//! Checks for usage of `&Vec[_]` and `&String`. use clippy_utils::diagnostics::{span_lint, span_lint_and_sugg, span_lint_and_then, span_lint_hir_and_then}; use clippy_utils::source::snippet_opt; use clippy_utils::ty::expr_sig; use clippy_utils::visitors::contains_unsafe_block; use clippy_utils::{get_expr_use_or_unification_node, is_lint_allowed, path_def_id, path_to_local, paths}; use if_chain::if_chain; use rustc_errors::{Applicability, MultiSpan}; use rustc_hir::def_id::DefId; use rustc_hir::hir_id::HirIdMap; use rustc_hir::intravisit::{walk_expr, Visitor}; use rustc_hir::{ self as hir, AnonConst, BinOpKind, BindingAnnotation, Body, Expr, ExprKind, FnRetTy, FnSig, GenericArg, ImplItemKind, ItemKind, Lifetime, Mutability, Node, Param, PatKind, QPath, TraitFn, TraitItem, TraitItemKind, TyKind, Unsafety, }; use rustc_infer::infer::TyCtxtInferExt; use rustc_infer::traits::{Obligation, ObligationCause}; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass}; use rustc_middle::hir::nested_filter; use rustc_middle::ty::{self, Binder, Clause, ExistentialPredicate, List, PredicateKind, Ty}; use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint}; use rustc_span::source_map::Span; use rustc_span::sym; use rustc_span::symbol::Symbol; use rustc_trait_selection::infer::InferCtxtExt as _; use rustc_trait_selection::traits::query::evaluate_obligation::InferCtxtExt as _; use std::fmt; use std::iter; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// This lint checks for function arguments of type `&String`, `&Vec`, /// `&PathBuf`, and `Cow<_>`. It will also suggest you replace `.clone()` calls /// with the appropriate `.to_owned()`/`to_string()` calls. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Requiring the argument to be of the specific size /// makes the function less useful for no benefit; slices in the form of `&[T]` /// or `&str` usually suffice and can be obtained from other types, too. /// /// ### Known problems /// There may be `fn(&Vec)`-typed references pointing to your function. /// If you have them, you will get a compiler error after applying this lint's /// suggestions. You then have the choice to undo your changes or change the /// type of the reference. /// /// Note that if the function is part of your public interface, there may be /// other crates referencing it, of which you may not be aware. Carefully /// deprecate the function before applying the lint suggestions in this case. /// /// ### Example /// ```ignore /// fn foo(&Vec) { .. } /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```ignore /// fn foo(&[u32]) { .. } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"] pub PTR_ARG, style, "fn arguments of the type `&Vec<...>` or `&String`, suggesting to use `&[...]` or `&str` instead, respectively" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// This lint checks for equality comparisons with `ptr::null` /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// It's easier and more readable to use the inherent /// `.is_null()` /// method instead /// /// ### Example /// ```rust,ignore /// use std::ptr; /// /// if x == ptr::null { /// // .. /// } /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```rust,ignore /// if x.is_null() { /// // .. /// } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"] pub CMP_NULL, style, "comparing a pointer to a null pointer, suggesting to use `.is_null()` instead" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// This lint checks for functions that take immutable references and return /// mutable ones. This will not trigger if no unsafe code exists as there /// are multiple safe functions which will do this transformation /// /// To be on the conservative side, if there's at least one mutable /// reference with the output lifetime, this lint will not trigger. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// Creating a mutable reference which can be repeatably derived from an /// immutable reference is unsound as it allows creating multiple live /// mutable references to the same object. /// /// This [error](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/39465) actually /// lead to an interim Rust release 1.15.1. /// /// ### Known problems /// This pattern is used by memory allocators to allow allocating multiple /// objects while returning mutable references to each one. So long as /// different mutable references are returned each time such a function may /// be safe. /// /// ### Example /// ```ignore /// fn foo(&Foo) -> &mut Bar { .. } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "pre 1.29.0"] pub MUT_FROM_REF, correctness, "fns that create mutable refs from immutable ref args" } declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// This lint checks for invalid usages of `ptr::null`. /// /// ### Why is this bad? /// This causes undefined behavior. /// /// ### Example /// ```ignore /// // Undefined behavior /// unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(ptr::null(), 0); } /// ``` /// /// Use instead: /// ```ignore /// unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(NonNull::dangling().as_ptr(), 0); } /// ``` #[clippy::version = "1.53.0"] pub INVALID_NULL_PTR_USAGE, correctness, "invalid usage of a null pointer, suggesting `NonNull::dangling()` instead" } declare_lint_pass!(Ptr => [PTR_ARG, CMP_NULL, MUT_FROM_REF, INVALID_NULL_PTR_USAGE]); impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for Ptr { fn check_trait_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx TraitItem<'_>) { if let TraitItemKind::Fn(sig, trait_method) = &item.kind { if matches!(trait_method, TraitFn::Provided(_)) { // Handled by check body. return; } check_mut_from_ref(cx, sig, None); for arg in check_fn_args( cx, cx.tcx.fn_sig(item.owner_id).subst_identity().skip_binder().inputs(), sig.decl.inputs, &[], ) .filter(|arg| arg.mutability() == Mutability::Not) { span_lint_hir_and_then(cx, PTR_ARG, arg.emission_id, arg.span, &arg.build_msg(), |diag| { diag.span_suggestion( arg.span, "change this to", format!("{}{}", arg.ref_prefix, arg.deref_ty.display(cx)), Applicability::Unspecified, ); }); } } } fn check_body(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, body: &'tcx Body<'_>) { let hir = cx.tcx.hir(); let mut parents = hir.parent_iter(body.value.hir_id); let (item_id, sig, is_trait_item) = match parents.next() { Some((_, Node::Item(i))) => { if let ItemKind::Fn(sig, ..) = &i.kind { (i.owner_id, sig, false) } else { return; } }, Some((_, Node::ImplItem(i))) => { if !matches!(parents.next(), Some((_, Node::Item(i))) if matches!(&i.kind, ItemKind::Impl(i) if i.of_trait.is_none()) ) { return; } if let ImplItemKind::Fn(sig, _) = &i.kind { (i.owner_id, sig, false) } else { return; } }, Some((_, Node::TraitItem(i))) => { if let TraitItemKind::Fn(sig, _) = &i.kind { (i.owner_id, sig, true) } else { return; } }, _ => return, }; check_mut_from_ref(cx, sig, Some(body)); let decl = sig.decl; let sig = cx.tcx.fn_sig(item_id).subst_identity().skip_binder(); let lint_args: Vec<_> = check_fn_args(cx, sig.inputs(), decl.inputs, body.params) .filter(|arg| !is_trait_item || arg.mutability() == Mutability::Not) .collect(); let results = check_ptr_arg_usage(cx, body, &lint_args); for (result, args) in results.iter().zip(lint_args.iter()).filter(|(r, _)| !r.skip) { span_lint_hir_and_then(cx, PTR_ARG, args.emission_id, args.span, &args.build_msg(), |diag| { diag.multipart_suggestion( "change this to", iter::once((args.span, format!("{}{}", args.ref_prefix, args.deref_ty.display(cx)))) .chain(result.replacements.iter().map(|r| { ( r.expr_span, format!("{}{}", snippet_opt(cx, r.self_span).unwrap(), r.replacement), ) })) .collect(), Applicability::Unspecified, ); }); } } fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) { if let ExprKind::Binary(ref op, l, r) = expr.kind { if (op.node == BinOpKind::Eq || op.node == BinOpKind::Ne) && (is_null_path(cx, l) || is_null_path(cx, r)) { span_lint( cx, CMP_NULL, expr.span, "comparing with null is better expressed by the `.is_null()` method", ); } } else { check_invalid_ptr_usage(cx, expr); } } } fn check_invalid_ptr_usage<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx Expr<'_>) { // (fn_path, arg_indices) - `arg_indices` are the `arg` positions where null would cause U.B. const INVALID_NULL_PTR_USAGE_TABLE: [(&[&str], &[usize]); 16] = [ (&paths::SLICE_FROM_RAW_PARTS, &[0]), (&paths::SLICE_FROM_RAW_PARTS_MUT, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_COPY, &[0, 1]), (&paths::PTR_COPY_NONOVERLAPPING, &[0, 1]), (&paths::PTR_READ, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_READ_UNALIGNED, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_READ_VOLATILE, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_REPLACE, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_SLICE_FROM_RAW_PARTS, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_SLICE_FROM_RAW_PARTS_MUT, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_SWAP, &[0, 1]), (&paths::PTR_SWAP_NONOVERLAPPING, &[0, 1]), (&paths::PTR_WRITE, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_WRITE_UNALIGNED, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_WRITE_VOLATILE, &[0]), (&paths::PTR_WRITE_BYTES, &[0]), ]; if_chain! { if let ExprKind::Call(fun, args) = expr.kind; if let ExprKind::Path(ref qpath) = fun.kind; if let Some(fun_def_id) = cx.qpath_res(qpath, fun.hir_id).opt_def_id(); let fun_def_path = cx.get_def_path(fun_def_id).into_iter().map(Symbol::to_ident_string).collect::>(); if let Some(&(_, arg_indices)) = INVALID_NULL_PTR_USAGE_TABLE .iter() .find(|&&(fn_path, _)| fn_path == fun_def_path); then { for &arg_idx in arg_indices { if let Some(arg) = args.get(arg_idx).filter(|arg| is_null_path(cx, arg)) { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, INVALID_NULL_PTR_USAGE, arg.span, "pointer must be non-null", "change this to", "core::ptr::NonNull::dangling().as_ptr()".to_string(), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); } } } } } #[derive(Default)] struct PtrArgResult { skip: bool, replacements: Vec, } struct PtrArgReplacement { expr_span: Span, self_span: Span, replacement: &'static str, } struct PtrArg<'tcx> { idx: usize, emission_id: hir::HirId, span: Span, ty_did: DefId, ty_name: Symbol, method_renames: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str)], ref_prefix: RefPrefix, deref_ty: DerefTy<'tcx>, } impl PtrArg<'_> { fn build_msg(&self) -> String { format!( "writing `&{}{}` instead of `&{}{}` involves a new object where a slice will do", self.ref_prefix.mutability.prefix_str(), self.ty_name, self.ref_prefix.mutability.prefix_str(), self.deref_ty.argless_str(), ) } fn mutability(&self) -> Mutability { self.ref_prefix.mutability } } struct RefPrefix { lt: Lifetime, mutability: Mutability, } impl fmt::Display for RefPrefix { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use fmt::Write; f.write_char('&')?; if !self.lt.is_anonymous() { self.lt.ident.fmt(f)?; f.write_char(' ')?; } f.write_str(self.mutability.prefix_str()) } } struct DerefTyDisplay<'a, 'tcx>(&'a LateContext<'tcx>, &'a DerefTy<'tcx>); impl fmt::Display for DerefTyDisplay<'_, '_> { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use std::fmt::Write; match self.1 { DerefTy::Str => f.write_str("str"), DerefTy::Path => f.write_str("Path"), DerefTy::Slice(hir_ty, ty) => { f.write_char('[')?; match hir_ty.and_then(|s| snippet_opt(self.0, s)) { Some(s) => f.write_str(&s)?, None => ty.fmt(f)?, } f.write_char(']') }, } } } enum DerefTy<'tcx> { Str, Path, Slice(Option, Ty<'tcx>), } impl<'tcx> DerefTy<'tcx> { fn ty(&self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> { match *self { Self::Str => cx.tcx.types.str_, Self::Path => cx.tcx.mk_adt( cx.tcx.adt_def(cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_item(sym::Path).unwrap()), List::empty(), ), Self::Slice(_, ty) => cx.tcx.mk_slice(ty), } } fn argless_str(&self) -> &'static str { match *self { Self::Str => "str", Self::Path => "Path", Self::Slice(..) => "[_]", } } fn display<'a>(&'a self, cx: &'a LateContext<'tcx>) -> DerefTyDisplay<'a, 'tcx> { DerefTyDisplay(cx, self) } } fn check_fn_args<'cx, 'tcx: 'cx>( cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>, tys: &'tcx [Ty<'tcx>], hir_tys: &'tcx [hir::Ty<'tcx>], params: &'tcx [Param<'tcx>], ) -> impl Iterator> + 'cx { tys.iter() .zip(hir_tys.iter()) .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, (ty, hir_ty))| { if_chain! { if let ty::Ref(_, ty, mutability) = *ty.kind(); if let ty::Adt(adt, substs) = *ty.kind(); if let TyKind::Ref(lt, ref ty) = hir_ty.kind; if let TyKind::Path(QPath::Resolved(None, path)) = ty.ty.kind; // Check that the name as typed matches the actual name of the type. // e.g. `fn foo(_: &Foo)` shouldn't trigger the lint when `Foo` is an alias for `Vec` if let [.., name] = path.segments; if cx.tcx.item_name(adt.did()) == name.ident.name; then { let emission_id = params.get(i).map_or(hir_ty.hir_id, |param| param.hir_id); let (method_renames, deref_ty) = match cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_name(adt.did()) { Some(sym::Vec) => ( [("clone", ".to_owned()")].as_slice(), DerefTy::Slice( name.args .and_then(|args| args.args.first()) .and_then(|arg| if let GenericArg::Type(ty) = arg { Some(ty.span) } else { None }), substs.type_at(0), ), ), _ if Some(adt.did()) == cx.tcx.lang_items().string() => ( [("clone", ".to_owned()"), ("as_str", "")].as_slice(), DerefTy::Str, ), Some(sym::PathBuf) => ( [("clone", ".to_path_buf()"), ("as_path", "")].as_slice(), DerefTy::Path, ), Some(sym::Cow) if mutability == Mutability::Not => { let ty_name = name.args .and_then(|args| { args.args.iter().find_map(|a| match a { GenericArg::Type(x) => Some(x), _ => None, }) }) .and_then(|arg| snippet_opt(cx, arg.span)) .unwrap_or_else(|| substs.type_at(1).to_string()); span_lint_hir_and_then( cx, PTR_ARG, emission_id, hir_ty.span, "using a reference to `Cow` is not recommended", |diag| { diag.span_suggestion( hir_ty.span, "change this to", format!("&{}{ty_name}", mutability.prefix_str()), Applicability::Unspecified, ); } ); return None; }, _ => return None, }; return Some(PtrArg { idx: i, emission_id, span: hir_ty.span, ty_did: adt.did(), ty_name: name.ident.name, method_renames, ref_prefix: RefPrefix { lt: *lt, mutability, }, deref_ty, }); } } None }) } fn check_mut_from_ref<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, sig: &FnSig<'_>, body: Option<&'tcx Body<'_>>) { if let FnRetTy::Return(ty) = sig.decl.output && let Some((out, Mutability::Mut, _)) = get_ref_lm(ty) { let out_region = cx.tcx.named_region(out.hir_id); let args: Option> = sig .decl .inputs .iter() .filter_map(get_ref_lm) .filter(|&(lt, _, _)| cx.tcx.named_region(lt.hir_id) == out_region) .map(|(_, mutability, span)| (mutability == Mutability::Not).then_some(span)) .collect(); if let Some(args) = args && !args.is_empty() && body.map_or(true, |body| { sig.header.unsafety == Unsafety::Unsafe || contains_unsafe_block(cx, body.value) }) { span_lint_and_then( cx, MUT_FROM_REF, ty.span, "mutable borrow from immutable input(s)", |diag| { let ms = MultiSpan::from_spans(args); diag.span_note(ms, "immutable borrow here"); }, ); } } } #[expect(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn check_ptr_arg_usage<'tcx>(cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, body: &'tcx Body<'_>, args: &[PtrArg<'tcx>]) -> Vec { struct V<'cx, 'tcx> { cx: &'cx LateContext<'tcx>, /// Map from a local id to which argument it came from (index into `Self::args` and /// `Self::results`) bindings: HirIdMap, /// The arguments being checked. args: &'cx [PtrArg<'tcx>], /// The results for each argument (len should match args.len) results: Vec, /// The number of arguments which can't be linted. Used to return early. skip_count: usize, } impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for V<'_, 'tcx> { type NestedFilter = nested_filter::OnlyBodies; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> Self::Map { self.cx.tcx.hir() } fn visit_anon_const(&mut self, _: &'tcx AnonConst) {} fn visit_expr(&mut self, e: &'tcx Expr<'_>) { if self.skip_count == self.args.len() { return; } // Check if this is local we care about let Some(&args_idx) = path_to_local(e).and_then(|id| self.bindings.get(&id)) else { return walk_expr(self, e); }; let args = &self.args[args_idx]; let result = &mut self.results[args_idx]; // Helper function to handle early returns. let mut set_skip_flag = || { if !result.skip { self.skip_count += 1; } result.skip = true; }; match get_expr_use_or_unification_node(self.cx.tcx, e) { Some((Node::Stmt(_), _)) => (), Some((Node::Local(l), _)) => { // Only trace simple bindings. e.g `let x = y;` if let PatKind::Binding(BindingAnnotation::NONE, id, _, None) = l.pat.kind { self.bindings.insert(id, args_idx); } else { set_skip_flag(); } }, Some((Node::Expr(e), child_id)) => match e.kind { ExprKind::Call(f, expr_args) => { let i = expr_args.iter().position(|arg| arg.hir_id == child_id).unwrap_or(0); if expr_sig(self.cx, f).and_then(|sig| sig.input(i)).map_or(true, |ty| { match *ty.skip_binder().peel_refs().kind() { ty::Dynamic(preds, _, _) => !matches_preds(self.cx, args.deref_ty.ty(self.cx), preds), ty::Param(_) => true, ty::Adt(def, _) => def.did() == args.ty_did, _ => false, } }) { // Passed to a function taking the non-dereferenced type. set_skip_flag(); } }, ExprKind::MethodCall(name, self_arg, expr_args, _) => { let i = std::iter::once(self_arg) .chain(expr_args.iter()) .position(|arg| arg.hir_id == child_id) .unwrap_or(0); if i == 0 { // Check if the method can be renamed. let name = name.ident.as_str(); if let Some((_, replacement)) = args.method_renames.iter().find(|&&(x, _)| x == name) { result.replacements.push(PtrArgReplacement { expr_span: e.span, self_span: self_arg.span, replacement, }); return; } } let Some(id) = self.cx.typeck_results().type_dependent_def_id(e.hir_id) else { set_skip_flag(); return; }; match *self.cx.tcx.fn_sig(id).subst_identity().skip_binder().inputs()[i].peel_refs().kind() { ty::Dynamic(preds, _, _) if !matches_preds(self.cx, args.deref_ty.ty(self.cx), preds) => { set_skip_flag(); }, ty::Param(_) => { set_skip_flag(); }, // If the types match check for methods which exist on both types. e.g. `Vec::len` and // `slice::len` ty::Adt(def, _) if def.did() == args.ty_did => { set_skip_flag(); }, _ => (), } }, // Indexing is fine for currently supported types. ExprKind::Index(e, _) if e.hir_id == child_id => (), _ => set_skip_flag(), }, _ => set_skip_flag(), } } } let mut skip_count = 0; let mut results = args.iter().map(|_| PtrArgResult::default()).collect::>(); let mut v = V { cx, bindings: args .iter() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(i, arg)| { let param = &body.params[arg.idx]; match param.pat.kind { PatKind::Binding(BindingAnnotation::NONE, id, _, None) if !is_lint_allowed(cx, PTR_ARG, param.hir_id) => { Some((id, i)) }, _ => { skip_count += 1; results[i].skip = true; None }, } }) .collect(), args, results, skip_count, }; v.visit_expr(body.value); v.results } fn matches_preds<'tcx>( cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, ty: Ty<'tcx>, preds: &'tcx [ty::PolyExistentialPredicate<'tcx>], ) -> bool { let infcx = cx.tcx.infer_ctxt().build(); preds.iter().all(|&p| match cx.tcx.erase_late_bound_regions(p) { ExistentialPredicate::Trait(p) => infcx .type_implements_trait(p.def_id, [ty.into()].into_iter().chain(p.substs.iter()), cx.param_env) .must_apply_modulo_regions(), ExistentialPredicate::Projection(p) => infcx.predicate_must_hold_modulo_regions(&Obligation::new( cx.tcx, ObligationCause::dummy(), cx.param_env, cx.tcx .mk_predicate(Binder::dummy(PredicateKind::Clause(Clause::Projection( p.with_self_ty(cx.tcx, ty), )))), )), ExistentialPredicate::AutoTrait(p) => infcx .type_implements_trait(p, [ty], cx.param_env) .must_apply_modulo_regions(), }) } fn get_ref_lm<'tcx>(ty: &'tcx hir::Ty<'tcx>) -> Option<(&'tcx Lifetime, Mutability, Span)> { if let TyKind::Ref(lt, ref m) = ty.kind { Some((lt, m.mutbl, ty.span)) } else { None } } fn is_null_path(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &Expr<'_>) -> bool { if let ExprKind::Call(pathexp, []) = expr.kind { path_def_id(cx, pathexp).map_or(false, |id| { matches!(cx.tcx.get_diagnostic_name(id), Some(sym::ptr_null | sym::ptr_null_mut)) }) } else { false } }