# Script for extracting compilable fragments from markdown # documentation. See prep.js for a description of the format # recognized by this tool. Expects a directory fragements/ to exist # under the current directory, and writes the fragments in there as # individual .rs files. import sys, re; if len(sys.argv) < 2: print("Please provide an input filename") sys.exit(1) filename = sys.argv[1] f = open(filename) lines = f.readlines() f.close() cur = 0 line = "" chapter = "" chapter_n = 0 while cur < len(lines): line = lines[cur] cur += 1 chap = re.match("# (.*)", line); if chap: chapter = re.sub(r"\W", "_", chap.group(1)).lower() chapter_n = 1 elif re.match("~~~", line): block = "" ignore = False while cur < len(lines): line = lines[cur] cur += 1 if re.match(r"\s*## (notrust|ignore)", line): ignore = True elif re.match("~~~", line): break else: block += re.sub("^# ", "", line) if not ignore: if not re.search(r"\bfn main\b", block): if re.search(r"(^|\n) *(native|use|mod|import|export)\b", block): block += "\nfn main() {}\n" else: block = "fn main() {\n" + block + "\n}\n" if not re.search(r"\buse std\b", block): block = "use std;\n" + block; filename = "fragments/" + str(chapter) + "_" + str(chapter_n) + ".rs" chapter_n += 1 f = open(filename, 'w') f.write(block) f.close()