#!/usr/bin/env python import os, tarfile, re, shutil, sys from snapshot import * def unpack_snapshot(triple, dl_path): print("opening snapshot " + dl_path) tar = tarfile.open(dl_path) kernel = get_kernel(triple) for p in tar.getnames(): name = p.replace("rust-stage0/", "", 1); stagep = os.path.join(triple, "stage0") fp = os.path.join(stagep, name) print("extracting " + p) tar.extract(p, download_unpack_base) tp = os.path.join(download_unpack_base, p) shutil.move(tp, fp) tar.close() shutil.rmtree(download_unpack_base) def determine_curr_snapshot(triple): i = 0 platform = get_platform(triple) found_file = False found_snap = False hsh = None date = None rev = None f = open(snapshotfile) for line in f.readlines(): i += 1 parsed = parse_line(i, line) if (not parsed): continue if found_snap and parsed["type"] == "file": if parsed["platform"] == platform: hsh = parsed["hash"] found_file = True break; elif parsed["type"] == "snapshot": date = parsed["date"] rev = parsed["rev"] found_snap = True if not found_snap: raise Exception("no snapshot entries in file") if not found_file: raise Exception("no snapshot file found for platform %s, rev %s" % (platform, rev)) return full_snapshot_name(date, rev, platform, hsh) # Main # this gets called with one or two arguments: # The first is the O/S triple. # The second is an optional path to the snapshot to use. triple = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 3: dl_path = sys.argv[2] else: snap = determine_curr_snapshot(triple) dl = os.path.join(download_dir_base, snap) url = download_url_base + "/" + snap print("determined most recent snapshot: " + snap) if (not os.path.exists(dl)): get_url_to_file(url, dl) if (snap_filename_hash_part(snap) == hash_file(dl)): print("got download with ok hash") else: raise Exception("bad hash on download") dl_path = os.path.join(download_dir_base, snap) unpack_snapshot(triple, dl_path)