#![allow( unused, clippy::redundant_clone, clippy::deref_addrof, clippy::no_effect, clippy::unnecessary_operation, clippy::vec_init_then_push, clippy::toplevel_ref_arg, clippy::needless_borrow )] use std::cell::RefCell; use std::rc::{self, Rc}; use std::sync::{self, Arc}; fn main() {} fn is_ascii(ch: char) -> bool { ch.is_ascii() } fn clone_on_copy() -> Option<(i32)> { 42; vec![1].clone(); // ok, not a Copy type Some(vec![1]).clone(); // ok, not a Copy type *(&42); let rc = RefCell::new(0); *rc.borrow(); let x = 0u32; x.rotate_left(1); #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct Foo; impl Foo { fn clone(&self) -> u32 { 0 } } Foo.clone(); // ok, this is not the clone trait macro_rules! m { ($e:expr) => {{ $e }}; } m!(42); struct Wrap([u32; 2]); impl core::ops::Deref for Wrap { type Target = [u32; 2]; fn deref(&self) -> &[u32; 2] { &self.0 } } let x = Wrap([0, 0]); (*x)[0]; let x = 42; let ref y = x.clone(); // ok, binds by reference let ref mut y = x.clone(); // ok, binds by reference // Issue #4348 let mut x = 43; let _ = &x.clone(); // ok, getting a ref 'a'.clone().make_ascii_uppercase(); // ok, clone and then mutate is_ascii('z'); // Issue #5436 let mut vec = Vec::new(); vec.push(42); // Issue #9277 let opt: &Option<i32> = &None; let value = (*opt)?; // operator precedence needed (*opt)? None }