use ide_db::famous_defs::FamousDefs; use stdx::{format_to, to_lower_snake_case}; use syntax::{ ast::{self, AstNode, HasName, HasVisibility}, TextRange, }; use crate::{ utils::{convert_reference_type, find_impl_block_end, find_struct_impl, generate_impl_text}, AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists, GroupLabel, }; // Assist: generate_getter // // Generate a getter method. // // ``` // # //- minicore: as_ref // # pub struct String; // # impl AsRef for String { // # fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { // # "" // # } // # } // # // struct Person { // nam$0e: String, // } // ``` // -> // ``` // # pub struct String; // # impl AsRef for String { // # fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { // # "" // # } // # } // # // struct Person { // name: String, // } // // impl Person { // fn $0name(&self) -> &str { // // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_getter(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { generate_getter_impl(acc, ctx, false) } // Assist: generate_getter_mut // // Generate a mut getter method. // // ``` // struct Person { // nam$0e: String, // } // ``` // -> // ``` // struct Person { // name: String, // } // // impl Person { // fn $0name_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String { // &mut // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_getter_mut(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { generate_getter_impl(acc, ctx, true) } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct RecordFieldInfo { field_name: syntax::ast::Name, field_ty: syntax::ast::Type, fn_name: String, target: TextRange, } struct GetterInfo { impl_def: Option, strukt: ast::Struct, mutable: bool, } pub(crate) fn generate_getter_impl( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, mutable: bool, ) -> Option<()> { // This if condition denotes two modes this assist can work in: // - First is acting upon selection of record fields // - Next is acting upon a single record field // // This is the only part where implementation diverges a bit, // subsequent code is generic for both of these modes let (strukt, info_of_record_fields, fn_names) = if !ctx.has_empty_selection() { // Selection Mode let node = ctx.covering_element(); let node = match node { syntax::NodeOrToken::Node(n) => n, syntax::NodeOrToken::Token(t) => t.parent()?, }; let parent_struct = node.ancestors().find_map(ast::Struct::cast)?; let (info_of_record_fields, field_names) = extract_and_parse_record_fields(&parent_struct, ctx.selection_trimmed(), mutable)?; (parent_struct, info_of_record_fields, field_names) } else { // Single Record Field mode let strukt = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let field = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let record_field_info = parse_record_field(field, mutable)?; let fn_name = record_field_info.fn_name.clone(); (strukt, vec![record_field_info], vec![fn_name]) }; // No record fields to do work on :( if info_of_record_fields.len() == 0 { return None; } let impl_def = find_struct_impl(ctx, &ast::Adt::Struct(strukt.clone()), &fn_names)?; let (id, label) = if mutable { ("generate_getter_mut", "Generate a mut getter method") } else { ("generate_getter", "Generate a getter method") }; // Computing collective text range of all record fields in selected region let target: TextRange = info_of_record_fields .iter() .map(|record_field_info| .reduce(|acc, target| acc.cover(target))?; let getter_info = GetterInfo { impl_def, strukt, mutable }; acc.add_group( &GroupLabel("Generate getter/setter".to_owned()), AssistId(id, AssistKind::Generate), label, target, |builder| { let record_fields_count = info_of_record_fields.len(); let mut buf = String::with_capacity(512); // Check if an impl exists if let Some(impl_def) = &getter_info.impl_def { // Check if impl is empty if let Some(assoc_item_list) = impl_def.assoc_item_list() { if assoc_item_list.assoc_items().next().is_some() { // If not empty then only insert a new line buf.push('\n'); } } } for (i, record_field_info) in info_of_record_fields.iter().enumerate() { // this buf inserts a newline at the end of a getter // automatically, if one wants to add one more newline // for separating it from other assoc items, that needs // to be handled spearately let mut getter_buf = generate_getter_from_info(ctx, &getter_info, &record_field_info); // Insert `$0` only for last getter we generate if i == record_fields_count - 1 { getter_buf = getter_buf.replacen("fn ", "fn $0", 1); } // For first element we do not merge with '\n', as // that can be inserted by impl_def check defined // above, for other cases which are: // // - impl exists but it empty, here we would ideally // not want to keep newline between impl { // and fn () { line // // - next if impl itself does not exist, in this // case we ourselves generate a new impl and that // again ends up with the same reasoning as above // for not keeping newline if i == 0 { buf = buf + &getter_buf; } else { buf = buf + "\n" + &getter_buf; } // We don't insert a new line at the end of // last getter as it will end up in the end // of an impl where we would not like to keep // getter and end of impl ( i.e. `}` ) with an // extra line for no reason if i < record_fields_count - 1 { buf = buf + "\n"; } } let start_offset = getter_info .impl_def .as_ref() .and_then(|impl_def| find_impl_block_end(impl_def.to_owned(), &mut buf)) .unwrap_or_else(|| { buf = generate_impl_text(&ast::Adt::Struct(getter_info.strukt.clone()), &buf); getter_info.strukt.syntax().text_range().end() }); match ctx.config.snippet_cap { Some(cap) => builder.insert_snippet(cap, start_offset, buf), None => builder.insert(start_offset, buf), } }, ) } fn generate_getter_from_info( ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, info: &GetterInfo, record_field_info: &RecordFieldInfo, ) -> String { let mut buf = String::with_capacity(512); let vis = info.strukt.visibility().map_or(String::new(), |v| format!("{v} ")); let (ty, body) = if info.mutable { ( format!("&mut {}", record_field_info.field_ty), format!("&mut self.{}", record_field_info.field_name), ) } else { (|| { let krate = ctx.sema.scope(record_field_info.field_ty.syntax())?.krate(); let famous_defs = &FamousDefs(&ctx.sema, krate); ctx.sema .resolve_type(&record_field_info.field_ty) .and_then(|ty| convert_reference_type(ty, ctx.db(), famous_defs)) .map(|conversion| { cov_mark::hit!(convert_reference_type); ( conversion.convert_type(ctx.db()), conversion.getter(record_field_info.field_name.to_string()), ) }) })() .unwrap_or_else(|| { ( format!("&{}", record_field_info.field_ty), format!("&self.{}", record_field_info.field_name), ) }) }; format_to!( buf, " {}fn {}(&{}self) -> {} {{ {} }}", vis, record_field_info.fn_name, info.mutable.then(|| "mut ").unwrap_or_default(), ty, body, ); buf } fn extract_and_parse_record_fields( node: &ast::Struct, selection_range: TextRange, mutable: bool, ) -> Option<(Vec, Vec)> { let mut field_names: Vec = vec![]; let field_list = node.field_list()?; match field_list { ast::FieldList::RecordFieldList(ele) => { let info_of_record_fields_in_selection = ele .fields() .filter_map(|record_field| { if selection_range.contains_range(record_field.syntax().text_range()) { let record_field_info = parse_record_field(record_field, mutable)?; field_names.push(record_field_info.fn_name.clone()); return Some(record_field_info); } None }) .collect::>(); if info_of_record_fields_in_selection.len() == 0 { return None; } Some((info_of_record_fields_in_selection, field_names)) } ast::FieldList::TupleFieldList(_) => { return None; } } } fn parse_record_field(record_field: ast::RecordField, mutable: bool) -> Option { let field_name =; let field_ty = record_field.ty()?; let mut fn_name = to_lower_snake_case(&field_name.to_string()); if mutable { format_to!(fn_name, "_mut"); } let target = record_field.syntax().text_range(); Some(RecordFieldInfo { field_name, field_ty, fn_name, target }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn test_generate_getter_from_field() { check_assist( generate_getter, r#" struct Context { dat$0a: Data, } "#, r#" struct Context { data: Data, } impl Context { fn $0data(&self) -> &Data { & } } "#, ); check_assist( generate_getter_mut, r#" struct Context { dat$0a: Data, } "#, r#" struct Context { data: Data, } impl Context { fn $0data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Data { &mut } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_generate_getter_already_implemented() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_getter, r#" struct Context { dat$0a: Data, } impl Context { fn data(&self) -> &Data { & } } "#, ); check_assist_not_applicable( generate_getter_mut, r#" struct Context { dat$0a: Data, } impl Context { fn data_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Data { &mut } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_generate_getter_from_field_with_visibility_marker() { check_assist( generate_getter, r#" pub(crate) struct Context { dat$0a: Data, } "#, r#" pub(crate) struct Context { data: Data, } impl Context { pub(crate) fn $0data(&self) -> &Data { & } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_multiple_generate_getter() { check_assist( generate_getter, r#" struct Context { data: Data, cou$0nt: usize, } impl Context { fn data(&self) -> &Data { & } } "#, r#" struct Context { data: Data, count: usize, } impl Context { fn data(&self) -> &Data { & } fn $0count(&self) -> &usize { &self.count } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_not_a_special_case() { cov_mark::check_count!(convert_reference_type, 0); // Fake string which doesn't implement AsRef check_assist( generate_getter, r#" pub struct String; struct S { foo: $0String } "#, r#" pub struct String; struct S { foo: String } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> &String { & } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_convert_reference_type() { cov_mark::check_count!(convert_reference_type, 6); // Copy check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: copy struct S { foo: $0bool } "#, r#" struct S { foo: bool } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> bool { } } "#, ); // AsRef check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: as_ref pub struct String; impl AsRef for String { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { "" } } struct S { foo: $0String } "#, r#" pub struct String; impl AsRef for String { fn as_ref(&self) -> &str { "" } } struct S { foo: String } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> &str { } } "#, ); // AsRef check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: as_ref struct Sweets; pub struct Box(T); impl AsRef for Box { fn as_ref(&self) -> &T { &self.0 } } struct S { foo: $0Box } "#, r#" struct Sweets; pub struct Box(T); impl AsRef for Box { fn as_ref(&self) -> &T { &self.0 } } struct S { foo: Box } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> &Sweets { } } "#, ); // AsRef<[T]> check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: as_ref pub struct Vec; impl AsRef<[T]> for Vec { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] { &[] } } struct S { foo: $0Vec<()> } "#, r#" pub struct Vec; impl AsRef<[T]> for Vec { fn as_ref(&self) -> &[T] { &[] } } struct S { foo: Vec<()> } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> &[()] { } } "#, ); // Option check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: option struct Failure; struct S { foo: $0Option } "#, r#" struct Failure; struct S { foo: Option } impl S { fn $0foo(&self) -> Option<&Failure> { } } "#, ); // Result check_assist( generate_getter, r#" //- minicore: result struct Context { dat$0a: Result, } "#, r#" struct Context { data: Result, } impl Context { fn $0data(&self) -> Result<&bool, &i32> { } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_generate_multiple_getters_from_selection() { check_assist( generate_getter, r#" struct Context { $0data: Data, count: usize,$0 } "#, r#" struct Context { data: Data, count: usize, } impl Context { fn data(&self) -> &Data { & } fn $0count(&self) -> &usize { &self.count } } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_generate_multiple_getters_from_selection_one_already_exists() { // As impl for one of the fields already exist, skip it check_assist_not_applicable( generate_getter, r#" struct Context { $0data: Data, count: usize,$0 } impl Context { fn data(&self) -> &Data { & } } "#, ); } }