// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gathering loans
// The borrow check proceeds in two phases. In phase one, we gather the full
// set of loans that are required at any point.  These are sorted according to
// their associated scopes.  In phase two, checking loans, we will then make
// sure that all of these loans are honored.

use mem_categorization::{mem_categorization_ctxt, opt_deref_kind};
use preserve::{preserve_condition, pc_ok, pc_if_pure};
use ty::{ty_region};

export gather_loans;

/// Context used while gathering loans:
/// - `bccx`: the the borrow check context
/// - `req_maps`: the maps computed by `gather_loans()`, see def'n of the
///   type `req_maps` for more info
/// - `item_ub`: the id of the block for the enclosing fn/method item
/// - `root_ub`: the id of the outermost block for which we can root
///   an `@T`.  This is the id of the innermost enclosing
///   loop or function body.
/// The role of `root_ub` is to prevent us from having to accumulate
/// vectors of rooted items at runtime.  Consider this case:
///     fn foo(...) -> int {
///         let mut ptr: ∫
///         while some_cond {
///             let x: @int = ...;
///             ptr = &*x;
///         }
///         *ptr
///     }
/// If we are not careful here, we would infer the scope of the borrow `&*x`
/// to be the body of the function `foo()` as a whole.  We would then
/// have root each `@int` that is produced, which is an unbounded number.
/// No good.  Instead what will happen is that `root_ub` will be set to the
/// body of the while loop and we will refuse to root the pointer `&*x`
/// because it would have to be rooted for a region greater than `root_ub`.
enum gather_loan_ctxt = @{bccx: borrowck_ctxt,
                          req_maps: req_maps,
                          mut item_ub: ast::node_id,
                          mut root_ub: ast::node_id};

fn gather_loans(bccx: borrowck_ctxt, crate: @ast::crate) -> req_maps {
    let glcx = gather_loan_ctxt(@{bccx: bccx,
                                  req_maps: {req_loan_map: HashMap(),
                                             pure_map: HashMap()},
                                  mut item_ub: 0,
                                  mut root_ub: 0});
    let v = visit::mk_vt(@{visit_expr: req_loans_in_expr,
                           visit_fn: req_loans_in_fn,
                           .. *visit::default_visitor()});
    visit::visit_crate(*crate, glcx, v);
    return glcx.req_maps;

fn req_loans_in_fn(fk: visit::fn_kind,
                   decl: ast::fn_decl,
                   body: ast::blk,
                   sp: span,
                   id: ast::node_id,
                   &&self: gather_loan_ctxt,
                   v: visit::vt<gather_loan_ctxt>) {
    // see explanation attached to the `root_ub` field:
    let old_item_id = self.item_ub;
    let old_root_ub = self.root_ub;
    self.root_ub = body.node.id;

    match fk {
        visit::fk_anon(*) | visit::fk_fn_block(*) => {}
        visit::fk_item_fn(*) | visit::fk_method(*) |
        visit::fk_dtor(*) => {
            self.item_ub = body.node.id;

    visit::visit_fn(fk, decl, body, sp, id, self, v);
    self.root_ub = old_root_ub;
    self.item_ub = old_item_id;

fn req_loans_in_expr(ex: @ast::expr,
                     &&self: gather_loan_ctxt,
                     vt: visit::vt<gather_loan_ctxt>) {
    let bccx = self.bccx;
    let tcx = bccx.tcx;
    let old_root_ub = self.root_ub;

           ex.id, pprust::expr_to_str(ex, tcx.sess.intr()));

    // If this expression is borrowed, have to ensure it remains valid:
    for tcx.adjustments.find(ex.id).each |adjustments| {
        self.guarantee_adjustments(ex, *adjustments);

    // Special checks for various kinds of expressions:
    match ex.node {
      ast::expr_addr_of(mutbl, base) => {
        let base_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(base);

        // make sure that the thing we are pointing out stays valid
        // for the lifetime `scope_r` of the resulting ptr:
        let scope_r = ty_region(tcx.ty(ex));
        self.guarantee_valid(base_cmt, mutbl, scope_r);
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      ast::expr_call(f, args, _) => {
        let arg_tys = ty::ty_fn_args(ty::expr_ty(self.tcx(), f));
        let scope_r = ty::re_scope(ex.id);
        for vec::each2(args, arg_tys) |arg, arg_ty| {
            match ty::resolved_mode(self.tcx(), arg_ty.mode) {
              ast::by_ref => {
                let arg_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(*arg);
                self.guarantee_valid(arg_cmt, m_imm,  scope_r);
              ast::by_val => {
                // FIXME (#2493): safety checks would be required here,
                // but the correct set is really hard to get right,
                // and modes are going away anyhow.
              ast::by_move | ast::by_copy => {}
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      ast::expr_match(ex_v, arms) => {
        let cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(ex_v);
        for arms.each |arm| {
            for arm.pats.each |pat| {
                self.gather_pat(cmt, *pat, arm.body.node.id, ex.id);
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      ast::expr_index(rcvr, _) |
      ast::expr_binary(_, rcvr, _) |
      ast::expr_unary(_, rcvr)
      if self.bccx.method_map.contains_key(ex.id) => {
        // Receivers in method calls are always passed by ref.
        // Here, in an overloaded operator, the call is this expression,
        // and hence the scope of the borrow is this call.
        // FIX? / NOT REALLY---technically we should check the other
        // argument and consider the argument mode.  But how annoying.
        // And this problem when goes away when argument modes are
        // phased out.  So I elect to leave this undone.
        let scope_r = ty::re_scope(ex.id);
        let rcvr_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(rcvr);
        self.guarantee_valid(rcvr_cmt, m_imm, scope_r);
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      // FIXME--#3387
      // ast::expr_binary(_, lhs, rhs) => {
      //     // Universal comparison operators like ==, >=, etc
      //     // take their arguments by reference.
      //     let lhs_ty = ty::expr_ty(self.tcx(), lhs);
      //     if !ty::type_is_scalar(lhs_ty) {
      //         let scope_r = ty::re_scope(ex.id);
      //         let lhs_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(lhs);
      //         self.guarantee_valid(lhs_cmt, m_imm, scope_r);
      //         let rhs_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(rhs);
      //         self.guarantee_valid(rhs_cmt, m_imm, scope_r);
      //     }
      //     visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);
      // }

      ast::expr_field(rcvr, _, _)
      if self.bccx.method_map.contains_key(ex.id) => {
        // Receivers in method calls are always passed by ref.
        // Here, the field a.b is in fact a closure.  Eventually, this
        // should be an fn&, but for now it's an fn@.  In any case,
        // the enclosing scope is either the call where it is a rcvr
        // (if used like `a.b(...)`), the call where it's an argument
        // (if used like `x(a.b)`), or the block (if used like `let x
        // = a.b`).
        let scope_r = ty::re_scope(self.tcx().region_map.get(ex.id));
        let rcvr_cmt = self.bccx.cat_expr(rcvr);
        self.guarantee_valid(rcvr_cmt, m_imm, scope_r);
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      // see explanation attached to the `root_ub` field:
      ast::expr_while(cond, body) => {
        // during the condition, can only root for the condition
        self.root_ub = cond.id;
        vt.visit_expr(cond, self, vt);

        // during body, can only root for the body
        self.root_ub = body.node.id;
        vt.visit_block(body, self, vt);

      // see explanation attached to the `root_ub` field:
      ast::expr_loop(body, _) => {
        self.root_ub = body.node.id;
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

      _ => {
        visit::visit_expr(ex, self, vt);

    // Check any contained expressions:

    self.root_ub = old_root_ub;

impl gather_loan_ctxt {
    fn tcx() -> ty::ctxt { self.bccx.tcx }

    fn guarantee_adjustments(expr: @ast::expr,
                             adjustment: &ty::AutoAdjustment) {
        debug!("guarantee_adjustments(expr=%s, adjustment=%?)",
               expr_repr(self.tcx(), expr), adjustment);
        let _i = indenter();

        match adjustment.autoref {
            None => {
                debug!("no autoref");

            Some(ref autoref) => {
                let mcx = &mem_categorization_ctxt {
                    tcx: self.tcx(),
                    method_map: self.bccx.method_map};
                let mut cmt = mcx.cat_expr_autoderefd(expr, adjustment);
                debug!("after autoderef, cmt=%s", self.bccx.cmt_to_repr(cmt));

                match autoref.kind {
                    ty::AutoPtr => {
                    ty::AutoSlice => {
                        let cmt_index = mcx.cat_index(expr, cmt);

    // guarantees that addr_of(cmt) will be valid for the duration of
    // `static_scope_r`, or reports an error.  This may entail taking
    // out loans, which will be added to the `req_loan_map`.  This can
    // also entail "rooting" GC'd pointers, which means ensuring
    // dynamically that they are not freed.
    fn guarantee_valid(cmt: cmt,
                       req_mutbl: ast::mutability,
                       scope_r: ty::region) {

        self.bccx.guaranteed_paths += 1;

        debug!("guarantee_valid(cmt=%s, req_mutbl=%s, scope_r=%s)",
               region_to_str(self.tcx(), scope_r));
        let _i = indenter();

        match cmt.lp {
          // If this expression is a loanable path, we MUST take out a
          // loan.  This is somewhat non-obvious.  You might think,
          // for example, that if we have an immutable local variable
          // `x` whose value is being borrowed, we could rely on `x`
          // not to change.  This is not so, however, because even
          // immutable locals can be moved.  So we take out a loan on
          // `x`, guaranteeing that it remains immutable for the
          // duration of the reference: if there is an attempt to move
          // it within that scope, the loan will be detected and an
          // error will be reported.
          Some(_) => {
            match self.bccx.loan(cmt, scope_r, req_mutbl) {
              Err(e) => { self.bccx.report(e); }
              Ok(loans) if loans.len() == 0 => {}
              Ok(loans) => {
                match scope_r {
                  ty::re_scope(scope_id) => {
                    self.add_loans(scope_id, loans);

                    if req_mutbl == m_imm && cmt.mutbl != m_imm {
                        self.bccx.loaned_paths_imm += 1;

                        if self.tcx().sess.borrowck_note_loan() {
                                fmt!("immutable loan required"));
                    } else {
                        self.bccx.loaned_paths_same += 1;
                  _ => {
                        #fmt["loans required but scope is scope_region is %s",
                             region_to_str(self.tcx(), scope_r)]);

          // The path is not loanable: in that case, we must try and
          // preserve it dynamically (or see that it is preserved by
          // virtue of being rooted in some immutable path).  We must
          // also check that the mutability of the desired pointer
          // matches with the actual mutability (but if an immutable
          // pointer is desired, that is ok as long as we are pure)
          None => {
            let result: bckres<preserve_condition> = {
                do self.check_mutbl(req_mutbl, cmt).chain |pc1| {
                    do self.bccx.preserve(cmt, scope_r,
                                          self.root_ub).chain |pc2| {

            match result {
                Ok(pc_ok) => {
                    debug!("result of preserve: pc_ok");

                    // we were able guarantee the validity of the ptr,
                    // perhaps by rooting or because it is immutably
                    // rooted.  good.
                    self.bccx.stable_paths += 1;
                Ok(pc_if_pure(e)) => {
                    debug!("result of preserve: %?", pc_if_pure(e));

                    // we are only able to guarantee the validity if
                    // the scope is pure
                    match scope_r {
                        ty::re_scope(pure_id) => {
                            // if the scope is some block/expr in the
                            // fn, then just require that this scope
                            // be pure
                            self.req_maps.pure_map.insert(pure_id, e);
                            self.bccx.req_pure_paths += 1;

                            debug!("requiring purity for scope %?",

                            if self.tcx().sess.borrowck_note_pure() {
                                    fmt!("purity required"));
                        _ => {
                            // otherwise, we can't enforce purity for
                            // that scope, so give up and report an
                            // error
                Err(e) => {
                    // we cannot guarantee the validity of this pointer
                    debug!("result of preserve: error");

    // Check that the pat `cmt` is compatible with the required
    // mutability, presuming that it can be preserved to stay alive
    // long enough.
    // For example, if you have an expression like `&x.f` where `x`
    // has type `@mut{f:int}`, this check might fail because `&x.f`
    // reqires an immutable pointer, but `f` lives in (aliased)
    // mutable memory.
    fn check_mutbl(req_mutbl: ast::mutability,
                   cmt: cmt) -> bckres<preserve_condition> {
        debug!("check_mutbl(req_mutbl=%?, cmt.mutbl=%?)",
               req_mutbl, cmt.mutbl);

        if req_mutbl == m_const || req_mutbl == cmt.mutbl {
            debug!("required is const or they are the same");
        } else {
            let e = {cmt: cmt,
                     code: err_mutbl(req_mutbl)};
            if req_mutbl == m_imm {
                // you can treat mutable things as imm if you are pure
                debug!("imm required, must be pure");

            } else {

    fn add_loans(scope_id: ast::node_id, loans: @DVec<loan>) {
        debug!("adding %u loans to scope_id %?", loans.len(), scope_id);
        match self.req_maps.req_loan_map.find(scope_id) {
            Some(l) => {
            None => {
                    scope_id, @dvec::from_vec(~[loans]));

    fn gather_pat(discr_cmt: cmt, root_pat: @ast::pat,
                  arm_id: ast::node_id, alt_id: ast::node_id) {
        do self.bccx.cat_pattern(discr_cmt, root_pat) |cmt, pat| {
            match pat.node {
              ast::pat_ident(bm, _, _) if !self.pat_is_variant(pat) => {
                match bm {
                  ast::bind_by_value | ast::bind_by_move => {
                    // copying does not borrow anything, so no check
                    // is required
                    // as for move, check::alt ensures it's from an rvalue.
                  ast::bind_by_ref(mutbl) => {
                    // ref x or ref x @ p --- creates a ptr which must
                    // remain valid for the scope of the alt

                    // find the region of the resulting pointer (note that
                    // the type of such a pattern will *always* be a
                    // region pointer)
                    let scope_r = ty_region(self.tcx().ty(pat));

                    // if the scope of the region ptr turns out to be
                    // specific to this arm, wrap the categorization with
                    // a cat_discr() node.  There is a detailed discussion
                    // of the function of this node in method preserve():
                    let arm_scope = ty::re_scope(arm_id);
                    if self.bccx.is_subregion_of(scope_r, arm_scope) {
                        let cmt_discr = self.bccx.cat_discr(cmt, alt_id);
                        self.guarantee_valid(cmt_discr, mutbl, scope_r);
                    } else {
                        self.guarantee_valid(cmt, mutbl, scope_r);
                  ast::bind_by_implicit_ref => {
                    // Note: there is a discussion of the function of
                    // cat_discr in the method preserve():
                    let cmt1 = self.bccx.cat_discr(cmt, alt_id);
                    let arm_scope = ty::re_scope(arm_id);

                    // We used to remember the mutability of the location
                    // that this binding refers to and use it later when
                    // categorizing the binding.  This hack is being
                    // removed in favor of ref mode bindings.
                    // self.bccx.binding_map.insert(pat.id, cmt1.mutbl);

                    self.guarantee_valid(cmt1, m_const, arm_scope);

              _ => {}

    fn pat_is_variant(pat: @ast::pat) -> bool {
        pat_util::pat_is_variant(self.bccx.tcx.def_map, pat)