// skip-filecheck // EMIT_MIR_FOR_EACH_PANIC_STRATEGY // This test is a mirror of codegen/issue-59352.rs. // The LLVM inliner doesn't inline `char::method::is_digit()` and so it doesn't recognize this case // as effectively `if x.is_some() { x.unwrap() } else { 0 }`. // // Currently, the MIR optimizer isn't capable of removing the unreachable panic in this test case. // Once the optimizer can do that, this test case will need to be updated and codegen/issue-59352.rs // removed. // EMIT_MIR issue_59352.num_to_digit.PreCodegen.after.mir //@ compile-flags: -Z mir-opt-level=3 -Z span_free_formats pub fn num_to_digit(num: char) -> u32 { // CHECK-NOT: panic if num.is_digit(8) { num.to_digit(8).unwrap() } else { 0 } } pub fn main() { num_to_digit('2'); }