//@ revisions: rpass1 rpass2 rpass3 //@ compile-flags: -Zincremental-ignore-spans #![feature(generic_associated_types)] // This test unsures that with_opt_const_param returns the // def_id of the N param in the Foo::Assoc GAT. trait Foo { type Assoc; fn foo( &self, ) -> Self::Assoc<{ if cfg!(rpass2) { 3 } else { 2 } }>; } impl Foo for () { type Assoc = [(); N]; fn foo( &self, ) -> Self::Assoc<{ if cfg!(rpass2) { 3 } else { 2 } }> { [(); { if cfg!(rpass2) { 3 } else { 2 } }] } } fn main() { assert_eq!( ().foo(), [(); { if cfg!(rpass2) { 3 } else { 2 } }] ); }