// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. // Formatting top-level items - functions, structs, enums, traits, impls. use {Indent, Shape}; use codemap::SpanUtils; use utils::{format_mutability, format_visibility, contains_skip, end_typaram, wrap_str, last_line_width, format_unsafety, trim_newlines, stmt_expr, semicolon_for_expr, trimmed_last_line_width}; use lists::{write_list, itemize_list, ListItem, ListFormatting, SeparatorTactic, list_helper, DefinitiveListTactic, ListTactic, definitive_tactic, format_item_list}; use expr::{is_empty_block, is_simple_block_stmt, rewrite_assign_rhs, type_annotation_separator}; use comment::{FindUncommented, contains_comment}; use visitor::FmtVisitor; use rewrite::{Rewrite, RewriteContext}; use config::{Config, IndentStyle, Density, ReturnIndent, BraceStyle, Style}; use itertools::Itertools; use syntax::{ast, abi, codemap, ptr, symbol}; use syntax::codemap::{Span, BytePos, mk_sp}; use syntax::ast::ImplItem; // Statements of the form // let pat: ty = init; impl Rewrite for ast::Local { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { debug!("Local::rewrite {:?} {} {:?}", self, shape.width, shape.indent); let mut result = "let ".to_owned(); let pat_shape = try_opt!(shape.offset_left(result.len())); // 1 = ; let pat_shape = try_opt!(pat_shape.sub_width(1)); let pat_str = try_opt!(self.pat.rewrite(&context, pat_shape)); result.push_str(&pat_str); // String that is placed within the assignment pattern and expression. let infix = { let mut infix = String::new(); if let Some(ref ty) = self.ty { let separator = type_annotation_separator(context.config); let indent = shape.indent + last_line_width(&result) + separator.len(); // 1 = ; let budget = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(indent.width() + 1)); let rewrite = try_opt!(ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, indent))); infix.push_str(separator); infix.push_str(&rewrite); } if self.init.is_some() { infix.push_str(" ="); } infix }; result.push_str(&infix); if let Some(ref ex) = self.init { // 1 = trailing semicolon; //let budget = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(shape.indent.block_only().width() + 1)); let nested_shape = try_opt!(shape.sub_width(1)); result = try_opt!(rewrite_assign_rhs(&context, result, ex, nested_shape)); } result.push(';'); Some(result) } } // TODO convert to using rewrite style rather than visitor // TODO format modules in this style #[allow(dead_code)] struct Item<'a> { keyword: &'static str, abi: String, vis: Option<&'a ast::Visibility>, body: Vec>, span: Span, } impl<'a> Item<'a> { fn from_foreign_mod(fm: &'a ast::ForeignMod, span: Span, config: &Config) -> Item<'a> { let abi = if fm.abi == abi::Abi::C && !config.force_explicit_abi { "extern".into() } else { format!("extern {}", fm.abi) }; Item { keyword: "", abi: abi, vis: None, body: fm.items .iter() .map(|i| BodyElement::ForeignItem(i)) .collect(), span: span, } } } enum BodyElement<'a> { // Stmt(&'a ast::Stmt), // Field(&'a ast::Field), // Variant(&'a ast::Variant), // Item(&'a ast::Item), ForeignItem(&'a ast::ForeignItem), } impl<'a> FmtVisitor<'a> { fn format_item(&mut self, item: Item) { self.buffer.push_str(&item.abi); self.buffer.push_str(" "); let snippet = self.snippet(item.span); let brace_pos = snippet.find_uncommented("{").unwrap(); self.buffer.push_str("{"); if !item.body.is_empty() || contains_comment(&snippet[brace_pos..]) { // FIXME: this skips comments between the extern keyword and the opening // brace. self.last_pos = item.span.lo + BytePos(brace_pos as u32 + 1); self.block_indent = self.block_indent.block_indent(self.config); if item.body.is_empty() { self.format_missing_no_indent(item.span.hi - BytePos(1)); self.block_indent = self.block_indent.block_unindent(self.config); self.buffer .push_str(&self.block_indent.to_string(self.config)); } else { for item in &item.body { self.format_body_element(item); } self.block_indent = self.block_indent.block_unindent(self.config); self.format_missing_with_indent(item.span.hi - BytePos(1)); } } self.buffer.push_str("}"); self.last_pos = item.span.hi; } fn format_body_element(&mut self, element: &BodyElement) { match *element { BodyElement::ForeignItem(ref item) => self.format_foreign_item(item), } } pub fn format_foreign_mod(&mut self, fm: &ast::ForeignMod, span: Span) { let item = Item::from_foreign_mod(fm, span, self.config); self.format_item(item); } fn format_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &ast::ForeignItem) { self.format_missing_with_indent(item.span.lo); // Drop semicolon or it will be interpreted as comment. // FIXME: this may be a faulty span from libsyntax. let span = mk_sp(item.span.lo, item.span.hi - BytePos(1)); match item.node { ast::ForeignItemKind::Fn(ref fn_decl, ref generics) => { let indent = self.block_indent; let rewrite = rewrite_fn_base(&self.get_context(), indent, item.ident, fn_decl, generics, ast::Unsafety::Normal, ast::Constness::NotConst, ast::Defaultness::Final, // These are not actually rust functions, // but we format them as such. abi::Abi::Rust, &item.vis, span, false, false, false); match rewrite { Some((new_fn, _)) => { self.buffer.push_str(&new_fn); self.buffer.push_str(";"); } None => self.format_missing(item.span.hi), } } ast::ForeignItemKind::Static(ref ty, is_mutable) => { // FIXME(#21): we're dropping potential comments in between the // function keywords here. let vis = format_visibility(&item.vis); let mut_str = if is_mutable { "mut " } else { "" }; let prefix = format!("{}static {}{}: ", vis, mut_str, item.ident); let offset = self.block_indent + prefix.len(); // 1 = ; let width = self.config.max_width - offset.width() - 1; let rewrite = ty.rewrite(&self.get_context(), Shape::legacy(width, offset)); match rewrite { Some(result) => { self.buffer.push_str(&prefix); self.buffer.push_str(&result); self.buffer.push_str(";"); } None => self.format_missing(item.span.hi), } } } self.last_pos = item.span.hi; } pub fn rewrite_fn(&mut self, indent: Indent, ident: ast::Ident, fd: &ast::FnDecl, generics: &ast::Generics, unsafety: ast::Unsafety, constness: ast::Constness, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, abi: abi::Abi, vis: &ast::Visibility, span: Span, block: &ast::Block) -> Option { let mut newline_brace = newline_for_brace(self.config, &generics.where_clause); let context = self.get_context(); let block_snippet = self.snippet(codemap::mk_sp(block.span.lo, block.span.hi)); let has_body = !block_snippet[1..block_snippet.len() - 1] .trim() .is_empty() || !context.config.fn_empty_single_line; let (mut result, force_newline_brace) = try_opt!(rewrite_fn_base(&context, indent, ident, fd, generics, unsafety, constness, defaultness, abi, vis, span, newline_brace, has_body, true)); if self.config.fn_brace_style != BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine && !result.contains('\n') { newline_brace = false; } else if force_newline_brace { newline_brace = true; } // Prepare for the function body by possibly adding a newline and // indent. // FIXME we'll miss anything between the end of the signature and the // start of the body, but we need more spans from the compiler to solve // this. if newline_brace { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&indent.to_string(self.config)); } else { result.push(' '); } self.single_line_fn(&result, block) .or_else(|| Some(result)) } pub fn rewrite_required_fn(&mut self, indent: Indent, ident: ast::Ident, sig: &ast::MethodSig, span: Span) -> Option { // Drop semicolon or it will be interpreted as comment. let span = mk_sp(span.lo, span.hi - BytePos(1)); let context = self.get_context(); let (mut result, _) = try_opt!(rewrite_fn_base(&context, indent, ident, &sig.decl, &sig.generics, sig.unsafety, sig.constness.node, ast::Defaultness::Final, sig.abi, &ast::Visibility::Inherited, span, false, false, false)); // Re-attach semicolon result.push(';'); Some(result) } fn single_line_fn(&self, fn_str: &str, block: &ast::Block) -> Option { if fn_str.contains('\n') { return None; } let codemap = self.get_context().codemap; if self.config.fn_empty_single_line && is_empty_block(block, codemap) && self.block_indent.width() + fn_str.len() + 2 <= self.config.max_width { return Some(format!("{}{{}}", fn_str)); } if self.config.fn_single_line && is_simple_block_stmt(block, codemap) { let rewrite = { if let Some(ref stmt) = block.stmts.first() { match stmt_expr(stmt) { Some(e) => { let suffix = if semicolon_for_expr(e) { ";" } else { "" }; e.rewrite(&self.get_context(), Shape::legacy(self.config.max_width - self.block_indent.width(), self.block_indent)) .map(|s| s + suffix) .or_else(|| Some(self.snippet(e.span))) } None => { stmt.rewrite(&self.get_context(), Shape::legacy(self.config.max_width - self.block_indent.width(), self.block_indent)) } } } else { None } }; if let Some(res) = rewrite { let width = self.block_indent.width() + fn_str.len() + res.len() + 4; if !res.contains('\n') && width <= self.config.max_width { return Some(format!("{}{{ {} }}", fn_str, res)); } } } None } pub fn visit_enum(&mut self, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility, enum_def: &ast::EnumDef, generics: &ast::Generics, span: Span) { self.buffer.push_str(&format_header("enum ", ident, vis)); let enum_snippet = self.snippet(span); let brace_pos = enum_snippet.find_uncommented("{").unwrap(); let body_start = span.lo + BytePos(brace_pos as u32 + 1); let generics_str = format_generics(&self.get_context(), generics, "{", "{", self.config.item_brace_style, enum_def.variants.is_empty(), self.block_indent, self.block_indent.block_indent(self.config), mk_sp(span.lo, body_start)) .unwrap(); self.buffer.push_str(&generics_str); self.last_pos = body_start; self.block_indent = self.block_indent.block_indent(self.config); let variant_list = self.format_variant_list(enum_def, body_start, span.hi - BytePos(1)); match variant_list { Some(ref body_str) => self.buffer.push_str(body_str), None => { if contains_comment(&enum_snippet[brace_pos..]) { self.format_missing_no_indent(span.hi - BytePos(1)) } else { self.format_missing(span.hi - BytePos(1)) } } } self.block_indent = self.block_indent.block_unindent(self.config); if variant_list.is_some() || contains_comment(&enum_snippet[brace_pos..]) { self.buffer .push_str(&self.block_indent.to_string(self.config)); } self.buffer.push_str("}"); self.last_pos = span.hi; } // Format the body of an enum definition fn format_variant_list(&self, enum_def: &ast::EnumDef, body_lo: BytePos, body_hi: BytePos) -> Option { if enum_def.variants.is_empty() { return None; } let mut result = String::with_capacity(1024); result.push('\n'); let indentation = self.block_indent.to_string(self.config); result.push_str(&indentation); let items = itemize_list(self.codemap, enum_def.variants.iter(), "}", |f| if !f.node.attrs.is_empty() { f.node.attrs[0].span.lo } else { f.span.lo }, |f| f.span.hi, |f| self.format_variant(f), body_lo, body_hi); let budget = self.config.max_width - self.block_indent.width() - 2; let fmt = ListFormatting { tactic: DefinitiveListTactic::Vertical, separator: ",", trailing_separator: self.config.trailing_comma, shape: Shape::legacy(budget, self.block_indent), ends_with_newline: true, config: self.config, }; let list = try_opt!(write_list(items, &fmt)); result.push_str(&list); result.push('\n'); Some(result) } // Variant of an enum. fn format_variant(&self, field: &ast::Variant) -> Option { if contains_skip(&field.node.attrs) { let lo = field.node.attrs[0].span.lo; let span = mk_sp(lo, field.span.hi); return Some(self.snippet(span)); } let indent = self.block_indent; let mut result = try_opt!(field .node .attrs .rewrite(&self.get_context(), Shape::legacy(self.config.max_width - indent.width(), indent))); if !result.is_empty() { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&indent.to_string(self.config)); } let context = self.get_context(); let variant_body = match field.node.data { ast::VariantData::Tuple(..) | ast::VariantData::Struct(..) => { // FIXME: Should limit the width, as we have a trailing comma format_struct(&context, "", field.node.name, &ast::Visibility::Inherited, &field.node.data, None, field.span, indent, Some(self.config.struct_variant_width)) } ast::VariantData::Unit(..) => { let tag = if let Some(ref expr) = field.node.disr_expr { format!("{} = {}", field.node.name, self.snippet(expr.span)) } else { field.node.name.to_string() }; wrap_str(tag, self.config.max_width, Shape::legacy(self.config.max_width - indent.width(), indent)) } }; if let Some(variant_str) = variant_body { result.push_str(&variant_str); Some(result) } else { None } } } pub fn format_impl(context: &RewriteContext, item: &ast::Item, offset: Indent) -> Option { if let ast::ItemKind::Impl(_, _, ref generics, ref trait_ref, _, ref items) = item.node { let mut result = String::new(); // First try to format the ref and type without a split at the 'for'. let mut ref_and_type = try_opt!(format_impl_ref_and_type(context, item, offset, false)); // If there is a line break present in the first result format it again // with a split at the 'for'. Skip this if there is no trait ref and // therefore no 'for'. if ref_and_type.contains('\n') && trait_ref.is_some() { ref_and_type = try_opt!(format_impl_ref_and_type(context, item, offset, true)); } result.push_str(&ref_and_type); let where_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); let where_clause_str = try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, &generics.where_clause, context.config.item_brace_style, Shape::legacy(where_budget, offset.block_only()), context.config.where_density, "{", false, last_line_width(&ref_and_type) == 1, None)); if try_opt!(is_impl_single_line(context, &items, &result, &where_clause_str, &item)) { result.push_str(&where_clause_str); if where_clause_str.contains('\n') { let white_space = offset.to_string(context.config); result.push_str(&format!("\n{}{{\n{}}}", &white_space, &white_space)); } else { result.push_str(" {}"); } return Some(result); } if !where_clause_str.is_empty() && !where_clause_str.contains('\n') { result.push('\n'); let width = offset.block_indent + context.config.tab_spaces - 1; let where_indent = Indent::new(0, width); result.push_str(&where_indent.to_string(context.config)); } result.push_str(&where_clause_str); match context.config.item_brace_style { BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine => { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } BraceStyle::PreferSameLine => result.push(' '), BraceStyle::SameLineWhere => { if !where_clause_str.is_empty() { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } else { result.push(' '); } } } result.push('{'); let snippet = context.snippet(item.span); let open_pos = try_opt!(snippet.find_uncommented("{")) + 1; if !items.is_empty() || contains_comment(&snippet[open_pos..]) { let mut visitor = FmtVisitor::from_codemap(context.parse_session, context.config); visitor.block_indent = offset.block_only().block_indent(context.config); visitor.last_pos = item.span.lo + BytePos(open_pos as u32); for item in items { visitor.visit_impl_item(item); } visitor.format_missing(item.span.hi - BytePos(1)); let inner_indent_str = visitor.block_indent.to_string(context.config); let outer_indent_str = offset.block_only().to_string(context.config); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&inner_indent_str); result.push_str(trim_newlines(visitor.buffer.to_string().trim())); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&outer_indent_str); } if result.chars().last().unwrap() == '{' { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } result.push('}'); Some(result) } else { unreachable!(); } } fn is_impl_single_line(context: &RewriteContext, items: &[ImplItem], result: &str, where_clause_str: &str, item: &ast::Item) -> Option { let snippet = context.snippet(item.span); let open_pos = try_opt!(snippet.find_uncommented("{")) + 1; Some(context.config.impl_empty_single_line && items.is_empty() && result.len() + where_clause_str.len() <= context.config.max_width && !contains_comment(&snippet[open_pos..])) } fn format_impl_ref_and_type(context: &RewriteContext, item: &ast::Item, offset: Indent, split_at_for: bool) -> Option { if let ast::ItemKind::Impl(unsafety, polarity, ref generics, ref trait_ref, ref self_ty, _) = item.node { let mut result = String::new(); result.push_str(&format_visibility(&item.vis)); result.push_str(format_unsafety(unsafety)); result.push_str("impl"); let lo = context.codemap.span_after(item.span, "impl"); let hi = match *trait_ref { Some(ref tr) => tr.path.span.lo, None => self_ty.span.lo, }; let generics_str = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, offset), offset + result.len(), mk_sp(lo, hi))); result.push_str(&generics_str); if polarity == ast::ImplPolarity::Negative { result.push_str(" !"); } if let Some(ref trait_ref) = *trait_ref { if polarity != ast::ImplPolarity::Negative { result.push_str(" "); } let used_space = last_line_width(&result); let budget = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(used_space)); let indent = offset + used_space; result.push_str(&*try_opt!(trait_ref.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, indent)))); if split_at_for { result.push('\n'); // Add indentation of one additional tab. let width = offset.block_indent + context.config.tab_spaces; let for_indent = Indent::new(0, width); result.push_str(&for_indent.to_string(context.config)); result.push_str("for"); } else { result.push_str(" for"); } } let mut used_space = last_line_width(&result); if generics.where_clause.predicates.is_empty() { // If there is no where clause adapt budget for type formatting to take space and curly // brace into account. match context.config.item_brace_style { BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine => {} BraceStyle::PreferSameLine => used_space += 2, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere => used_space += 2, } } // 1 = space before the type. let budget = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(used_space + 1)); let indent = offset + result.len() + 1; let self_ty_str = self_ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, indent)); if let Some(self_ty_str) = self_ty_str { result.push_str(" "); result.push_str(&self_ty_str); return Some(result); } // Can't fit the self type on what's left of the line, so start a new one. let indent = offset.block_indent(context.config); result.push_str(&format!("\n{}", indent.to_string(context.config))); let budget = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(indent.width())); result.push_str(&*try_opt!(self_ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, indent)))); Some(result) } else { unreachable!(); } } pub fn format_struct(context: &RewriteContext, item_name: &str, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility, struct_def: &ast::VariantData, generics: Option<&ast::Generics>, span: Span, offset: Indent, one_line_width: Option) -> Option { match *struct_def { ast::VariantData::Unit(..) => Some(format_unit_struct(item_name, ident, vis)), ast::VariantData::Tuple(ref fields, _) => { format_tuple_struct(context, item_name, ident, vis, fields, generics, span, offset) } ast::VariantData::Struct(ref fields, _) => { format_struct_struct(context, item_name, ident, vis, fields, generics, span, offset, one_line_width) } } } pub fn format_trait(context: &RewriteContext, item: &ast::Item, offset: Indent) -> Option { if let ast::ItemKind::Trait(unsafety, ref generics, ref type_param_bounds, ref trait_items) = item.node { let mut result = String::new(); let header = format!("{}{}trait {}", format_visibility(&item.vis), format_unsafety(unsafety), item.ident); result.push_str(&header); let body_lo = context.codemap.span_after(item.span, "{"); let generics_str = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, offset), offset + result.len(), mk_sp(item.span.lo, body_lo))); result.push_str(&generics_str); let trait_bound_str = try_opt!(rewrite_trait_bounds(context, type_param_bounds, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, offset))); // If the trait, generics, and trait bound cannot fit on the same line, // put the trait bounds on an indented new line if offset.width() + last_line_width(&result) + trait_bound_str.len() > context.config.comment_width { result.push('\n'); let trait_indent = offset.block_only().block_indent(context.config); result.push_str(&trait_indent.to_string(context.config)); } result.push_str(&trait_bound_str); let has_body = !trait_items.is_empty(); let where_density = if (context.config.where_density == Density::Compressed && (!result.contains('\n') || context.config.fn_args_layout == IndentStyle::Block)) || (context.config.fn_args_layout == IndentStyle::Block && result.is_empty()) || (context.config.where_density == Density::CompressedIfEmpty && !has_body && !result.contains('\n')) { Density::Compressed } else { Density::Tall }; let where_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); let where_clause_str = try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, &generics.where_clause, context.config.item_brace_style, Shape::legacy(where_budget, offset.block_only()), where_density, "{", !has_body, trait_bound_str.is_empty() && last_line_width(&generics_str) == 1, None)); // If the where clause cannot fit on the same line, // put the where clause on a new line if !where_clause_str.contains('\n') && last_line_width(&result) + where_clause_str.len() + offset.width() > context.config.comment_width { result.push('\n'); let width = offset.block_indent + context.config.tab_spaces - 1; let where_indent = Indent::new(0, width); result.push_str(&where_indent.to_string(context.config)); } result.push_str(&where_clause_str); match context.config.item_brace_style { BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine => { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } BraceStyle::PreferSameLine => result.push(' '), BraceStyle::SameLineWhere => { if !where_clause_str.is_empty() && (!trait_items.is_empty() || result.contains('\n')) { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } else { result.push(' '); } } } result.push('{'); let snippet = context.snippet(item.span); let open_pos = try_opt!(snippet.find_uncommented("{")) + 1; if !trait_items.is_empty() || contains_comment(&snippet[open_pos..]) { let mut visitor = FmtVisitor::from_codemap(context.parse_session, context.config); visitor.block_indent = offset.block_only().block_indent(context.config); visitor.last_pos = item.span.lo + BytePos(open_pos as u32); for item in trait_items { visitor.visit_trait_item(item); } visitor.format_missing(item.span.hi - BytePos(1)); let inner_indent_str = visitor.block_indent.to_string(context.config); let outer_indent_str = offset.block_only().to_string(context.config); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&inner_indent_str); result.push_str(trim_newlines(visitor.buffer.to_string().trim())); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&outer_indent_str); } else if result.contains('\n') { result.push('\n'); } result.push('}'); Some(result) } else { unreachable!(); } } fn format_unit_struct(item_name: &str, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility) -> String { format!("{};", format_header(item_name, ident, vis)) } fn format_struct_struct(context: &RewriteContext, item_name: &str, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility, fields: &[ast::StructField], generics: Option<&ast::Generics>, span: Span, offset: Indent, one_line_width: Option) -> Option { let mut result = String::with_capacity(1024); let header_str = format_header(item_name, ident, vis); result.push_str(&header_str); let body_lo = context.codemap.span_after(span, "{"); let generics_str = match generics { Some(g) => { try_opt!(format_generics(context, g, "{", "{", context.config.item_brace_style, fields.is_empty(), offset, offset + header_str.len(), mk_sp(span.lo, body_lo))) } None => { if context.config.item_brace_style == BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine && !fields.is_empty() { format!("\n{}{{", offset.block_only().to_string(context.config)) } else { " {".to_owned() } } }; result.push_str(&generics_str); // FIXME(#919): properly format empty structs and their comments. if fields.is_empty() { let snippet = context.snippet(mk_sp(body_lo, span.hi - BytePos(1))); if snippet.trim().is_empty() { // `struct S {}` } else if snippet .trim_right_matches(&[' ', '\t'][..]) .ends_with('\n') { // fix indent result.push_str(&snippet.trim_right()); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.to_string(context.config)); } else { result.push_str(&snippet); } result.push('}'); return Some(result); } let item_indent = offset.block_indent(context.config); // 1 = "," let item_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(item_indent.width() + 1)); let items = itemize_list(context.codemap, fields.iter(), "}", |field| { // Include attributes and doc comments, if present if !field.attrs.is_empty() { field.attrs[0].span.lo } else { field.span.lo } }, |field| field.ty.span.hi, |field| field.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(item_budget, item_indent)), context.codemap.span_after(span, "{"), span.hi) .collect::>(); // 1 = , let budget = context.config.max_width - offset.width() + context.config.tab_spaces - 1; let tactic = match one_line_width { Some(w) => definitive_tactic(&items, ListTactic::LimitedHorizontalVertical(w), budget), None => DefinitiveListTactic::Vertical, }; let fmt = ListFormatting { tactic: tactic, separator: ",", trailing_separator: context.config.trailing_comma, shape: Shape::legacy(budget, item_indent), ends_with_newline: true, config: context.config, }; let items_str = try_opt!(write_list(&items, &fmt)); if one_line_width.is_some() && !items_str.contains('\n') { Some(format!("{} {} }}", result, items_str)) } else { Some(format!("{}\n{}{}\n{}}}", result, offset .block_indent(context.config) .to_string(context.config), items_str, offset.to_string(context.config))) } } fn format_tuple_struct(context: &RewriteContext, item_name: &str, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility, fields: &[ast::StructField], generics: Option<&ast::Generics>, span: Span, offset: Indent) -> Option { let mut result = String::with_capacity(1024); let header_str = format_header(item_name, ident, vis); result.push_str(&header_str); // FIXME(#919): don't lose comments on empty tuple structs. let body_lo = if fields.is_empty() { span.hi } else { fields[0].span.lo }; let where_clause_str = match generics { Some(generics) => { let generics_str = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, offset), offset + header_str.len(), mk_sp(span.lo, body_lo))); result.push_str(&generics_str); let where_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, &generics.where_clause, context.config.item_brace_style, Shape::legacy(where_budget, offset.block_only()), Density::Compressed, ";", true, false, None)) } None => "".to_owned(), }; let (tactic, item_indent) = match context.config.fn_args_layout { IndentStyle::Visual => { // 1 = `(` (ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, offset.block_only() + result.len() + 1) } IndentStyle::Block => { (ListTactic::HorizontalVertical, offset.block_only().block_indent(&context.config)) } }; // 3 = `();` let item_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(item_indent.width() + 3)); let items = itemize_list(context.codemap, fields.iter(), ")", |field| { // Include attributes and doc comments, if present if !field.attrs.is_empty() { field.attrs[0].span.lo } else { field.span.lo } }, |field| field.ty.span.hi, |field| field.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(item_budget, item_indent)), context.codemap.span_after(span, "("), span.hi); let body_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(offset.block_only().width() + result.len() + 3)); let body = try_opt!(list_helper(items, // TODO budget is wrong in block case Shape::legacy(body_budget, item_indent), context.config, tactic)); if context.config.fn_args_layout == IndentStyle::Visual || !body.contains('\n') { result.push('('); if context.config.spaces_within_parens && body.len() > 0 { result.push(' '); } result.push_str(&body); if context.config.spaces_within_parens && body.len() > 0 { result.push(' '); } result.push(')'); } else { result.push_str("(\n"); result.push_str(&item_indent.to_string(&context.config)); result.push_str(&body); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.block_only().to_string(&context.config)); result.push(')'); } if !where_clause_str.is_empty() && !where_clause_str.contains('\n') && (result.contains('\n') || offset.block_indent + result.len() + where_clause_str.len() + 1 > context.config.max_width) { // We need to put the where clause on a new line, but we didn't // know that earlier, so the where clause will not be indented properly. result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&(offset.block_only() + (context.config.tab_spaces - 1)) .to_string(context.config)); } result.push_str(&where_clause_str); Some(result) } pub fn rewrite_type_alias(context: &RewriteContext, indent: Indent, ident: ast::Ident, ty: &ast::Ty, generics: &ast::Generics, vis: &ast::Visibility, span: Span) -> Option { let mut result = String::new(); result.push_str(&format_visibility(vis)); result.push_str("type "); result.push_str(&ident.to_string()); let generics_indent = indent + result.len(); let generics_span = mk_sp(context.codemap.span_after(span, "type"), ty.span.lo); let generics_width = context.config.max_width - " =".len(); let generics_str = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(generics_width, indent), generics_indent, generics_span)); result.push_str(&generics_str); let where_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); let where_clause_str = try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, &generics.where_clause, context.config.item_brace_style, Shape::legacy(where_budget, indent), context.config.where_density, "=", true, true, Some(span.hi))); result.push_str(&where_clause_str); result.push_str(" = "); let line_width = last_line_width(&result); // This checked_sub may fail as the extra space after '=' is not taken into account // In that case the budget is set to 0 which will make ty.rewrite retry on a new line let budget = context .config .max_width .checked_sub(indent.width() + line_width + ";".len()) .unwrap_or(0); let type_indent = indent + line_width; // Try to fit the type on the same line let ty_str = try_opt!(ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, type_indent)) .or_else(|| { // The line was too short, try to put the type on the next line // Remove the space after '=' result.pop(); let type_indent = indent.block_indent(context.config); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&type_indent.to_string(context.config)); let budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(type_indent.width() + ";".len())); ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, type_indent)) })); result.push_str(&ty_str); result.push_str(";"); Some(result) } fn type_annotation_spacing(config: &Config) -> (&str, &str) { (if config.space_before_type_annotation { " " } else { "" }, if config.space_after_type_annotation_colon { " " } else { "" }) } impl Rewrite for ast::StructField { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { if contains_skip(&self.attrs) { let span = context.snippet(mk_sp(self.attrs[0].span.lo, self.span.hi)); return wrap_str(span, context.config.max_width, shape); } let name = self.ident; let vis = format_visibility(&self.vis); let mut attr_str = try_opt!(self.attrs .rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width - shape.indent.width(), shape.indent))); if !attr_str.is_empty() { attr_str.push('\n'); attr_str.push_str(&shape.indent.to_string(context.config)); } let type_annotation_spacing = type_annotation_spacing(context.config); let result = match name { Some(name) => { format!("{}{}{}{}:{}", attr_str, vis, name, type_annotation_spacing.0, type_annotation_spacing.1) } None => format!("{}{}", attr_str, vis), }; let last_line_width = last_line_width(&result); let budget = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(last_line_width)); let rewrite = try_opt!(self.ty .rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, shape.indent + last_line_width))); Some(result + &rewrite) } } pub fn rewrite_static(prefix: &str, vis: &ast::Visibility, ident: ast::Ident, ty: &ast::Ty, mutability: ast::Mutability, expr_opt: Option<&ptr::P>, offset: Indent, context: &RewriteContext) -> Option { let type_annotation_spacing = type_annotation_spacing(context.config); let prefix = format!("{}{} {}{}{}:{}", format_visibility(vis), prefix, format_mutability(mutability), ident, type_annotation_spacing.0, type_annotation_spacing.1); // 2 = " =".len() let ty_str = try_opt!(ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width - offset.block_indent - prefix.len() - 2, offset.block_only()))); if let Some(expr) = expr_opt { let lhs = format!("{}{} =", prefix, ty_str); // 1 = ; let remaining_width = context.config.max_width - offset.block_indent - 1; rewrite_assign_rhs(context, lhs, expr, Shape::legacy(remaining_width, offset.block_only())) .map(|s| s + ";") } else { let lhs = format!("{}{};", prefix, ty_str); Some(lhs) } } pub fn rewrite_associated_type(ident: ast::Ident, ty_opt: Option<&ptr::P>, ty_param_bounds_opt: Option<&ast::TyParamBounds>, context: &RewriteContext, indent: Indent) -> Option { let prefix = format!("type {}", ident); let type_bounds_str = if let Some(ty_param_bounds) = ty_param_bounds_opt { let bounds: &[_] = ty_param_bounds; let bound_str = try_opt!(bounds.iter() .map(|ty_bound| { ty_bound.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, indent)) }) .intersperse(Some(" + ".to_string())) .collect::>()); if bounds.len() > 0 { format!(": {}", bound_str) } else { String::new() } } else { String::new() }; if let Some(ty) = ty_opt { let ty_str = try_opt!(ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width - indent.block_indent - prefix.len() - 2, indent.block_only()))); Some(format!("{} = {};", prefix, ty_str)) } else { Some(format!("{}{};", prefix, type_bounds_str)) } } pub fn rewrite_associated_impl_type(ident: ast::Ident, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, ty_opt: Option<&ptr::P>, ty_param_bounds_opt: Option<&ast::TyParamBounds>, context: &RewriteContext, indent: Indent) -> Option { let result = try_opt!(rewrite_associated_type(ident, ty_opt, ty_param_bounds_opt, context, indent)); match defaultness { ast::Defaultness::Default => Some(format!("default {}", result)), _ => Some(result), } } impl Rewrite for ast::FunctionRetTy { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { match *self { ast::FunctionRetTy::Default(_) => Some(String::new()), ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref ty) => { let inner_width = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(3)); ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(inner_width, shape.indent + 3)) .map(|r| format!("-> {}", r)) } } } } impl Rewrite for ast::Arg { fn rewrite(&self, context: &RewriteContext, shape: Shape) -> Option { if is_named_arg(self) { let mut result = try_opt!(self.pat .rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(shape.width, shape.indent))); if self.ty.node != ast::TyKind::Infer { if context.config.space_before_type_annotation { result.push_str(" "); } result.push_str(":"); if context.config.space_after_type_annotation_colon { result.push_str(" "); } let max_width = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(result.len())); let ty_str = try_opt!(self.ty .rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(max_width, shape.indent + result.len()))); result.push_str(&ty_str); } Some(result) } else { self.ty.rewrite(context, shape) } } } fn rewrite_explicit_self(explicit_self: &ast::ExplicitSelf, args: &[ast::Arg], context: &RewriteContext) -> Option { match explicit_self.node { ast::SelfKind::Region(lt, m) => { let mut_str = format_mutability(m); match lt { Some(ref l) => { let lifetime_str = try_opt!(l.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(usize::max_value(), Indent::empty()))); Some(format!("&{} {}self", lifetime_str, mut_str)) } None => Some(format!("&{}self", mut_str)), } } ast::SelfKind::Explicit(ref ty, _) => { assert!(!args.is_empty(), "&[ast::Arg] shouldn't be empty."); let mutability = explicit_self_mutability(&args[0]); let type_str = try_opt!(ty.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(usize::max_value(), Indent::empty()))); Some(format!("{}self: {}", format_mutability(mutability), type_str)) } ast::SelfKind::Value(_) => { assert!(!args.is_empty(), "&[ast::Arg] shouldn't be empty."); let mutability = explicit_self_mutability(&args[0]); Some(format!("{}self", format_mutability(mutability))) } } } // Hacky solution caused by absence of `Mutability` in `SelfValue` and // `SelfExplicit` variants of `ast::ExplicitSelf_`. fn explicit_self_mutability(arg: &ast::Arg) -> ast::Mutability { if let ast::PatKind::Ident(ast::BindingMode::ByValue(mutability), _, _) = arg.pat.node { mutability } else { unreachable!() } } pub fn span_lo_for_arg(arg: &ast::Arg) -> BytePos { if is_named_arg(arg) { arg.pat.span.lo } else { arg.ty.span.lo } } pub fn span_hi_for_arg(arg: &ast::Arg) -> BytePos { match arg.ty.node { ast::TyKind::Infer if is_named_arg(arg) => arg.pat.span.hi, _ => arg.ty.span.hi, } } pub fn is_named_arg(arg: &ast::Arg) -> bool { if let ast::PatKind::Ident(_, ident, _) = arg.pat.node { ident.node != symbol::keywords::Invalid.ident() } else { true } } fn span_for_return(ret: &ast::FunctionRetTy) -> Span { match *ret { ast::FunctionRetTy::Default(ref span) => span.clone(), ast::FunctionRetTy::Ty(ref ty) => ty.span, } } fn span_for_ty_param(ty: &ast::TyParam) -> Span { // Note that ty.span is the span for ty.ident, not the whole item. let lo = ty.span.lo; if let Some(ref def) = ty.default { return mk_sp(lo, def.span.hi); } if ty.bounds.is_empty() { return ty.span; } let hi = match ty.bounds[ty.bounds.len() - 1] { ast::TyParamBound::TraitTyParamBound(ref ptr, _) => ptr.span.hi, ast::TyParamBound::RegionTyParamBound(ref l) => l.span.hi, }; mk_sp(lo, hi) } fn span_for_where_pred(pred: &ast::WherePredicate) -> Span { match *pred { ast::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref p) => p.span, ast::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(ref p) => p.span, ast::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ref p) => p.span, } } // Return type is (result, force_new_line_for_brace) fn rewrite_fn_base(context: &RewriteContext, indent: Indent, ident: ast::Ident, fd: &ast::FnDecl, generics: &ast::Generics, unsafety: ast::Unsafety, constness: ast::Constness, defaultness: ast::Defaultness, abi: abi::Abi, vis: &ast::Visibility, span: Span, newline_brace: bool, has_body: bool, has_braces: bool) -> Option<(String, bool)> { let mut force_new_line_for_brace = false; let where_clause = &generics.where_clause; let mut result = String::with_capacity(1024); // Vis unsafety abi. result.push_str(&*format_visibility(vis)); if let ast::Defaultness::Default = defaultness { result.push_str("default "); } if let ast::Constness::Const = constness { result.push_str("const "); } result.push_str(::utils::format_unsafety(unsafety)); if abi != abi::Abi::Rust { result.push_str(&::utils::format_abi(abi, context.config.force_explicit_abi)); } // fn foo result.push_str("fn "); result.push_str(&ident.to_string()); // Generics. let generics_indent = indent + result.len(); let generics_span = mk_sp(span.lo, span_for_return(&fd.output).lo); let generics_str = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, indent), generics_indent, generics_span)); result.push_str(&generics_str); let snuggle_angle_bracket = last_line_width(&generics_str) == 1; // Note that the width and indent don't really matter, we'll re-layout the // return type later anyway. let ret_str = try_opt!(fd.output .rewrite(&context, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width - indent.width(), indent))); let multi_line_ret_str = ret_str.contains('\n'); let ret_str_len = if multi_line_ret_str { 0 } else { ret_str.len() }; // Args. let (mut one_line_budget, mut multi_line_budget, mut arg_indent) = try_opt!(compute_budgets_for_args(context, &result, indent, ret_str_len, newline_brace)); if context.config.fn_args_layout == IndentStyle::Block { arg_indent = indent.block_indent(context.config); multi_line_budget = context.config.max_width - arg_indent.width(); } debug!("rewrite_fn_base: one_line_budget: {}, multi_line_budget: {}, arg_indent: {:?}", one_line_budget, multi_line_budget, arg_indent); // Check if vertical layout was forced. if one_line_budget == 0 { if snuggle_angle_bracket { result.push_str("("); } else if context.config.fn_args_paren_newline { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&arg_indent.to_string(context.config)); arg_indent = arg_indent + 1; // extra space for `(` result.push('('); if context.config.spaces_within_parens && fd.inputs.len() > 0 { result.push(' ') } } else { result.push_str("(\n"); result.push_str(&arg_indent.to_string(context.config)); } } else { result.push('('); if context.config.spaces_within_parens && fd.inputs.len() > 0 { result.push(' ') } } if multi_line_ret_str { one_line_budget = 0; } // A conservative estimation, to goal is to be over all parens in generics let args_start = generics .ty_params .last() .map_or(span.lo, |tp| end_typaram(tp)); let args_span = mk_sp(context .codemap .span_after(mk_sp(args_start, span.hi), "("), span_for_return(&fd.output).lo); let arg_str = try_opt!(rewrite_args(context, &fd.inputs, fd.get_self().as_ref(), one_line_budget, multi_line_budget, indent, arg_indent, args_span, fd.variadic)); let multi_line_arg_str = arg_str.contains('\n'); let put_args_in_block = match context.config.fn_args_layout { IndentStyle::Block => multi_line_arg_str || generics_str.contains('\n'), _ => false, } && !fd.inputs.is_empty(); if put_args_in_block { arg_indent = indent.block_indent(context.config); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&arg_indent.to_string(context.config)); result.push_str(&arg_str); result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&indent.to_string(context.config)); result.push(')'); } else { result.push_str(&arg_str); if context.config.spaces_within_parens && fd.inputs.len() > 0 { result.push(' ') } result.push(')'); } // Return type. if !ret_str.is_empty() { let ret_should_indent = match context.config.fn_args_layout { // If our args are block layout then we surely must have space. IndentStyle::Block if put_args_in_block => false, _ => { // If we've already gone multi-line, or the return type would push over the max // width, then put the return type on a new line. With the +1 for the signature // length an additional space between the closing parenthesis of the argument and // the arrow '->' is considered. let mut sig_length = result.len() + indent.width() + ret_str_len + 1; // If there is no where clause, take into account the space after the return type // and the brace. if where_clause.predicates.is_empty() { sig_length += 2; } let overlong_sig = sig_length > context.config.max_width; result.contains('\n') || multi_line_ret_str || overlong_sig } }; let ret_indent = if ret_should_indent { let indent = match context.config.fn_return_indent { ReturnIndent::WithWhereClause => indent + 4, // Aligning with non-existent args looks silly. _ if arg_str.is_empty() => { force_new_line_for_brace = true; indent + 4 } // FIXME: we might want to check that using the arg indent // doesn't blow our budget, and if it does, then fallback to // the where clause indent. _ => arg_indent, }; result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&indent.to_string(context.config)); indent } else { result.push(' '); Indent::new(indent.width(), result.len()) }; if multi_line_ret_str || ret_should_indent { // Now that we know the proper indent and width, we need to // re-layout the return type. let budget = try_opt!(context.config.max_width.checked_sub(ret_indent.width())); let ret_str = try_opt!(fd.output .rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, ret_indent))); result.push_str(&ret_str); } else { result.push_str(&ret_str); } // Comment between return type and the end of the decl. let snippet_lo = fd.output.span().hi; if where_clause.predicates.is_empty() { let snippet_hi = span.hi; let snippet = context.snippet(mk_sp(snippet_lo, snippet_hi)); let snippet = snippet.trim(); if !snippet.is_empty() { result.push(' '); result.push_str(snippet); } } else { // FIXME it would be nice to catch comments between the return type // and the where clause, but we don't have a span for the where // clause. } } let should_compress_where = match context.config.where_density { Density::Compressed => !result.contains('\n') || put_args_in_block, Density::CompressedIfEmpty => !has_body && !result.contains('\n'), _ => false, } || (put_args_in_block && ret_str.is_empty()); if where_clause.predicates.len() == 1 && should_compress_where { let budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); if let Some(where_clause_str) = rewrite_where_clause(context, where_clause, context.config.fn_brace_style, Shape::legacy(budget, indent), Density::Compressed, "{", !has_braces, put_args_in_block && ret_str.is_empty(), Some(span.hi)) { if !where_clause_str.contains('\n') { if last_line_width(&result) + where_clause_str.len() > context.config.max_width { result.push('\n'); } result.push_str(&where_clause_str); return Some((result, force_new_line_for_brace)); } } } let budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(indent.block_indent)); let where_clause_str = try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, where_clause, context.config.fn_brace_style, Shape::legacy(budget, indent), Density::Tall, "{", !has_braces, put_args_in_block && ret_str.is_empty(), Some(span.hi))); result.push_str(&where_clause_str); Some((result, force_new_line_for_brace)) } fn rewrite_args(context: &RewriteContext, args: &[ast::Arg], explicit_self: Option<&ast::ExplicitSelf>, one_line_budget: usize, multi_line_budget: usize, indent: Indent, arg_indent: Indent, span: Span, variadic: bool) -> Option { let mut arg_item_strs = try_opt!(args.iter() .map(|arg| { arg.rewrite(&context, Shape::legacy(multi_line_budget, arg_indent)) }) .collect::>>()); // Account for sugary self. // FIXME: the comment for the self argument is dropped. This is blocked // on rust issue #27522. let min_args = explicit_self .and_then(|explicit_self| rewrite_explicit_self(explicit_self, args, context)) .map_or(1, |self_str| { arg_item_strs[0] = self_str; 2 }); // Comments between args. let mut arg_items = Vec::new(); if min_args == 2 { arg_items.push(ListItem::from_str("")); } // FIXME(#21): if there are no args, there might still be a comment, but // without spans for the comment or parens, there is no chance of // getting it right. You also don't get to put a comment on self, unless // it is explicit. if args.len() >= min_args || variadic { let comment_span_start = if min_args == 2 { let second_arg_start = if arg_has_pattern(&args[1]) { args[1].pat.span.lo } else { args[1].ty.span.lo }; let reduced_span = mk_sp(span.lo, second_arg_start); context.codemap.span_after_last(reduced_span, ",") } else { span.lo }; enum ArgumentKind<'a> { Regular(&'a ast::Arg), Variadic(BytePos), } let variadic_arg = if variadic { let variadic_span = mk_sp(args.last().unwrap().ty.span.hi, span.hi); let variadic_start = context.codemap.span_after(variadic_span, "...") - BytePos(3); Some(ArgumentKind::Variadic(variadic_start)) } else { None }; let more_items = itemize_list(context.codemap, args[min_args - 1..] .iter() .map(ArgumentKind::Regular) .chain(variadic_arg), ")", |arg| match *arg { ArgumentKind::Regular(arg) => span_lo_for_arg(arg), ArgumentKind::Variadic(start) => start, }, |arg| match *arg { ArgumentKind::Regular(arg) => arg.ty.span.hi, ArgumentKind::Variadic(start) => start + BytePos(3), }, |arg| match *arg { ArgumentKind::Regular(..) => None, ArgumentKind::Variadic(..) => Some("...".to_owned()), }, comment_span_start, span.hi); arg_items.extend(more_items); } for (item, arg) in arg_items.iter_mut().zip(arg_item_strs) { item.item = Some(arg); } let (indent, trailing_comma, end_with_newline) = match context.config.fn_args_layout { IndentStyle::Block => { (indent.block_indent(context.config), SeparatorTactic::Vertical, true) } IndentStyle::Visual => (arg_indent, SeparatorTactic::Never, false), }; let tactic = definitive_tactic(&arg_items, context.config.fn_args_density.to_list_tactic(), one_line_budget); let budget = match tactic { DefinitiveListTactic::Horizontal => one_line_budget, _ => multi_line_budget, }; debug!("rewrite_args: budget: {}, tactic: {:?}", budget, tactic); let fmt = ListFormatting { tactic: tactic, separator: ",", trailing_separator: trailing_comma, shape: Shape::legacy(budget, indent), ends_with_newline: end_with_newline, config: context.config, }; write_list(&arg_items, &fmt) } fn arg_has_pattern(arg: &ast::Arg) -> bool { if let ast::PatKind::Ident(_, ident, _) = arg.pat.node { ident.node != symbol::keywords::Invalid.ident() } else { true } } fn compute_budgets_for_args(context: &RewriteContext, result: &str, indent: Indent, ret_str_len: usize, newline_brace: bool) -> Option<((usize, usize, Indent))> { debug!("compute_budgets_for_args {} {:?}, {}, {}", result.len(), indent, ret_str_len, newline_brace); // Try keeping everything on the same line. if !result.contains('\n') { // 3 = `() `, space is before ret_string. let mut used_space = indent.width() + result.len() + ret_str_len + 3; if !newline_brace { used_space += 2; } let one_line_budget = context .config .max_width .checked_sub(used_space) .unwrap_or(0); if one_line_budget > 0 { // 4 = "() {".len() let multi_line_budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(indent.width() + result.len() + 4)); return Some((one_line_budget, multi_line_budget, indent + result.len() + 1)); } } // Didn't work. we must force vertical layout and put args on a newline. let new_indent = indent.block_indent(context.config); let used_space = new_indent.width() + 4; // Account for `(` and `)` and possibly ` {`. let max_space = context.config.max_width; if used_space <= max_space { Some((0, max_space - used_space, new_indent)) } else { // Whoops! bankrupt. None } } fn newline_for_brace(config: &Config, where_clause: &ast::WhereClause) -> bool { match config.fn_brace_style { BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine => true, BraceStyle::SameLineWhere if !where_clause.predicates.is_empty() => true, _ => false, } } fn rewrite_generics(context: &RewriteContext, generics: &ast::Generics, shape: Shape, // TODO shouldn't need this generics_offset: Indent, span: Span) -> Option { // FIXME: convert bounds to where clauses where they get too big or if // there is a where clause at all. let lifetimes: &[_] = &generics.lifetimes; let tys: &[_] = &generics.ty_params; if lifetimes.is_empty() && tys.is_empty() { return Some(String::new()); } let offset = match context.config.generics_indent { IndentStyle::Block => shape.indent.block_indent(context.config), // 1 = < IndentStyle::Visual => generics_offset + 1, }; let h_budget = try_opt!(shape.width.checked_sub(generics_offset.width() + 2)); // FIXME: might need to insert a newline if the generics are really long. // Strings for the generics. let lt_strs = lifetimes .iter() .map(|lt| lt.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(h_budget, offset))); let ty_strs = tys.iter() .map(|ty_param| ty_param.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(h_budget, offset))); // Extract comments between generics. let lt_spans = lifetimes .iter() .map(|l| { let hi = if l.bounds.is_empty() { l.lifetime.span.hi } else { l.bounds[l.bounds.len() - 1].span.hi }; mk_sp(l.lifetime.span.lo, hi) }); let ty_spans = tys.iter().map(span_for_ty_param); let items = itemize_list(context.codemap, lt_spans.chain(ty_spans).zip(lt_strs.chain(ty_strs)), ">", |&(sp, _)| sp.lo, |&(sp, _)| sp.hi, // FIXME: don't clone |&(_, ref str)| str.clone(), context.codemap.span_after(span, "<"), span.hi); let list_str = try_opt!(format_item_list(items, Shape::legacy(h_budget, offset), context.config)); let result = if context.config.generics_indent != IndentStyle::Visual && list_str.contains('\n') { format!("<\n{}{}\n{}>", offset.to_string(context.config), list_str, shape.indent.to_string(context.config)) } else if context.config.spaces_within_angle_brackets { format!("< {} >", list_str) } else { format!("<{}>", list_str) }; Some(result) } fn rewrite_trait_bounds(context: &RewriteContext, type_param_bounds: &ast::TyParamBounds, shape: Shape) -> Option { let bounds: &[_] = type_param_bounds; if bounds.is_empty() { return Some(String::new()); } let bound_str = try_opt!(bounds .iter() .map(|ty_bound| ty_bound.rewrite(&context, shape)) .intersperse(Some(" + ".to_string())) .collect::>()); let mut result = String::new(); result.push_str(": "); result.push_str(&bound_str); Some(result) } // fn reflow_list_node_with_rule( // &self, // node: &CompoundNode, // rule: &Rule, // args: &[Arg], // shape: &Shape // ) -> Result // where // T: Foo, // { fn rewrite_where_clause_rfc_style(context: &RewriteContext, where_clause: &ast::WhereClause, shape: Shape, terminator: &str, suppress_comma: bool, // where clause can be kept on the current line. snuggle: bool, span_end: Option) -> Option { let block_shape = shape.block(); let starting_newline = if snuggle { " ".to_owned() } else { "\n".to_owned() + &block_shape.indent.to_string(context.config) }; let clause_shape = block_shape.block_indent(context.config.tab_spaces); // each clause on one line, trailing comma (except if suppress_comma) let span_start = span_for_where_pred(&where_clause.predicates[0]).lo; // If we don't have the start of the next span, then use the end of the // predicates, but that means we miss comments. let len = where_clause.predicates.len(); let end_of_preds = span_for_where_pred(&where_clause.predicates[len - 1]).hi; let span_end = span_end.unwrap_or(end_of_preds); let items = itemize_list(context.codemap, where_clause.predicates.iter(), terminator, |pred| span_for_where_pred(pred).lo, |pred| span_for_where_pred(pred).hi, |pred| pred.rewrite(context, clause_shape), span_start, span_end); let comma_tactic = if suppress_comma { SeparatorTactic::Never } else { SeparatorTactic::Always }; let fmt = ListFormatting { tactic: DefinitiveListTactic::Vertical, separator: ",", trailing_separator: comma_tactic, shape: clause_shape, ends_with_newline: true, config: context.config, }; let preds_str = try_opt!(write_list(items, &fmt)); Some(format!("{}where\n{}{}", starting_newline, clause_shape.indent.to_string(context.config), preds_str)) } fn rewrite_where_clause(context: &RewriteContext, where_clause: &ast::WhereClause, brace_style: BraceStyle, shape: Shape, density: Density, terminator: &str, suppress_comma: bool, snuggle: bool, span_end: Option) -> Option { if where_clause.predicates.is_empty() { return Some(String::new()); } if context.config.where_style == Style::Rfc { return rewrite_where_clause_rfc_style(context, where_clause, shape, terminator, suppress_comma, snuggle, span_end); } let extra_indent = Indent::new(context.config.tab_spaces, 0); let offset = match context.config.where_pred_indent { IndentStyle::Block => shape.indent + extra_indent.block_indent(context.config), // 6 = "where ".len() IndentStyle::Visual => shape.indent + extra_indent + 6, }; // FIXME: if where_pred_indent != Visual, then the budgets below might // be out by a char or two. let budget = context.config.max_width - offset.width(); let span_start = span_for_where_pred(&where_clause.predicates[0]).lo; // If we don't have the start of the next span, then use the end of the // predicates, but that means we miss comments. let len = where_clause.predicates.len(); let end_of_preds = span_for_where_pred(&where_clause.predicates[len - 1]).hi; let span_end = span_end.unwrap_or(end_of_preds); let items = itemize_list(context.codemap, where_clause.predicates.iter(), terminator, |pred| span_for_where_pred(pred).lo, |pred| span_for_where_pred(pred).hi, |pred| pred.rewrite(context, Shape::legacy(budget, offset)), span_start, span_end); let item_vec = items.collect::>(); // FIXME: we don't need to collect here if the where_layout isn't // HorizontalVertical. let tactic = definitive_tactic(&item_vec, context.config.where_layout, budget); let mut comma_tactic = context.config.trailing_comma; // Kind of a hack because we don't usually have trailing commas in where clauses. if comma_tactic == SeparatorTactic::Vertical || suppress_comma { comma_tactic = SeparatorTactic::Never; } let fmt = ListFormatting { tactic: tactic, separator: ",", trailing_separator: comma_tactic, shape: Shape::legacy(budget, offset), ends_with_newline: true, config: context.config, }; let preds_str = try_opt!(write_list(&item_vec, &fmt)); let end_length = if terminator == "{" { // If the brace is on the next line we don't need to count it otherwise it needs two // characters " {" match brace_style { BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine | BraceStyle::SameLineWhere => 0, BraceStyle::PreferSameLine => 2, } } else if terminator == "=" { 2 } else { terminator.len() }; if density == Density::Tall || preds_str.contains('\n') || shape.indent.width() + " where ".len() + preds_str.len() + end_length > shape.width { Some(format!("\n{}where {}", (shape.indent + extra_indent).to_string(context.config), preds_str)) } else { Some(format!(" where {}", preds_str)) } } fn format_header(item_name: &str, ident: ast::Ident, vis: &ast::Visibility) -> String { format!("{}{}{}", format_visibility(vis), item_name, ident) } fn format_generics(context: &RewriteContext, generics: &ast::Generics, opener: &str, terminator: &str, brace_style: BraceStyle, force_same_line_brace: bool, offset: Indent, generics_offset: Indent, span: Span) -> Option { let mut result = try_opt!(rewrite_generics(context, generics, Shape::legacy(context.config.max_width, offset), generics_offset, span)); if !generics.where_clause.predicates.is_empty() || result.contains('\n') { let budget = try_opt!(context .config .max_width .checked_sub(last_line_width(&result))); let where_clause_str = try_opt!(rewrite_where_clause(context, &generics.where_clause, brace_style, Shape::legacy(budget, offset.block_only()), Density::Tall, terminator, false, trimmed_last_line_width(&result) == 1, Some(span.hi))); result.push_str(&where_clause_str); let same_line_brace = force_same_line_brace || (generics.where_clause.predicates.is_empty() && trimmed_last_line_width(&result) == 1); if !same_line_brace && (brace_style == BraceStyle::SameLineWhere || brace_style == BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine) { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.block_only().to_string(context.config)); } else { result.push(' '); } result.push_str(opener); } else { if force_same_line_brace || trimmed_last_line_width(&result) == 1 || brace_style != BraceStyle::AlwaysNextLine { result.push(' '); } else { result.push('\n'); result.push_str(&offset.block_only().to_string(context.config)); } result.push_str(opener); } Some(result) }