//@ run-pass //@ needs-asm-support //@ only-x86_64 // Checks that multiple clobber_abi options can be used use std::arch::asm; extern "sysv64" fn foo(x: i32) -> i32 { x + 16 } extern "win64" fn bar(x: i32) -> i32 { x / 2 } fn main() { let x = 8; let y: i32; // call `foo` with `x` as the input, and then `bar` with the output of `foo` // and output that to `y` unsafe { asm!( "call {}; mov rcx, rax; call {}", sym foo, sym bar, in("rdi") x, out("rax") y, clobber_abi("sysv64", "win64"), ); } assert_eq!((x, y), (8, 12)); }