//! The main loop of `rust-analyzer` responsible for dispatching LSP //! requests/replies and notifications back to the client. use std::{ fmt, ops::Deref, sync::Arc, time::{Duration, Instant}, }; use always_assert::always; use crossbeam_channel::{select, Receiver}; use flycheck::FlycheckHandle; use ide_db::base_db::{SourceDatabaseExt, VfsPath}; use itertools::Itertools; use lsp_server::{Connection, Notification, Request}; use lsp_types::notification::Notification as _; use vfs::{ChangeKind, FileId}; use crate::{ config::Config, dispatch::{NotificationDispatcher, RequestDispatcher}, from_proto, global_state::{file_id_to_url, url_to_file_id, GlobalState}, handlers, lsp_ext, lsp_utils::{apply_document_changes, notification_is, Progress}, mem_docs::DocumentData, reload::{self, BuildDataProgress, ProjectWorkspaceProgress}, Result, }; pub fn main_loop(config: Config, connection: Connection) -> Result<()> { tracing::info!("initial config: {:#?}", config); // Windows scheduler implements priority boosts: if thread waits for an // event (like a condvar), and event fires, priority of the thread is // temporary bumped. This optimization backfires in our case: each time the // `main_loop` schedules a task to run on a threadpool, the worker threads // gets a higher priority, and (on a machine with fewer cores) displaces the // main loop! We work-around this by marking the main loop as a // higher-priority thread. // // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/scheduling-priorities // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/priority-boosts // https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/2835 #[cfg(windows)] unsafe { use winapi::um::processthreadsapi::*; let thread = GetCurrentThread(); let thread_priority_above_normal = 1; SetThreadPriority(thread, thread_priority_above_normal); } GlobalState::new(connection.sender, config).run(connection.receiver) } enum Event { Lsp(lsp_server::Message), Task(Task), Vfs(vfs::loader::Message), Flycheck(flycheck::Message), } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum Task { Response(lsp_server::Response), Retry(lsp_server::Request), Diagnostics(Vec<(FileId, Vec)>), PrimeCaches(PrimeCachesProgress), FetchWorkspace(ProjectWorkspaceProgress), FetchBuildData(BuildDataProgress), } #[derive(Debug)] pub(crate) enum PrimeCachesProgress { Begin, Report(ide::ParallelPrimeCachesProgress), End { cancelled: bool }, } impl fmt::Debug for Event { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { let debug_verbose_not = |not: &Notification, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>| { f.debug_struct("Notification").field("method", ¬.method).finish() }; match self { Event::Lsp(lsp_server::Message::Notification(not)) => { if notification_is::(not) || notification_is::(not) { return debug_verbose_not(not, f); } } Event::Task(Task::Response(resp)) => { return f .debug_struct("Response") .field("id", &resp.id) .field("error", &resp.error) .finish(); } _ => (), } match self { Event::Lsp(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Task(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Vfs(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), Event::Flycheck(it) => fmt::Debug::fmt(it, f), } } } impl GlobalState { fn run(mut self, inbox: Receiver) -> Result<()> { if self.config.linked_projects().is_empty() && self.config.detached_files().is_empty() && self.config.notifications().cargo_toml_not_found { self.show_and_log_error("rust-analyzer failed to discover workspace".to_string(), None); }; if self.config.did_save_text_document_dynamic_registration() { let save_registration_options = lsp_types::TextDocumentSaveRegistrationOptions { include_text: Some(false), text_document_registration_options: lsp_types::TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { document_selector: Some(vec![ lsp_types::DocumentFilter { language: None, scheme: None, pattern: Some("**/*.rs".into()), }, lsp_types::DocumentFilter { language: None, scheme: None, pattern: Some("**/Cargo.toml".into()), }, lsp_types::DocumentFilter { language: None, scheme: None, pattern: Some("**/Cargo.lock".into()), }, ]), }, }; let registration = lsp_types::Registration { id: "textDocument/didSave".to_string(), method: "textDocument/didSave".to_string(), register_options: Some(serde_json::to_value(save_registration_options).unwrap()), }; self.send_request::( lsp_types::RegistrationParams { registrations: vec![registration] }, |_, _| (), ); } self.fetch_workspaces_queue.request_op("startup".to_string()); if let Some(cause) = self.fetch_workspaces_queue.should_start_op() { self.fetch_workspaces(cause); } while let Some(event) = self.next_event(&inbox) { if let Event::Lsp(lsp_server::Message::Notification(not)) = &event { if not.method == lsp_types::notification::Exit::METHOD { return Ok(()); } } self.handle_event(event)? } Err("client exited without proper shutdown sequence".into()) } fn next_event(&self, inbox: &Receiver) -> Option { select! { recv(inbox) -> msg => msg.ok().map(Event::Lsp), recv(self.task_pool.receiver) -> task => Some(Event::Task(task.unwrap())), recv(self.loader.receiver) -> task => Some(Event::Vfs(task.unwrap())), recv(self.flycheck_receiver) -> task => Some(Event::Flycheck(task.unwrap())), } } fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event) -> Result<()> { let loop_start = Instant::now(); // NOTE: don't count blocking select! call as a loop-turn time let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::handle_event"); tracing::debug!("{:?} handle_event({:?})", loop_start, event); let task_queue_len = self.task_pool.handle.len(); if task_queue_len > 0 { tracing::info!("task queue len: {}", task_queue_len); } let was_quiescent = self.is_quiescent(); match event { Event::Lsp(msg) => match msg { lsp_server::Message::Request(req) => self.on_new_request(loop_start, req), lsp_server::Message::Notification(not) => { self.on_notification(not)?; } lsp_server::Message::Response(resp) => self.complete_request(resp), }, Event::Task(task) => { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::handle_event/task"); let mut prime_caches_progress = Vec::new(); self.handle_task(&mut prime_caches_progress, task); // Coalesce multiple task events into one loop turn while let Ok(task) = self.task_pool.receiver.try_recv() { self.handle_task(&mut prime_caches_progress, task); } for progress in prime_caches_progress { let (state, message, fraction); match progress { PrimeCachesProgress::Begin => { state = Progress::Begin; message = None; fraction = 0.0; } PrimeCachesProgress::Report(report) => { state = Progress::Report; message = match &report.crates_currently_indexing[..] { [crate_name] => Some(format!( "{}/{} ({})", report.crates_done, report.crates_total, crate_name )), [crate_name, rest @ ..] => Some(format!( "{}/{} ({} + {} more)", report.crates_done, report.crates_total, crate_name, rest.len() )), _ => None, }; fraction = Progress::fraction(report.crates_done, report.crates_total); } PrimeCachesProgress::End { cancelled } => { state = Progress::End; message = None; fraction = 1.0; self.prime_caches_queue.op_completed(()); if cancelled { self.prime_caches_queue .request_op("restart after cancellation".to_string()); } } }; self.report_progress("Indexing", state, message, Some(fraction), None); } } Event::Vfs(message) => { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::handle_event/vfs"); self.handle_vfs_msg(message); // Coalesce many VFS event into a single loop turn while let Ok(message) = self.loader.receiver.try_recv() { self.handle_vfs_msg(message); } } Event::Flycheck(message) => { let _p = profile::span("GlobalState::handle_event/flycheck"); self.handle_flycheck_msg(message); // Coalesce many flycheck updates into a single loop turn while let Ok(message) = self.flycheck_receiver.try_recv() { self.handle_flycheck_msg(message); } } } let state_changed = self.process_changes(); let memdocs_added_or_removed = self.mem_docs.take_changes(); if self.is_quiescent() { let became_quiescent = !(was_quiescent || self.fetch_workspaces_queue.op_requested() || self.fetch_build_data_queue.op_requested()); if became_quiescent { // Project has loaded properly, kick off initial flycheck self.flycheck.iter().for_each(FlycheckHandle::restart); if self.config.prefill_caches() { self.prime_caches_queue.request_op("became quiescent".to_string()); } } if !was_quiescent || state_changed { // Refresh semantic tokens if the client supports it. if self.config.semantic_tokens_refresh() { self.semantic_tokens_cache.lock().clear(); self.send_request::((), |_, _| ()); } // Refresh code lens if the client supports it. if self.config.code_lens_refresh() { self.send_request::((), |_, _| ()); } } if !was_quiescent || state_changed || memdocs_added_or_removed { if self.config.publish_diagnostics() { self.update_diagnostics() } } } if let Some(diagnostic_changes) = self.diagnostics.take_changes() { for file_id in diagnostic_changes { let db = self.analysis_host.raw_database(); let source_root = db.file_source_root(file_id); if db.source_root(source_root).is_library { // Only publish diagnostics for files in the workspace, not from crates.io deps // or the sysroot. // While theoretically these should never have errors, we have quite a few false // positives particularly in the stdlib, and those diagnostics would stay around // forever if we emitted them here. continue; } let uri = file_id_to_url(&self.vfs.read().0, file_id); let mut diagnostics = self.diagnostics.diagnostics_for(file_id).cloned().collect::>(); // VSCode assumes diagnostic messages to be non-empty strings, so we need to patch // empty diagnostics. Neither the docs of VSCode nor the LSP spec say whether // diagnostic messages are actually allowed to be empty or not and patching this // in the VSCode client does not work as the assertion happens in the protocol // conversion. So this hack is here to stay, and will be considered a hack // until the LSP decides to state that empty messages are allowed. // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/11404 // See https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-analyzer/issues/13130 let patch_empty = |message: &mut String| { if message.is_empty() { *message = " ".to_string(); } }; for d in &mut diagnostics { patch_empty(&mut d.message); if let Some(dri) = &mut d.related_information { for dri in dri { patch_empty(&mut dri.message); } } } let version = from_proto::vfs_path(&uri) .map(|path| self.mem_docs.get(&path).map(|it| it.version)) .unwrap_or_default(); self.send_notification::( lsp_types::PublishDiagnosticsParams { uri, diagnostics, version }, ); } } if self.config.cargo_autoreload() { if let Some(cause) = self.fetch_workspaces_queue.should_start_op() { self.fetch_workspaces(cause); } } if !self.fetch_workspaces_queue.op_in_progress() { if let Some(cause) = self.fetch_build_data_queue.should_start_op() { self.fetch_build_data(cause); } } if let Some(cause) = self.prime_caches_queue.should_start_op() { tracing::debug!(%cause, "will prime caches"); let num_worker_threads = self.config.prime_caches_num_threads(); self.task_pool.handle.spawn_with_sender({ let analysis = self.snapshot().analysis; move |sender| { sender.send(Task::PrimeCaches(PrimeCachesProgress::Begin)).unwrap(); let res = analysis.parallel_prime_caches(num_worker_threads, |progress| { let report = PrimeCachesProgress::Report(progress); sender.send(Task::PrimeCaches(report)).unwrap(); }); sender .send(Task::PrimeCaches(PrimeCachesProgress::End { cancelled: res.is_err(), })) .unwrap(); } }); } let status = self.current_status(); if self.last_reported_status.as_ref() != Some(&status) { self.last_reported_status = Some(status.clone()); if let (lsp_ext::Health::Error, Some(message)) = (status.health, &status.message) { self.show_message(lsp_types::MessageType::ERROR, message.clone()); } if self.config.server_status_notification() { self.send_notification::(status); } } let loop_duration = loop_start.elapsed(); if loop_duration > Duration::from_millis(100) && was_quiescent { tracing::warn!("overly long loop turn: {:?}", loop_duration); self.poke_rust_analyzer_developer(format!( "overly long loop turn: {:?}", loop_duration )); } Ok(()) } fn handle_task(&mut self, prime_caches_progress: &mut Vec, task: Task) { match task { Task::Response(response) => self.respond(response), // Only retry requests that haven't been cancelled. Otherwise we do unnecessary work. Task::Retry(req) if !self.is_completed(&req) => self.on_request(req), Task::Retry(_) => (), Task::Diagnostics(diagnostics_per_file) => { for (file_id, diagnostics) in diagnostics_per_file { self.diagnostics.set_native_diagnostics(file_id, diagnostics) } } Task::PrimeCaches(progress) => match progress { PrimeCachesProgress::Begin => prime_caches_progress.push(progress), PrimeCachesProgress::Report(_) => { match prime_caches_progress.last_mut() { Some(last @ PrimeCachesProgress::Report(_)) => { // Coalesce subsequent update events. *last = progress; } _ => prime_caches_progress.push(progress), } } PrimeCachesProgress::End { .. } => prime_caches_progress.push(progress), }, Task::FetchWorkspace(progress) => { let (state, msg) = match progress { ProjectWorkspaceProgress::Begin => (Progress::Begin, None), ProjectWorkspaceProgress::Report(msg) => (Progress::Report, Some(msg)), ProjectWorkspaceProgress::End(workspaces) => { self.fetch_workspaces_queue.op_completed(Some(workspaces)); let old = Arc::clone(&self.workspaces); self.switch_workspaces("fetched workspace".to_string()); let workspaces_updated = !Arc::ptr_eq(&old, &self.workspaces); if self.config.run_build_scripts() && workspaces_updated { self.fetch_build_data_queue.request_op(format!("workspace updated")); } (Progress::End, None) } }; self.report_progress("Fetching", state, msg, None, None); } Task::FetchBuildData(progress) => { let (state, msg) = match progress { BuildDataProgress::Begin => (Some(Progress::Begin), None), BuildDataProgress::Report(msg) => (Some(Progress::Report), Some(msg)), BuildDataProgress::End(build_data_result) => { self.fetch_build_data_queue.op_completed(build_data_result); self.switch_workspaces("fetched build data".to_string()); (Some(Progress::End), None) } }; if let Some(state) = state { self.report_progress("Loading", state, msg, None, None); } } } } fn handle_vfs_msg(&mut self, message: vfs::loader::Message) { match message { vfs::loader::Message::Loaded { files } => { let vfs = &mut self.vfs.write().0; for (path, contents) in files { let path = VfsPath::from(path); if !self.mem_docs.contains(&path) { vfs.set_file_contents(path, contents); } } } vfs::loader::Message::Progress { n_total, n_done, config_version } => { always!(config_version <= self.vfs_config_version); self.vfs_progress_config_version = config_version; self.vfs_progress_n_total = n_total; self.vfs_progress_n_done = n_done; let state = if n_done == 0 { Progress::Begin } else if n_done < n_total { Progress::Report } else { assert_eq!(n_done, n_total); Progress::End }; self.report_progress( "Roots Scanned", state, Some(format!("{}/{}", n_done, n_total)), Some(Progress::fraction(n_done, n_total)), None, ) } } } fn handle_flycheck_msg(&mut self, message: flycheck::Message) { match message { flycheck::Message::AddDiagnostic { id, workspace_root, diagnostic } => { let snap = self.snapshot(); let diagnostics = crate::diagnostics::to_proto::map_rust_diagnostic_to_lsp( &self.config.diagnostics_map(), &diagnostic, &workspace_root, &snap, ); for diag in diagnostics { match url_to_file_id(&self.vfs.read().0, &diag.url) { Ok(file_id) => self.diagnostics.add_check_diagnostic( id, file_id, diag.diagnostic, diag.fix, ), Err(err) => { tracing::error!( "flycheck {id}: File with cargo diagnostic not found in VFS: {}", err ); } }; } } flycheck::Message::Progress { id, progress } => { let (state, message) = match progress { flycheck::Progress::DidStart => { self.diagnostics.clear_check(id); (Progress::Begin, None) } flycheck::Progress::DidCheckCrate(target) => (Progress::Report, Some(target)), flycheck::Progress::DidCancel => (Progress::End, None), flycheck::Progress::DidFailToRestart(err) => { self.show_and_log_error( "cargo check failed".to_string(), Some(err.to_string()), ); return; } flycheck::Progress::DidFinish(result) => { if let Err(err) = result { self.show_and_log_error( "cargo check failed".to_string(), Some(err.to_string()), ); } (Progress::End, None) } }; // When we're running multiple flychecks, we have to include a disambiguator in // the title, or the editor complains. Note that this is a user-facing string. let title = if self.flycheck.len() == 1 { match self.config.flycheck() { Some(config) => format!("{}", config), None => "cargo check".to_string(), } } else { format!("cargo check (#{})", id + 1) }; self.report_progress( &title, state, message, None, Some(format!("rust-analyzer/checkOnSave/{}", id)), ); } } } /// Registers and handles a request. This should only be called once per incoming request. fn on_new_request(&mut self, request_received: Instant, req: Request) { self.register_request(&req, request_received); self.on_request(req); } /// Handles a request. fn on_request(&mut self, req: Request) { let mut dispatcher = RequestDispatcher { req: Some(req), global_state: self }; dispatcher.on_sync_mut::(|s, ()| { s.shutdown_requested = true; Ok(()) }); if let RequestDispatcher { req: Some(req), global_state: this } = &mut dispatcher { if this.shutdown_requested { this.respond(lsp_server::Response::new_err( req.id.clone(), lsp_server::ErrorCode::InvalidRequest as i32, "Shutdown already requested.".to_owned(), )); return; } // Avoid flashing a bunch of unresolved references during initial load. if this.workspaces.is_empty() && !this.is_quiescent() { this.respond(lsp_server::Response::new_err( req.id.clone(), lsp_server::ErrorCode::ContentModified as i32, "waiting for cargo metadata or cargo check".to_owned(), )); return; } } dispatcher .on_sync_mut::(handlers::handle_workspace_reload) .on_sync_mut::(handlers::handle_memory_usage) .on_sync_mut::(handlers::handle_shuffle_crate_graph) .on_sync_mut::(handlers::handle_cancel_flycheck) .on_sync::(handlers::handle_join_lines) .on_sync::(handlers::handle_on_enter) .on_sync::(handlers::handle_selection_range) .on_sync::(handlers::handle_matching_brace) .on::(handlers::handle_analyzer_status) .on::(handlers::handle_syntax_tree) .on::(handlers::handle_view_hir) .on::(handlers::handle_view_file_text) .on::(handlers::handle_view_crate_graph) .on::(handlers::handle_view_item_tree) .on::(handlers::handle_expand_macro) .on::(handlers::handle_parent_module) .on::(handlers::handle_runnables) .on::(handlers::handle_related_tests) .on::(handlers::handle_code_action) .on::(handlers::handle_code_action_resolve) .on::(handlers::handle_hover) .on::(handlers::handle_open_docs) .on::(handlers::handle_open_cargo_toml) .on::(handlers::handle_move_item) .on::(handlers::handle_workspace_symbol) .on::(handlers::handle_on_type_formatting) .on::(handlers::handle_document_symbol) .on::(handlers::handle_goto_definition) .on::(handlers::handle_goto_declaration) .on::(handlers::handle_goto_implementation) .on::(handlers::handle_goto_type_definition) .on::(handlers::handle_inlay_hints) .on::(handlers::handle_inlay_hints_resolve) .on::(handlers::handle_completion) .on::(handlers::handle_completion_resolve) .on::(handlers::handle_code_lens) .on::(handlers::handle_code_lens_resolve) .on::(handlers::handle_folding_range) .on::(handlers::handle_signature_help) .on::(handlers::handle_prepare_rename) .on::(handlers::handle_rename) .on::(handlers::handle_references) .on::(handlers::handle_formatting) .on::(handlers::handle_range_formatting) .on::(handlers::handle_document_highlight) .on::(handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_prepare) .on::( handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_incoming, ) .on::( handlers::handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing, ) .on::( handlers::handle_semantic_tokens_full, ) .on::( handlers::handle_semantic_tokens_full_delta, ) .on::( handlers::handle_semantic_tokens_range, ) .on::(handlers::handle_will_rename_files) .on::(handlers::handle_ssr) .finish(); } /// Handles an incoming notification. fn on_notification(&mut self, not: Notification) -> Result<()> { NotificationDispatcher { not: Some(not), global_state: self } .on::(|this, params| { let id: lsp_server::RequestId = match params.id { lsp_types::NumberOrString::Number(id) => id.into(), lsp_types::NumberOrString::String(id) => id.into(), }; this.cancel(id); Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { if let lsp_types::NumberOrString::String(s) = ¶ms.token { if let Some(id) = s.strip_prefix("rust-analyzer/checkOnSave/") { if let Ok(id) = u32::from_str_radix(id, 10) { if let Some(flycheck) = this.flycheck.get(id as usize) { flycheck.cancel(); } } } } // Just ignore this. It is OK to continue sending progress // notifications for this token, as the client can't know when // we accepted notification. Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { let already_exists = this .mem_docs .insert(path.clone(), DocumentData::new(params.text_document.version)) .is_err(); if already_exists { tracing::error!("duplicate DidOpenTextDocument: {}", path); } this.vfs .write() .0 .set_file_contents(path, Some(params.text_document.text.into_bytes())); } Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { match this.mem_docs.get_mut(&path) { Some(doc) => { // The version passed in DidChangeTextDocument is the version after all edits are applied // so we should apply it before the vfs is notified. doc.version = params.text_document.version; } None => { tracing::error!("unexpected DidChangeTextDocument: {}", path); return Ok(()); } }; let vfs = &mut this.vfs.write().0; let file_id = vfs.file_id(&path).unwrap(); let text = apply_document_changes( || std::str::from_utf8(vfs.file_contents(file_id)).unwrap().into(), params.content_changes, ); vfs.set_file_contents(path, Some(text.into_bytes())); } Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { if this.mem_docs.remove(&path).is_err() { tracing::error!("orphan DidCloseTextDocument: {}", path); } this.semantic_tokens_cache.lock().remove(¶ms.text_document.uri); if let Some(path) = path.as_path() { this.loader.handle.invalidate(path.to_path_buf()); } } Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { if let Ok(vfs_path) = from_proto::vfs_path(¶ms.text_document.uri) { // Re-fetch workspaces if a workspace related file has changed if let Some(abs_path) = vfs_path.as_path() { if reload::should_refresh_for_change(&abs_path, ChangeKind::Modify) { this.fetch_workspaces_queue .request_op(format!("DidSaveTextDocument {}", abs_path.display())); } } let file_id = this.vfs.read().0.file_id(&vfs_path); if let Some(file_id) = file_id { let world = this.snapshot(); let mut updated = false; let task = move || -> std::result::Result<(), ide::Cancelled> { // Trigger flychecks for all workspaces that depend on the saved file // Crates containing or depending on the saved file let crate_ids: Vec<_> = world .analysis .crates_for(file_id)? .into_iter() .flat_map(|id| world.analysis.transitive_rev_deps(id)) .flatten() .sorted() .unique() .collect(); let crate_root_paths: Vec<_> = crate_ids .iter() .filter_map(|&crate_id| { world .analysis .crate_root(crate_id) .map(|file_id| { world .file_id_to_file_path(file_id) .as_path() .map(ToOwned::to_owned) }) .transpose() }) .collect::>()?; let crate_root_paths: Vec<_> = crate_root_paths.iter().map(Deref::deref).collect(); // Find all workspaces that have at least one target containing the saved file let workspace_ids = world.workspaces.iter().enumerate().filter(|(_, ws)| match ws { project_model::ProjectWorkspace::Cargo { cargo, .. } => { cargo.packages().any(|pkg| { cargo[pkg].targets.iter().any(|&it| { crate_root_paths.contains(&cargo[it].root.as_path()) }) }) } project_model::ProjectWorkspace::Json { project, .. } => { project.crates().any(|(c, _)| { crate_ids.iter().any(|&crate_id| crate_id == c) }) } project_model::ProjectWorkspace::DetachedFiles { .. } => false, }); // Find and trigger corresponding flychecks for flycheck in world.flycheck.iter() { for (id, _) in workspace_ids.clone() { if id == flycheck.id() { updated = true; flycheck.restart(); continue; } } } // No specific flycheck was triggered, so let's trigger all of them. if !updated { for flycheck in world.flycheck.iter() { flycheck.restart(); } } Ok(()) }; this.task_pool.handle.spawn_with_sender(move |_| { if let Err(e) = std::panic::catch_unwind(task) { tracing::error!("DidSaveTextDocument flycheck task panicked: {e:?}") } }); return Ok(()); } } // No specific flycheck was triggered, so let's trigger all of them. for flycheck in this.flycheck.iter() { flycheck.restart(); } Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, _params| { // As stated in https://github.com/microsoft/language-server-protocol/issues/676, // this notification's parameters should be ignored and the actual config queried separately. this.send_request::( lsp_types::ConfigurationParams { items: vec![lsp_types::ConfigurationItem { scope_uri: None, section: Some("rust-analyzer".to_string()), }], }, |this, resp| { tracing::debug!("config update response: '{:?}", resp); let lsp_server::Response { error, result, .. } = resp; match (error, result) { (Some(err), _) => { tracing::error!("failed to fetch the server settings: {:?}", err) } (None, Some(mut configs)) => { if let Some(json) = configs.get_mut(0) { // Note that json can be null according to the spec if the client can't // provide a configuration. This is handled in Config::update below. let mut config = Config::clone(&*this.config); if let Err(error) = config.update(json.take()) { this.show_message( lsp_types::MessageType::WARNING, error.to_string(), ); } this.update_configuration(config); } } (None, None) => tracing::error!( "received empty server settings response from the client" ), } }, ); Ok(()) })? .on::(|this, params| { for change in params.changes { if let Ok(path) = from_proto::abs_path(&change.uri) { this.loader.handle.invalidate(path); } } Ok(()) })? .finish(); Ok(()) } fn update_diagnostics(&mut self) { let subscriptions = self .mem_docs .iter() .map(|path| self.vfs.read().0.file_id(path).unwrap()) .collect::>(); tracing::trace!("updating notifications for {:?}", subscriptions); let snapshot = self.snapshot(); self.task_pool.handle.spawn(move || { let diagnostics = subscriptions .into_iter() .filter_map(|file_id| { handlers::publish_diagnostics(&snapshot, file_id) .ok() .map(|diags| (file_id, diags)) }) .collect::>(); Task::Diagnostics(diagnostics) }) } }