use std::{ cell::{Cell, RefCell}, fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Once, time::Duration, }; use crossbeam_channel::{after, select, Receiver}; use lsp_server::{Connection, Message, Notification, Request}; use lsp_types::{ notification::Exit, request::Shutdown, TextDocumentIdentifier, Url, WorkDoneProgress, }; use lsp_types::{ProgressParams, ProgressParamsValue}; use ra_project_model::ProjectManifest; use rust_analyzer::{ config::{ClientCapsConfig, Config, FilesConfig, FilesWatcher, LinkedProject}, main_loop, }; use serde::Serialize; use serde_json::{to_string_pretty, Value}; use test_utils::{find_mismatch, Fixture}; use vfs::AbsPathBuf; use crate::testdir::TestDir; pub struct Project<'a> { fixture: &'a str, with_sysroot: bool, tmp_dir: Option, roots: Vec, config: Option>, } impl<'a> Project<'a> { pub fn with_fixture(fixture: &str) -> Project { Project { fixture, tmp_dir: None, roots: vec![], with_sysroot: false, config: None } } pub fn tmp_dir(mut self, tmp_dir: TestDir) -> Project<'a> { self.tmp_dir = Some(tmp_dir); self } pub(crate) fn root(mut self, path: &str) -> Project<'a> { self.roots.push(path.into()); self } pub fn with_sysroot(mut self, sysroot: bool) -> Project<'a> { self.with_sysroot = sysroot; self } pub fn with_config(mut self, config: impl Fn(&mut Config) + 'static) -> Project<'a> { self.config = Some(Box::new(config)); self } pub fn server(self) -> Server { let tmp_dir = self.tmp_dir.unwrap_or_else(|| TestDir::new()); static INIT: Once = Once::new(); INIT.call_once(|| { env_logger::builder().is_test(true).try_init().unwrap(); profile::init_from(crate::PROFILE); }); for entry in Fixture::parse(self.fixture) { let path = tmp_dir.path().join(&entry.path['/'.len_utf8()..]); fs::create_dir_all(path.parent().unwrap()).unwrap(); fs::write(path.as_path(), entry.text.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } let tmp_dir_path = AbsPathBuf::assert(tmp_dir.path().to_path_buf()); let mut roots = self.roots.into_iter().map(|root| tmp_dir_path.join(root)).collect::>(); if roots.is_empty() { roots.push(tmp_dir_path.clone()); } let linked_projects = roots .into_iter() .map(|it| ProjectManifest::discover_single(&it).unwrap()) .map(LinkedProject::from) .collect::>(); let mut config = Config { client_caps: ClientCapsConfig { location_link: true, code_action_literals: true, work_done_progress: true, ..Default::default() }, with_sysroot: self.with_sysroot, linked_projects, files: FilesConfig { watcher: FilesWatcher::Client, exclude: Vec::new() }, ..Config::new(tmp_dir_path) }; if let Some(f) = &self.config { f(&mut config) } Server::new(tmp_dir, config) } } pub fn project(fixture: &str) -> Server { Project::with_fixture(fixture).server() } pub struct Server { req_id: Cell, messages: RefCell>, _thread: jod_thread::JoinHandle<()>, client: Connection, /// XXX: remove the tempdir last dir: TestDir, } impl Server { fn new(dir: TestDir, config: Config) -> Server { let (connection, client) = Connection::memory(); let _thread = jod_thread::Builder::new() .name("test server".to_string()) .spawn(move || main_loop(config, connection).unwrap()) .expect("failed to spawn a thread"); Server { req_id: Cell::new(1), dir, messages: Default::default(), client, _thread } } pub fn doc_id(&self, rel_path: &str) -> TextDocumentIdentifier { let path = self.dir.path().join(rel_path); TextDocumentIdentifier { uri: Url::from_file_path(path).unwrap() } } pub fn notification(&self, params: N::Params) where N: lsp_types::notification::Notification, N::Params: Serialize, { let r = Notification::new(N::METHOD.to_string(), params); self.send_notification(r) } pub fn request(&self, params: R::Params, expected_resp: Value) where R: lsp_types::request::Request, R::Params: Serialize, { let actual = self.send_request::(params); if let Some((expected_part, actual_part)) = find_mismatch(&expected_resp, &actual) { panic!( "JSON mismatch\nExpected:\n{}\nWas:\n{}\nExpected part:\n{}\nActual part:\n{}\n", to_string_pretty(&expected_resp).unwrap(), to_string_pretty(&actual).unwrap(), to_string_pretty(expected_part).unwrap(), to_string_pretty(actual_part).unwrap(), ); } } pub fn send_request(&self, params: R::Params) -> Value where R: lsp_types::request::Request, R::Params: Serialize, { let id = self.req_id.get(); self.req_id.set(id + 1); let r = Request::new(id.into(), R::METHOD.to_string(), params); self.send_request_(r) } fn send_request_(&self, r: Request) -> Value { let id =; self.client.sender.send(r.into()).unwrap(); while let Some(msg) = self.recv() { match msg { Message::Request(req) => { if req.method == "window/workDoneProgress/create" { continue; } if req.method == "client/registerCapability" { let params = req.params.to_string(); if ["workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles", "textDocument/didSave"] .iter() .any(|&it| params.contains(it)) { continue; } } panic!("unexpected request: {:?}", req) } Message::Notification(_) => (), Message::Response(res) => { assert_eq!(, id); if let Some(err) = res.error { panic!("error response: {:#?}", err); } return res.result.unwrap(); } } } panic!("no response"); } pub fn wait_until_workspace_is_loaded(&self) { self.wait_for_message_cond(1, &|msg: &Message| match msg { Message::Notification(n) if n.method == "$/progress" => { match n.clone().extract::("$/progress").unwrap() { ProgressParams { token: lsp_types::ProgressToken::String(ref token), value: ProgressParamsValue::WorkDone(WorkDoneProgress::End(_)), } if token == "rustAnalyzer/roots scanned" => true, _ => false, } } _ => false, }) } fn wait_for_message_cond(&self, n: usize, cond: &dyn Fn(&Message) -> bool) { let mut total = 0; for msg in self.messages.borrow().iter() { if cond(msg) { total += 1 } } while total < n { let msg = self.recv().expect("no response"); if cond(&msg) { total += 1; } } } fn recv(&self) -> Option { recv_timeout(&self.client.receiver).map(|msg| { self.messages.borrow_mut().push(msg.clone()); msg }) } fn send_notification(&self, not: Notification) { self.client.sender.send(Message::Notification(not)).unwrap(); } pub fn path(&self) -> &Path { self.dir.path() } } impl Drop for Server { fn drop(&mut self) { self.request::((), Value::Null); self.notification::(()); } } fn recv_timeout(receiver: &Receiver) -> Option { let timeout = if cfg!(target_os = "macos") { Duration::from_secs(300) } else { Duration::from_secs(120) }; select! { recv(receiver) -> msg => msg.ok(), recv(after(timeout)) -> _ => panic!("timed out"), } }