name: release on: schedule: - cron: "0 0 * * *" # midnight UTC workflow_dispatch: push: branches: - release - trigger-nightly env: CARGO_INCREMENTAL: 0 CARGO_NET_RETRY: 10 RUSTFLAGS: "-D warnings -W unreachable-pub" RUSTUP_MAX_RETRIES: 10 FETCH_DEPTH: 0 # pull in the tags for the version string MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: 10.15 CARGO_TARGET_AARCH64_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNU_LINKER: aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc CARGO_TARGET_ARM_UNKNOWN_LINUX_GNUEABIHF_LINKER: arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc jobs: dist: strategy: matrix: include: - os: windows-latest target: x86_64-pc-windows-msvc code-target: win32-x64 - os: windows-latest target: i686-pc-windows-msvc - os: windows-latest target: aarch64-pc-windows-msvc code-target: win32-arm64 - os: ubuntu-20.04 target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu code-target: linux-x64 - os: ubuntu-20.04 target: aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu code-target: linux-arm64 - os: ubuntu-20.04 target: arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf code-target: linux-armhf - os: macos-12 target: x86_64-apple-darwin code-target: darwin-x64 - os: macos-12 target: aarch64-apple-darwin code-target: darwin-arm64 name: dist (${{ }}) runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} container: ${{ matrix.container }} env: RA_TARGET: ${{ }} steps: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: ${{ env.FETCH_DEPTH }} - name: Install Rust toolchain run: | rustup update --no-self-update stable rustup target add ${{ }} rustup component add rust-src - name: Install Node.js uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 18 - name: Update apt repositories if: == 'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu' || == 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' run: sudo apt-get update - name: Install AArch64 target toolchain if: == 'aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu' run: sudo apt-get install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu - name: Install ARM target toolchain if: == 'arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf' run: sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf - name: Dist run: cargo xtask dist --client-patch-version ${{ github.run_number }} - run: npm ci working-directory: editors/code - name: Package Extension (release) if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' && matrix.code-target run: npx vsce package -o "../../dist/rust-analyzer-${{ matrix.code-target }}.vsix" --target ${{ matrix.code-target }} working-directory: editors/code - name: Package Extension (nightly) if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' && matrix.code-target run: npx vsce package -o "../../dist/rust-analyzer-${{ matrix.code-target }}.vsix" --target ${{ matrix.code-target }} --pre-release working-directory: editors/code - if: == 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' run: rm -rf editors/code/server - if: == 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' && github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' run: npx vsce package -o ../../dist/rust-analyzer-no-server.vsix working-directory: editors/code - if: == 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' && github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' run: npx vsce package -o ../../dist/rust-analyzer-no-server.vsix --pre-release working-directory: editors/code - name: Run analysis-stats on rust-analyzer if: == 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' run: target/${{ }}/release/rust-analyzer analysis-stats . - name: Run analysis-stats on rust std library if: == 'x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu' env: RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP: 1 run: target/${{ }}/release/rust-analyzer analysis-stats --with-deps $(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/std - name: Upload artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-${{ }} path: ./dist dist-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl: name: dist (x86_64-unknown-linux-musl) runs-on: ubuntu-latest env: RA_TARGET: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl # For some reason `-crt-static` is not working for clang without lld RUSTFLAGS: "-C link-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -C target-feature=-crt-static" container: image: rust:alpine volumes: - /usr/local/cargo/registry:/usr/local/cargo/registry steps: - name: Install dependencies run: apk add --no-cache git clang lld musl-dev nodejs npm - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: ${{ env.FETCH_DEPTH }} - name: Dist run: cargo xtask dist --client-patch-version ${{ github.run_number }} - run: npm ci working-directory: editors/code - name: Package Extension (release) if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' run: npx vsce package -o "../../dist/rust-analyzer-alpine-x64.vsix" --target alpine-x64 working-directory: editors/code - name: Package Extension (nightly) if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' run: npx vsce package -o "../../dist/rust-analyzer-alpine-x64.vsix" --target alpine-x64 --pre-release working-directory: editors/code - run: rm -rf editors/code/server - name: Upload artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl path: ./dist publish: name: publish runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: ["dist", "dist-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"] steps: - name: Install Nodejs uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version: 20 - run: echo "TAG=$(date --iso -u)" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' - run: echo "TAG=nightly" >> $GITHUB_ENV if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' - run: 'echo "TAG: $TAG"' - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: fetch-depth: ${{ env.FETCH_DEPTH }} - run: echo "HEAD_SHA=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_ENV - run: 'echo "HEAD_SHA: $HEAD_SHA"' - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-aarch64-apple-darwin path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-x86_64-apple-darwin path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-i686-pc-windows-msvc path: dist - uses: actions/download-artifact@v1 with: name: dist-aarch64-pc-windows-msvc path: dist - run: ls -al ./dist - name: Publish Release uses: ./.github/actions/github-release with: files: "dist/*" name: ${{ env.TAG }} token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - run: rm dist/rust-analyzer-no-server.vsix - run: npm ci working-directory: ./editors/code - name: Publish Extension (Code Marketplace, release) if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' && (github.repository == 'rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer' || github.repository == 'rust-lang/rust-analyzer') working-directory: ./editors/code # token from run: npx vsce publish --pat ${{ secrets.MARKETPLACE_TOKEN }} --packagePath ../../dist/rust-analyzer-*.vsix - name: Publish Extension (OpenVSX, release) if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/release' && (github.repository == 'rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer' || github.repository == 'rust-lang/rust-analyzer') working-directory: ./editors/code run: npx ovsx publish --pat ${{ secrets.OPENVSX_TOKEN }} --packagePath ../../dist/rust-analyzer-*.vsix timeout-minutes: 2 - name: Publish Extension (Code Marketplace, nightly) if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' && (github.repository == 'rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer' || github.repository == 'rust-lang/rust-analyzer') working-directory: ./editors/code run: npx vsce publish --pat ${{ secrets.MARKETPLACE_TOKEN }} --packagePath ../../dist/rust-analyzer-*.vsix --pre-release - name: Publish Extension (OpenVSX, nightly) if: github.ref != 'refs/heads/release' && (github.repository == 'rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer' || github.repository == 'rust-lang/rust-analyzer') working-directory: ./editors/code run: npx ovsx publish --pat ${{ secrets.OPENVSX_TOKEN }} --packagePath ../../dist/rust-analyzer-*.vsix timeout-minutes: 2