use hir::Semantics; use ide_db::RootDatabase; use syntax::ast::{edit::AstNodeEdit, AstNode, HasName, LetStmt, Name, Pat}; use syntax::T; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; /// Gets a list of binders in a pattern, and whether they are mut. fn binders_in_pat( acc: &mut Vec<(Name, bool)>, pat: &Pat, sem: &Semantics, ) -> Option<()> { use Pat::*; match pat { IdentPat(p) => { let ident =; let ismut = p.ref_token().is_none() && p.mut_token().is_some(); acc.push((ident, ismut)); if let Some(inner) = p.pat() { binders_in_pat(acc, &inner, sem)?; } Some(()) } BoxPat(p) => p.pat().and_then(|p| binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)), RestPat(_) | LiteralPat(_) | PathPat(_) | WildcardPat(_) | ConstBlockPat(_) => Some(()), OrPat(p) => { for p in p.pats() { binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)?; } Some(()) } ParenPat(p) => p.pat().and_then(|p| binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)), RangePat(p) => { if let Some(st) = p.start() { binders_in_pat(acc, &st, sem)? } if let Some(ed) = p.end() { binders_in_pat(acc, &ed, sem)? } Some(()) } RecordPat(p) => { for f in p.record_pat_field_list()?.fields() { let pat = f.pat()?; binders_in_pat(acc, &pat, sem)?; } Some(()) } RefPat(p) => p.pat().and_then(|p| binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)), SlicePat(p) => { for p in p.pats() { binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)?; } Some(()) } TuplePat(p) => { for p in p.fields() { binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)?; } Some(()) } TupleStructPat(p) => { for p in p.fields() { binders_in_pat(acc, &p, sem)?; } Some(()) } // don't support macro pat yet MacroPat(_) => None, } } fn binders_to_str(binders: &[(Name, bool)], addmut: bool) -> String { let vars = binders .iter() .map( |(ident, ismut)| { if *ismut && addmut { format!("mut {}", ident) } else { ident.to_string() } }, ) .collect::>() .join(", "); if binders.is_empty() { String::from("{}") } else if binders.len() == 1 { vars } else { format!("({})", vars) } } // Assist: convert_let_else_to_match // // Converts let-else statement to let statement and match expression. // // ``` // fn main() { // let Ok(mut x) = f() else$0 { return }; // } // ``` // -> // ``` // fn main() { // let mut x = match f() { // Ok(x) => x, // _ => return, // }; // } // ``` pub(crate) fn convert_let_else_to_match(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Option<()> { // should focus on else token to trigger let else_token = ctx.find_token_syntax_at_offset(T![else])?; let let_stmt = LetStmt::cast(else_token.parent()?.parent()?)?; let let_else_block = let_stmt.let_else()?.block_expr()?; let let_init = let_stmt.initializer()?; if let_stmt.ty().is_some() { // don't support let with type annotation return None; } let pat = let_stmt.pat()?; let mut binders = Vec::new(); binders_in_pat(&mut binders, &pat, &ctx.sema)?; let target = let_stmt.syntax().text_range(); acc.add( AssistId("convert_let_else_to_match", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Convert let-else to let and match", target, |edit| { let indent_level = let_stmt.indent_level().0 as usize; let indent = " ".repeat(indent_level); let indent1 = " ".repeat(indent_level + 1); let binders_str = binders_to_str(&binders, false); let binders_str_mut = binders_to_str(&binders, true); let init_expr = let_init.syntax().text(); let mut pat_no_mut = pat.syntax().text().to_string(); // remove the mut from the pattern for (b, ismut) in binders.iter() { if *ismut { pat_no_mut = pat_no_mut.replace(&format!("mut {b}"), &b.to_string()); } } let only_expr = let_else_block.statements().next().is_none(); let branch2 = match &let_else_block.tail_expr() { Some(tail) if only_expr => format!("{},", tail.syntax().text()), _ => let_else_block.syntax().text().to_string(), }; let replace = if binders.is_empty() { format!( "match {init_expr} {{ {indent1}{pat_no_mut} => {binders_str} {indent1}_ => {branch2} {indent}}}" ) } else { format!( "let {binders_str_mut} = match {init_expr} {{ {indent1}{pat_no_mut} => {binders_str}, {indent1}_ => {branch2} {indent}}};" ) }; edit.replace(target, replace); }, ) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable, check_assist_target}; #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_no_type_let() { check_assist_not_applicable( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let 1: u32 = v.iter().sum() else$0 { return }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_on_else() { check_assist_not_applicable( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let Ok(x) = f() else {$0 return }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_no_macropat() { check_assist_not_applicable( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let m!() = g() else$0 { return }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_target() { check_assist_target( convert_let_else_to_match, r" fn main() { let Ok(x) = f() else$0 { continue }; }", "let Ok(x) = f() else { continue };", ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_basic() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r" fn main() { let Ok(x) = f() else$0 { continue }; }", r" fn main() { let x = match f() { Ok(x) => x, _ => continue, }; }", ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_mut() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r" fn main() { let Ok(mut x) = f() el$0se { continue }; }", r" fn main() { let mut x = match f() { Ok(x) => x, _ => continue, }; }", ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_multi_binders() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let ControlFlow::Break((x, "tag", y, ..)) = f() else$0 { g(); return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let (x, y) = match f() { ControlFlow::Break((x, "tag", y, ..)) => (x, y), _ => { g(); return } }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_slice() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let [one, 1001, other] = f() else$0 { break }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let (one, other) = match f() { [one, 1001, other] => (one, other), _ => break, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_struct() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let [Struct { inner: Some(it) }, 1001, other] = f() else$0 { break }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let (it, other) = match f() { [Struct { inner: Some(it) }, 1001, other] => (it, other), _ => break, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_struct_ident_pat() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let [Struct { inner }, 1001, other] = f() else$0 { break }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let (inner, other) = match f() { [Struct { inner }, 1001, other] => (inner, other), _ => break, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_no_binder() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let (8 | 9) = f() else$0 { panic!() }; }"#, r#" fn main() { match f() { (8 | 9) => {} _ => panic!(), } }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_range() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let 1.. = f() e$0lse { return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { match f() { 1.. => {} _ => return, } }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_refpat() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let Ok(&mut x) = f(&mut 0) else$0 { return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let x = match f(&mut 0) { Ok(&mut x) => x, _ => return, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_refmut() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let Ok(ref mut x) = f() else$0 { return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let x = match f() { Ok(ref mut x) => x, _ => return, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_atpat() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let out @ Ok(ins) = f() else$0 { return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let (out, ins) = match f() { out @ Ok(ins) => (out, ins), _ => return, }; }"#, ); } #[test] fn convert_let_else_to_match_complex_init() { check_assist( convert_let_else_to_match, r#" fn main() { let v = vec![1, 2, 3]; let &[mut x, y, ..] = &v.iter().collect::>()[..] else$0 { return }; }"#, r#" fn main() { let v = vec![1, 2, 3]; let (mut x, y) = match &v.iter().collect::>()[..] { &[x, y, ..] => (x, y), _ => return, }; }"#, ); } }