steps: - checkout: self fetchDepth: 2 - bash: | set -x git submodule export SUBMODULES_EXCLUDES=$(git submodule | grep -Eow 'src/[^ ]+' | sed 's/\(.*\)/--exclude=\1\/\.git/') echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=SUBMODULES_EXCLUDES;]$SUBMODULES_EXCLUDES" - script: | REM echo hack as drive D is too small IF NOT "%DISABLE_DISK_SPACE_HACK%"=="1" ( mkdir c:\MORE_SPACE mklink /J build c:\MORE_SPACE ) - script: | set MSYS_PATH=%CD%\citools\msys64 choco install msys2 --params="/InstallDir:%MSYS_PATH% /NoPath" -y set PATH=%MSYS_PATH%\usr\bin;%PATH% pacman -S --noconfirm --needed base-devel ca-certificates make diffutils tar IF "%MINGW_URL%"=="" ( IF "%MSYS_BITS%"=="32" pacman -S --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-i686-toolchain mingw-w64-i686-cmake mingw-w64-i686-gcc mingw-w64-i686-python2 IF "%MSYS_BITS%"=="64" pacman -S --noconfirm --needed mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain mingw-w64-x86_64-cmake mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc mingw-w64-x86_64-python2 ) where rev rev --help where make echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=MSYS_PATH]%MSYS_PATH% echo ##vso[task.prependpath]%MSYS_PATH%\usr\bin displayName: Install msys2 # If we need to download a custom MinGW, do so here and set the path # appropriately. # # Note that this *also* means that we're not using what is typically # /mingw32/bin/python2.7.exe, which is a "correct" python interpreter where # /usr/bin/python2.7.exe is not. To ensure we use the right interpreter we # move `C:\Python27` ahead in PATH and then also make sure the `python2.7.exe` # file exists in there (which it doesn't by default). - script: | powershell -Command "iwr -outf %MINGW_ARCHIVE% %MINGW_URL%/%MINGW_ARCHIVE%" 7z x -y %MINGW_ARCHIVE% > nul echo ##vso[task.prependpath]%CD%\%MINGW_DIR%\bin condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['MINGW_URL'],'')) displayName: Download custom MinGW # If we're compiling for MSVC then we, like most other distribution builders, # switch to clang as the compiler. This'll allow us eventually to enable LTO # amongst LLVM and rustc. Note that we only do this on MSVC as I don't think # clang has an output mode compatible with MinGW that we need. If it does we # should switch to clang for MinGW as well! # # Note that the LLVM installer is an NSIS installer # # Original downloaded here came from # - script: | powershell -Command "iwr -outf %TEMP%\LLVM-7.0.0-win64.exe" set CLANG_DIR=%CD%\citools\clang-rust %TEMP%\LLVM-7.0.0-win64.exe /S /NCRC /D=%CLANG_DIR% set RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS=%RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS% --set llvm.clang-cl=%CLANG_DIR%\bin\clang-cl.exe echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS]%RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS% condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['MINGW_URL'],'')) displayName: Download clang # Here we do a pretty heinous thing which is to mangle the MinGW installation # we just had above. Currently, as of this writing, we're using MinGW-w64 # builds of gcc, and that's currently at 6.3.0. We use 6.3.0 as it appears to # be the first version which contains a fix for #40546, builds randomly # failing during LLVM due to ar.exe/ranlib.exe failures. # # Unfortunately, though, 6.3.0 *also* is the first version of MinGW-w64 builds # to contain a regression in gdb (#40184). As a result if we were to use the # gdb provided (7.11.1) then we would fail all debuginfo tests. # # In order to fix spurious failures (pretty high priority) we use 6.3.0. To # avoid disabling gdb tests we download an *old* version of gdb, specifically # that found inside the 6.2.0 distribution. We then overwrite the 6.3.0 gdb # with the 6.2.0 gdb to get tests passing. # # Note that we don't literally overwrite the gdb.exe binary because it appears # to just use gdborig.exe, so that's the binary we deal with instead. - script: | echo ON powershell -Command "iwr -outf 2017-04-20-%MSYS_BITS%bit-gdborig.exe %MINGW_URL%/2017-04-20-%MSYS_BITS%bit-gdborig.exe" mv 2017-04-20-%MSYS_BITS%bit-gdborig.exe %MINGW_DIR%\bin\gdborig.exe condition: and(succeeded(), ne(variables['MINGW_URL'],'')) displayName: Override with 6.3.0 gdb with 6.2.0 gdb # Otherwise pull in the MinGW installed on appveyor - script: | echo Find mingw set PATH | findstr /i msys set PATH | findstr /i mingw echo ##vso[task.prependpath]%MSYS_PATH%\mingw%MSYS_BITS%\bin condition: and(succeeded(), eq(variables['MINGW_URL'],'')) displayName: Add MinGW to path - script: | copy C:\Python27amd64\python.exe C:\Python27amd64\python2.7.exe echo ##vso[task.prependpath]C:\Python27amd64 displayName: Prefer the "native" Python as LLVM has trouble building with MSYS sometimes - script: | md sccache powershell -Command "iwr -outf sccache\sccache.exe" echo ##vso[task.prependpath]%CD%\sccache displayName: Download and install sccache # Note that this is originally from the github releases patch of Ninja - script: | md ninja powershell -Command "iwr -outf" 7z x -oninja del set RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS=%RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS% --enable-ninja echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS]%RUST_CONFIGURE_ARGS% echo ##vso[task.prependpath]%CD%\ninja displayName: Download and install ninja - script: | mkdir handle powershell -Command "iwr -outf" 7z x -ohandle del set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%\handle handle.exe -accepteula -help echo ##vso[task.setvariable variable=PATH]%PATH% displayName: Help debug handle issues - template: show-environment-variables.yml - script: | REM echo force the specific VS version IF "%VCVARS_BAT%" NEQ "" ( CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\%VCVARS_BAT%" ) where sccache where rev set | findstr /v SCCACHE_AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING if not exist D:\cache\rustsrc\NUL mkdir D:\cache\rustsrc sh src/ci/ . /d/cache/rustsrc sh src/ci/ env: CI: true CI_JOB_NAME: $(System.JobDisplayName) SRC: . NO_CCACHE: 1 # explicitly decrypt secret variables # see AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: $(SCCACHE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID) AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: $(SCCACHE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) displayName: Run script