// This is a test which attempts to blow out the system limit with how many // arguments can be passed to a process. This'll successively call rustc with // larger and larger argument lists in an attempt to find one that's way too // big for the system at hand. This file itself is then used as a "linker" to // detect when the process creation succeeds. // // Eventually we should see an argument that looks like `@` as we switch from // passing literal arguments to passing everything in the file. use std::collections::HashSet; use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::{BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; fn write_test_case(file: &Path, n: usize) -> HashSet { let mut libs = HashSet::new(); let mut f = BufWriter::new(File::create(&file).unwrap()); let mut prefix = String::new(); for _ in 0..n { prefix.push_str("foo"); } for i in 0..n { writeln!(f, "#[link(name = \"S{}{}S\")]", prefix, i).unwrap(); libs.insert(format!("{}{}", prefix, i)); } writeln!(f, "extern \"C\" {{}}\nfn main() {{}}").unwrap(); f.into_inner().unwrap(); libs } fn read_linker_args(path: &Path) -> String { let contents = fs::read(path).unwrap(); if cfg!(target_env = "msvc") { let mut i = contents.chunks(2).map(|c| c[0] as u16 | ((c[1] as u16) << 8)); assert_eq!(i.next(), Some(0xfeff), "Expected UTF-16 BOM"); String::from_utf16(&i.collect::>()).unwrap() } else { String::from_utf8(contents).unwrap() } } fn main() { let tmpdir = PathBuf::from(env::var_os("TMPDIR").unwrap()); let ok = tmpdir.join("ok"); if env::var("YOU_ARE_A_LINKER").is_ok() { if let Some(file) = env::args_os().find(|a| a.to_string_lossy().contains("@")) { let file = file.to_str().expect("non-utf8 file argument"); fs::copy(&file[1..], &ok).unwrap(); } return; } let rustc = env::var_os("RUSTC").unwrap_or("rustc".into()); let me_as_linker = format!("linker={}", env::current_exe().unwrap().display()); for i in (1..).map(|i| i * 100) { println!("attempt: {}", i); let file = tmpdir.join("bar.rs"); let mut expected_libs = write_test_case(&file, i); drop(fs::remove_file(&ok)); let output = Command::new(&rustc) .arg(&file) .arg("-C") .arg(&me_as_linker) .arg("--out-dir") .arg(&tmpdir) .env("YOU_ARE_A_LINKER", "1") .output() .unwrap(); if !output.status.success() { let stderr = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr); panic!( "status: {}\nstdout:\n{}\nstderr:\n{}", output.status, String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout), stderr .lines() .map(|l| { if l.len() > 200 { format!("{}...\n", &l[..200]) } else { format!("{}\n", l) } }) .collect::() ); } if !ok.exists() { continue; } let linker_args = read_linker_args(&ok); for arg in linker_args.split('S') { expected_libs.remove(arg); } assert!( expected_libs.is_empty(), "expected but missing libraries: {:#?}\nlinker arguments: \n{}", expected_libs, linker_args, ); break; } }