//! Fully integrated benchmarks for rust-analyzer, which load real cargo //! projects. //! //! The benchmark here is used to debug specific performance regressions. If you //! notice that, eg, completion is slow in some specific case, you can modify //! code here exercise this specific completion, and thus have a fast //! edit/compile/test cycle. //! //! Note that "rust-analyzer: Run" action does not allow running a single test //! in release mode in VS Code. There's however "rust-analyzer: Copy Run Command Line" //! which you can use to paste the command in terminal and add `--release` manually. use ide::{CallableSnippets, Change, CompletionConfig, FilePosition, TextSize}; use ide_db::{ imports::insert_use::{ImportGranularity, InsertUseConfig}, SnippetCap, }; use project_model::CargoConfig; use test_utils::project_root; use triomphe::Arc; use vfs::{AbsPathBuf, VfsPath}; use load_cargo::{load_workspace_at, LoadCargoConfig, ProcMacroServerChoice}; #[test] fn integrated_highlighting_benchmark() { if std::env::var("RUN_SLOW_BENCHES").is_err() { return; } // Load rust-analyzer itself. let workspace_to_load = project_root(); let file = "./crates/ide-db/src/apply_change.rs"; let cargo_config = CargoConfig::default(); let load_cargo_config = LoadCargoConfig { load_out_dirs_from_check: true, with_proc_macro_server: ProcMacroServerChoice::None, prefill_caches: false, }; let (mut host, vfs, _proc_macro) = { let _it = stdx::timeit("workspace loading"); load_workspace_at(&workspace_to_load, &cargo_config, &load_cargo_config, &|_| {}).unwrap() }; let file_id = { let file = workspace_to_load.join(file); let path = VfsPath::from(AbsPathBuf::assert(file)); vfs.file_id(&path).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't find virtual file for {path}")) }; { let _it = stdx::timeit("initial"); let analysis = host.analysis(); analysis.highlight_as_html(file_id, false).unwrap(); } profile::init_from("*>100"); // let _s = profile::heartbeat_span(); { let _it = stdx::timeit("change"); let mut text = host.analysis().file_text(file_id).unwrap().to_string(); text.push_str("\npub fn _dummy() {}\n"); let mut change = Change::new(); change.change_file(file_id, Some(Arc::from(text))); host.apply_change(change); } { let _it = stdx::timeit("after change"); let _span = profile::cpu_span(); let analysis = host.analysis(); analysis.highlight_as_html(file_id, false).unwrap(); } } #[test] fn integrated_completion_benchmark() { if std::env::var("RUN_SLOW_BENCHES").is_err() { return; } // Load rust-analyzer itself. let workspace_to_load = project_root(); let file = "./crates/hir/src/lib.rs"; let cargo_config = CargoConfig::default(); let load_cargo_config = LoadCargoConfig { load_out_dirs_from_check: true, with_proc_macro_server: ProcMacroServerChoice::None, prefill_caches: true, }; let (mut host, vfs, _proc_macro) = { let _it = stdx::timeit("workspace loading"); load_workspace_at(&workspace_to_load, &cargo_config, &load_cargo_config, &|_| {}).unwrap() }; let file_id = { let file = workspace_to_load.join(file); let path = VfsPath::from(AbsPathBuf::assert(file)); vfs.file_id(&path).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("can't find virtual file for {path}")) }; { let _it = stdx::timeit("initial"); let analysis = host.analysis(); analysis.highlight_as_html(file_id, false).unwrap(); } profile::init_from("*>5"); // let _s = profile::heartbeat_span(); let completion_offset = { let _it = stdx::timeit("change"); let mut text = host.analysis().file_text(file_id).unwrap().to_string(); let completion_offset = patch(&mut text, "db.struct_data(self.id)", "sel;\ndb.struct_data(self.id)") + "sel".len(); let mut change = Change::new(); change.change_file(file_id, Some(Arc::from(text))); host.apply_change(change); completion_offset }; { let _p = profile::span("unqualified path completion"); let _span = profile::cpu_span(); let analysis = host.analysis(); let config = CompletionConfig { enable_postfix_completions: true, enable_imports_on_the_fly: true, enable_self_on_the_fly: true, enable_private_editable: true, full_function_signatures: false, callable: Some(CallableSnippets::FillArguments), snippet_cap: SnippetCap::new(true), insert_use: InsertUseConfig { granularity: ImportGranularity::Crate, prefix_kind: hir::PrefixKind::ByCrate, enforce_granularity: true, group: true, skip_glob_imports: true, }, snippets: Vec::new(), prefer_no_std: false, limit: None, }; let position = FilePosition { file_id, offset: TextSize::try_from(completion_offset).unwrap() }; analysis.completions(&config, position, None).unwrap(); } let completion_offset = { let _it = stdx::timeit("change"); let mut text = host.analysis().file_text(file_id).unwrap().to_string(); let completion_offset = patch(&mut text, "sel;\ndb.struct_data(self.id)", "self.;\ndb.struct_data(self.id)") + "self.".len(); let mut change = Change::new(); change.change_file(file_id, Some(Arc::from(text))); host.apply_change(change); completion_offset }; { let _p = profile::span("dot completion"); let _span = profile::cpu_span(); let analysis = host.analysis(); let config = CompletionConfig { enable_postfix_completions: true, enable_imports_on_the_fly: true, enable_self_on_the_fly: true, enable_private_editable: true, full_function_signatures: false, callable: Some(CallableSnippets::FillArguments), snippet_cap: SnippetCap::new(true), insert_use: InsertUseConfig { granularity: ImportGranularity::Crate, prefix_kind: hir::PrefixKind::ByCrate, enforce_granularity: true, group: true, skip_glob_imports: true, }, snippets: Vec::new(), prefer_no_std: false, limit: None, }; let position = FilePosition { file_id, offset: TextSize::try_from(completion_offset).unwrap() }; analysis.completions(&config, position, None).unwrap(); } } fn patch(what: &mut String, from: &str, to: &str) -> usize { let idx = what.find(from).unwrap(); *what = what.replacen(from, to, 1); idx }