// Make sure we detect when the `Global` and `System` allocators are mixed // (even when the default `Global` uses `System`). // error-pattern: which is Rust heap memory, using // normalize-stderr-test: "using [A-Za-z]+ heap deallocation operation" -> "using PLATFORM heap deallocation operation" // normalize-stderr-test: "\| +\^+" -> "| ^" // normalize-stderr-test: "libc::free\([^()]*\)|unsafe \{ HeapFree\([^()]*\) \};" -> "FREE();" #![feature(allocator_api, slice_ptr_get)] use std::alloc::{Allocator, Global, Layout, System}; fn main() { let l = Layout::from_size_align(1, 1).unwrap(); let ptr = Global.allocate(l).unwrap().as_non_null_ptr(); unsafe { System.deallocate(ptr, l); } }