//! ```cargo //! [dependencies] //! ar = "0.6.2" //! ``` use std::io::Read; // 64 gives Invalid file size field in entry header // 32 gives unexpected EOF in the middle of archive entry header const METADATA_LEN: usize = 64; fn main() { let mut builder = ar::Builder::new(std::fs::File::create("test.a").expect("create")); // Remove this append and there is no problem. let header = ar::Header::new(b"core-fc675.rcgu.o".to_vec(), 0); // Remove any of the characters in the filename and ! from will show up in the error message. // Making it shorter than 17 chars will fix the problem though. builder.append(&header, &mut (&[] as &[u8])).expect("add rcgu"); let mut buf: Vec = vec!['!' as u8; 28]; buf.extend(b"hello worl"); buf.extend(&['*' as u8; 26] as &[u8]); assert!(buf.len() >= METADATA_LEN); let header = ar::Header::new(b"rust.metadata.bin".to_vec(), METADATA_LEN as u64); builder.append(&header, &mut (&buf[0..METADATA_LEN])).expect("add meta"); std::mem::drop(builder); // Remove this ranlib invocation and there is no problem. /*assert!( std::process::Command::new("ranlib") .arg("test.a") .status() .expect("Couldn't run ranlib") .success() );*/ let mut archive = ar::Archive::new(std::fs::File::open("test.a").expect("open")); while let Some(entry) = archive.next_entry() { entry.unwrap(); } }