) { self.ibox(INDENT_UNIT); if !generic_params.is_empty() { self.s.word("for"); self.print_generic_params(generic_params); } let generics = ast::Generics { params: Vec::new(), where_clause: ast::WhereClause { has_where_token: false, predicates: Vec::new(), span: rustc_span::DUMMY_SP, }, span: rustc_span::DUMMY_SP, }; let header = ast::FnHeader { unsafety, ext, ..ast::FnHeader::default() }; self.print_fn(decl, header, name, &generics); self.end(); } crate fn maybe_print_trailing_comment( &mut self, span: rustc_span::Span, next_pos: Option, ) { if let Some(cmnts) = self.comments() { if let Some(cmnt) = cmnts.trailing_comment(span, next_pos) { self.print_comment(&cmnt); } } } crate fn print_remaining_comments(&mut self) { // If there aren't any remaining comments, then we need to manually // make sure there is a line break at the end. if self.next_comment().is_none() { self.s.hardbreak(); } while let Some(ref cmnt) = self.next_comment() { self.print_comment(cmnt); } } crate fn print_fn_header_info(&mut self, header: ast::FnHeader) { self.print_constness(header.constness); self.print_asyncness(header.asyncness); self.print_unsafety(header.unsafety); match header.ext { ast::Extern::None => {} ast::Extern::Implicit => { self.word_nbsp("extern"); } ast::Extern::Explicit(abi) => { self.word_nbsp("extern"); self.print_literal(&abi.as_lit()); self.nbsp(); } } self.s.word("fn") } crate fn print_unsafety(&mut self, s: ast::Unsafe) { match s { ast::Unsafe::No => {} ast::Unsafe::Yes(_) => self.word_nbsp("unsafe"), } } crate fn print_constness(&mut self, s: ast::Const) { match s { ast::Const::No => {} ast::Const::Yes(_) => self.word_nbsp("const"), } } crate fn print_is_auto(&mut self, s: ast::IsAuto) { match s { ast::IsAuto::Yes => self.word_nbsp("auto"), ast::IsAuto::No => {} } } }