members = [ "crates/*", "xtask/" ]

# Disabling debug info speeds up builds a bunch,
# and we don't rely on it for debugging that much.
debug = 0

# These speed up local tests.
rowan.opt-level = 3
rustc-hash.opt-level = 3
smol_str.opt-level = 3
text-size.opt-level = 3
# This speeds up `cargo xtask dist`.
miniz_oxide.opt-level = 3

incremental = true
debug = 0 # Set this to 1 or 2 to get more useful backtraces in debugger.

# rowan = { path = "../rowan" }

# chalk-solve = { path = "../chalk/chalk-solve" }
# chalk-ir = { path = "../chalk/chalk-ir" }
# chalk-recursive = { path = "../chalk/chalk-recursive" }

# ungrammar = { path = "../ungrammar" }