use std::{collections::HashSet, iter, ops::ControlFlow}; use either::Either; use hir::{AsAssocItem, HasAttrs, HasSource, HirDisplay, Semantics, TypeInfo}; use ide_db::{ base_db::{FileRange, SourceDatabase}, defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass}, helpers::{ generated_lints::{CLIPPY_LINTS, DEFAULT_LINTS, FEATURES}, pick_best_token, try_resolve_derive_input_at, FamousDefs, }, RootDatabase, }; use itertools::Itertools; use stdx::format_to; use syntax::{ algo, ast, display::fn_as_proc_macro_label, match_ast, AstNode, Direction, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize, T, }; use crate::{ display::{macro_label, TryToNav}, doc_links::{ doc_attributes, extract_definitions_from_docs, remove_links, resolve_doc_path_for_def, rewrite_links, }, markdown_remove::remove_markdown, markup::Markup, runnables::{runnable_fn, runnable_mod}, FileId, FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo, Runnable, }; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct HoverConfig { pub links_in_hover: bool, pub documentation: Option, } impl HoverConfig { fn markdown(&self) -> bool { matches!(self.documentation, Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown)) } } #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum HoverDocFormat { Markdown, PlainText, } #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub enum HoverAction { Runnable(Runnable), Implementation(FilePosition), Reference(FilePosition), GoToType(Vec), } impl HoverAction { fn goto_type_from_targets(db: &RootDatabase, targets: Vec) -> Self { let targets = targets .into_iter() .filter_map(|it| { Some(HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: render_path( db, it.module(db)?,|name| name.to_string()), ), nav: it.try_to_nav(db)?, }) }) .collect(); HoverAction::GoToType(targets) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)] pub struct HoverGotoTypeData { pub mod_path: String, pub nav: NavigationTarget, } /// Contains the results when hovering over an item #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct HoverResult { pub markup: Markup, pub actions: Vec, } // Feature: Hover // // Shows additional information, like the type of an expression or the documentation for a definition when "focusing" code. // Focusing is usually hovering with a mouse, but can also be triggered with a shortcut. // // image::[] pub(crate) fn hover( db: &RootDatabase, FileRange { file_id, range }: FileRange, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Option> { let sema = hir::Semantics::new(db); let file = sema.parse(file_id).syntax().clone(); if !range.is_empty() { return hover_ranged(&file, range, &sema, config); } let offset = range.start(); let token = pick_best_token(file.token_at_offset(offset), |kind| match kind { IDENT | INT_NUMBER | LIFETIME_IDENT | T![self] | T![super] | T![crate] => 3, T!['('] | T![')'] => 2, kind if kind.is_trivia() => 0, _ => 1, })?; let mut seen = HashSet::default(); let mut fallback = None; // attributes, require special machinery as they are mere ident tokens let descend_macros = sema.descend_into_macros_many(token.clone()); for token in &descend_macros { if token.kind() != COMMENT { if let Some(attr) = token.ancestors().find_map(ast::Attr::cast) { // lints if let Some(res) = try_hover_for_lint(&attr, &token) { return Some(res); // derives } else { let def = try_resolve_derive_input_at(&sema, &attr, &token).map(Definition::Macro); if let Some(def) = def { if let Some(hover) = hover_for_definition( &sema, file_id, def, &token.parent().unwrap(), config, ) { return Some(RangeInfo::new(token.text_range(), hover)); } } } } } } descend_macros .iter() .filter_map(|token| match token.parent() { Some(node) => { match find_hover_result(&sema, file_id, offset, config, token, &node, &mut seen) { Some(res) => match res { ControlFlow::Break(inner) => Some(inner), ControlFlow::Continue(_) => { if fallback.is_none() { // FIXME we're only taking the first fallback into account that's not `None` fallback = hover_for_keyword(&sema, config, &token) .or(type_hover(&sema, config, &token)); } None } }, None => None, } } None => None, }) // reduce all descends into a single `RangeInfo` // that spans from the earliest start to the latest end (fishy/FIXME), // concatenates all `Markup`s with `\n---\n`, // and accumulates all actions into its `actions` vector. .reduce(|mut acc, RangeInfo { range, mut info }| { let start = acc.range.start().min(range.start()); let end = acc.range.end().max(range.end()); acc.range = TextRange::new(start, end); info.actions); = Markup::from(format!("{}\n---\n{}",, info.markup)); acc }) .or(fallback) } fn find_hover_result( sema: &Semantics, file_id: FileId, offset: TextSize, config: &HoverConfig, token: &SyntaxToken, node: &SyntaxNode, seen: &mut HashSet, ) -> Option>> { let mut range_override = None; // intra-doc links and attributes are special cased // so don't add them to the `seen` duplicate check let mut add_to_seen_definitions = true; let definition = find_definition(sema, node).next().or_else(|| { // intra-doc links // FIXME: move comment + attribute special cases somewhere else to simplify control flow, // hopefully simplifying the return type of this function in the process // (the `Break`/`Continue` distinction is needed to decide whether to use fallback hovers) // // FIXME: hovering the intra doc link to `Foo` not working: // // #[identity] // trait Foo { // /// [`Foo`] // fn foo() {} if token.kind() == COMMENT { add_to_seen_definitions = false; cov_mark::hit!(no_highlight_on_comment_hover); let (attributes, def) = doc_attributes(sema, node)?; let (docs, doc_mapping) = attributes.docs_with_rangemap(sema.db)?; let (idl_range, link, ns) = extract_definitions_from_docs(&docs).into_iter().find_map( |(range, link, ns)| { let mapped =; (mapped.file_id == file_id.into() && mapped.value.contains(offset)) .then(|| (mapped.value, link, ns)) }, )?; range_override = Some(idl_range); Some(match resolve_doc_path_for_def(sema.db, def, &link, ns)? { Either::Left(it) => Definition::ModuleDef(it), Either::Right(it) => Definition::Macro(it), }) } else { None } }); if let Some(definition) = definition { // skip duplicates if seen.contains(&definition) { return None; } if add_to_seen_definitions { seen.insert(definition); } if let Some(res) = hover_for_definition(sema, file_id, definition, &node, config) { let range = range_override.unwrap_or_else(|| sema.original_range(&node).range); return Some(ControlFlow::Break(RangeInfo::new(range, res))); } } Some(ControlFlow::Continue(())) } fn type_hover( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, token: &SyntaxToken, ) -> Option> { if token.kind() == COMMENT { return None; } let node = token .ancestors() .take_while(|it| !ast::Item::can_cast(it.kind())) .find(|n| ast::Expr::can_cast(n.kind()) || ast::Pat::can_cast(n.kind()))?; let expr_or_pat = match_ast! { match node { ast::Expr(it) => Either::Left(it), ast::Pat(it) => Either::Right(it), // If this node is a MACRO_CALL, it means that `descend_into_macros_many` failed to resolve. // (e.g expanding a builtin macro). So we give up here. ast::MacroCall(_it) => return None, _ => return None, } }; let res = hover_type_info(&sema, config, &expr_or_pat)?; let range = sema.original_range(&node).range; Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res)) } fn hover_ranged( file: &SyntaxNode, range: syntax::TextRange, sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Option> { let expr_or_pat = file.covering_element(range).ancestors().find_map(|it| { match_ast! { match it { ast::Expr(expr) => Some(Either::Left(expr)), ast::Pat(pat) => Some(Either::Right(pat)), _ => None, } } })?; let res = match &expr_or_pat { Either::Left(ast::Expr::TryExpr(try_expr)) => hover_try_expr(sema, config, try_expr), Either::Left(ast::Expr::PrefixExpr(prefix_expr)) if prefix_expr.op_kind() == Some(ast::UnaryOp::Deref) => { hover_deref_expr(sema, config, prefix_expr) } _ => None, }; let res = res.or_else(|| hover_type_info(sema, config, &expr_or_pat));|it| { let range = match expr_or_pat { Either::Left(it) => it.syntax().text_range(), Either::Right(it) => it.syntax().text_range(), }; RangeInfo::new(range, it) }) } fn hover_try_expr( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, try_expr: &ast::TryExpr, ) -> Option { let inner_ty = sema.type_of_expr(&try_expr.expr()?)?.original; let mut ancestors = try_expr.syntax().ancestors(); let mut body_ty = loop { let next =; break match_ast! { match next { ast::Fn(fn_) => sema.to_def(&fn_)?.ret_type(sema.db), ast::Item(__) => return None, ast::ClosureExpr(closure) => sema.type_of_expr(&closure.body()?)?.original, ast::EffectExpr(effect) => if matches!(effect.effect(), ast::Effect::Async(_) | ast::Effect::Try(_)| ast::Effect::Const(_)) { sema.type_of_expr(&effect.block_expr()?.into())?.original } else { continue; }, _ => continue, } }; }; if inner_ty == body_ty { return None; } let mut inner_ty = inner_ty; let mut s = "Try Target".to_owned(); let adts = inner_ty.as_adt().zip(body_ty.as_adt()); if let Some((hir::Adt::Enum(inner), hir::Adt::Enum(body))) = adts { let famous_defs = FamousDefs(sema, sema.scope(&try_expr.syntax()).krate()); // special case for two options, there is no value in showing them if let Some(option_enum) = famous_defs.core_option_Option() { if inner == option_enum && body == option_enum { cov_mark::hit!(hover_try_expr_opt_opt); return None; } } // special case two results to show the error variants only if let Some(result_enum) = famous_defs.core_result_Result() { if inner == result_enum && body == result_enum { let error_type_args = inner_ty.type_arguments().nth(1).zip(body_ty.type_arguments().nth(1)); if let Some((inner, body)) = error_type_args { inner_ty = inner; body_ty = body; s = "Try Error".to_owned(); } } } } let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &inner_ty, &mut push_new_def); walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &body_ty, &mut push_new_def); res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); let inner_ty = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let body_ty = body_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let ty_len_max = inner_ty.len().max(body_ty.len()); let l = "Propagated as: ".len() - " Type: ".len(); let static_text_len_diff = l as isize - s.len() as isize; let tpad = static_text_len_diff.max(0) as usize; let ppad = static_text_len_diff.min(0).abs() as usize; res.markup = format!( "{bt_start}{} Type: {:>pad0$}\nPropagated as: {:>pad1$}\n{bt_end}", s, inner_ty, body_ty, pad0 = ty_len_max + tpad, pad1 = ty_len_max + ppad, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into(); Some(res) } fn hover_deref_expr( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, deref_expr: &ast::PrefixExpr, ) -> Option { let inner_ty = sema.type_of_expr(&deref_expr.expr()?)?.original; let TypeInfo { original, adjusted } = sema.type_of_expr(&ast::Expr::from(deref_expr.clone()))?; let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &inner_ty, &mut push_new_def); walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &original, &mut push_new_def); res.markup = if let Some(adjusted_ty) = adjusted { walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &adjusted_ty, &mut push_new_def); let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let adjusted = adjusted_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let inner = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let type_len = "To type: ".len(); let coerced_len = "Coerced to: ".len(); let deref_len = "Dereferenced from: ".len(); let max_len = (original.len() + type_len) .max(adjusted.len() + coerced_len) .max(inner.len() + deref_len); format!( "{bt_start}Dereferenced from: {:>ipad$}\nTo type: {:>apad$}\nCoerced to: {:>opad$}\n{bt_end}", inner, original, adjusted, ipad = max_len - deref_len, apad = max_len - type_len, opad = max_len - coerced_len, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() } else { let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let inner = inner_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let type_len = "To type: ".len(); let deref_len = "Dereferenced from: ".len(); let max_len = (original.len() + type_len).max(inner.len() + deref_len); format!( "{bt_start}Dereferenced from: {:>ipad$}\nTo type: {:>apad$}\n{bt_end}", inner, original, ipad = max_len - deref_len, apad = max_len - type_len, bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() }; res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); Some(res) } fn hover_type_info( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, expr_or_pat: &Either, ) -> Option { let TypeInfo { original, adjusted } = match expr_or_pat { Either::Left(expr) => sema.type_of_expr(expr)?, Either::Right(pat) => sema.type_of_pat(pat)?, }; let mut res = HoverResult::default(); let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &original, &mut push_new_def); res.markup = if let Some(adjusted_ty) = adjusted { walk_and_push_ty(sema.db, &adjusted_ty, &mut push_new_def); let original = original.display(sema.db).to_string(); let adjusted = adjusted_ty.display(sema.db).to_string(); let static_text_diff_len = "Coerced to: ".len() - "Type: ".len(); format!( "{bt_start}Type: {:>apad$}\nCoerced to: {:>opad$}\n{bt_end}", original, adjusted, apad = static_text_diff_len + adjusted.len().max(original.len()), opad = original.len(), bt_start = if config.markdown() { "```text\n" } else { "" }, bt_end = if config.markdown() { "```\n" } else { "" } ) .into() } else { if config.markdown() { Markup::fenced_block(&original.display(sema.db)) } else { original.display(sema.db).to_string().into() } }; res.actions.push(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(sema.db, targets)); Some(res) } fn try_hover_for_lint(attr: &ast::Attr, token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option> { let (path, tt) = attr.as_simple_call()?; if !tt.syntax().text_range().contains(token.text_range().start()) { return None; } let (is_clippy, lints) = match &*path { "feature" => (false, FEATURES), "allow" | "deny" | "forbid" | "warn" => { let is_clippy = algo::non_trivia_sibling(token.clone().into(), Direction::Prev) .filter(|t| t.kind() == T![:]) .and_then(|t| algo::non_trivia_sibling(t, Direction::Prev)) .filter(|t| t.kind() == T![:]) .and_then(|t| algo::non_trivia_sibling(t, Direction::Prev)) .map_or(false, |t| { t.kind() == T![ident] && t.into_token().map_or(false, |t| t.text() == "clippy") }); if is_clippy { (true, CLIPPY_LINTS) } else { (false, DEFAULT_LINTS) } } _ => return None, }; let tmp; let needle = if is_clippy { tmp = format!("clippy::{}", token.text()); &tmp } else { &*token.text() }; let lint = lints.binary_search_by_key(&needle, |lint| lint.label).ok().map(|idx| &lints[idx])?; Some(RangeInfo::new( token.text_range(), HoverResult { markup: Markup::from(format!("```\n{}\n```\n___\n\n{}", lint.label, lint.description)), ..Default::default() }, )) } fn show_implementations_action(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { fn to_action(nav_target: NavigationTarget) -> HoverAction { HoverAction::Implementation(FilePosition { file_id: nav_target.file_id, offset: nav_target.focus_or_full_range().start(), }) } let adt = match def { Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Trait(it)) => { return it.try_to_nav(db).map(to_action) } Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Adt(it)) => Some(it), Definition::SelfType(it) => it.self_ty(db).as_adt(), _ => None, }?; adt.try_to_nav(db).map(to_action) } fn show_fn_references_action(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { match def { Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::Function(it)) => { it.try_to_nav(db).map(|nav_target| { HoverAction::Reference(FilePosition { file_id: nav_target.file_id, offset: nav_target.focus_or_full_range().start(), }) }) } _ => None, } } fn runnable_action( sema: &hir::Semantics, def: Definition, file_id: FileId, ) -> Option { match def { Definition::ModuleDef(it) => match it { hir::ModuleDef::Module(it) => runnable_mod(sema, it).map(HoverAction::Runnable), hir::ModuleDef::Function(func) => { let src = func.source(sema.db)?; if src.file_id != file_id.into() { cov_mark::hit!(hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_comment); cov_mark::hit!(hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_attr); return None; } runnable_fn(sema, func).map(HoverAction::Runnable) } _ => None, }, _ => None, } } fn goto_type_action_for_def(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { let mut targets: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut push_new_def = |item: hir::ModuleDef| { if !targets.contains(&item) { targets.push(item); } }; if let Definition::GenericParam(hir::GenericParam::TypeParam(it)) = def { it.trait_bounds(db).into_iter().for_each(|it| push_new_def(it.into())); } else { let ty = match def { Definition::Local(it) => it.ty(db), Definition::GenericParam(hir::GenericParam::ConstParam(it)) => it.ty(db), Definition::Field(field) => field.ty(db), _ => return None, }; walk_and_push_ty(db, &ty, &mut push_new_def); } Some(HoverAction::goto_type_from_targets(db, targets)) } fn walk_and_push_ty( db: &RootDatabase, ty: &hir::Type, push_new_def: &mut dyn FnMut(hir::ModuleDef), ) { ty.walk(db, |t| { if let Some(adt) = t.as_adt() { push_new_def(adt.into()); } else if let Some(trait_) = t.as_dyn_trait() { push_new_def(trait_.into()); } else if let Some(traits) = t.as_impl_traits(db) { traits.into_iter().for_each(|it| push_new_def(it.into())); } else if let Some(trait_) = t.as_associated_type_parent_trait(db) { push_new_def(trait_.into()); } }); } fn hover_markup(docs: Option, desc: String, mod_path: Option) -> Option { let mut buf = String::new(); if let Some(mod_path) = mod_path { if !mod_path.is_empty() { format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```\n\n", mod_path); } } format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```", desc); if let Some(doc) = docs { format_to!(buf, "\n___\n\n{}", doc); } Some(buf.into()) } fn process_markup( db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, markup: &Markup, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Markup { let markup = markup.as_str(); let markup = if !config.markdown() { remove_markdown(markup) } else if config.links_in_hover { rewrite_links(db, markup, def) } else { remove_links(markup) }; Markup::from(markup) } fn definition_owner_name(db: &RootDatabase, def: &Definition) -> Option { match def { Definition::Field(f) => Some(f.parent_def(db).name(db)), Definition::Local(l) => l.parent(db).name(db), Definition::ModuleDef(md) => match md { hir::ModuleDef::Function(f) => match f.as_assoc_item(db)?.container(db) { hir::AssocItemContainer::Trait(t) => Some(, hir::AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => i.self_ty(db).as_adt().map(|adt|, }, hir::ModuleDef::Variant(e) => Some(e.parent_enum(db).name(db)), _ => None, }, _ => None, } .map(|name| name.to_string()) } fn render_path(db: &RootDatabase, module: hir::Module, item_name: Option) -> String { let crate_name = db.crate_graph()[module.krate().into()].display_name.as_ref().map(|it| it.to_string()); let module_path = module .path_to_root(db) .into_iter() .rev() .flat_map(|it||name| name.to_string())); crate_name.into_iter().chain(module_path).chain(item_name).join("::") } fn definition_mod_path(db: &RootDatabase, def: &Definition) -> Option { if let Definition::GenericParam(_) = def { return None; } def.module(db).map(|module| render_path(db, module, definition_owner_name(db, def))) } pub(crate) fn find_definition<'a>( sema: &'a Semantics, node: &SyntaxNode, ) -> impl Iterator + 'a { iter::once(node.clone()).flat_map(move |node| { match_ast! { match node { ast::Name(name) => { let class = if let Some(x) = NameClass::classify(&sema, &name) { x } else { return vec![]; }; match class { NameClass::Definition(it) | NameClass::ConstReference(it) => vec![it], NameClass::PatFieldShorthand { local_def, field_ref } => vec![Definition::Local(local_def), Definition::Field(field_ref)], } }, ast::NameRef(name_ref) => { let class = if let Some(x) = NameRefClass::classify(sema, &name_ref) { x } else { return vec![]; }; match class { NameRefClass::Definition(def) => vec![def], NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { local_ref, field_ref } => { vec![Definition::Field(field_ref), Definition::Local(local_ref)] } } }, ast::Lifetime(lifetime) => { (if let Some(x) = NameClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime) { NameClass::defined(x) } else { NameRefClass::classify_lifetime(&sema, &lifetime).and_then(|class| match class { NameRefClass::Definition(it) => Some(it), _ => None, }) }).into_iter().collect() }, _ => vec![], } } }) } pub(crate) fn hover_for_definition( sema: &Semantics, file_id: FileId, definition: Definition, node: &SyntaxNode, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Option { let famous_defs = match &definition { Definition::ModuleDef(hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_)) => { Some(FamousDefs(&sema, sema.scope(&node).krate())) } _ => None, }; if let Some(markup) = markup_for_definition(sema.db, definition, famous_defs.as_ref(), config) { let mut res = HoverResult::default(); res.markup = process_markup(sema.db, definition, &markup, config); if let Some(action) = show_implementations_action(sema.db, definition) { res.actions.push(action); } if let Some(action) = show_fn_references_action(sema.db, definition) { res.actions.push(action); } if let Some(action) = runnable_action(&sema, definition, file_id) { res.actions.push(action); } if let Some(action) = goto_type_action_for_def(sema.db, definition) { res.actions.push(action); } return Some(res); } None } fn markup_for_definition( db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, famous_defs: Option<&FamousDefs>, config: &HoverConfig, ) -> Option { let mod_path = definition_mod_path(db, &def); let (label, docs) = match def { Definition::Macro(it) => ( match &it.source(db)?.value { Either::Left(mac) => macro_label(mac), Either::Right(mac_fn) => fn_as_proc_macro_label(mac_fn), }, it.attrs(db).docs(), ), Definition::Field(def) => label_and_docs(db, def), Definition::ModuleDef(it) => match it { hir::ModuleDef::Module(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Function(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Adt(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Variant(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Const(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Static(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::Trait(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), hir::ModuleDef::BuiltinType(it) => { return famous_defs .and_then(|fd| hover_for_builtin(fd, it)) .or_else(|| Some(Markup::fenced_block(& } }, Definition::Local(it) => return hover_for_local(it, db), Definition::SelfType(impl_def) => { impl_def.self_ty(db).as_adt().map(|adt| label_and_docs(db, adt))? } Definition::GenericParam(it) => label_and_docs(db, it), Definition::Label(it) => return Some(Markup::fenced_block(&, }; return hover_markup( docs.filter(|_| config.documentation.is_some()).map(Into::into), label, mod_path, ); fn label_and_docs(db: &RootDatabase, def: D) -> (String, Option) where D: HasAttrs + HirDisplay, { let label = def.display(db).to_string(); let docs = def.attrs(db).docs(); (label, docs) } } fn hover_for_local(it: hir::Local, db: &RootDatabase) -> Option { let ty = it.ty(db); let ty = ty.display(db); let is_mut = if it.is_mut(db) { "mut " } else { "" }; let desc = match it.source(db).value { Either::Left(ident) => { let name =; let let_kw = if ident .syntax() .parent() .map_or(false, |p| p.kind() == LET_STMT || p.kind() == CONDITION) { "let " } else { "" }; format!("{}{}{}: {}", let_kw, is_mut, name, ty) } Either::Right(_) => format!("{}self: {}", is_mut, ty), }; hover_markup(None, desc, None) } fn hover_for_keyword( sema: &Semantics, config: &HoverConfig, token: &SyntaxToken, ) -> Option> { if !token.kind().is_keyword() || !config.documentation.is_some() { return None; } let famous_defs = FamousDefs(sema, sema.scope(&token.parent()?).krate()); // std exposes {}_keyword modules with docstrings on the root to document keywords let keyword_mod = format!("{}_keyword", token.text()); let doc_owner = find_std_module(&famous_defs, &keyword_mod)?; let docs = doc_owner.attrs(sema.db).docs()?; let markup = process_markup( sema.db, Definition::ModuleDef(doc_owner.into()), &hover_markup(Some(docs.into()), token.text().into(), None)?, config, ); Some(RangeInfo::new(token.text_range(), HoverResult { markup, actions: Default::default() })) } fn hover_for_builtin(famous_defs: &FamousDefs, builtin: hir::BuiltinType) -> Option { // std exposes prim_{} modules with docstrings on the root to document the builtins let primitive_mod = format!("prim_{}",; let doc_owner = find_std_module(famous_defs, &primitive_mod)?; let docs = doc_owner.attrs(famous_defs.0.db).docs()?; hover_markup(Some(docs.into()),, None) } fn find_std_module(famous_defs: &FamousDefs, name: &str) -> Option { let db = famous_defs.0.db; let std_crate = famous_defs.std()?; let std_root_module = std_crate.root_module(db); std_root_module .children(db) .find(|module|, |module| module.to_string() == name)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use ide_db::base_db::{FileLoader, FileRange}; use syntax::TextRange; use crate::{fixture, hover::HoverDocFormat, HoverConfig}; fn check_hover_no_result(ra_fixture: &str) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: true, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: TextRange::empty(position.offset) }, ) .unwrap(); assert!(hover.is_none(), "hover not expected but found: {:?}", hover.unwrap()); } fn check(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: true, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: TextRange::empty(position.offset) }, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let content = analysis.db.file_text(position.file_id); let hovered_element = &content[hover.range]; let actual = format!("*{}*\n{}\n", hovered_element,; expect.assert_eq(&actual) } fn check_hover_no_links(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: false, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: TextRange::empty(position.offset) }, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let content = analysis.db.file_text(position.file_id); let hovered_element = &content[hover.range]; let actual = format!("*{}*\n{}\n", hovered_element,; expect.assert_eq(&actual) } fn check_hover_no_markdown(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: true, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::PlainText), }, FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: TextRange::empty(position.offset) }, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); let content = analysis.db.file_text(position.file_id); let hovered_element = &content[hover.range]; let actual = format!("*{}*\n{}\n", hovered_element,; expect.assert_eq(&actual) } fn check_actions(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, file_id, position) = fixture::range_or_position(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: true, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, FileRange { file_id, range: position.range_or_empty() }, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); expect.assert_debug_eq(& } fn check_hover_range(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, range) = fixture::range(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: false, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, range, ) .unwrap() .unwrap(); expect.assert_eq( } fn check_hover_range_no_results(ra_fixture: &str) { let (analysis, range) = fixture::range(ra_fixture); let hover = analysis .hover( &HoverConfig { links_in_hover: false, documentation: Some(HoverDocFormat::Markdown), }, range, ) .unwrap(); assert!(hover.is_none()); } #[test] fn hover_descend_macros_avoids_duplicates() { check( r#" macro_rules! dupe_use { ($local:ident) => { { $local; $local; } } } fn foo() { let local = 0; dupe_use!(local$0); } "#, expect![[r#" *local* ```rust let local: i32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_all_macro_descends() { check( r#" macro_rules! m { ($name:ident) => { /// Outer fn $name() {} mod module { /// Inner fn $name() {} } }; } m!(ab$0c); "#, expect![[r#" *abc* ```rust test::module ``` ```rust fn abc() ``` --- Inner --- ```rust test ``` ```rust fn abc() ``` --- Outer "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_type_of_an_expression() { check( r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { 1 } fn main() { let foo_test = foo()$0; } "#, expect![[r#" *foo()* ```rust u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_remove_markdown_if_configured() { check_hover_no_markdown( r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { 1 } fn main() { let foo_test = foo()$0; } "#, expect![[r#" *foo()* u32 "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_long_type_of_an_expression() { check( r#" struct Scan { a: A, b: B, c: C } struct Iter { inner: I } enum Option { Some(T), None } struct OtherStruct { i: T } fn scan(a: A, b: B, c: C) -> Iter, B, C>> { Iter { inner: Scan { a, b, c } } } fn main() { let num: i32 = 55; let closure = |memo: &mut u32, value: &u32, _another: &mut u32| -> Option { Option::Some(*memo + value) }; let number = 5u32; let mut iter$0 = scan(OtherStruct { i: num }, closure, number); } "#, expect![[r#" *iter* ```rust let mut iter: Iter>, |&mut u32, &u32, &mut u32| -> Option, u32>> ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_fn_signature() { // Single file with result check( r#" pub fn foo() -> u32 { 1 } fn main() { let foo_test = fo$0o(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo() -> u32 ``` "#]], ); // Multiple candidates but results are ambiguous. check( r#" //- / pub fn foo() -> u32 { 1 } //- / pub fn foo() -> &str { "" } //- / pub fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) {} //- / mod a; mod b; mod c; fn main() { let foo_test = fo$0o(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust {unknown} ``` "#]], ); // Use literal `crate` in path check( r#" pub struct X; fn foo() -> crate::X { X } fn main() { f$0oo(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn foo() -> crate::X ``` "#]], ); // Check `super` in path check( r#" pub struct X; mod m { pub fn foo() -> super::X { super::X } } fn main() { m::f$0oo(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test::m ``` ```rust pub fn foo() -> super::X ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_fn_signature_with_type_params() { check( r#" pub fn foo<'a, T: AsRef>(b: &'a T) -> &'a str { } fn main() { let foo_test = fo$0o(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo<'a, T>(b: &'a T) -> &'a str where T: AsRef, ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_fn_signature_on_fn_name() { check( r#" pub fn foo$0(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 {} fn main() { } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo(a: u32, b: u32) -> u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_fn_doc() { check( r#" /// # Example /// ``` /// # use std::path::Path; /// # /// foo(Path::new("hello, world!")) /// ``` pub fn foo$0(_: &Path) {} fn main() { } "#, expect![[r##" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo(_: &Path) ``` --- # Example ``` # use std::path::Path; # foo(Path::new("hello, world!")) ``` "##]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_fn_doc_attr_raw_string() { check( r##" #[doc = r#"Raw string doc attr"#] pub fn foo$0(_: &Path) {} fn main() { } "##, expect![[r##" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo(_: &Path) ``` --- Raw string doc attr "##]], ); } #[test] fn hover_shows_struct_field_info() { // Hovering over the field when instantiating check( r#" struct Foo { field_a: u32 } fn main() { let foo = Foo { field_a$0: 0, }; } "#, expect![[r#" *field_a* ```rust test::Foo ``` ```rust field_a: u32 ``` "#]], ); // Hovering over the field in the definition check( r#" struct Foo { field_a$0: u32 } fn main() { let foo = Foo { field_a: 0 }; } "#, expect![[r#" *field_a* ```rust test::Foo ``` ```rust field_a: u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_const_static() { check( r#"const foo$0: u32 = 123;"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust const foo: u32 ``` "#]], ); check( r#"static foo$0: u32 = 456;"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust static foo: u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_default_generic_types() { check( r#" struct Test { k: K, t: T } fn main() { let zz$0 = Test { t: 23u8, k: 33 }; }"#, expect![[r#" *zz* ```rust let zz: Test ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_some() { check( r#" enum Option { Some(T) } use Option::Some; fn main() { So$0me(12); } "#, expect![[r#" *Some* ```rust test::Option ``` ```rust Some(T) ``` "#]], ); check( r#" enum Option { Some(T) } use Option::Some; fn main() { let b$0ar = Some(12); } "#, expect![[r#" *bar* ```rust let bar: Option ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_enum_variant() { check( r#" enum Option { /// The None variant Non$0e } "#, expect![[r#" *None* ```rust test::Option ``` ```rust None ``` --- The None variant "#]], ); check( r#" enum Option { /// The Some variant Some(T) } fn main() { let s = Option::Som$0e(12); } "#, expect![[r#" *Some* ```rust test::Option ``` ```rust Some(T) ``` --- The Some variant "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_for_local_variable() { check( r#"fn func(foo: i32) { fo$0o; }"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust foo: i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_for_local_variable_pat() { check( r#"fn func(fo$0o: i32) {}"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust foo: i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_local_var_edge() { check( r#"fn func(foo: i32) { if true { $0foo; }; }"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust foo: i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_for_param_edge() { check( r#"fn func($0foo: i32) {}"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust foo: i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_for_param_with_multiple_traits() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Deref { type Target: ?Sized; } trait DerefMut { type Target: ?Sized; } fn f(_x$0: impl Deref + DerefMut) {}"#, expect![[r#" *_x* ```rust _x: impl Deref + DerefMut ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_infer_associated_method_result() { check( r#" struct Thing { x: u32 } impl Thing { fn new() -> Thing { Thing { x: 0 } } } fn main() { let foo_$0test = Thing::new(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo_test* ```rust let foo_test: Thing ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_infer_associated_method_exact() { check( r#" mod wrapper { struct Thing { x: u32 } impl Thing { fn new() -> Thing { Thing { x: 0 } } } } fn main() { let foo_test = wrapper::Thing::new$0(); } "#, expect![[r#" *new* ```rust test::wrapper::Thing ``` ```rust fn new() -> Thing ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_infer_associated_const_in_pattern() { check( r#" struct X; impl X { const C: u32 = 1; } fn main() { match 1 { X::C$0 => {}, 2 => {}, _ => {} }; } "#, expect![[r#" *C* ```rust test ``` ```rust const C: u32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_self() { check( r#" struct Thing { x: u32 } impl Thing { fn new() -> Self { Self$0 { x: 0 } } } "#, expect![[r#" *Self* ```rust test ``` ```rust struct Thing ``` "#]], ); check( r#" struct Thing { x: u32 } impl Thing { fn new() -> Self$0 { Self { x: 0 } } } "#, expect![[r#" *Self* ```rust test ``` ```rust struct Thing ``` "#]], ); check( r#" enum Thing { A } impl Thing { pub fn new() -> Self$0 { Thing::A } } "#, expect![[r#" *Self* ```rust test ``` ```rust enum Thing ``` "#]], ); check( r#" enum Thing { A } impl Thing { pub fn thing(a: Self$0) {} } "#, expect![[r#" *Self* ```rust test ``` ```rust enum Thing ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_shadowing_pat() { check( r#" fn x() {} fn y() { let x = 0i32; x$0; } "#, expect![[r#" *x* ```rust let x: i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_macro_invocation() { check( r#" macro_rules! foo { () => {} } fn f() { fo$0o!(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust macro_rules! foo ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_macro2_invocation() { check( r#" /// foo bar /// /// foo bar baz macro foo() {} fn f() { fo$0o!(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust macro foo ``` --- foo bar foo bar baz "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_tuple_field() { check( r#"struct TS(String, i32$0);"#, expect![[r#" *i32* ```rust i32 ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn test_hover_through_macro() { check( r#" macro_rules! id { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* } } fn foo() {} id! { fn bar() { fo$0o(); } } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn foo() ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_attr() { check( r#" //- proc_macros: identity #[proc_macros::identity] fn foo$0() {} "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn foo() ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_expr_in_macro() { check( r#" macro_rules! id { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* } } fn foo(bar:u32) { let a = id!(ba$0r); } "#, expect![[r#" *bar* ```rust bar: u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_expr_in_macro_recursive() { check( r#" macro_rules! id_deep { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* } } macro_rules! id { ($($tt:tt)*) => { id_deep!($($tt)*) } } fn foo(bar:u32) { let a = id!(ba$0r); } "#, expect![[r#" *bar* ```rust bar: u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_func_in_macro_recursive() { check( r#" macro_rules! id_deep { ($($tt:tt)*) => { $($tt)* } } macro_rules! id { ($($tt:tt)*) => { id_deep!($($tt)*) } } fn bar() -> u32 { 0 } fn foo() { let a = id!([0u32, bar($0)] ); } "#, expect![[r#" *bar()* ```rust u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_literal_string_in_macro() { check( r#" macro_rules! arr { ($($tt:tt)*) => { [$($tt)*)] } } fn foo() { let mastered_for_itunes = ""; let _ = arr!("Tr$0acks", &mastered_for_itunes); } "#, expect![[r#" *"Tracks"* ```rust &str ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_assert_macro() { check( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! assert {} fn bar() -> bool { true } fn foo() { assert!(ba$0r()); } "#, expect![[r#" *bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn bar() -> bool ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_through_literal_string_in_builtin_macro() { check_hover_no_result( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] macro_rules! format {} fn foo() { format!("hel$0lo {}", 0); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_hover_non_ascii_space_doc() { check( " /// <- `\u{3000}` here fn foo() { } fn bar() { fo$0o(); } ", expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn foo() ``` --- \<- ` ` here "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_function_show_qualifiers() { check( r#"async fn foo$0() {}"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust async fn foo() ``` "#]], ); check( r#"pub const unsafe fn foo$0() {}"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub const unsafe fn foo() ``` "#]], ); // Top level `pub(crate)` will be displayed as no visibility. check( r#"mod m { pub(crate) async unsafe extern "C" fn foo$0() {} }"#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test::m ``` ```rust pub(crate) async unsafe extern "C" fn foo() ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_trait_show_qualifiers() { check_actions( r"unsafe trait foo$0() {}", expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 13, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_extern_crate() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std extern crate st$0d; //- /std/ crate:std //! Standard library for this test //! //! Printed? //! abc123 "#, expect![[r#" *std* ```rust extern crate std ``` --- Standard library for this test Printed? abc123 "#]], ); check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std extern crate std as ab$0c; //- /std/ crate:std //! Standard library for this test //! //! Printed? //! abc123 "#, expect![[r#" *abc* ```rust extern crate std ``` --- Standard library for this test Printed? abc123 "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_mod_with_same_name_as_function() { check( r#" use self::m$0y::Bar; mod my { pub struct Bar; } fn my() {} "#, expect![[r#" *my* ```rust test ``` ```rust mod my ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_struct_doc_comment() { check( r#" /// This is an example /// multiline doc /// /// # Example /// /// ``` /// let five = 5; /// /// assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5)); /// ``` struct Bar; fn foo() { let bar = Ba$0r; } "#, expect![[r##" *Bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust struct Bar ``` --- This is an example multiline doc # Example ``` let five = 5; assert_eq!(6, my_crate::add_one(5)); ``` "##]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_struct_doc_attr() { check( r#" #[doc = "bar docs"] struct Bar; fn foo() { let bar = Ba$0r; } "#, expect![[r#" *Bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust struct Bar ``` --- bar docs "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_struct_doc_attr_multiple_and_mixed() { check( r#" /// bar docs 0 #[doc = "bar docs 1"] #[doc = "bar docs 2"] struct Bar; fn foo() { let bar = Ba$0r; } "#, expect![[r#" *Bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust struct Bar ``` --- bar docs 0 bar docs 1 bar docs 2 "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_external_url() { check( r#" pub struct Foo; /// [external]( pub struct B$0ar "#, expect![[r#" *Bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub struct Bar ``` --- [external]( "#]], ); } // Check that we don't rewrite links which we can't identify #[test] fn test_hover_unknown_target() { check( r#" pub struct Foo; /// [baz](Baz) pub struct B$0ar "#, expect![[r#" *Bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub struct Bar ``` --- [baz](Baz) "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_no_links() { check_hover_no_links( r#" /// Test cases: /// case 1. bare URL: /// case 2. inline URL with title: [example]( /// case 3. code reference: [`Result`] /// case 4. code reference but miss footnote: [`String`] /// case 5. autolink: /// case 6. email address: /// case 7. reference: [example][example] /// case 8. collapsed link: [example][] /// case 9. shortcut link: [example] /// case 10. inline without URL: [example]() /// case 11. reference: [foo][foo] /// case 12. reference: [foo][bar] /// case 13. collapsed link: [foo][] /// case 14. shortcut link: [foo] /// case 15. inline without URL: [foo]() /// case 16. just escaped text: \[foo] /// case 17. inline link: [Foo](foo::Foo) /// /// [`Result`]: ../../std/result/enum.Result.html /// [^example]: pub fn fo$0o() {} "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub fn foo() ``` --- Test cases: case 1. bare URL: case 2. inline URL with title: [example]( case 3. code reference: `Result` case 4. code reference but miss footnote: `String` case 5. autolink: case 6. email address: case 7. reference: example case 8. collapsed link: example case 9. shortcut link: example case 10. inline without URL: example case 11. reference: foo case 12. reference: foo case 13. collapsed link: foo case 14. shortcut link: foo case 15. inline without URL: foo case 16. just escaped text: \[foo\] case 17. inline link: Foo [^example]: "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_comment() { cov_mark::check!(hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_comment); check( r#" macro_rules! bar { () => { struct Bar; impl Bar { /// Do the foo fn foo(&self) {} } } } bar!(); fn foo() { let bar = Bar;$0o(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test::Bar ``` ```rust fn foo(&self) ``` --- Do the foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_attr() { cov_mark::check!(hover_macro_generated_struct_fn_doc_attr); check( r#" macro_rules! bar { () => { struct Bar; impl Bar { #[doc = "Do the foo"] fn foo(&self) {} } } } bar!(); fn foo() { let bar = Bar;$0o(); } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test::Bar ``` ```rust fn foo(&self) ``` --- Do the foo "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_trait_has_impl_action() { check_actions( r#"trait foo$0() {}"#, expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 6, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_struct_has_impl_action() { check_actions( r"struct foo$0() {}", expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 7, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_union_has_impl_action() { check_actions( r#"union foo$0() {}"#, expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 6, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_enum_has_impl_action() { check_actions( r"enum foo$0() { A, B }", expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 5, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_self_has_impl_action() { check_actions( r#"struct foo where Self$0:;"#, expect![[r#" [ Implementation( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 7, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_test_has_action() { check_actions( r#" #[test] fn foo_$0test() {} "#, expect![[r#" [ Reference( FilePosition { file_id: FileId( 0, ), offset: 11, }, ), Runnable( Runnable { use_name_in_title: false, nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..24, focus_range: 11..19, name: "foo_test", kind: Function, }, kind: Test { test_id: Path( "foo_test", ), attr: TestAttr { ignore: false, }, }, cfg: None, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_test_mod_has_action() { check_actions( r#" mod tests$0 { #[test] fn foo_test() {} } "#, expect![[r#" [ Runnable( Runnable { use_name_in_title: false, nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..46, focus_range: 4..9, name: "tests", kind: Module, description: "mod tests", }, kind: TestMod { path: "tests", }, cfg: None, }, ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_struct_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" struct S{ f1: u32 } fn main() { let s$0t = S{ f1:0 }; } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..19, focus_range: 7..8, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_generic_struct_has_goto_type_actions() { check_actions( r#" struct Arg(u32); struct S{ f1: T } fn main() { let s$0t = S{ f1:Arg(0) }; } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 17..37, focus_range: 24..25, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Arg", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..16, focus_range: 7..10, name: "Arg", kind: Struct, description: "struct Arg", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_generic_struct_has_flattened_goto_type_actions() { check_actions( r#" struct Arg(u32); struct S{ f1: T } fn main() { let s$0t = S{ f1: S{ f1: Arg(0) } }; } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 17..37, focus_range: 24..25, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Arg", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..16, focus_range: 7..10, name: "Arg", kind: Struct, description: "struct Arg", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_tuple_has_goto_type_actions() { check_actions( r#" struct A(u32); struct B(u32); mod M { pub struct C(u32); } fn main() { let s$0t = (A(1), B(2), M::C(3) ); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::A", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..14, focus_range: 7..8, name: "A", kind: Struct, description: "struct A", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::B", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 15..29, focus_range: 22..23, name: "B", kind: Struct, description: "struct B", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::M::C", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 42..60, focus_range: 53..54, name: "C", kind: Struct, description: "pub struct C", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_return_impl_trait_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} fn foo() -> impl Foo {} fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_generic_return_impl_trait_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} struct S; fn foo() -> impl Foo {} fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..15, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 16..25, focus_range: 23..24, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_return_impl_traits_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} trait Bar {} fn foo() -> impl Foo + Bar {} fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Bar", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 13..25, focus_range: 19..22, name: "Bar", kind: Trait, description: "trait Bar", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_generic_return_impl_traits_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} trait Bar {} struct S1 {} struct S2 {} fn foo() -> impl Foo + Bar {} fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..15, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Bar", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 16..31, focus_range: 22..25, name: "Bar", kind: Trait, description: "trait Bar", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S1", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 32..44, focus_range: 39..41, name: "S1", kind: Struct, description: "struct S1", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S2", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 45..57, focus_range: 52..54, name: "S2", kind: Struct, description: "struct S2", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_arg_impl_trait_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} fn foo(ar$0g: &impl Foo) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_arg_impl_traits_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} trait Bar {} struct S{} fn foo(ar$0g: &impl Foo + Bar) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Bar", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 13..28, focus_range: 19..22, name: "Bar", kind: Trait, description: "trait Bar", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 29..39, focus_range: 36..37, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_async_block_impl_trait_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" //- minicore: future struct S; fn foo() { let fo$0o = async { S }; } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "core::future::Future", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 1, ), full_range: 254..436, focus_range: 293..299, name: "Future", kind: Trait, description: "pub trait Future", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..9, focus_range: 7..8, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_arg_generic_impl_trait_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} struct S {} fn foo(ar$0g: &impl Foo) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..15, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 16..27, focus_range: 23..24, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_dyn_return_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} struct S; impl Foo for S {} struct B{} fn foo() -> B {} fn main() { let s$0t = foo(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::B", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 42..55, focus_range: 49..50, name: "B", kind: Struct, description: "struct B", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_dyn_arg_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} fn foo(ar$0g: &dyn Foo) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_generic_dyn_arg_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} struct S {} fn foo(ar$0g: &dyn Foo) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..15, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 16..27, focus_range: 23..24, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_goto_type_action_links_order() { check_actions( r#" trait ImplTrait {} trait DynTrait {} struct B {} struct S {} fn foo(a$0rg: &impl ImplTrait>>>) {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::ImplTrait", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..21, focus_range: 6..15, name: "ImplTrait", kind: Trait, description: "trait ImplTrait", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::B", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 43..57, focus_range: 50..51, name: "B", kind: Struct, description: "struct B", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::DynTrait", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 22..42, focus_range: 28..36, name: "DynTrait", kind: Trait, description: "trait DynTrait", }, }, HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::S", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 58..69, focus_range: 65..66, name: "S", kind: Struct, description: "struct S", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_associated_type_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo { type Item; fn get(self) -> Self::Item {} } struct Bar{} struct S{} impl Foo for S { type Item = Bar; } fn test() -> impl Foo { S {} } fn main() { let s$0t = test().get(); } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..62, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_const_param_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" struct Bar; struct Foo; impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Bar", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..11, focus_range: 7..10, name: "Bar", kind: Struct, description: "struct Bar", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_type_param_has_goto_type_action() { check_actions( r#" trait Foo {} fn foo(t: T$0){} "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..12, focus_range: 6..9, name: "Foo", kind: Trait, description: "trait Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn test_hover_self_has_go_to_type() { check_actions( r#" struct Foo; impl Foo { fn foo(&self$0) {} } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..11, focus_range: 7..10, name: "Foo", kind: Struct, description: "struct Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_displays_normalized_crate_names() { check( r#" //- / crate:name-with-dashes pub mod wrapper { pub struct Thing { x: u32 } impl Thing { pub fn new() -> Thing { Thing { x: 0 } } } } //- / crate:main deps:name-with-dashes fn main() { let foo_test = name_with_dashes::wrapper::Thing::new$0(); } "#, expect![[r#" *new* ```rust name_with_dashes::wrapper::Thing ``` ```rust pub fn new() -> Thing ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_field_pat_shorthand_ref_match_ergonomics() { check( r#" struct S { f: i32, } fn main() { let s = S { f: 0 }; let S { f$0 } = &s; } "#, expect![[r#" *f* ```rust f: &i32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_self_param_shows_type() { check( r#" struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn bar(&sel$0f) {} } "#, expect![[r#" *self* ```rust self: &Foo ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_self_param_shows_type_for_arbitrary_self_type() { check( r#" struct Arc(T); struct Foo {} impl Foo { fn bar(sel$0f: Arc) {} } "#, expect![[r#" *self* ```rust self: Arc ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_doc_outer_inner() { check( r#" /// Be quick; mod Foo$0 { //! time is mana /// This comment belongs to the function fn foo() {} } "#, expect![[r#" *Foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust mod Foo ``` --- Be quick; time is mana "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_doc_outer_inner_attribue() { check( r#" #[doc = "Be quick;"] mod Foo$0 { #![doc = "time is mana"] #[doc = "This comment belongs to the function"] fn foo() {} } "#, expect![[r#" *Foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust mod Foo ``` --- Be quick; time is mana "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_doc_block_style_indentend() { check( r#" /** foo ```rust let x = 3; ``` */ fn foo$0() {} "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn foo() ``` --- foo ```rust let x = 3; ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_comments_dont_highlight_parent() { cov_mark::check!(no_highlight_on_comment_hover); check_hover_no_result( r#" fn no_hover() { // no$0hover } "#, ); } #[test] fn hover_label() { check( r#" fn foo() { 'label$0: loop {} } "#, expect![[r#" *'label* ```rust 'label ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_lifetime() { check( r#"fn foo<'lifetime>(_: &'lifetime$0 ()) {}"#, expect![[r#" *'lifetime* ```rust 'lifetime ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_type_param() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized struct Foo(T); trait TraitA {} trait TraitB {} impl Foo where T: Sized {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: TraitA + TraitB ``` "#]], ); check( r#" //- minicore: sized struct Foo(T); impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T ``` "#]], ); // lifetimes bounds arent being tracked yet check( r#" //- minicore: sized struct Foo(T); impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_type_param_sized_bounds() { // implicit `: Sized` bound check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} struct Foo(T); impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait ``` "#]], ); check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} struct Foo(T); impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait + ?Sized ``` "#]], ); } mod type_param_sized_bounds { use super::*; #[test] fn single_implicit() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn single_explicit() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn single_relaxed() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: ?Sized ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn multiple_implicit() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn multiple_explicit() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn multiple_relaxed() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait + ?Sized ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn mixed() { check( r#" //- minicore: sized fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T ``` "#]], ); check( r#" //- minicore: sized trait Trait {} fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *T* ```rust T: Trait ``` "#]], ); } } #[test] fn hover_const_param() { check( r#" struct Foo; impl Foo {} "#, expect![[r#" *LEN* ```rust const LEN: usize ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_const_pat() { check( r#" /// This is a doc const FOO: usize = 3; fn foo() { match 5 { FOO$0 => (), _ => () } } "#, expect![[r#" *FOO* ```rust test ``` ```rust const FOO: usize ``` --- This is a doc "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_mod_def() { check( r#" //- / mod foo$0; //- / //! For the horde! "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust mod foo ``` --- For the horde! "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_self_in_use() { check( r#" //! This should not appear mod foo { /// But this should appear pub mod bar {} } use foo::bar::{self$0}; "#, expect![[r#" *self* ```rust test::foo ``` ```rust mod bar ``` --- But this should appear "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_keyword() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std fn f() { retur$0n; } //- / crate:std /// Docs for return_keyword mod return_keyword {} "#, expect![[r#" *return* ```rust return ``` --- Docs for return_keyword "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_builtin() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:std cosnt _: &str$0 = ""; } //- / crate:std /// Docs for prim_str mod prim_str {} "#, expect![[r#" *str* ```rust str ``` --- Docs for prim_str "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_macro_expanded_function() { check( r#" struct S<'a, T>(&'a T); trait Clone {} macro_rules! foo { () => { fn bar<'t, T: Clone + 't>(s: &mut S<'t, T>, t: u32) -> *mut u32 where 't: 't + 't, for<'a> T: Clone + 'a { 0 as _ } }; } foo!(); fn main() { bar$0; } "#, expect![[r#" *bar* ```rust test ``` ```rust fn bar<'t, T>(s: &mut S<'t, T>, t: u32) -> *mut u32 where T: Clone + 't, 't: 't + 't, for<'a> T: Clone + 'a, ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_intra_doc_links() { check( r#" pub mod theitem { /// This is the item. Cool! pub struct TheItem; } /// Gives you a [`TheItem$0`]. /// /// [`TheItem`]: theitem::TheItem pub fn gimme() -> theitem::TheItem { theitem::TheItem } "#, expect![[r#" *[`TheItem`]* ```rust test::theitem ``` ```rust pub struct TheItem ``` --- This is the item. Cool! "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_generic_assoc() { check( r#" fn foo() where T::Assoc$0: {} trait A { type Assoc; }"#, expect![[r#" *Assoc* ```rust test ``` ```rust type Assoc ``` "#]], ); check( r#" fn foo() { let _: ::Assoc$0; } trait A { type Assoc; }"#, expect![[r#" *Assoc* ```rust test ``` ```rust type Assoc ``` "#]], ); check( r#" trait A where Self::Assoc$0: , { type Assoc; }"#, expect![[r#" *Assoc* ```rust test ``` ```rust type Assoc ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn string_shadowed_with_inner_items() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:alloc /// Custom `String` type. struct String; fn f() { let _: String$0; fn inner() {} } //- / crate:alloc #[prelude_import] pub use string::*; mod string { /// This is `alloc::String`. pub struct String; } "#, expect![[r#" *String* ```rust main ``` ```rust struct String ``` --- Custom `String` type. "#]], ) } #[test] fn function_doesnt_shadow_crate_in_use_tree() { check( r#" //- / crate:main deps:foo use foo$0::{foo}; //- / crate:foo pub fn foo() {} "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust extern crate foo ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_feature() { check( r#"#![feature(box_syntax$0)]"#, expect![[r##" *box_syntax* ``` box_syntax ``` ___ # `box_syntax` The tracking issue for this feature is: [#49733] [#49733]: See also [`box_patterns`]( ------------------------ Currently the only stable way to create a `Box` is via the `Box::new` method. Also it is not possible in stable Rust to destructure a `Box` in a match pattern. The unstable `box` keyword can be used to create a `Box`. An example usage would be: ```rust #![feature(box_syntax)] fn main() { let b = box 5; } ``` "##]], ) } #[test] fn hover_lint() { check( r#"#![allow(arithmetic_overflow$0)]"#, expect![[r#" *arithmetic_overflow* ``` arithmetic_overflow ``` ___ arithmetic operation overflows "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_clippy_lint() { check( r#"#![allow(clippy::almost_swapped$0)]"#, expect![[r#" *almost_swapped* ``` clippy::almost_swapped ``` ___ Checks for `foo = bar; bar = foo` sequences. "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_attr_path_qualifier() { cov_mark::check!(name_ref_classify_attr_path_qualifier); check( r#" //- / crate:foo //- / deps:foo #[fo$0o::bar()] struct Foo; "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust extern crate foo ``` "#]], ) } #[test] fn hover_rename() { check( r#" use self as foo$0; "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust extern crate test ``` "#]], ); check( r#" mod bar {} use bar::{self as foo$0}; "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust test ``` ```rust mod bar ``` "#]], ); check( r#" mod bar { use super as foo$0; } "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust extern crate test ``` "#]], ); check( r#" use crate as foo$0; "#, expect![[r#" *foo* ```rust extern crate test ``` "#]], ); } // FIXME: wrong range in macros. `es! ` should be `Copy` #[test] fn hover_attribute_in_macro() { check( r#" macro_rules! identity { ($struct:item) => { $struct }; } #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro Copy {} identity!{ #[derive(Copy$0)] struct Foo; } "#, expect![[r#" *es! * ```rust test ``` ```rust pub macro Copy ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_derive_input() { check( r#" #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro Copy {} #[derive(Copy$0)] struct Foo; "#, expect![[r#" *Copy* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub macro Copy ``` "#]], ); check( r#" mod foo { #[rustc_builtin_macro] pub macro Copy {} } #[derive(foo::Copy$0)] struct Foo; "#, expect![[r#" *Copy* ```rust test ``` ```rust pub macro Copy ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_math() { check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = $01 + 2 * 3$0 } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust i32 ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = 1 $0+ 2 * $03 } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust i32 ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = 1 + $02 * 3$0 } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust i32 ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_arrays() { check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = $0[1, 2, 3, 4]$0 } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust [i32; 4] ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = [1, 2, $03, 4]$0 } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust [i32; 4] ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr = [1, 2, $03$0, 4] } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust i32 ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_functions() { check_hover_range( r#" fn f(a: &[T]) { } fn b() { $0f$0(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust fn f(&[i32]) ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f(a: &[T]) { } fn b() { f($0&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]$0); } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust &[i32; 5] ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_shows_nothing_when_invalid() { check_hover_range_no_results( r#" fn f(a: &[T]) { } fn b()$0 { f(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }$0 "#, ); check_hover_range_no_results( r#" fn f$0(a: &[T]) { } fn b() { f(&[1, 2, 3,$0 4, 5]); } "#, ); check_hover_range_no_results( r#" fn $0f() { let expr = [1, 2, 3, 4]$0 } "#, ); } #[test] fn hover_range_shows_unit_for_statements() { check_hover_range( r#" fn f(a: &[T]) { } fn b() { $0f(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); }$0 "#, expect![[r#" ```rust () ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn f() { let expr$0 = $0[1, 2, 3, 4] } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust () ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_for_pat() { check_hover_range( r#" fn foo() { let $0x$0 = 0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust i32 ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn foo() { let $0x$0 = ""; } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust &str ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_shows_coercions_if_applicable_expr() { check_hover_range( r#" fn foo() { let x: &u32 = $0&&&&&0$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Type: &&&&&u32 Coerced to: &u32 ``` "#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" fn foo() { let x: *const u32 = $0&0$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Type: &u32 Coerced to: *const u32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_range_shows_type_actions() { check_actions( r#" struct Foo; fn foo() { let x: &Foo = $0&&&&&Foo$0; } "#, expect![[r#" [ GoToType( [ HoverGotoTypeData { mod_path: "test::Foo", nav: NavigationTarget { file_id: FileId( 0, ), full_range: 0..11, focus_range: 7..10, name: "Foo", kind: Struct, description: "struct Foo", }, }, ], ), ] "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_try_expr_res() { check_hover_range( r#" //- minicore:result struct FooError; fn foo() -> Result<(), FooError> { Ok($0Result::<(), FooError>::Ok(())?$0) } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust () ```"#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" //- minicore:result struct FooError; struct BarError; fn foo() -> Result<(), FooError> { Ok($0Result::<(), BarError>::Ok(())?$0) } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Try Error Type: BarError Propagated as: FooError ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_try_expr() { check_hover_range( r#" struct NotResult(T, U); struct Short; struct Looooong; fn foo() -> NotResult<(), Looooong> { $0NotResult((), Short)?$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Try Target Type: NotResult<(), Short> Propagated as: NotResult<(), Looooong> ``` "#]], ); check_hover_range( r#" struct NotResult(T, U); struct Short; struct Looooong; fn foo() -> NotResult<(), Short> { $0NotResult((), Looooong)?$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Try Target Type: NotResult<(), Looooong> Propagated as: NotResult<(), Short> ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_try_expr_option() { cov_mark::check!(hover_try_expr_opt_opt); check_hover_range( r#" //- minicore: option, try fn foo() -> Option<()> { $0Some(0)?$0; None } "#, expect![[r#" ```rust as Try>::Output ```"#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_deref_expr() { check_hover_range( r#" //- minicore: deref use core::ops::Deref; struct DerefExample { value: T } impl Deref for DerefExample { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.value } } fn foo() { let x = DerefExample { value: 0 }; let y: i32 = $0*x$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Dereferenced from: DerefExample To type: i32 ``` "#]], ); } #[test] fn hover_deref_expr_with_coercion() { check_hover_range( r#" //- minicore: deref use core::ops::Deref; struct DerefExample { value: T } impl Deref for DerefExample { type Target = T; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.value } } fn foo() { let x = DerefExample { value: &&&&&0 }; let y: &i32 = $0*x$0; } "#, expect![[r#" ```text Dereferenced from: DerefExample<&&&&&i32> To type: &&&&&i32 Coerced to: &i32 ``` "#]], ); } }