// This test attempts to force the dynamic linker to resolve // external symbols as close to the red zone as possible. extern mod rustrt { fn debug_get_stk_seg() -> *u8; fn rust_get_sched_id() -> libc::intptr_t; fn last_os_error() -> ~str; fn rust_getcwd() -> ~str; fn get_task_id() -> libc::intptr_t; fn rust_max_sched_threads(); fn rust_get_task(); } fn calllink01() { rustrt::rust_get_sched_id(); } fn calllink02() { rustrt::last_os_error(); } fn calllink03() { rustrt::rust_getcwd(); } fn calllink08() { rustrt::get_task_id(); } fn calllink09() { rustrt::rust_max_sched_threads(); } fn calllink10() { rustrt::rust_get_task(); } fn runtest(f: fn~(), frame_backoff: u32) { runtest2(f, frame_backoff, 0 as *u8); } fn runtest2(f: fn~(), frame_backoff: u32, last_stk: *u8) -> u32 { let curr_stk = rustrt::debug_get_stk_seg(); if (last_stk != curr_stk && last_stk != 0 as *u8) { // We switched stacks, go back and try to hit the dynamic linker frame_backoff } else { let frame_backoff = runtest2(f, frame_backoff, curr_stk); if frame_backoff > 1u32 { frame_backoff - 1u32 } else if frame_backoff == 1u32 { f(); 0u32 } else { 0u32 } } } fn main() { let fns = ~[ calllink01, calllink02, calllink03, calllink08, calllink09, calllink10 ]; let rng = rand::Rng(); for fns.each |f| { let sz = rng.next() % 256u32 + 256u32; let frame_backoff = rng.next() % 10u32 + 1u32; task::try(|| runtest(f, frame_backoff) ); } }