#![cfg_attr(feature = "deny-warnings", deny(warnings))] // warn on lints, that are included in `rust-lang/rust`s bootstrap #![warn(rust_2018_idioms, unused_lifetimes)] use clap::{Arg, ArgAction, ArgMatches, Command}; use clippy_dev::{dogfood, fmt, lint, new_lint, serve, setup, update_lints}; use indoc::indoc; use std::convert::Infallible; fn main() { let matches = get_clap_config(); match matches.subcommand() { Some(("bless", _)) => { eprintln!("use `cargo bless` to automatically replace `.stderr` and `.fixed` files as tests are being run"); }, Some(("dogfood", matches)) => { dogfood::dogfood( matches.get_flag("fix"), matches.get_flag("allow-dirty"), matches.get_flag("allow-staged"), ); }, Some(("fmt", matches)) => { fmt::run(matches.get_flag("check"), matches.get_flag("verbose")); }, Some(("update_lints", matches)) => { if matches.get_flag("print-only") { update_lints::print_lints(); } else if matches.get_flag("check") { update_lints::update(update_lints::UpdateMode::Check); } else { update_lints::update(update_lints::UpdateMode::Change); } }, Some(("new_lint", matches)) => { match new_lint::create( matches.get_one::("pass").unwrap(), matches.get_one::("name"), matches.get_one::("category").map(String::as_str), matches.get_one::("type").map(String::as_str), matches.get_flag("msrv"), ) { Ok(()) => update_lints::update(update_lints::UpdateMode::Change), Err(e) => eprintln!("Unable to create lint: {e}"), } }, Some(("setup", sub_command)) => match sub_command.subcommand() { Some(("intellij", matches)) => { if matches.get_flag("remove") { setup::intellij::remove_rustc_src(); } else { setup::intellij::setup_rustc_src( matches .get_one::("rustc-repo-path") .expect("this field is mandatory and therefore always valid"), ); } }, Some(("git-hook", matches)) => { if matches.get_flag("remove") { setup::git_hook::remove_hook(); } else { setup::git_hook::install_hook(matches.get_flag("force-override")); } }, Some(("vscode-tasks", matches)) => { if matches.get_flag("remove") { setup::vscode::remove_tasks(); } else { setup::vscode::install_tasks(matches.get_flag("force-override")); } }, _ => {}, }, Some(("remove", sub_command)) => match sub_command.subcommand() { Some(("git-hook", _)) => setup::git_hook::remove_hook(), Some(("intellij", _)) => setup::intellij::remove_rustc_src(), Some(("vscode-tasks", _)) => setup::vscode::remove_tasks(), _ => {}, }, Some(("serve", matches)) => { let port = *matches.get_one::("port").unwrap(); let lint = matches.get_one::("lint"); serve::run(port, lint); }, Some(("lint", matches)) => { let path = matches.get_one::("path").unwrap(); let args = matches.get_many::("args").into_iter().flatten(); lint::run(path, args); }, Some(("rename_lint", matches)) => { let old_name = matches.get_one::("old_name").unwrap(); let new_name = matches.get_one::("new_name").unwrap_or(old_name); let uplift = matches.get_flag("uplift"); update_lints::rename(old_name, new_name, uplift); }, Some(("deprecate", matches)) => { let name = matches.get_one::("name").unwrap(); let reason = matches.get_one("reason"); update_lints::deprecate(name, reason); }, _ => {}, } } fn get_clap_config() -> ArgMatches { Command::new("Clippy developer tooling") .arg_required_else_help(true) .subcommands([ Command::new("bless").about("bless the test output changes").arg( Arg::new("ignore-timestamp") .long("ignore-timestamp") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Include files updated before clippy was built"), ), Command::new("dogfood").about("Runs the dogfood test").args([ Arg::new("fix") .long("fix") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Apply the suggestions when possible"), Arg::new("allow-dirty") .long("allow-dirty") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Fix code even if the working directory has changes") .requires("fix"), Arg::new("allow-staged") .long("allow-staged") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Fix code even if the working directory has staged changes") .requires("fix"), ]), Command::new("fmt") .about("Run rustfmt on all projects and tests") .args([ Arg::new("check") .long("check") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Use the rustfmt --check option"), Arg::new("verbose") .short('v') .long("verbose") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Echo commands run"), ]), Command::new("update_lints") .about("Updates lint registration and information from the source code") .long_about( "Makes sure that:\n \ * the lint count in README.md is correct\n \ * the changelog contains markdown link references at the bottom\n \ * all lint groups include the correct lints\n \ * lint modules in `clippy_lints/*` are visible in `src/lib.rs` via `pub mod`\n \ * all lints are registered in the lint store", ) .args([ Arg::new("print-only") .long("print-only") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help( "Print a table of lints to STDOUT. \ This does not include deprecated and internal lints. \ (Does not modify any files)", ), Arg::new("check") .long("check") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Checks that `cargo dev update_lints` has been run. Used on CI."), ]), Command::new("new_lint") .about("Create new lint and run `cargo dev update_lints`") .args([ Arg::new("pass") .short('p') .long("pass") .help("Specify whether the lint runs during the early or late pass") .value_parser(["early", "late"]) .conflicts_with("type") .default_value("late"), Arg::new("name") .short('n') .long("name") .help("Name of the new lint in snake case, ex: fn_too_long") .required(true) .value_parser(|name: &str| Ok::<_, Infallible>(name.replace('-', "_"))), Arg::new("category") .short('c') .long("category") .help("What category the lint belongs to") .default_value("nursery") .value_parser([ "style", "correctness", "suspicious", "complexity", "perf", "pedantic", "restriction", "cargo", "nursery", "internal", ]), Arg::new("type").long("type").help("What directory the lint belongs in"), Arg::new("msrv") .long("msrv") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Add MSRV config code to the lint"), ]), Command::new("setup") .about("Support for setting up your personal development environment") .arg_required_else_help(true) .subcommands([ Command::new("intellij") .about("Alter dependencies so Intellij Rust can find rustc internals") .args([ Arg::new("remove") .long("remove") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Remove the dependencies added with 'cargo dev setup intellij'"), Arg::new("rustc-repo-path") .long("repo-path") .short('r') .help("The path to a rustc repo that will be used for setting the dependencies") .value_name("path") .conflicts_with("remove") .required(true), ]), Command::new("git-hook") .about("Add a pre-commit git hook that formats your code to make it look pretty") .args([ Arg::new("remove") .long("remove") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Remove the pre-commit hook added with 'cargo dev setup git-hook'"), Arg::new("force-override") .long("force-override") .short('f') .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Forces the override of an existing git pre-commit hook"), ]), Command::new("vscode-tasks") .about("Add several tasks to vscode for formatting, validation and testing") .args([ Arg::new("remove") .long("remove") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Remove the tasks added with 'cargo dev setup vscode-tasks'"), Arg::new("force-override") .long("force-override") .short('f') .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("Forces the override of existing vscode tasks"), ]), ]), Command::new("remove") .about("Support for undoing changes done by the setup command") .arg_required_else_help(true) .subcommands([ Command::new("git-hook").about("Remove any existing pre-commit git hook"), Command::new("vscode-tasks").about("Remove any existing vscode tasks"), Command::new("intellij").about("Removes rustc source paths added via `cargo dev setup intellij`"), ]), Command::new("serve") .about("Launch a local 'ALL the Clippy Lints' website in a browser") .args([ Arg::new("port") .long("port") .short('p') .help("Local port for the http server") .default_value("8000") .value_parser(clap::value_parser!(u16)), Arg::new("lint").help("Which lint's page to load initially (optional)"), ]), Command::new("lint") .about("Manually run clippy on a file or package") .after_help(indoc! {" EXAMPLES Lint a single file: cargo dev lint tests/ui/attrs.rs Lint a package directory: cargo dev lint tests/ui-cargo/wildcard_dependencies/fail cargo dev lint ~/my-project Run rustfix: cargo dev lint ~/my-project -- --fix Set lint levels: cargo dev lint file.rs -- -W clippy::pedantic cargo dev lint ~/my-project -- -- -W clippy::pedantic "}) .args([ Arg::new("path") .required(true) .help("The path to a file or package directory to lint"), Arg::new("args") .action(ArgAction::Append) .help("Pass extra arguments to cargo/clippy-driver"), ]), Command::new("rename_lint").about("Renames the given lint").args([ Arg::new("old_name") .index(1) .required(true) .help("The name of the lint to rename"), Arg::new("new_name") .index(2) .required_unless_present("uplift") .help("The new name of the lint"), Arg::new("uplift") .long("uplift") .action(ArgAction::SetTrue) .help("This lint will be uplifted into rustc"), ]), Command::new("deprecate").about("Deprecates the given lint").args([ Arg::new("name") .index(1) .required(true) .help("The name of the lint to deprecate"), Arg::new("reason") .long("reason") .short('r') .help("The reason for deprecation"), ]), ]) .get_matches() }