extern crate compiletest_rs as compiletest; use std::path::{PathBuf, Path}; use std::io::Write; fn run_mode(dir: &'static str, mode: &'static str, sysroot: &str) { // Disable rustc's new error fomatting. It breaks these tests. std::env::remove_var("RUST_NEW_ERROR_FORMAT"); let flags = format!("--sysroot {} -Dwarnings", sysroot); for_all_targets(sysroot, |target| { let mut config = compiletest::default_config(); config.host_rustcflags = Some(flags.clone()); config.mode = mode.parse().expect("Invalid mode"); config.run_lib_path = Path::new(sysroot).join("lib").join("rustlib").join(&target).join("lib"); config.rustc_path = "target/debug/miri".into(); config.src_base = PathBuf::from(format!("tests/{}", dir)); config.target = target.to_owned(); config.target_rustcflags = Some(flags.clone()); compiletest::run_tests(&config); }); } fn for_all_targets(sysroot: &str, mut f: F) { for target in std::fs::read_dir(format!("{}/lib/rustlib/", sysroot)).unwrap() { let target = target.unwrap(); if !target.metadata().unwrap().is_dir() { continue; } let target = target.file_name().into_string().unwrap(); if target == "etc" { continue; } let stderr = std::io::stderr(); writeln!(stderr.lock(), "running tests for target {}", target).unwrap(); f(target); } } #[test] fn compile_test() { let mut failed = false; // Taken from https://github.com/Manishearth/rust-clippy/pull/911. let home = option_env!("RUSTUP_HOME").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_HOME")); let toolchain = option_env!("RUSTUP_TOOLCHAIN").or(option_env!("MULTIRUST_TOOLCHAIN")); let sysroot = match (home, toolchain) { (Some(home), Some(toolchain)) => format!("{}/toolchains/{}", home, toolchain), _ => option_env!("RUST_SYSROOT") .expect("need to specify RUST_SYSROOT env var or use rustup or multirust") .to_owned(), }; run_mode("compile-fail", "compile-fail", &sysroot); for_all_targets(&sysroot, |target| { for file in std::fs::read_dir("tests/run-pass").unwrap() { let file = file.unwrap(); if !file.metadata().unwrap().is_file() { continue; } let file = file.path(); let stderr = std::io::stderr(); write!(stderr.lock(), "test [miri-pass] {} ", file.to_str().unwrap()).unwrap(); let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new("target/debug/miri"); cmd.arg(file); cmd.arg("-Dwarnings"); cmd.arg(format!("--target={}", target)); let libs = Path::new(&sysroot).join("lib"); let sysroot = libs.join("rustlib").join(&target).join("lib"); let paths = std::env::join_paths(&[libs, sysroot]).unwrap(); cmd.env(compiletest::procsrv::dylib_env_var(), paths); match cmd.output() { Ok(ref output) if output.status.success() => writeln!(stderr.lock(), "ok").unwrap(), Ok(output) => { failed = true; writeln!(stderr.lock(), "FAILED with exit code {}", output.status.code().unwrap_or(0)).unwrap(); writeln!(stderr.lock(), "stdout: \n {}", std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap()).unwrap(); writeln!(stderr.lock(), "stderr: \n {}", std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap()).unwrap(); } Err(e) => { failed = true; writeln!(stderr.lock(), "FAILED: {}", e).unwrap(); }, } } let stderr = std::io::stderr(); writeln!(stderr.lock(), "").unwrap(); }); if failed { panic!("some tests failed"); } }