use hir::TypeInfo; use std::{collections::HashMap, iter::successors}; use syntax::{ algo::neighbor, ast::{self, AstNode, HasName}, Direction, }; use crate::{AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists, TextRange}; // Assist: merge_match_arms // // Merges the current match arm with the following if their bodies are identical. // // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // $0Action::Move(..) => foo(), // Action::Stop => foo(), // } // } // ``` // -> // ``` // enum Action { Move { distance: u32 }, Stop } // // fn handle(action: Action) { // match action { // Action::Move(..) | Action::Stop => foo(), // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn merge_match_arms(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext) -> Option<()> { let current_arm = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; // Don't try to handle arms with guards for now - can add support for this later if current_arm.guard().is_some() { return None; } let current_expr = current_arm.expr()?; let current_text_range = current_arm.syntax().text_range(); let current_arm_types = get_arm_types(ctx, ¤t_arm); // We check if the following match arms match this one. We could, but don't, // compare to the previous match arm as well. let arms_to_merge = successors(Some(current_arm), |it| neighbor(it, Direction::Next)) .take_while(|arm| match arm.expr() { Some(expr) if arm.guard().is_none() => { let same_text = expr.syntax().text() == current_expr.syntax().text(); if !same_text { return false; } are_same_types(¤t_arm_types, arm, ctx) } _ => false, }) .collect::>(); if arms_to_merge.len() <= 1 { return None; } acc.add( AssistId("merge_match_arms", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Merge match arms", current_text_range, |edit| { let pats = if arms_to_merge.iter().any(contains_placeholder) { "_".into() } else { arms_to_merge .iter() .filter_map(ast::MatchArm::pat) .map(|x| x.syntax().to_string()) .collect::>() .join(" | ") }; let arm = format!("{} => {},", pats, current_expr.syntax().text()); if let [first, .., last] = &*arms_to_merge { let start = first.syntax().text_range().start(); let end = last.syntax().text_range().end(); edit.replace(TextRange::new(start, end), arm); } }, ) } fn contains_placeholder(a: &ast::MatchArm) -> bool { matches!(a.pat(), Some(ast::Pat::WildcardPat(..))) } fn are_same_types( current_arm_types: &HashMap>, arm: &ast::MatchArm, ctx: &AssistContext, ) -> bool { let arm_types = get_arm_types(ctx, arm); for (other_arm_type_name, other_arm_type) in arm_types { match (current_arm_types.get(&other_arm_type_name), other_arm_type) { (Some(Some(current_arm_type)), Some(other_arm_type)) if other_arm_type.original == current_arm_type.original => { () } _ => return false, } } true } fn get_arm_types( context: &AssistContext, arm: &ast::MatchArm, ) -> HashMap> { let mut mapping: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); fn recurse( map: &mut HashMap>, ctx: &AssistContext, pat: &Option, ) { if let Some(local_pat) = pat { match pat { Some(ast::Pat::TupleStructPat(tuple)) => { for field in tuple.fields() { recurse(map, ctx, &Some(field)); } } Some(ast::Pat::TuplePat(tuple)) => { for field in tuple.fields() { recurse(map, ctx, &Some(field)); } } Some(ast::Pat::RecordPat(record)) => { if let Some(field_list) = record.record_pat_field_list() { for field in field_list.fields() { recurse(map, ctx, &field.pat()); } } } Some(ast::Pat::ParenPat(parentheses)) => { recurse(map, ctx, &parentheses.pat()); } Some(ast::Pat::SlicePat(slice)) => { for slice_pat in slice.pats() { recurse(map, ctx, &Some(slice_pat)); } } Some(ast::Pat::IdentPat(ident_pat)) => { if let Some(name) = { let pat_type = ctx.sema.type_of_pat(local_pat); map.insert(name.text().to_string(), pat_type); } } _ => (), } } } recurse(&mut mapping, context, &arm.pat()); mapping } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn merge_match_arms_single_patterns() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A => { 1i32$0 } X::B => { 1i32 } X::C => { 2i32 } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A | X::B => { 1i32 }, X::C => { 2i32 } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_multiple_patterns() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A | X::B => {$0 1i32 }, X::C | X::D => { 1i32 }, X::E => { 2i32 }, } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A | X::B | X::C | X::D => { 1i32 }, X::E => { 2i32 }, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_placeholder_pattern() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A => { 1i32 }, X::B => { 2i$032 }, _ => { 2i32 } } } "#, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A => { 1i32 }, _ => { 2i32 }, } } "#, ); } #[test] fn merges_all_subsequent_arms() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { match X::A { X::A$0 => 92, X::B => 92, X::C => 92, X::D => 62, _ => panic!(), } } "#, r#" enum X { A, B, C, D, E } fn main() { match X::A { X::A | X::B | X::C => 92, X::D => 62, _ => panic!(), } } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_rejects_guards() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" #[derive(Debug)] enum X { A(i32), B, C } fn main() { let x = X::A; let y = match x { X::A(a) if a > 5 => { $01i32 }, X::B => { 1i32 }, X::C => { 2i32 } } } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_different_type() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" //- minicore: result fn func() { match Result::::Ok(0f64) { Ok(x) => $0x.classify(), Err(x) => x.classify() }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_different_type_multiple_fields() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" //- minicore: result fn func() { match Result::<(f64, f64), (f32, f32)>::Ok((0f64, 0f64)) { Ok(x) => $0x.1.classify(), Err(x) => x.1.classify() }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_same_type_multiple_fields() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" //- minicore: result fn func() { match Result::<(f64, f64), (f64, f64)>::Ok((0f64, 0f64)) { Ok(x) => $0x.1.classify(), Err(x) => x.1.classify() }; } "#, r#" fn func() { match Result::<(f64, f64), (f64, f64)>::Ok((0f64, 0f64)) { Ok(x) | Err(x) => x.1.classify(), }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_same_type_subsequent_arm_with_different_type_in_other() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { OptionA(f32), OptionB(f32), OptionC(f64) } fn func(e: MyEnum) { match e { MyEnum::OptionA(x) => $0x.classify(), MyEnum::OptionB(x) => x.classify(), MyEnum::OptionC(x) => x.classify(), }; } "#, r#" enum MyEnum { OptionA(f32), OptionB(f32), OptionC(f64) } fn func(e: MyEnum) { match e { MyEnum::OptionA(x) | MyEnum::OptionB(x) => x.classify(), MyEnum::OptionC(x) => x.classify(), }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_same_type_skip_arm_with_different_type_in_between() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { OptionA(f32), OptionB(f64), OptionC(f32) } fn func(e: MyEnum) { match e { MyEnum::OptionA(x) => $0x.classify(), MyEnum::OptionB(x) => x.classify(), MyEnum::OptionC(x) => x.classify(), }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_same_type_different_number_of_fields() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" //- minicore: result fn func() { match Result::<(f64, f64, f64), (f64, f64)>::Ok((0f64, 0f64, 0f64)) { Ok(x) => $0x.1.classify(), Err(x) => x.1.classify() }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_same_destructuring_different_types() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" struct Point { x: i32, y: i32, } fn func() { let p = Point { x: 0, y: 7 }; match p { Point { x, y: 0 } => $0"", Point { x: 0, y } => "", Point { x, y } => "", }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_range() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func() { let x = 'c'; match x { 'a'..='j' => $0"", 'c'..='z' => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, r#" fn func() { let x = 'c'; match x { 'a'..='j' | 'c'..='z' => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, ); } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_without_field() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { NoField, AField(u8) } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::NoField => $0"", MyEnum::AField(x) => "" }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_destructuring_different_types() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Write(String), } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, y } => $0"", MyEnum::Write(text) => "", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_destructuring_same_types() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Crawl { x: i32, y: i32 } } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, y } => $0"", MyEnum::Crawl { x, y } => "", }; } "#, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Crawl { x: i32, y: i32 } } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, y } | MyEnum::Crawl { x, y } => "", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_destructuring_same_types_different_name() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Crawl { a: i32, b: i32 } } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, y } => $0"", MyEnum::Crawl { a, b } => "", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_nested_pattern_different_names() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum Color { Rgb(i32, i32, i32), Hsv(i32, i32, i32), } enum Message { Quit, Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Write(String), ChangeColor(Color), } fn main(msg: Message) { match msg { Message::ChangeColor(Color::Rgb(r, g, b)) => $0"", Message::ChangeColor(Color::Hsv(h, s, v)) => "", _ => "other" }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_nested_pattern_same_names() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" enum Color { Rgb(i32, i32, i32), Hsv(i32, i32, i32), } enum Message { Quit, Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Write(String), ChangeColor(Color), } fn main(msg: Message) { match msg { Message::ChangeColor(Color::Rgb(a, b, c)) => $0"", Message::ChangeColor(Color::Hsv(a, b, c)) => "", _ => "other" }; } "#, r#" enum Color { Rgb(i32, i32, i32), Hsv(i32, i32, i32), } enum Message { Quit, Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, Write(String), ChangeColor(Color), } fn main(msg: Message) { match msg { Message::ChangeColor(Color::Rgb(a, b, c)) | Message::ChangeColor(Color::Hsv(a, b, c)) => "", _ => "other" }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_enum_destructuring_with_ignore() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, a: i32 }, Crawl { x: i32, b: i32 } } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, .. } => $0"", MyEnum::Crawl { x, .. } => "", }; } "#, r#" enum MyEnum { Move { x: i32, a: i32 }, Crawl { x: i32, b: i32 } } fn func(x: MyEnum) { match x { MyEnum::Move { x, .. } | MyEnum::Crawl { x, .. } => "", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_nested_with_conflicting_identifier() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" enum Color { Rgb(i32, i32, i32), Hsv(i32, i32, i32), } enum Message { Move { x: i32, y: i32 }, ChangeColor(u8, Color), } fn main(msg: Message) { match msg { Message::ChangeColor(x, Color::Rgb(y, b, c)) => $0"", Message::ChangeColor(y, Color::Hsv(x, b, c)) => "", _ => "other" }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_tuple() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func() { match (0, "boo") { (x, y) => $0"", (y, x) => "", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_parentheses() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func(x: i32) { let variable = 2; match x { 1 => $0"", ((((variable)))) => "", _ => "other" }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_refpat() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func() { let name = Some(String::from("")); let n = String::from(""); match name { Some(ref n) => $0"", Some(n) => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_slice() { check_assist_not_applicable( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func(binary: &[u8]) { let space = b' '; match binary { [0x7f, b'E', b'L', b'F', ..] => $0"", [space] => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, ) } #[test] fn merge_match_arms_slice_identical() { check_assist( merge_match_arms, r#" fn func(binary: &[u8]) { let space = b' '; match binary { [space, 5u8] => $0"", [space] => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, r#" fn func(binary: &[u8]) { let space = b' '; match binary { [space, 5u8] | [space] => "", _ => "other", }; } "#, ) } }