error: You appear to be counting bytes the naive way --> $DIR/ | 8 | let _ = x.iter().filter(|&&a| a == 0).count(); // naive byte count | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: Consider using the bytecount crate: `bytecount::count(x, 0)` | note: lint level defined here --> $DIR/ | 4 | #[deny(naive_bytecount)] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: You appear to be counting bytes the naive way --> $DIR/ | 10 | let _ = (&x[..]).iter().filter(|&a| *a == 0).count(); // naive byte count | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: Consider using the bytecount crate: `bytecount::count((&x[..]), 0)` error: You appear to be counting bytes the naive way --> $DIR/ | 22 | let _ = x.iter().filter(|a| b + 1 == **a).count(); // naive byte count | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: Consider using the bytecount crate: `bytecount::count(x, b + 1)`