use crate::clippy_project_root; use itertools::Itertools; use shell_escape::escape; use std::ffi::{OsStr, OsString}; use std::path::Path; use std::process::{self, Command, Stdio}; use std::{fs, io}; use walkdir::WalkDir; #[derive(Debug)] pub enum CliError { CommandFailed(String, String), IoError(io::Error), RustfmtNotInstalled, WalkDirError(walkdir::Error), IntellijSetupActive, } impl From for CliError { fn from(error: io::Error) -> Self { Self::IoError(error) } } impl From for CliError { fn from(error: walkdir::Error) -> Self { Self::WalkDirError(error) } } struct FmtContext { check: bool, verbose: bool, rustfmt_path: String, } // the "main" function of cargo dev fmt #[allow(clippy::missing_panics_doc)] pub fn run(check: bool, verbose: bool) { fn try_run(context: &FmtContext) -> Result { let mut success = true; let project_root = clippy_project_root(); // if we added a local rustc repo as path dependency to clippy for rust analyzer, we do NOT want to // format because rustfmt would also format the entire rustc repo as it is a local // dependency if fs::read_to_string(project_root.join("Cargo.toml")) .expect("Failed to read clippy Cargo.toml") .contains("[target.'cfg(NOT_A_PLATFORM)'.dependencies]") { return Err(CliError::IntellijSetupActive); } rustfmt_test(context)?; success &= cargo_fmt(context, project_root.as_path())?; success &= cargo_fmt(context, &project_root.join("clippy_dev"))?; success &= cargo_fmt(context, &project_root.join("rustc_tools_util"))?; success &= cargo_fmt(context, &project_root.join("lintcheck"))?; let chunks = WalkDir::new(project_root.join("tests")) .into_iter() .filter_map(|entry| { let entry = entry.expect("failed to find tests"); let path = entry.path(); if path.extension() != Some("rs".as_ref()) || entry.file_name() == "" { None } else { Some(entry.into_path().into_os_string()) } }) .chunks(250); for chunk in &chunks { success &= rustfmt(context, chunk)?; } Ok(success) } fn output_err(err: CliError) { match err { CliError::CommandFailed(command, stderr) => { eprintln!("error: A command failed! `{command}`\nstderr: {stderr}"); }, CliError::IoError(err) => { eprintln!("error: {err}"); }, CliError::RustfmtNotInstalled => { eprintln!("error: rustfmt nightly is not installed."); }, CliError::WalkDirError(err) => { eprintln!("error: {err}"); }, CliError::IntellijSetupActive => { eprintln!( "error: a local rustc repo is enabled as path dependency via `cargo dev setup intellij`. Not formatting because that would format the local repo as well! Please revert the changes to Cargo.tomls with `cargo dev remove intellij`." ); }, } } let output = Command::new("rustup") .args(["which", "rustfmt"]) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .output() .expect("error running `rustup which rustfmt`"); if !output.status.success() { eprintln!("`rustup which rustfmt` did not execute successfully"); process::exit(1); } let mut rustfmt_path = String::from_utf8(output.stdout).expect("invalid rustfmt path"); rustfmt_path.truncate(rustfmt_path.trim_end().len()); let context = FmtContext { check, verbose, rustfmt_path, }; let result = try_run(&context); let code = match result { Ok(true) => 0, Ok(false) => { eprintln!(); eprintln!("Formatting check failed."); eprintln!("Run `cargo dev fmt` to update formatting."); 1 }, Err(err) => { output_err(err); 1 }, }; process::exit(code); } fn format_command(program: impl AsRef, dir: impl AsRef, args: &[impl AsRef]) -> String { let arg_display: Vec<_> = args.iter().map(|a| escape(a.as_ref().to_string_lossy())).collect(); format!( "cd {} && {} {}", escape(dir.as_ref().to_string_lossy()), escape(program.as_ref().to_string_lossy()), arg_display.join(" ") ) } fn exec( context: &FmtContext, program: impl AsRef, dir: impl AsRef, args: &[impl AsRef], ) -> Result { if context.verbose { println!("{}", format_command(&program, &dir, args)); } let output = Command::new(&program) .env("RUSTFMT", &context.rustfmt_path) .current_dir(&dir) .args(args.iter()) .output() .unwrap(); let success = output.status.success(); if !context.check && !success { let stderr = std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap_or(""); return Err(CliError::CommandFailed( format_command(&program, &dir, args), String::from(stderr), )); } Ok(success) } fn cargo_fmt(context: &FmtContext, path: &Path) -> Result { let mut args = vec!["fmt", "--all"]; if context.check { args.push("--check"); } let success = exec(context, "cargo", path, &args)?; Ok(success) } fn rustfmt_test(context: &FmtContext) -> Result<(), CliError> { let program = "rustfmt"; let dir = std::env::current_dir()?; let args = &["--version"]; if context.verbose { println!("{}", format_command(program, &dir, args)); } let output = Command::new(program).current_dir(&dir).args(args.iter()).output()?; if output.status.success() { Ok(()) } else if std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr) .unwrap_or("") .starts_with("error: 'rustfmt' is not installed") { Err(CliError::RustfmtNotInstalled) } else { Err(CliError::CommandFailed( format_command(program, &dir, args), std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap_or("").to_string(), )) } } fn rustfmt(context: &FmtContext, paths: impl Iterator) -> Result { let mut args = Vec::new(); if context.check { args.push(OsString::from("--check")); } args.extend(paths); let success = exec(context, &context.rustfmt_path, std::env::current_dir()?, &args)?; Ok(success) }