use std::ops::Not; use crate::{ assist_context::{AssistContext, Assists}, utils::convert_param_list_to_arg_list, }; use either::Either; use hir::{db::HirDatabase, HasVisibility}; use ide_db::{ assists::{AssistId, GroupLabel}, path_transform::PathTransform, }; use syntax::{ ast::{ self, edit::{self, AstNodeEdit}, make, AssocItem, HasGenericParams, HasName, HasVisibility as astHasVisibility, Path, }, ted::{self, Position}, AstNode, NodeOrToken, SyntaxKind, }; // Assist: generate_delegate_trait // // Generate delegate trait implementation for `StructField`s. // // ``` // trait SomeTrait { // type T; // fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; // fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; // } // struct A; // impl SomeTrait for A { // type T = u32; // // fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { // 42 // } // // fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { // false // } // } // struct B { // a$0: A, // } // ``` // -> // ``` // trait SomeTrait { // type T; // fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; // fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; // } // struct A; // impl SomeTrait for A { // type T = u32; // // fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { // 42 // } // // fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { // false // } // } // struct B { // a: A, // } // // impl SomeTrait for B { // type T = ::T; // // fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { // ::fn_(arg) // } // // fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { // ::method_( &mut self.a ) // } // } // ``` pub(crate) fn generate_delegate_trait(acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) -> Option<()> { let strukt = Struct::new(ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?)?; let field: Field = match ctx.find_node_at_offset::() { Some(field) => Field::new(&ctx, Either::Left(field))?, None => { let field = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let field_list = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; Field::new(&ctx, either::Right((field, field_list)))? } }; strukt.delegate(field, acc, ctx); Some(()) } /// A utility object that represents a struct's field. struct Field { name: String, ty: ast::Type, range: syntax::TextRange, impls: Vec, } impl Field { pub(crate) fn new( ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, f: Either, ) -> Option { let db = ctx.sema.db; let name: String; let range: syntax::TextRange; let ty: ast::Type; let module = ctx.sema.to_module_def(ctx.file_id())?; match f { Either::Left(f) => { name =; ty = f.ty()?; range = f.syntax().text_range(); } Either::Right((f, l)) => { name = l.fields().position(|it| it == f)?.to_string(); ty = f.ty()?; range = f.syntax().text_range(); } }; let hir_ty = ctx.sema.resolve_type(&ty)?; let type_impls = hir::Impl::all_for_type(db, hir_ty.clone()); let mut impls = Vec::with_capacity(type_impls.len()); let type_param = hir_ty.as_type_param(db); if let Some(tp) = type_param { for tb in tp.trait_bounds(db) { impls.push(Delegee::Bound(BoundCase { 0: tb })); } }; for imp in type_impls { match imp.trait_(db) { Some(tr) => { if tr.is_visible_from(db, module) { impls.push(Delegee::Impls(ImplCase { 0: tr, 1: imp })) } } None => { continue; } } } Some(Field { name, ty, range, impls }) } } /// A field that we want to delegate can offer the enclosing struct /// trait to implement in two ways. The first way is when the field /// actually implements the trait and the second way is when the field /// has a bound type parameter. We handle these cases in different ways /// hence the enum. enum Delegee { Bound(BoundCase), Impls(ImplCase), } struct BoundCase(hir::Trait); struct ImplCase(hir::Trait, hir::Impl); /// When we list traits we can implement for the enclosing struct /// we use the absolute path of a trait. This trait consists of a single /// method that produces this path. trait Signatured { fn signature(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> String; } impl Signatured for Delegee { fn signature(&self, db: &dyn HirDatabase) -> String { let mut s = String::new(); let trait_: hir::Trait; match self { Delegee::Bound(b) => trait_ = b.0, Delegee::Impls(i) => trait_ = i.0, }; for m in trait_.module(db).path_to_root(db).iter().rev() { if let Some(name) = { s.push_str(&format!("{}::", name.to_smol_str())); } else { continue; } } s.push_str(&; s } } /// A utility struct that is used for the enclosing struct. struct Struct { strukt: ast::Struct, name: ast::Name, } impl Struct { pub(crate) fn new(s: ast::Struct) -> Option { let name =; Some(Struct { name, strukt: s }) } pub(crate) fn delegate(&self, field: Field, acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>) { let db = ctx.db(); for delegee in &field.impls { // FIXME : We can omit already implemented impl_traits // But we don't know what the &[hir::Type] argument should look like. // let trait_ = match delegee { // Delegee::Bound(b) => b.0, // Delegee::Impls(i) => i.1, // }; // if self.hir_ty.impls_trait(db, trait_, &[]) { // continue; // } let signature = delegee.signature(db); let delegate = generate_impl(ctx, self, &field.ty, &, delegee); acc.add_group( &GroupLabel("Generate delegate traits...".to_owned()), AssistId("generate_delegate_trait", ide_db::assists::AssistKind::Generate), format!("Generate delegate impl `{}` for `{}`", signature,, field.range, |builder| { builder.insert( self.strukt.syntax().text_range().end(), format!("\n\n{}", delegate.syntax()), ); }, ); } } } fn generate_impl( ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, strukt: &Struct, field_ty: &ast::Type, field_name: &String, delegee: &Delegee, ) -> ast::Impl { let delegate: ast::Impl; let source: ast::Impl; let genpar: Option; let db = ctx.db(); let base_path = make::path_from_text(&field_ty.to_string().as_str()); let s_path = make::ext::ident_path(&; match delegee { Delegee::Bound(delegee) => { let in_file = ctx.sema.source(delegee.0.to_owned()).unwrap(); let source: ast::Trait = in_file.value; delegate = make::impl_trait( delegee.0.is_unsafe(db), None, None, strukt.strukt.generic_param_list(), None, delegee.0.is_auto(db), make::ty(&, make::ty_path(s_path), source.where_clause(), strukt.strukt.where_clause(), None, ) .clone_for_update(); genpar = source.generic_param_list(); let delegate_assoc_items = delegate.get_or_create_assoc_item_list(); let gen_args: String = genpar.map_or_else(String::new, |params| params.to_generic_args().to_string()); // Goto link : let qualified_path_type = make::path_from_text(&format!( "<{} as {}{}>", base_path.to_string(),, gen_args.to_string() )); match source.assoc_item_list() { Some(ai) => { ai.assoc_items() .filter(|item| matches!(item, AssocItem::MacroCall(_)).not()) .for_each(|item| { let assoc = process_assoc_item(item, qualified_path_type.clone(), &field_name); if let Some(assoc) = assoc { delegate_assoc_items.add_item(assoc); } }); } None => {} }; let target = ctx.sema.scope(strukt.strukt.syntax()).unwrap(); let source = ctx.sema.scope_for_def(delegee.0); let transform = PathTransform::trait_impl(&target, &source, delegee.0, delegate.clone()); transform.apply(&delegate.syntax()); } Delegee::Impls(delegee) => { let in_file = ctx.sema.source(delegee.1.to_owned()).unwrap(); source = in_file.value; delegate = make::impl_trait( delegee.0.is_unsafe(db), source.generic_param_list(), None, None, None, delegee.0.is_auto(db), make::ty(&, make::ty_path(s_path), source.where_clause(), strukt.strukt.where_clause(), None, ) .clone_for_update(); genpar = source.generic_param_list(); let delegate_assoc_items = delegate.get_or_create_assoc_item_list(); let gen_args: String = genpar.map_or_else(String::new, |params| params.to_generic_args().to_string()); // Goto link : let qualified_path_type = make::path_from_text(&format!( "<{} as {}{}>", base_path.to_string().as_str(),, gen_args.to_string().as_str() )); source .get_or_create_assoc_item_list() .assoc_items() .filter(|item| matches!(item, AssocItem::MacroCall(_)).not()) .for_each(|item| { let assoc = process_assoc_item(item, qualified_path_type.clone(), &field_name); if let Some(assoc) = assoc { delegate_assoc_items.add_item(assoc); } }); let target = ctx.sema.scope(strukt.strukt.syntax()).unwrap(); let source = ctx.sema.scope_for_def(delegee.0); let transform = PathTransform::trait_impl(&target, &source, delegee.0, delegate.clone()); transform.apply(&delegate.syntax()); } } delegate } fn process_assoc_item( item: syntax::ast::AssocItem, qual_path_ty: ast::Path, base_name: &str, ) -> Option { match item { AssocItem::Const(c) => Some(const_assoc_item(c, qual_path_ty)), AssocItem::Fn(f) => Some(func_assoc_item(f, qual_path_ty, base_name)), AssocItem::MacroCall(_) => { // FIXME : Handle MacroCall case. // return Some(macro_assoc_item(mac, qual_path_ty)); None } AssocItem::TypeAlias(ta) => Some(ty_assoc_item(ta, qual_path_ty)), } } fn const_assoc_item(item: syntax::ast::Const, qual_path_ty: ast::Path) -> AssocItem { let path_expr_segment = make::path_from_text(; // We want rhs of the const assignment to be a qualified path // The general case for const assigment can be found [here](``) // The qualified will have the following generic syntax : // >::ConstName; // FIXME : We can't rely on `make::path_qualified` for now but it would be nice to replace the following with it. // make::path_qualified(qual_path_ty, path_expr_segment.as_single_segment().unwrap()); let qualpath = qualpath(qual_path_ty, path_expr_segment); let inner = make::item_const( item.visibility(),, item.ty().unwrap(), make::expr_path(qualpath), ) .clone_for_update(); AssocItem::Const(inner) } fn func_assoc_item(item: syntax::ast::Fn, qual_path_ty: Path, base_name: &str) -> AssocItem { let path_expr_segment = make::path_from_text(; let qualpath = qualpath(qual_path_ty, path_expr_segment); let call = match item.param_list() { // Methods and funcs should be handled separately. // We ask if the func has a `self` param. Some(l) => match l.self_param() { Some(slf) => { let mut self_kw = make::expr_path(make::path_from_text("self")); self_kw = make::expr_field(self_kw, base_name); let tail_expr_self = match slf.kind() { ast::SelfParamKind::Owned => self_kw, ast::SelfParamKind::Ref => make::expr_ref(self_kw, false), ast::SelfParamKind::MutRef => make::expr_ref(self_kw, true), }; let param_count = l.params().count(); let args = convert_param_list_to_arg_list(l).clone_for_update(); if param_count > 0 { // Add SelfParam and a TOKEN::COMMA ted::insert_all( Position::after(args.l_paren_token().unwrap()), vec![ NodeOrToken::Node(tail_expr_self.syntax().clone_for_update()), NodeOrToken::Token(make::token(SyntaxKind::WHITESPACE)), NodeOrToken::Token(make::token(SyntaxKind::COMMA)), ], ); } else { // Add SelfParam only ted::insert( Position::after(args.l_paren_token().unwrap()), NodeOrToken::Node(tail_expr_self.syntax().clone_for_update()), ); } make::expr_call(make::expr_path(qualpath), args) } None => make::expr_call(make::expr_path(qualpath), convert_param_list_to_arg_list(l)), }, None => make::expr_call( make::expr_path(qualpath), convert_param_list_to_arg_list(make::param_list(None, Vec::new())), ), } .clone_for_update(); let body = make::block_expr(vec![], Some(call)).clone_for_update(); let func = make::fn_( item.visibility(),, item.generic_param_list(), item.where_clause(), item.param_list().unwrap(), body, item.ret_type(), item.async_token().is_some(), item.const_token().is_some(), item.unsafe_token().is_some(), ) .clone_for_update(); AssocItem::Fn(func.indent(edit::IndentLevel(1)).clone_for_update()) } fn ty_assoc_item(item: syntax::ast::TypeAlias, qual_path_ty: Path) -> AssocItem { let path_expr_segment = make::path_from_text(; let qualpath = qualpath(qual_path_ty, path_expr_segment); let ty = make::ty_path(qualpath); let ident =; let alias = make::ty_alias( ident.as_str(), item.generic_param_list(), None, item.where_clause(), Some((ty, None)), ) .clone_for_update(); AssocItem::TypeAlias(alias) } fn qualpath(qual_path_ty: ast::Path, path_expr_seg: ast::Path) -> ast::Path { make::path_from_text(&format!("{}::{}", qual_path_ty.to_string(), path_expr_seg.to_string())) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; #[test] fn test_tuple_struct_basic() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S(B$0ase); trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, r#" struct Base; struct S(Base); impl Trait for S {} trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_struct_basic() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S { ba$0se : Base } trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, r#" struct Base; struct S { base : Base } impl Trait for S {} trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, ) } // Structs need to be by def populated with fields // However user can invoke this assist while still editing // We therefore assert its non-applicability #[test] fn test_yet_empty_struct() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S { $0 } impl Trait for S {} trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, ) } #[test] fn test_yet_unspecified_field_type() { check_assist_not_applicable( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S { ab$0c } impl Trait for S {} trait Trait {} impl Trait for Base {} "#, ); } #[test] fn test_unsafe_trait() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S { ba$0se : Base } unsafe trait Trait {} unsafe impl Trait for Base {} "#, r#" struct Base; struct S { base : Base } unsafe impl Trait for S {} unsafe trait Trait {} unsafe impl Trait for Base {} "#, ); } #[test] fn test_unsafe_trait_with_unsafe_fn() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" struct Base; struct S { ba$0se: Base, } unsafe trait Trait { unsafe fn a_func(); unsafe fn a_method(&self); } unsafe impl Trait for Base { unsafe fn a_func() {} unsafe fn a_method(&self) {} } "#, r#" struct Base; struct S { base: Base, } unsafe impl Trait for S { unsafe fn a_func() { ::a_func() } unsafe fn a_method(&self) { ::a_method( &self.base ) } } unsafe trait Trait { unsafe fn a_func(); unsafe fn a_method(&self); } unsafe impl Trait for Base { unsafe fn a_func() {} unsafe fn a_method(&self) {} } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_struct_with_where_clause() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} struct S where T: AnotherTrait, { b$0 : T, }"#, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} struct S where T: AnotherTrait, { b : T, } impl AnotherTrait for S where T: AnotherTrait, {}"#, ); } #[test] fn test_complex_without_where() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type AssocType; const AssocConst: usize; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { field$0: Base } impl<'a, T, const C: usize> Trait<'a, T, C> for Base { type AssocType = (); const AssocConst: usize = 0; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} } "#, r#" trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type AssocType; const AssocConst: usize; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { field: Base } impl<'a, T, const C: usize> Trait<'a, T, C> for S { type AssocType = >::AssocType; const AssocConst: usize = >::AssocConst; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) { >::assoc_fn(p) } fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) { >::assoc_method( &self.field , p) } } impl<'a, T, const C: usize> Trait<'a, T, C> for Base { type AssocType = (); const AssocConst: usize = 0; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_complex_two() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r" trait AnotherTrait {} trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type AssocType; const AssocConst: usize; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { fi$0eld: Base, } impl<'b, C, const D: usize> Trait<'b, C, D> for Base where C: AnotherTrait, { type AssocType = (); const AssocConst: usize = 0; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} }", r#" trait AnotherTrait {} trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type AssocType; const AssocConst: usize; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { field: Base, } impl<'b, C, const D: usize> Trait<'b, C, D> for S where C: AnotherTrait, { type AssocType = >::AssocType; const AssocConst: usize = >::AssocConst; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) { >::assoc_fn(p) } fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) { >::assoc_method( &self.field , p) } } impl<'b, C, const D: usize> Trait<'b, C, D> for Base where C: AnotherTrait, { type AssocType = (); const AssocConst: usize = 0; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} }"#, ) } #[test] fn test_complex_three() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} trait YetAnotherTrait {} struct StructImplsAll(); impl AnotherTrait for StructImplsAll {} impl YetAnotherTrait for StructImplsAll {} trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type A; const ASSOC_CONST: usize = C; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { fi$0eld: Base, } impl<'b, A: AnotherTrait + YetAnotherTrait, const B: usize> Trait<'b, A, B> for Base where A: AnotherTrait, { type A = i32; const ASSOC_CONST: usize = B; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} } "#, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} trait YetAnotherTrait {} struct StructImplsAll(); impl AnotherTrait for StructImplsAll {} impl YetAnotherTrait for StructImplsAll {} trait Trait<'a, T, const C: usize> { type A; const ASSOC_CONST: usize = C; fn assoc_fn(p: ()); fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()); } struct Base; struct S { field: Base, } impl<'b, A: AnotherTrait + YetAnotherTrait, const B: usize> Trait<'b, A, B> for S where A: AnotherTrait, { type A = >::A; const ASSOC_CONST: usize = >::ASSOC_CONST; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) { >::assoc_fn(p) } fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) { >::assoc_method( &self.field , p) } } impl<'b, A: AnotherTrait + YetAnotherTrait, const B: usize> Trait<'b, A, B> for Base where A: AnotherTrait, { type A = i32; const ASSOC_CONST: usize = B; fn assoc_fn(p: ()) {} fn assoc_method(&self, p: ()) {} } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_type_bound() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} struct S where T: AnotherTrait, { b$0: T, }"#, r#" trait AnotherTrait {} struct S where T: AnotherTrait, { b: T, } impl AnotherTrait for S where T: AnotherTrait, {}"#, ); } #[test] fn test_docstring_example() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" trait SomeTrait { type T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; } struct A; impl SomeTrait for A { type T = u32; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { 42 } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { false } } struct B { a$0: A, } "#, r#" trait SomeTrait { type T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; } struct A; impl SomeTrait for A { type T = u32; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { 42 } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { false } } struct B { a: A, } impl SomeTrait for B { type T = ::T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { ::fn_(arg) } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { ::method_( &mut self.a ) } } "#, ); } #[test] fn import_from_other_mod() { check_assist( generate_delegate_trait, r#" mod some_module { pub trait SomeTrait { type T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; } pub struct A; impl SomeTrait for A { type T = u32; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { 42 } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { false } } } struct B { a$0: some_module::A, }"#, r#" mod some_module { pub trait SomeTrait { type T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32; fn method_(&mut self) -> bool; } pub struct A; impl SomeTrait for A { type T = u32; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { 42 } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { false } } } struct B { a: some_module::A, } impl some_module::SomeTrait for B { type T = ::T; fn fn_(arg: u32) -> u32 { ::fn_(arg) } fn method_(&mut self) -> bool { ::method_( &mut self.a ) } }"#, ) } }