import std._io.stdio_reader; import std._str; import; import; fn new_str_hash[V]() -> map.hashmap[str,V] { let map.hashfn[str] hasher = _str.hash; let map.eqfn[str] eqer = _str.eq; ret map.mk_hashmap[str,V](hasher, eqer); } type reader = obj { fn is_eof() -> bool; fn peek() -> char; fn bump(); fn get_pos() -> tup(str,uint,uint); fn get_keywords() -> hashmap[str,token.token]; fn get_reserved() -> hashmap[str,()]; }; fn new_reader(stdio_reader rdr, str filename) -> reader { obj reader(stdio_reader rdr, str filename, mutable char c, mutable uint line, mutable uint col, hashmap[str,token.token] keywords, hashmap[str,()] reserved) { fn is_eof() -> bool { ret c == (-1) as char; } fn get_pos() -> tup(str,uint,uint) { ret tup(filename, line, col); } fn peek() -> char { ret c; } fn bump() { c = rdr.getc() as char; if (c == '\n') { line += 1u; col = 0u; } else { col += 1u; } } fn get_keywords() -> hashmap[str,token.token] { ret keywords; } fn get_reserved() -> hashmap[str,()] { ret reserved; } } auto keywords = new_str_hash[token.token](); auto reserved = new_str_hash[()](); keywords.insert("mod", token.MOD()); keywords.insert("use", token.USE()); keywords.insert("meta", token.META()); keywords.insert("auth", token.AUTH()); keywords.insert("syntax", token.SYNTAX()); keywords.insert("if", token.IF()); keywords.insert("else", token.ELSE()); keywords.insert("while", token.WHILE()); keywords.insert("do", token.DO()); keywords.insert("alt", token.ALT()); keywords.insert("case", token.CASE()); keywords.insert("for", token.FOR()); keywords.insert("each", token.EACH()); keywords.insert("put", token.PUT()); keywords.insert("ret", token.RET()); keywords.insert("be", token.BE()); ret reader(rdr, filename, rdr.getc() as char, 1u, 1u, keywords, reserved); } fn in_range(char c, char lo, char hi) -> bool { ret lo <= c && c <= hi; } fn is_alpha(char c) -> bool { ret in_range(c, 'a', 'z') || in_range(c, 'A', 'Z'); } fn is_dec_digit(char c) -> bool { ret in_range(c, '0', '9'); } fn is_hex_digit(char c) -> bool { ret in_range(c, '0', '9') || in_range(c, 'a', 'f') || in_range(c, 'A', 'F'); } fn is_bin_digit(char c) -> bool { ret c == '0' || c == '1'; } fn is_whitespace(char c) -> bool { ret c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'; } fn consume_any_whitespace(stdio_reader rdr, char c) -> char { auto c1 = c; while (is_whitespace(c1)) { c1 = rdr.getc() as char; } be consume_any_line_comment(rdr, c1); } fn consume_any_line_comment(stdio_reader rdr, char c) -> char { auto c1 = c; if (c1 == '/') { auto c2 = rdr.getc() as char; if (c2 == '/') { while (c1 != '\n') { c1 = rdr.getc() as char; } // Restart whitespace munch. be consume_any_whitespace(rdr, c1); } } ret c; } fn next_token(stdio_reader rdr) -> token.token { auto eof = (-1) as char; auto c = rdr.getc() as char; auto accum_str = ""; auto accum_int = 0; fn next(stdio_reader rdr) -> char { ret rdr.getc() as char; } fn forget(stdio_reader rdr, char c) { rdr.ungetc(c as int); } c = consume_any_whitespace(rdr, c); if (c == eof) { ret token.EOF(); } if (is_alpha(c)) { while (is_alpha(c)) { accum_str += (c as u8); c = next(rdr); } forget(rdr, c); ret token.IDENT(accum_str); } if (is_dec_digit(c)) { if (c == '0') { } else { while (is_dec_digit(c)) { accum_int *= 10; accum_int += (c as int) - ('0' as int); c = next(rdr); } forget(rdr, c); ret token.LIT_INT(accum_int); } } fn op_or_opeq(stdio_reader rdr, char c2, token.op op) -> token.token { if (c2 == '=') { ret token.OPEQ(op); } else { forget(rdr, c2); ret token.OP(op); } } alt (c) { // One-byte tokens. case (';') { ret token.SEMI(); } case (',') { ret token.COMMA(); } case ('.') { ret token.DOT(); } case ('(') { ret token.LPAREN(); } case (')') { ret token.RPAREN(); } case ('{') { ret token.LBRACE(); } case ('}') { ret token.RBRACE(); } case ('[') { ret token.LBRACKET(); } case (']') { ret token.RBRACKET(); } case ('@') { ret token.AT(); } case ('#') { ret token.POUND(); } // Multi-byte tokens. case ('=') { auto c2 = next(rdr); if (c2 == '=') { ret token.OP(token.EQEQ()); } else { forget(rdr, c2); ret token.OP(token.EQ()); } } case ('\'') { // FIXME: general utf8-consumption support. auto c2 = next(rdr); if (c2 == '\\') { c2 = next(rdr); alt (c2) { case ('n') { c2 = '\n'; } case ('r') { c2 = '\r'; } case ('t') { c2 = '\t'; } case ('\\') { c2 = '\\'; } case ('\'') { c2 = '\''; } // FIXME: unicode numeric escapes. case (_) { log "unknown character escape"; log c2; fail; } } } if (next(rdr) != '\'') { log "unterminated character constant"; fail; } ret token.LIT_CHAR(c2); } case ('"') { // FIXME: general utf8-consumption support. auto c2 = next(rdr); while (c2 != '"') { alt (c2) { case ('\\') { c2 = next(rdr); alt (c2) { case ('n') { accum_str += '\n' as u8; } case ('r') { accum_str += '\r' as u8; } case ('t') { accum_str += '\t' as u8; } case ('\\') { accum_str += '\\' as u8; } case ('"') { accum_str += '"' as u8; } // FIXME: unicode numeric escapes. case (_) { log "unknown string escape"; log c2; fail; } } } case (_) { accum_str += c2 as u8; } } c2 = next(rdr); } ret token.LIT_STR(accum_str); } case ('-') { auto c2 = next(rdr); if (c2 == '>') { ret token.RARROW(); } else { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, c2, token.MINUS()); } } case ('&') { auto c2 = next(rdr); if (c2 == '&') { ret token.OP(token.ANDAND()); } else { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, c2, token.AND()); } } case ('+') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.PLUS()); } case ('*') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.STAR()); } case ('/') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.STAR()); } case ('!') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.NOT()); } case ('^') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.CARET()); } case ('%') { ret op_or_opeq(rdr, next(rdr), token.PERCENT()); } } log "lexer stopping at "; log c; ret token.EOF(); } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C ../.. 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //