// run-rustfix
// rustfix-only-machine-applicable

use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::path::Path;

fn main() {
    let _s = ["lorem", "ipsum"].join(" ");

    let s = String::from("foo");
    let _s = s;

    let s = String::from("foo");
    let _s = s;

    let s = String::from("foo");
    let _s = s;

    let _s = Path::new("/a/b/").join("c");

    let _s = Path::new("/a/b/").join("c");

    let _s = OsString::new();

    let _s = OsString::new();

    // Check that lint level works
    let _s = String::new().to_string();

    let tup = (String::from("foo"),);
    let _t = tup.0;

    let tup_ref = &(String::from("foo"),);
    let _s = tup_ref.0.clone(); // this `.clone()` cannot be removed

        let x = String::new();
        let y = &x;

        let _x = x.clone(); // ok; `x` is borrowed by `y`

        let _ = y.len();

    let x = (String::new(),);
    let _ = Some(String::new()).unwrap_or_else(|| x.0.clone()); // ok; closure borrows `x`

    with_branch(Alpha, true);

struct Alpha;
fn with_branch(a: Alpha, b: bool) -> (Alpha, Alpha) {
    if b {
        (a.clone(), a)
    } else {
        (Alpha, a)

fn cannot_double_move(a: Alpha) -> (Alpha, Alpha) {
    (a.clone(), a)

struct TypeWithDrop {
    x: String,

impl Drop for TypeWithDrop {
    fn drop(&mut self) {}

fn cannot_move_from_type_with_drop() -> String {
    let s = TypeWithDrop { x: String::new() };
    s.x.clone() // removing this `clone()` summons E0509

fn borrower_propagation() {
    let s = String::new();
    let t = String::new();

        fn b() -> bool {
        let _u = if b() { &s } else { &t };

        // ok; `s` and `t` are possibly borrowed
        let _s = s.clone();
        let _t = t.clone();

        let _u = || s.len();
        let _v = [&t; 32];
        let _s = s.clone(); // ok
        let _t = t.clone(); // ok

        let _u = {
            let u = Some(&s);
            let _ = s.clone(); // ok
        let _s = s.clone(); // ok

        use std::convert::identity as id;
        let _u = id(id(&s));
        let _s = s.clone(); // ok, `u` borrows `s`

    let _s = s;
    let _t = t;

    struct Foo {
        x: usize,

        let f = Foo { x: 123 };
        let _x = Some(f.x);
        let _f = f;

        let f = Foo { x: 123 };
        let _x = &f.x;
        let _f = f.clone(); // ok

fn not_consumed() {
    let x = std::path::PathBuf::from("home");
    let y = x.join("matthias");
    // join() creates a new owned PathBuf, does not take a &mut to x variable, thus the .clone() is
    // redundant. (It also does not consume the PathBuf)

    println!("x: {:?}, y: {:?}", x, y);

    let mut s = String::new();
    s.clone().push_str("foo"); // OK, removing this `clone()` will change the behavior.
    assert_eq!(s, "bar");

    let t = Some(s);
    // OK
    if let Some(x) = t.clone() {
        println!("{}", x);
    if let Some(x) = t {
        println!("{}", x);

fn issue_5405() {
    let a: [String; 1] = [String::from("foo")];
    let _b: String = a[0].clone();

    let c: [usize; 2] = [2, 3];
    let _d: usize = c[1].clone();

fn manually_drop() {
    use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    let a = ManuallyDrop::new(Arc::new("Hello!".to_owned()));
    let _ = a.clone(); // OK

    let p: *const String = Arc::into_raw(ManuallyDrop::into_inner(a));
    unsafe {