//! SCIP generator use std::{ collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, path::PathBuf, time::Instant, }; use crate::{ cli::load_cargo::ProcMacroServerChoice, line_index::{LineEndings, LineIndex, PositionEncoding}, }; use ide::{ LineCol, MonikerDescriptorKind, StaticIndex, StaticIndexedFile, TextRange, TokenId, TokenStaticData, }; use ide_db::LineIndexDatabase; use project_model::{CargoConfig, ProjectManifest, ProjectWorkspace, RustLibSource}; use scip::types as scip_types; use std::env; use crate::cli::{ flags, load_cargo::{load_workspace, LoadCargoConfig}, Result, }; impl flags::Scip { pub fn run(self) -> Result<()> { eprintln!("Generating SCIP start..."); let now = Instant::now(); let mut cargo_config = CargoConfig::default(); cargo_config.sysroot = Some(RustLibSource::Discover); let no_progress = &|s| (eprintln!("rust-analyzer: Loading {s}")); let load_cargo_config = LoadCargoConfig { load_out_dirs_from_check: true, with_proc_macro_server: ProcMacroServerChoice::Sysroot, prefill_caches: true, }; let path = vfs::AbsPathBuf::assert(env::current_dir()?.join(&self.path)); let rootpath = path.normalize(); let manifest = ProjectManifest::discover_single(&path)?; let workspace = ProjectWorkspace::load(manifest, &cargo_config, no_progress)?; let (host, vfs, _) = load_workspace(workspace, &cargo_config.extra_env, &load_cargo_config)?; let db = host.raw_database(); let analysis = host.analysis(); let si = StaticIndex::compute(&analysis); let metadata = scip_types::Metadata { version: scip_types::ProtocolVersion::UnspecifiedProtocolVersion.into(), tool_info: Some(scip_types::ToolInfo { name: "rust-analyzer".to_owned(), version: "0.1".to_owned(), arguments: vec![], special_fields: Default::default(), }) .into(), project_root: format!( "file://{}", path.normalize() .as_os_str() .to_str() .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("Unable to normalize project_root path"))? ), text_document_encoding: scip_types::TextEncoding::UTF8.into(), special_fields: Default::default(), }; let mut documents = Vec::new(); let mut symbols_emitted: HashSet = HashSet::default(); let mut tokens_to_symbol: HashMap = HashMap::new(); for StaticIndexedFile { file_id, tokens, .. } in si.files { let mut local_count = 0; let mut new_local_symbol = || { let new_symbol = scip::types::Symbol::new_local(local_count); local_count += 1; new_symbol }; let relative_path = match get_relative_filepath(&vfs, &rootpath, file_id) { Some(relative_path) => relative_path, None => continue, }; let line_index = LineIndex { index: db.line_index(file_id), encoding: PositionEncoding::Utf8, endings: LineEndings::Unix, }; let mut occurrences = Vec::new(); let mut symbols = Vec::new(); tokens.into_iter().for_each(|(text_range, id)| { let token = si.tokens.get(id).unwrap(); let range = text_range_to_scip_range(&line_index, text_range); let symbol = tokens_to_symbol .entry(id) .or_insert_with(|| { let symbol = token_to_symbol(token).unwrap_or_else(&mut new_local_symbol); scip::symbol::format_symbol(symbol) }) .clone(); let mut symbol_roles = Default::default(); if let Some(def) = token.definition { if def.range == text_range { symbol_roles |= scip_types::SymbolRole::Definition as i32; } if symbols_emitted.insert(id) { let documentation = token .hover .as_ref() .map(|hover| hover.markup.as_str()) .filter(|it| !it.is_empty()) .map(|it| vec![it.to_owned()]); let symbol_info = scip_types::SymbolInformation { symbol: symbol.clone(), documentation: documentation.unwrap_or_default(), relationships: Vec::new(), special_fields: Default::default(), }; symbols.push(symbol_info) } } occurrences.push(scip_types::Occurrence { range, symbol, symbol_roles, override_documentation: Vec::new(), syntax_kind: Default::default(), diagnostics: Vec::new(), special_fields: Default::default(), }); }); if occurrences.is_empty() { continue; } documents.push(scip_types::Document { relative_path, language: "rust".to_string(), occurrences, symbols, special_fields: Default::default(), }); } let index = scip_types::Index { metadata: Some(metadata).into(), documents, external_symbols: Vec::new(), special_fields: Default::default(), }; let out_path = self.output.unwrap_or_else(|| PathBuf::from(r"index.scip")); scip::write_message_to_file(out_path, index) .map_err(|err| anyhow::anyhow!("Failed to write scip to file: {}", err))?; eprintln!("Generating SCIP finished {:?}", now.elapsed()); Ok(()) } } fn get_relative_filepath( vfs: &vfs::Vfs, rootpath: &vfs::AbsPathBuf, file_id: ide::FileId, ) -> Option { Some(vfs.file_path(file_id).as_path()?.strip_prefix(rootpath)?.as_ref().to_str()?.to_string()) } // SCIP Ranges have a (very large) optimization that ranges if they are on the same line // only encode as a vector of [start_line, start_col, end_col]. // // This transforms a line index into the optimized SCIP Range. fn text_range_to_scip_range(line_index: &LineIndex, range: TextRange) -> Vec { let LineCol { line: start_line, col: start_col } = line_index.index.line_col(range.start()); let LineCol { line: end_line, col: end_col } = line_index.index.line_col(range.end()); if start_line == end_line { vec![start_line as i32, start_col as i32, end_col as i32] } else { vec![start_line as i32, start_col as i32, end_line as i32, end_col as i32] } } fn new_descriptor_str( name: &str, suffix: scip_types::descriptor::Suffix, ) -> scip_types::Descriptor { scip_types::Descriptor { name: name.to_string(), disambiguator: "".to_string(), suffix: suffix.into(), special_fields: Default::default(), } } fn new_descriptor(name: &str, suffix: scip_types::descriptor::Suffix) -> scip_types::Descriptor { if name.contains('\'') { new_descriptor_str(&format!("`{name}`"), suffix) } else { new_descriptor_str(&name, suffix) } } /// Loosely based on `def_to_moniker` /// /// Only returns a Symbol when it's a non-local symbol. /// So if the visibility isn't outside of a document, then it will return None fn token_to_symbol(token: &TokenStaticData) -> Option { use scip_types::descriptor::Suffix::*; let moniker = token.moniker.as_ref()?; let package_name = moniker.package_information.name.clone(); let version = moniker.package_information.version.clone(); let descriptors = moniker .identifier .description .iter() .map(|desc| { new_descriptor( &desc.name, match desc.desc { MonikerDescriptorKind::Namespace => Namespace, MonikerDescriptorKind::Type => Type, MonikerDescriptorKind::Term => Term, MonikerDescriptorKind::Method => Method, MonikerDescriptorKind::TypeParameter => TypeParameter, MonikerDescriptorKind::Parameter => Parameter, MonikerDescriptorKind::Macro => Macro, MonikerDescriptorKind::Meta => Meta, }, ) }) .collect(); Some(scip_types::Symbol { scheme: "rust-analyzer".into(), package: Some(scip_types::Package { manager: "cargo".to_string(), name: package_name, version: version.unwrap_or_else(|| ".".to_string()), special_fields: Default::default(), }) .into(), descriptors, special_fields: Default::default(), }) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use ide::{AnalysisHost, FilePosition, StaticIndex, TextSize}; use ide_db::base_db::fixture::ChangeFixture; use scip::symbol::format_symbol; fn position(ra_fixture: &str) -> (AnalysisHost, FilePosition) { let mut host = AnalysisHost::default(); let change_fixture = ChangeFixture::parse(ra_fixture); host.raw_database_mut().apply_change(change_fixture.change); let (file_id, range_or_offset) = change_fixture.file_position.expect("expected a marker ($0)"); let offset = range_or_offset.expect_offset(); (host, FilePosition { file_id, offset }) } /// If expected == "", then assert that there are no symbols (this is basically local symbol) #[track_caller] fn check_symbol(ra_fixture: &str, expected: &str) { let (host, position) = position(ra_fixture); let analysis = host.analysis(); let si = StaticIndex::compute(&analysis); let FilePosition { file_id, offset } = position; let mut found_symbol = None; for file in &si.files { if file.file_id != file_id { continue; } for &(range, id) in &file.tokens { if range.contains(offset - TextSize::from(1)) { let token = si.tokens.get(id).unwrap(); found_symbol = token_to_symbol(token); break; } } } if expected == "" { assert!(found_symbol.is_none(), "must have no symbols {found_symbol:?}"); return; } assert!(found_symbol.is_some(), "must have one symbol {found_symbol:?}"); let res = found_symbol.unwrap(); let formatted = format_symbol(res); assert_eq!(formatted, expected); } #[test] fn basic() { check_symbol( r#" //- /lib.rs crate:main deps:foo use foo::example_mod::func; fn main() { func$0(); } //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod example_mod { pub fn func() {} } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 example_mod/func().", ); } #[test] fn symbol_for_trait() { check_symbol( r#" //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod module { pub trait MyTrait { pub fn func$0() {} } } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 module/MyTrait#func().", ); } #[test] fn symbol_for_trait_constant() { check_symbol( r#" //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod module { pub trait MyTrait { const MY_CONST$0: u8; } } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 module/MyTrait#MY_CONST.", ); } #[test] fn symbol_for_trait_type() { check_symbol( r#" //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod module { pub trait MyTrait { type MyType$0; } } "#, // "foo::module::MyTrait::MyType", "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 module/MyTrait#[MyType]", ); } #[test] fn symbol_for_trait_impl_function() { check_symbol( r#" //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod module { pub trait MyTrait { pub fn func() {} } struct MyStruct {} impl MyTrait for MyStruct { pub fn func$0() {} } } "#, // "foo::module::MyStruct::MyTrait::func", "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 module/MyStruct#MyTrait#func().", ); } #[test] fn symbol_for_field() { check_symbol( r#" //- /lib.rs crate:main deps:foo use foo::St; fn main() { let x = St { a$0: 2 }; } //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub struct St { pub a: i32, } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo foo 0.1.0 St#a.", ); } #[test] fn local_symbol_for_local() { check_symbol( r#" //- /lib.rs crate:main deps:foo use foo::module::func; fn main() { func(); } //- /foo/lib.rs crate:foo@CratesIo:0.1.0,https://a.b/foo.git pub mod module { pub fn func() { let x$0 = 2; } } "#, "", ); } #[test] fn global_symbol_for_pub_struct() { check_symbol( r#" //- /lib.rs crate:main mod foo; fn main() { let _bar = foo::Bar { i: 0 }; } //- /foo.rs pub struct Bar$0 { pub i: i32, } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo main . foo/Bar#", ); } #[test] fn global_symbol_for_pub_struct_reference() { check_symbol( r#" //- /lib.rs crate:main mod foo; fn main() { let _bar = foo::Bar$0 { i: 0 }; } //- /foo.rs pub struct Bar { pub i: i32, } "#, "rust-analyzer cargo main . foo/Bar#", ); } }