use std::ffi::{OsString, OsStr}; use std::env; use std::convert::TryFrom; use crate::stacked_borrows::Tag; use crate::rustc_target::abi::LayoutOf; use crate::*; use rustc_data_structures::fx::FxHashMap; use rustc::ty::layout::Size; use rustc_mir::interpret::Pointer; #[derive(Default)] pub struct EnvVars<'tcx> { /// Stores pointers to the environment variables. These variables must be stored as /// null-terminated target strings (c_str or wide_str) with the `"{name}={value}"` format. map: FxHashMap>, /// Place where the `environ` static is stored. Lazily initialized, but then never changes. pub(crate) environ: Option>, } impl<'tcx> EnvVars<'tcx> { pub(crate) fn init<'mir>( ecx: &mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>>, excluded_env_vars: Vec, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { if ecx.machine.communicate { let target_os =; for (name, value) in env::vars() { if !excluded_env_vars.contains(&name) { let var_ptr = match target_os { "linux" | "macos" => alloc_env_var_as_c_str(name.as_ref(), value.as_ref(), ecx)?, "windows" => alloc_env_var_as_wide_str(name.as_ref(), value.as_ref(), ecx)?, unsupported => throw_unsup_format!("OsString support for target OS `{}` not yet available", unsupported), };, var_ptr); } } } ecx.update_environ() } } fn alloc_env_var_as_c_str<'mir, 'tcx>( name: &OsStr, value: &OsStr, ecx: &mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer> { let mut name_osstring = name.to_os_string(); name_osstring.push("="); name_osstring.push(value); Ok(ecx.alloc_os_str_as_c_str(name_osstring.as_os_str(), MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into())) } fn alloc_env_var_as_wide_str<'mir, 'tcx>( name: &OsStr, value: &OsStr, ecx: &mut InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'tcx>>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Pointer> { let mut name_osstring = name.to_os_string(); name_osstring.push("="); name_osstring.push(value); Ok(ecx.alloc_os_str_as_wide_str(name_osstring.as_os_str(), MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into())) } impl<'mir, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { fn getenv(&mut self, name_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let target_os = &; assert!(target_os == "linux" || target_os == "macos", "`getenv` is only available for the UNIX target family"); let name_ptr = this.read_scalar(name_op)?.not_undef()?; let name = this.read_os_str_from_c_str(name_ptr)?; Ok(match { Some(var_ptr) => { // The offset is used to strip the "{name}=" part of the string. Scalar::from(var_ptr.offset(Size::from_bytes(u64::try_from(name.len()).unwrap().checked_add(1).unwrap()), this)?) } None => Scalar::ptr_null(&*this.tcx), }) } fn setenv( &mut self, name_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, value_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let mut this = self.eval_context_mut(); let target_os = &; assert!(target_os == "linux" || target_os == "macos", "`setenv` is only available for the UNIX target family"); let name_ptr = this.read_scalar(name_op)?.not_undef()?; let value_ptr = this.read_scalar(value_op)?.not_undef()?; let mut new = None; if !this.is_null(name_ptr)? { let name = this.read_os_str_from_c_str(name_ptr)?; if !name.is_empty() && !name.to_string_lossy().contains('=') { let value = this.read_os_str_from_c_str(value_ptr)?; new = Some((name.to_owned(), value.to_owned())); } } if let Some((name, value)) = new { let var_ptr = alloc_env_var_as_c_str(&name, &value, &mut this)?; if let Some(var) =, var_ptr) { this.memory .deallocate(var, None, MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into())?; } this.update_environ()?; Ok(0) // return zero on success } else { // name argument is a null pointer, points to an empty string, or points to a string containing an '=' character. let einval = this.eval_libc("EINVAL")?; this.set_last_error(einval)?; Ok(-1) } } fn unsetenv(&mut self, name_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); let target_os = &; assert!(target_os == "linux" || target_os == "macos", "`unsetenv` is only available for the UNIX target family"); let name_ptr = this.read_scalar(name_op)?.not_undef()?; let mut success = None; if !this.is_null(name_ptr)? { let name = this.read_os_str_from_c_str(name_ptr)?.to_owned(); if !name.is_empty() && !name.to_string_lossy().contains('=') { success = Some(; } } if let Some(old) = success { if let Some(var) = old { this.memory .deallocate(var, None, MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into())?; } this.update_environ()?; Ok(0) } else { // name argument is a null pointer, points to an empty string, or points to a string containing an '=' character. let einval = this.eval_libc("EINVAL")?; this.set_last_error(einval)?; Ok(-1) } } fn getcwd( &mut self, buf_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, size_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>, ) -> InterpResult<'tcx, Scalar> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.check_no_isolation("getcwd")?; let buf = this.read_scalar(buf_op)?.not_undef()?; let size = this.read_scalar(size_op)?.to_machine_usize(&*this.tcx)?; // If we cannot get the current directory, we return null match env::current_dir() { Ok(cwd) => { if this.write_path_to_c_str(&cwd, buf, size)?.0 { return Ok(buf); } let erange = this.eval_libc("ERANGE")?; this.set_last_error(erange)?; } Err(e) => this.set_last_error_from_io_error(e)?, } Ok(Scalar::ptr_null(&*this.tcx)) } fn chdir(&mut self, path_op: OpTy<'tcx, Tag>) -> InterpResult<'tcx, i32> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); this.check_no_isolation("chdir")?; let path = this.read_path_from_c_str(this.read_scalar(path_op)?.not_undef()?)?; match env::set_current_dir(path) { Ok(()) => Ok(0), Err(e) => { this.set_last_error_from_io_error(e)?; Ok(-1) } } } /// Updates the `environ` static. /// The first time it gets called, also initializes `extra.environ`. fn update_environ(&mut self) -> InterpResult<'tcx> { let this = self.eval_context_mut(); // Deallocate the old environ value, if any. if let Some(environ) = this.machine.env_vars.environ { let old_vars_ptr = this.read_scalar(environ.into())?.not_undef()?; this.memory.deallocate(this.force_ptr(old_vars_ptr)?, None, MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into())?; } else { // No `environ` allocated yet, let's do that. let layout = this.layout_of(this.tcx.types.usize)?; let place = this.allocate(layout, MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into()); this.write_scalar(Scalar::from_machine_usize(0, &*this.tcx), place.into())?; this.machine.env_vars.environ = Some(place); } // Collect all the pointers to each variable in a vector. let mut vars: Vec> =|&ptr| ptr.into()).collect(); // Add the trailing null pointer. vars.push(Scalar::from_int(0, this.pointer_size())); // Make an array with all these pointers inside Miri. let tcx = this.tcx; let vars_layout = this.layout_of(tcx.mk_array(tcx.types.usize, u64::try_from(vars.len()).unwrap()))?; let vars_place = this.allocate(vars_layout, MiriMemoryKind::Machine.into()); for (idx, var) in vars.into_iter().enumerate() { let place = this.mplace_field(vars_place, idx)?; this.write_scalar(var, place.into())?; } this.write_scalar( vars_place.ptr, this.machine.env_vars.environ.unwrap().into(), )?; Ok(()) } }