use std::convert::TryFrom; use ide_assists::utils::extract_trivial_expression; use itertools::Itertools; use syntax::{ ast::{self, AstNode, AstToken, IsString}, NodeOrToken, SourceFile, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind::{self, USE_TREE, WHITESPACE}, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize, T, }; use text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder}; pub struct JoinLinesConfig { pub join_else_if: bool, pub remove_trailing_comma: bool, pub unwrap_trivial_blocks: bool, } // Feature: Join Lines // // Join selected lines into one, smartly fixing up whitespace, trailing commas, and braces. // // See //[this gif] // for the cases handled specially by joined lines. // // |=== // | Editor | Action Name // // | VS Code | **Rust Analyzer: Join lines** // |=== // // image::[] pub(crate) fn join_lines( config: &JoinLinesConfig, file: &SourceFile, range: TextRange, ) -> TextEdit { let range = if range.is_empty() { let syntax = file.syntax(); let text = syntax.text().slice(range.start()..); let pos = match text.find_char('\n') { None => return TextEdit::builder().finish(), Some(pos) => pos, }; TextRange::at(range.start() + pos, TextSize::of('\n')) } else { range }; let mut edit = TextEdit::builder(); match file.syntax().covering_element(range) { NodeOrToken::Node(node) => { for token in node.descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(|it| it.into_token()) { remove_newlines(config, &mut edit, &token, range) } } NodeOrToken::Token(token) => remove_newlines(config, &mut edit, &token, range), }; edit.finish() } fn remove_newlines( config: &JoinLinesConfig, edit: &mut TextEditBuilder, token: &SyntaxToken, range: TextRange, ) { let intersection = match range.intersect(token.text_range()) { Some(range) => range, None => return, }; let range = intersection - token.text_range().start(); let text = token.text(); for (pos, _) in text[range].bytes().enumerate().filter(|&(_, b)| b == b'\n') { let pos: TextSize = (pos as u32).into(); let offset = token.text_range().start() + range.start() + pos; if !edit.invalidates_offset(offset) { remove_newline(config, edit, token, offset); } } } fn remove_newline( config: &JoinLinesConfig, edit: &mut TextEditBuilder, token: &SyntaxToken, offset: TextSize, ) { if token.kind() != WHITESPACE || token.text().bytes().filter(|&b| b == b'\n').count() != 1 { let n_spaces_after_line_break = { let suff = &token.text()[TextRange::new( offset - token.text_range().start() + TextSize::of('\n'), TextSize::of(token.text()), )]; suff.bytes().take_while(|&b| b == b' ').count() }; let mut no_space = false; if let Some(string) = ast::String::cast(token.clone()) { if let Some(range) = string.open_quote_text_range() { cov_mark::hit!(join_string_literal_open_quote); no_space |= range.end() == offset; } if let Some(range) = string.close_quote_text_range() { cov_mark::hit!(join_string_literal_close_quote); no_space |= range.start() == offset + TextSize::of('\n') + TextSize::try_from(n_spaces_after_line_break).unwrap(); } } let range = TextRange::at(offset, ((n_spaces_after_line_break + 1) as u32).into()); let replace_with = if no_space { "" } else { " " }; edit.replace(range, replace_with.to_string()); return; } // The node is between two other nodes let (prev, next) = match (token.prev_sibling_or_token(), token.next_sibling_or_token()) { (Some(prev), Some(next)) => (prev, next), _ => return, }; if config.remove_trailing_comma && prev.kind() == T![,] { match next.kind() { T![')'] | T![']'] => { // Removes: trailing comma, newline (incl. surrounding whitespace) edit.delete(TextRange::new(prev.text_range().start(), token.text_range().end())); return; } T!['}'] => { // Removes: comma, newline (incl. surrounding whitespace) let space = if let Some(left) = prev.prev_sibling_or_token() { compute_ws(left.kind(), next.kind()) } else { " " }; edit.replace( TextRange::new(prev.text_range().start(), token.text_range().end()), space.to_string(), ); return; } _ => (), } } if config.join_else_if { if let (Some(prev), Some(_next)) = (as_if_expr(&prev), as_if_expr(&next)) { match prev.else_token() { Some(_) => cov_mark::hit!(join_two_ifs_with_existing_else), None => { cov_mark::hit!(join_two_ifs); edit.replace(token.text_range(), " else ".to_string()); return; } } } } if config.unwrap_trivial_blocks { // Special case that turns something like: // // ``` // my_function({$0 // // }) // ``` // // into `my_function()` if join_single_expr_block(edit, token).is_some() { return; } // ditto for // // ``` // use foo::{$0 // bar // }; // ``` if join_single_use_tree(edit, token).is_some() { return; } } if let (Some(_), Some(next)) = ( prev.as_token().cloned().and_then(ast::Comment::cast), next.as_token().cloned().and_then(ast::Comment::cast), ) { // Removes: newline (incl. surrounding whitespace), start of the next comment edit.delete(TextRange::new( token.text_range().start(), next.syntax().text_range().start() + TextSize::of(next.prefix()), )); return; } // Remove newline but add a computed amount of whitespace characters edit.replace(token.text_range(), compute_ws(prev.kind(), next.kind()).to_string()); } fn join_single_expr_block(edit: &mut TextEditBuilder, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option<()> { let block_expr = ast::BlockExpr::cast(token.parent()?)?; if !block_expr.is_standalone() { return None; } let expr = extract_trivial_expression(&block_expr)?; let block_range = block_expr.syntax().text_range(); let mut buf = expr.syntax().text().to_string(); // Match block needs to have a comma after the block if let Some(match_arm) = block_expr.syntax().parent().and_then(ast::MatchArm::cast) { if match_arm.comma_token().is_none() { buf.push(','); } } edit.replace(block_range, buf); Some(()) } fn join_single_use_tree(edit: &mut TextEditBuilder, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option<()> { let use_tree_list = ast::UseTreeList::cast(token.parent()?)?; let (tree,) = use_tree_list.use_trees().collect_tuple()?; edit.replace(use_tree_list.syntax().text_range(), tree.syntax().text().to_string()); Some(()) } fn as_if_expr(element: &SyntaxElement) -> Option { let mut node = element.as_node()?.clone(); if let Some(stmt) = ast::ExprStmt::cast(node.clone()) { node = stmt.expr()?.syntax().clone(); } ast::IfExpr::cast(node) } fn compute_ws(left: SyntaxKind, right: SyntaxKind) -> &'static str { match left { T!['('] | T!['['] => return "", T!['{'] => { if let USE_TREE = right { return ""; } } _ => (), } match right { T![')'] | T![']'] => return "", T!['}'] => { if let USE_TREE = left { return ""; } } T![.] => return "", _ => (), } " " } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use syntax::SourceFile; use test_utils::{add_cursor, assert_eq_text, extract_offset, extract_range}; use super::*; fn check_join_lines(ra_fixture_before: &str, ra_fixture_after: &str) { let config = JoinLinesConfig { join_else_if: true, remove_trailing_comma: true, unwrap_trivial_blocks: true, }; let (before_cursor_pos, before) = extract_offset(ra_fixture_before); let file = SourceFile::parse(&before).ok().unwrap(); let range = TextRange::empty(before_cursor_pos); let result = join_lines(&config, &file, range); let actual = { let mut actual = before; result.apply(&mut actual); actual }; let actual_cursor_pos = result .apply_to_offset(before_cursor_pos) .expect("cursor position is affected by the edit"); let actual = add_cursor(&actual, actual_cursor_pos); assert_eq_text!(ra_fixture_after, &actual); } fn check_join_lines_sel(ra_fixture_before: &str, ra_fixture_after: &str) { let config = JoinLinesConfig { join_else_if: true, remove_trailing_comma: true, unwrap_trivial_blocks: true, }; let (sel, before) = extract_range(ra_fixture_before); let parse = SourceFile::parse(&before); let result = join_lines(&config, &parse.tree(), sel); let actual = { let mut actual = before; result.apply(&mut actual); actual }; assert_eq_text!(ra_fixture_after, &actual); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_comma() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { $0foo(1, ) } ", r" fn foo() { $0foo(1) } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_lambda_block() { check_join_lines( r" pub fn reparse(&self, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> File { $0self.incremental_reparse(edit).unwrap_or_else(|| { self.full_reparse(edit) }) } ", r" pub fn reparse(&self, edit: &AtomTextEdit) -> File { $0self.incremental_reparse(edit).unwrap_or_else(|| self.full_reparse(edit)) } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_block() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { foo($0{ 92 }) }", r" fn foo() { foo($092) }", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_diverging_block() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { loop { match x { 92 => $0{ continue; } } } } ", r" fn foo() { loop { match x { 92 => $0continue, } } } ", ); } #[test] fn join_lines_adds_comma_for_block_in_match_arm() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $0{ } Err(v) => v, } }", r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $, Err(v) => v, } }", ); } #[test] fn join_lines_multiline_in_block() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { match ty { $0 Some(ty) => { match ty { _ => false, } } _ => true, } } ", r" fn foo() { match ty { $0 Some(ty) => match ty { _ => false, }, _ => true, } } ", ); } #[test] fn join_lines_keeps_comma_for_block_in_match_arm() { // We already have a comma check_join_lines( r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $0{ }, Err(v) => v, } }", r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $, Err(v) => v, } }", ); // comma with whitespace between brace and , check_join_lines( r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $0{ } , Err(v) => v, } }", r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $ , Err(v) => v, } }", ); // comma with newline between brace and , check_join_lines( r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $0{ } , Err(v) => v, } }", r" fn foo(e: Result) { match e { Ok(u) => $ , Err(v) => v, } }", ); } #[test] fn join_lines_keeps_comma_with_single_arg_tuple() { // A single arg tuple check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { let x = ($0{ 4 },); }", r" fn foo() { let x = ($04,); }", ); // single arg tuple with whitespace between brace and comma check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { let x = ($0{ 4 } ,); }", r" fn foo() { let x = ($04 ,); }", ); // single arg tuple with newline between brace and comma check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { let x = ($0{ 4 } ,); }", r" fn foo() { let x = ($04 ,); }", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_use_items_left() { // No space after the '{' check_join_lines( r" $0use syntax::{ TextSize, TextRange, };", r" $0use syntax::{TextSize, TextRange, };", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_use_items_right() { // No space after the '}' check_join_lines( r" use syntax::{ $0 TextSize, TextRange };", r" use syntax::{ $0 TextSize, TextRange};", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_use_items_right_comma() { // No space after the '}' check_join_lines( r" use syntax::{ $0 TextSize, TextRange, };", r" use syntax::{ $0 TextSize, TextRange};", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_use_tree() { check_join_lines( r" use syntax::{ algo::$0{ find_token_at_offset, }, ast, };", r" use syntax::{ algo::$0find_token_at_offset, ast, };", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_normal_comments() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { // Hello$0 // world! } ", r" fn foo() { // Hello$0 world! } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_doc_comments() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { /// Hello$0 /// world! } ", r" fn foo() { /// Hello$0 world! } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_mod_comments() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { //! Hello$0 //! world! } ", r" fn foo() { //! Hello$0 world! } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_multiline_comments_1() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { // Hello$0 /* world! */ } ", r" fn foo() { // Hello$0 world! */ } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_multiline_comments_2() { check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { // The$0 /* quick brown fox! */ } ", r" fn foo() { // The$0 quick brown fox! */ } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_selection_fn_args() { check_join_lines_sel( r" fn foo() { $0foo(1, 2, 3, $0) } ", r" fn foo() { foo(1, 2, 3) } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_selection_struct() { check_join_lines_sel( r" struct Foo $0{ f: u32, }$0 ", r" struct Foo { f: u32 } ", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_selection_dot_chain() { check_join_lines_sel( r" fn foo() { join($0type_params.type_params() .filter_map(|it| .map(|it| it.text())$0) }", r" fn foo() { join(type_params.type_params().filter_map(|it||it| it.text())) }", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_selection_lambda_block_body() { check_join_lines_sel( r" pub fn handle_find_matching_brace() { params.offsets .map(|offset| $0{ world.analysis().matching_brace(&file, offset).unwrap_or(offset) }$0) .collect(); }", r" pub fn handle_find_matching_brace() { params.offsets .map(|offset| world.analysis().matching_brace(&file, offset).unwrap_or(offset)) .collect(); }", ); } #[test] fn test_join_lines_commented_block() { check_join_lines( r" fn main() { let _ = { // $0foo // bar 92 }; } ", r" fn main() { let _ = { // $0foo bar 92 }; } ", ) } #[test] fn join_lines_mandatory_blocks_block() { check_join_lines( r" $0fn foo() { 92 } ", r" $0fn foo() { 92 } ", ); check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { $0if true { 92 } } ", r" fn foo() { $0if true { 92 } } ", ); check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { $0loop { 92 } } ", r" fn foo() { $0loop { 92 } } ", ); check_join_lines( r" fn foo() { $0unsafe { 92 } } ", r" fn foo() { $0unsafe { 92 } } ", ); } #[test] fn join_string_literal() { { cov_mark::check!(join_string_literal_open_quote); check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { $0" hello "; } "#, r#" fn main() { $0"hello "; } "#, ); } { cov_mark::check!(join_string_literal_close_quote); check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { $0"hello "; } "#, r#" fn main() { $0"hello"; } "#, ); check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { $0r"hello "; } "#, r#" fn main() { $0r"hello"; } "#, ); } check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { " $0hello world "; } "#, r#" fn main() { " $0hello world "; } "#, ); } #[test] fn join_last_line_empty() { check_join_lines( r#" fn main() {$0} "#, r#" fn main() {$0} "#, ); } #[test] fn join_two_ifs() { cov_mark::check!(join_two_ifs); check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { if foo { }$0 if bar { } } "#, r#" fn main() { if foo { }$0 else if bar { } } "#, ); } #[test] fn join_two_ifs_with_existing_else() { cov_mark::check!(join_two_ifs_with_existing_else); check_join_lines( r#" fn main() { if foo { } else { }$0 if bar { } } "#, r#" fn main() { if foo { } else { }$0 if bar { } } "#, ); } }