use super::{contains_return, BIND_INSTEAD_OF_MAP}; use crate::utils::{ in_macro, match_qpath, match_type, method_calls, multispan_sugg_with_applicability, paths, remove_blocks, snippet, snippet_with_macro_callsite, span_lint_and_sugg, span_lint_and_then, }; use if_chain::if_chain; use rustc_errors::Applicability; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_hir::intravisit::{self, Visitor}; use rustc_lint::LateContext; use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map; use rustc_span::Span; pub(crate) struct OptionAndThenSome; impl BindInsteadOfMap for OptionAndThenSome { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Option"; const TYPE_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::OPTION; const BAD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "and_then"; const BAD_VARIANT_NAME: &'static str = "Some"; const BAD_VARIANT_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::OPTION_SOME; const GOOD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "map"; } pub(crate) struct ResultAndThenOk; impl BindInsteadOfMap for ResultAndThenOk { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Result"; const TYPE_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::RESULT; const BAD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "and_then"; const BAD_VARIANT_NAME: &'static str = "Ok"; const BAD_VARIANT_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::RESULT_OK; const GOOD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "map"; } pub(crate) struct ResultOrElseErrInfo; impl BindInsteadOfMap for ResultOrElseErrInfo { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str = "Result"; const TYPE_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::RESULT; const BAD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "or_else"; const BAD_VARIANT_NAME: &'static str = "Err"; const BAD_VARIANT_QPATH: &'static [&'static str] = &paths::RESULT_ERR; const GOOD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str = "map_err"; } pub(crate) trait BindInsteadOfMap { const TYPE_NAME: &'static str; const TYPE_QPATH: &'static [&'static str]; const BAD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str; const BAD_VARIANT_NAME: &'static str; const BAD_VARIANT_QPATH: &'static [&'static str]; const GOOD_METHOD_NAME: &'static str; fn no_op_msg() -> String { format!( "using `{}.{}({})`, which is a no-op", Self::TYPE_NAME, Self::BAD_METHOD_NAME, Self::BAD_VARIANT_NAME ) } fn lint_msg() -> String { format!( "using `{}.{}(|x| {}(y))`, which is more succinctly expressed as `{}(|x| y)`", Self::TYPE_NAME, Self::BAD_METHOD_NAME, Self::BAD_VARIANT_NAME, Self::GOOD_METHOD_NAME ) } fn lint_closure_autofixable( cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, args: &[hir::Expr<'_>], closure_expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, closure_args_span: Span, ) -> bool { if_chain! { if let hir::ExprKind::Call(ref some_expr, ref some_args) = closure_expr.kind; if let hir::ExprKind::Path(ref qpath) = some_expr.kind; if match_qpath(qpath, Self::BAD_VARIANT_QPATH); if some_args.len() == 1; then { let inner_expr = &some_args[0]; if contains_return(inner_expr) { return false; } let some_inner_snip = if inner_expr.span.from_expansion() { snippet_with_macro_callsite(cx, inner_expr.span, "_") } else { snippet(cx, inner_expr.span, "_") }; let closure_args_snip = snippet(cx, closure_args_span, ".."); let option_snip = snippet(cx, args[0].span, ".."); let note = format!("{}.{}({} {})", option_snip, Self::GOOD_METHOD_NAME, closure_args_snip, some_inner_snip); span_lint_and_sugg( cx, BIND_INSTEAD_OF_MAP, expr.span, Self::lint_msg().as_ref(), "try this", note, Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); true } else { false } } } fn lint_closure(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, closure_expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) { let mut suggs = Vec::new(); let can_sugg = find_all_ret_expressions(cx, closure_expr, |ret_expr| { if_chain! { if !in_macro(ret_expr.span); if let hir::ExprKind::Call(ref func_path, ref args) = ret_expr.kind; if let hir::ExprKind::Path(ref qpath) = func_path.kind; if match_qpath(qpath, Self::BAD_VARIANT_QPATH); if args.len() == 1; if !contains_return(&args[0]); then { suggs.push((ret_expr.span, args[0].span.source_callsite())); true } else { false } } }); if can_sugg { span_lint_and_then(cx, BIND_INSTEAD_OF_MAP, expr.span, Self::lint_msg().as_ref(), |diag| { multispan_sugg_with_applicability( diag, "try this", Applicability::MachineApplicable, std::iter::once((*method_calls(expr, 1).2.get(0).unwrap(), Self::GOOD_METHOD_NAME.into())).chain( suggs .into_iter() .map(|(span1, span2)| (span1, snippet(cx, span2, "_").into())), ), ) }); } } /// Lint use of `_.and_then(|x| Some(y))` for `Option`s fn lint(cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, args: &[hir::Expr<'_>]) { if !match_type(cx, cx.tables.expr_ty(&args[0]), Self::TYPE_QPATH) { return; } match args[1].kind { hir::ExprKind::Closure(_, _, body_id, closure_args_span, _) => { let closure_body = cx.tcx.hir().body(body_id); let closure_expr = remove_blocks(&closure_body.value); if !Self::lint_closure_autofixable(cx, expr, args, closure_expr, closure_args_span) { Self::lint_closure(cx, expr, closure_expr); } }, // `_.and_then(Some)` case, which is no-op. hir::ExprKind::Path(ref qpath) if match_qpath(qpath, Self::BAD_VARIANT_QPATH) => { span_lint_and_sugg( cx, BIND_INSTEAD_OF_MAP, expr.span, Self::no_op_msg().as_ref(), "use the expression directly", snippet(cx, args[0].span, "..").into(), Applicability::MachineApplicable, ); }, _ => {}, } } } /// returns `true` if expr contains match expr desugared from try fn contains_try(expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) -> bool { struct TryFinder { found: bool, } impl<'hir> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for TryFinder { type Map = Map<'hir>; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> intravisit::NestedVisitorMap { intravisit::NestedVisitorMap::None } fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) { if self.found { return; } match expr.kind { hir::ExprKind::Match(_, _, hir::MatchSource::TryDesugar) => self.found = true, _ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr), } } } let mut visitor = TryFinder { found: false }; visitor.visit_expr(expr); visitor.found } fn find_all_ret_expressions<'hir, F>(_cx: &LateContext<'_, '_>, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'hir>, callback: F) -> bool where F: FnMut(&'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> bool, { struct RetFinder { in_stmt: bool, failed: bool, cb: F, } struct WithStmtGuarg<'a, F> { val: &'a mut RetFinder, prev_in_stmt: bool, } impl RetFinder { fn inside_stmt(&mut self, in_stmt: bool) -> WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> { let prev_in_stmt = std::mem::replace(&mut self.in_stmt, in_stmt); WithStmtGuarg { val: self, prev_in_stmt, } } } impl std::ops::Deref for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> { type Target = RetFinder; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { self.val } } impl std::ops::DerefMut for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> { fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { self.val } } impl Drop for WithStmtGuarg<'_, F> { fn drop(&mut self) { self.val.in_stmt = self.prev_in_stmt; } } impl<'hir, F: FnMut(&'hir hir::Expr<'hir>) -> bool> intravisit::Visitor<'hir> for RetFinder { type Map = Map<'hir>; fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> intravisit::NestedVisitorMap { intravisit::NestedVisitorMap::None } fn visit_stmt(&mut self, stmt: &'hir hir::Stmt<'_>) { intravisit::walk_stmt(&mut *self.inside_stmt(true), stmt) } fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'hir hir::Expr<'_>) { if self.failed { return; } if self.in_stmt { match expr.kind { hir::ExprKind::Ret(Some(expr)) => self.inside_stmt(false).visit_expr(expr), _ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr), } } else { match expr.kind { hir::ExprKind::Match(cond, arms, _) => { self.inside_stmt(true).visit_expr(cond); for arm in arms { self.visit_expr(arm.body); } }, hir::ExprKind::Block(..) => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr), hir::ExprKind::Ret(Some(expr)) => self.visit_expr(expr), _ => self.failed |= !(self.cb)(expr), } } } } !contains_try(expr) && { let mut ret_finder = RetFinder { in_stmt: false, failed: false, cb: callback, }; ret_finder.visit_expr(expr); !ret_finder.failed } }