use syntax::{ ast::{edit::AstNodeEdit, make, AstNode, BlockExpr, ElseBranch, Expr, IfExpr, MatchArm, Pat}, SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE, }; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; // Assist: move_guard_to_arm_body // // Moves match guard into match arm body. // // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move { distance } $0if distance > 10 => foo(), // _ => (), // } // } // ``` // -> // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move { distance } => if distance > 10 { // foo() // }, // _ => (), // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn move_guard_to_arm_body(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let match_arm = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let guard = match_arm.guard()?; if ctx.offset() > guard.syntax().text_range().end() { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_unapplicable_in_arm_body); return None; } let space_before_guard = guard.syntax().prev_sibling_or_token(); let guard_condition = guard.condition()?; let arm_expr = match_arm.expr()?; let if_expr = make::expr_if(guard_condition, make::block_expr(None, Some(arm_expr.clone())), None) .indent(arm_expr.indent_level()); let target = guard.syntax().text_range(); acc.add( AssistId("move_guard_to_arm_body", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Move guard to arm body", target, |edit| { match space_before_guard { Some(element) if element.kind() == WHITESPACE => { edit.delete(element.text_range()); } _ => (), }; edit.delete(guard.syntax().text_range()); edit.replace_ast(arm_expr, if_expr); }, ) } // Assist: move_arm_cond_to_match_guard // // Moves if expression from match arm body into a guard. // // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move { distance } => $0if distance > 10 { foo() }, // _ => (), // } // } // ``` // -> // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move { distance } if distance > 10 => foo(), // _ => (), // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let match_arm: MatchArm = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let match_pat = match_arm.pat()?; let arm_body = match_arm.expr()?; let mut replace_node = None; let if_expr: IfExpr = IfExpr::cast(arm_body.syntax().clone()).or_else(|| { let block_expr = BlockExpr::cast(arm_body.syntax().clone())?; if let Expr::IfExpr(e) = block_expr.tail_expr()? { replace_node = Some(block_expr.syntax().clone()); Some(e) } else { None } })?; if ctx.offset() > if_expr.then_branch()?.syntax().text_range().start() { return None; } let replace_node = replace_node.unwrap_or_else(|| if_expr.syntax().clone()); let needs_dedent = replace_node != *if_expr.syntax(); let (conds_blocks, tail) = parse_if_chain(if_expr)?; acc.add( AssistId("move_arm_cond_to_match_guard", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Move condition to match guard", replace_node.text_range(), |edit| { edit.delete(match_arm.syntax().text_range()); // Dedent if if_expr is in a BlockExpr let dedent = if needs_dedent { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_in_block); 1 } else { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_else_block); 0 }; let then_arm_end = match_arm.syntax().text_range().end(); let indent_level = match_arm.indent_level(); let spaces = " ".repeat(indent_level.0 as _); let mut first = true; for (cond, block) in conds_blocks { if !first { edit.insert(then_arm_end, format!("\n{}", spaces)); } else { first = false; } let guard = format!("{} if {} => ", match_pat, cond.syntax().text()); edit.insert(then_arm_end, guard); let only_expr = block.statements().next().is_none(); match &block.tail_expr() { Some(then_expr) if only_expr => { edit.insert(then_arm_end, then_expr.syntax().text()); edit.insert(then_arm_end, ","); } _ => { let to_insert = block.dedent(dedent.into()).syntax().text(); edit.insert(then_arm_end, to_insert) } } } if let Some(e) = tail { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_else_tail); let guard = format!("\n{}{} => ", spaces, match_pat); edit.insert(then_arm_end, guard); let only_expr = e.statements().next().is_none(); match &e.tail_expr() { Some(expr) if only_expr => { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_expr_only); edit.insert(then_arm_end, expr.syntax().text()); edit.insert(then_arm_end, ","); } _ => { let to_insert = e.dedent(dedent.into()).syntax().text(); edit.insert(then_arm_end, to_insert) } } } else { // There's no else branch. Add a pattern without guard, unless the following match // arm is `_ => ...` cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_notail); match match_arm.syntax().next_sibling().and_then(MatchArm::cast) { Some(next_arm) if matches!(next_arm.pat(), Some(Pat::WildcardPat(_))) && next_arm.guard().is_none() => { cov_mark::hit!(move_guard_ifelse_has_wildcard); } _ => edit.insert(then_arm_end, format!("\n{}{} => {{}}", spaces, match_pat)), } } }, ) } // Parses an if-else-if chain to get the conditions and the then branches until we encounter an else // branch or the end. fn parse_if_chain(if_expr: IfExpr) -> Option<(Vec<(Expr, BlockExpr)>, Option)> { let mut conds_blocks = Vec::new(); let mut curr_if = if_expr; let tail = loop { let cond = curr_if.condition()?; conds_blocks.push((cond, curr_if.then_branch()?)); match curr_if.else_branch() { Some(ElseBranch::IfExpr(e)) => { curr_if = e; } Some(ElseBranch::Block(b)) => { break Some(b); } None => break None, } }; Some((conds_blocks, tail)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable, check_assist_target}; #[test] fn move_guard_to_arm_body_range() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_unapplicable_in_arm_body); check_assist_not_applicable( move_guard_to_arm_body, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => $0false, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_guard_to_arm_body_target() { check_assist_target( move_guard_to_arm_body, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x $0if x > 10 => false, _ => true } } "#, r#"if x > 10"#, ); } #[test] fn move_guard_to_arm_body_works() { check_assist( move_guard_to_arm_body, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x $0if x > 10 => false, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x > 10 { false }, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_let_guard_to_arm_body_works() { check_assist( move_guard_to_arm_body, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x $0if (let 1 = x) => false, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if (let 1 = x) { false }, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_guard_to_arm_body_works_complex_match() { check_assist( move_guard_to_arm_body, r#" fn main() { match 92 { $0x @ 4 | x @ 5 if x > 5 => true, _ => false } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x @ 4 | x @ 5 => if x > 5 { true }, _ => false } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x > 10$0 { false }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_in_block_to_match_guard_works() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_has_wildcard); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { $0if x > 10 { false } }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_in_block_to_match_guard_no_wildcard_works() { cov_mark::check_count!(move_guard_ifelse_has_wildcard, 0); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { $0if x > 10 { false } } } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => {} } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_in_block_to_match_guard_wildcard_guard_works() { cov_mark::check_count!(move_guard_ifelse_has_wildcard, 0); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { $0if x > 10 { false } } _ if x > 10 => true, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => {} _ if x > 10 => true, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_in_block_to_match_guard_add_comma_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { $0if x > 10 { false } } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_if_let_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if let 62 = x $0&& true { false }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if let 62 = x && true => false, _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_if_empty_body_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x $0> 10 { }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => { } _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_if_multiline_body_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if$0 x > 10 { 92; false }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => { 92; false } _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_in_block_to_match_guard_if_multiline_body_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { if x > $010 { 92; false } } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => { 92; false } _ => true } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x > $010 { false } else { true } _ => true, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => true, _ => true, } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_block_works() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_expr_only); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { if x $0> 10 { false } else { true } } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => true, _ => true } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_else_if_empty_body_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x > $010 { } else { }, _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => { } x => { } _ => true } } "#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_multiline_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if$0 x > 10 { 92; false } else { true } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => { 92; false } x => true, _ => true } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_multiline_else_works() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_else_block); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => if x $0> 10 { false } else { 42; true } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => { 42; true } _ => true } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_multiline_else_block_works() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_in_block); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x => { if x > $010 { false } else { 42; true } } _ => true } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { x if x > 10 => false, x => { 42; true } _ => true } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_last_arm_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x => { if x > $010 { false } else { 92; true } } } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x if x > 10 => false, x => { 92; true } } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_with_else_comma_works() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x => if x > $010 { false } else { 92; true }, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x if x > 10 => false, x => { 92; true } } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_elseif() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x => if x $0> 10 { false } else if x > 5 { true } else if x > 4 { false } else { true }, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x if x > 10 => false, x if x > 5 => true, x if x > 4 => false, x => true, } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_elseif_in_block() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_in_block); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x => { if x > $010 { false } else if x > 5 { true } else if x > 4 { false } else { true } } } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => true, x if x > 10 => false, x if x > 5 => true, x if x > 4 => false, x => true, } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_elseif_chain() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_else_tail); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x => if x $0> 10 { 1 } else if x > 5 { 2 } else if x > 3 { 42; 3 } else { 4 }, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x if x > 10 => 1, x if x > 5 => 2, x if x > 3 => { 42; 3 } x => 4, } } "#, ) } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_elseif_iflet() { check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x => if x $0> 10 { 1 } else if x > 5 { 2 } else if let 4 = 4 { 42; 3 } else { 4 }, } }"#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x if x > 10 => 1, x if x > 5 => 2, x if let 4 = 4 => { 42; 3 } x => 4, } }"#, ); } #[test] fn move_arm_cond_to_match_guard_elseif_notail() { cov_mark::check!(move_guard_ifelse_notail); check_assist( move_arm_cond_to_match_guard, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x => if x > $010 { 1 } else if x > 5 { 2 } else if x > 4 { 42; 3 }, } } "#, r#" fn main() { match 92 { 3 => 0, x if x > 10 => 1, x if x > 5 => 2, x if x > 4 => { 42; 3 } x => {} } } "#, ) } }