//! checks for attributes use clippy_utils::get_attr; use rustc_ast::ast::{Attribute, InlineAsmTemplatePiece}; use rustc_hir as hir; use rustc_lint::{LateContext, LateLintPass, LintContext}; use rustc_session::Session; use rustc_session::{declare_lint_pass, declare_tool_lint}; declare_clippy_lint! { /// ### What it does /// Dumps every ast/hir node which has the `#[clippy::dump]` /// attribute /// /// ### Example /// ```rust,ignore /// #[clippy::dump] /// extern crate foo; /// ``` /// /// prints /// /// ```text /// item `foo` /// visibility inherited from outer item /// extern crate dylib source: "/path/to/foo.so" /// ``` pub DEEP_CODE_INSPECTION, internal_warn, "helper to dump info about code" } declare_lint_pass!(DeepCodeInspector => [DEEP_CODE_INSPECTION]); impl<'tcx> LateLintPass<'tcx> for DeepCodeInspector { fn check_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx hir::Item<'_>) { if !has_attr(cx.sess(), cx.tcx.hir().attrs(item.hir_id())) { return; } print_item(cx, item); } fn check_impl_item(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, item: &'tcx hir::ImplItem<'_>) { if !has_attr(cx.sess(), cx.tcx.hir().attrs(item.hir_id())) { return; } println!("impl item `{}`", item.ident.name); match item.vis.node { hir::VisibilityKind::Public => println!("public"), hir::VisibilityKind::Crate(_) => println!("visible crate wide"), hir::VisibilityKind::Restricted { path, .. } => println!( "visible in module `{}`", rustc_hir_pretty::to_string(rustc_hir_pretty::NO_ANN, |s| s.print_path(path, false)) ), hir::VisibilityKind::Inherited => println!("visibility inherited from outer item"), } if item.defaultness.is_default() { println!("default"); } match item.kind { hir::ImplItemKind::Const(_, body_id) => { println!("associated constant"); print_expr(cx, &cx.tcx.hir().body(body_id).value, 1); }, hir::ImplItemKind::Fn(..) => println!("method"), hir::ImplItemKind::TyAlias(_) => println!("associated type"), } } fn check_expr(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, expr: &'tcx hir::Expr<'_>) { if !has_attr(cx.sess(), cx.tcx.hir().attrs(expr.hir_id)) { return; } print_expr(cx, expr, 0); } fn check_arm(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, arm: &'tcx hir::Arm<'_>) { if !has_attr(cx.sess(), cx.tcx.hir().attrs(arm.hir_id)) { return; } print_pat(cx, arm.pat, 1); if let Some(ref guard) = arm.guard { println!("guard:"); print_guard(cx, guard, 1); } println!("body:"); print_expr(cx, arm.body, 1); } fn check_stmt(&mut self, cx: &LateContext<'tcx>, stmt: &'tcx hir::Stmt<'_>) { if !has_attr(cx.sess(), cx.tcx.hir().attrs(stmt.hir_id)) { return; } match stmt.kind { hir::StmtKind::Local(local) => { println!("local variable of type {}", cx.typeck_results().node_type(local.hir_id)); println!("pattern:"); print_pat(cx, local.pat, 0); if let Some(e) = local.init { println!("init expression:"); print_expr(cx, e, 0); } }, hir::StmtKind::Item(_) => println!("item decl"), hir::StmtKind::Expr(e) | hir::StmtKind::Semi(e) => print_expr(cx, e, 0), } } } fn has_attr(sess: &Session, attrs: &[Attribute]) -> bool { get_attr(sess, attrs, "dump").count() > 0 } #[allow(clippy::similar_names)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn print_expr(cx: &LateContext<'_>, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>, indent: usize) { let ind = " ".repeat(indent); println!("{}+", ind); println!("{}ty: {}", ind, cx.typeck_results().expr_ty(expr)); println!( "{}adjustments: {:?}", ind, cx.typeck_results().adjustments().get(expr.hir_id) ); match expr.kind { hir::ExprKind::Box(e) => { println!("{}Box", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Array(v) => { println!("{}Array", ind); for e in v { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Call(func, args) => { println!("{}Call", ind); println!("{}function:", ind); print_expr(cx, func, indent + 1); println!("{}arguments:", ind); for arg in args { print_expr(cx, arg, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Let(pat, expr, _) => { print_pat(cx, pat, indent + 1); print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::MethodCall(path, _, args, _) => { println!("{}MethodCall", ind); println!("{}method name: {}", ind, path.ident.name); for arg in args { print_expr(cx, arg, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Tup(v) => { println!("{}Tup", ind); for e in v { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Binary(op, lhs, rhs) => { println!("{}Binary", ind); println!("{}op: {:?}", ind, op.node); println!("{}lhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, lhs, indent + 1); println!("{}rhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, rhs, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Unary(op, inner) => { println!("{}Unary", ind); println!("{}op: {:?}", ind, op); print_expr(cx, inner, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Lit(ref lit) => { println!("{}Lit", ind); println!("{}{:?}", ind, lit); }, hir::ExprKind::Cast(e, target) => { println!("{}Cast", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); println!("{}target type: {:?}", ind, target); }, hir::ExprKind::Type(e, target) => { println!("{}Type", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); println!("{}target type: {:?}", ind, target); }, hir::ExprKind::Loop(..) => { println!("{}Loop", ind); }, hir::ExprKind::If(cond, _, ref else_opt) => { println!("{}If", ind); println!("{}condition:", ind); print_expr(cx, cond, indent + 1); if let Some(els) = *else_opt { println!("{}else:", ind); print_expr(cx, els, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Match(cond, _, ref source) => { println!("{}Match", ind); println!("{}condition:", ind); print_expr(cx, cond, indent + 1); println!("{}source: {:?}", ind, source); }, hir::ExprKind::Closure(ref clause, _, _, _, _) => { println!("{}Closure", ind); println!("{}clause: {:?}", ind, clause); }, hir::ExprKind::Yield(sub, _) => { println!("{}Yield", ind); print_expr(cx, sub, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Block(_, _) => { println!("{}Block", ind); }, hir::ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, _) => { println!("{}Assign", ind); println!("{}lhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, lhs, indent + 1); println!("{}rhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, rhs, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::AssignOp(ref binop, lhs, rhs) => { println!("{}AssignOp", ind); println!("{}op: {:?}", ind, binop.node); println!("{}lhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, lhs, indent + 1); println!("{}rhs:", ind); print_expr(cx, rhs, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Field(e, ident) => { println!("{}Field", ind); println!("{}field name: {}", ind, ident.name); println!("{}struct expr:", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Index(arr, idx) => { println!("{}Index", ind); println!("{}array expr:", ind); print_expr(cx, arr, indent + 1); println!("{}index expr:", ind); print_expr(cx, idx, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(ref ty, path)) => { println!("{}Resolved Path, {:?}", ind, ty); println!("{}path: {:?}", ind, path); }, hir::ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::TypeRelative(ty, seg)) => { println!("{}Relative Path, {:?}", ind, ty); println!("{}seg: {:?}", ind, seg); }, hir::ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::LangItem(lang_item, ..)) => { println!("{}Lang Item Path, {:?}", ind, lang_item.name()); }, hir::ExprKind::AddrOf(kind, ref muta, e) => { println!("{}AddrOf", ind); println!("kind: {:?}", kind); println!("mutability: {:?}", muta); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Break(_, ref e) => { println!("{}Break", ind); if let Some(e) = *e { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Continue(_) => println!("{}Again", ind), hir::ExprKind::Ret(ref e) => { println!("{}Ret", ind); if let Some(e) = *e { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::InlineAsm(asm) => { println!("{}InlineAsm", ind); println!("{}template: {}", ind, InlineAsmTemplatePiece::to_string(asm.template)); println!("{}options: {:?}", ind, asm.options); println!("{}operands:", ind); for (op, _op_sp) in asm.operands { match op { hir::InlineAsmOperand::In { expr, .. } | hir::InlineAsmOperand::InOut { expr, .. } | hir::InlineAsmOperand::Sym { expr } => print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1), hir::InlineAsmOperand::Out { expr, .. } => { if let Some(expr) = expr { print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); } }, hir::InlineAsmOperand::SplitInOut { in_expr, out_expr, .. } => { print_expr(cx, in_expr, indent + 1); if let Some(out_expr) = out_expr { print_expr(cx, out_expr, indent + 1); } }, hir::InlineAsmOperand::Const { anon_const } => { println!("{}anon_const:", ind); print_expr(cx, &cx.tcx.hir().body(anon_const.body).value, indent + 1); }, } } }, hir::ExprKind::LlvmInlineAsm(asm) => { let inputs = &asm.inputs_exprs; let outputs = &asm.outputs_exprs; println!("{}LlvmInlineAsm", ind); println!("{}inputs:", ind); for e in inputs.iter() { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } println!("{}outputs:", ind); for e in outputs.iter() { print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::Struct(path, fields, ref base) => { println!("{}Struct", ind); println!("{}path: {:?}", ind, path); for field in fields { println!("{}field \"{}\":", ind, field.ident.name); print_expr(cx, field.expr, indent + 1); } if let Some(base) = *base { println!("{}base:", ind); print_expr(cx, base, indent + 1); } }, hir::ExprKind::ConstBlock(ref anon_const) => { println!("{}ConstBlock", ind); println!("{}anon_const:", ind); print_expr(cx, &cx.tcx.hir().body(anon_const.body).value, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Repeat(val, ref anon_const) => { println!("{}Repeat", ind); println!("{}value:", ind); print_expr(cx, val, indent + 1); println!("{}repeat count:", ind); print_expr(cx, &cx.tcx.hir().body(anon_const.body).value, indent + 1); }, hir::ExprKind::Err => { println!("{}Err", ind); }, hir::ExprKind::DropTemps(e) => { println!("{}DropTemps", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); }, } } fn print_item(cx: &LateContext<'_>, item: &hir::Item<'_>) { let did = item.def_id; println!("item `{}`", item.ident.name); match item.vis.node { hir::VisibilityKind::Public => println!("public"), hir::VisibilityKind::Crate(_) => println!("visible crate wide"), hir::VisibilityKind::Restricted { path, .. } => println!( "visible in module `{}`", rustc_hir_pretty::to_string(rustc_hir_pretty::NO_ANN, |s| s.print_path(path, false)) ), hir::VisibilityKind::Inherited => println!("visibility inherited from outer item"), } match item.kind { hir::ItemKind::ExternCrate(ref _renamed_from) => { if let Some(crate_id) = cx.tcx.extern_mod_stmt_cnum(did) { let source = cx.tcx.used_crate_source(crate_id); if let Some(ref src) = source.dylib { println!("extern crate dylib source: {:?}", src.0); } if let Some(ref src) = source.rlib { println!("extern crate rlib source: {:?}", src.0); } } else { println!("weird extern crate without a crate id"); } }, hir::ItemKind::Use(path, ref kind) => println!("{:?}, {:?}", path, kind), hir::ItemKind::Static(..) => println!("static item of type {:#?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)), hir::ItemKind::Const(..) => println!("const item of type {:#?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)), hir::ItemKind::Fn(..) => { let item_ty = cx.tcx.type_of(did); println!("function of type {:#?}", item_ty); }, hir::ItemKind::Macro(ref macro_def) => { if macro_def.macro_rules { println!("macro introduced by `macro_rules!`"); } else { println!("macro introduced by `macro`"); } }, hir::ItemKind::Mod(..) => println!("module"), hir::ItemKind::ForeignMod { abi, .. } => println!("foreign module with abi: {}", abi), hir::ItemKind::GlobalAsm(asm) => println!("global asm: {:?}", asm), hir::ItemKind::TyAlias(..) => { println!("type alias for {:?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)); }, hir::ItemKind::OpaqueTy(..) => { println!("existential type with real type {:?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)); }, hir::ItemKind::Enum(..) => { println!("enum definition of type {:?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)); }, hir::ItemKind::Struct(..) => { println!("struct definition of type {:?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)); }, hir::ItemKind::Union(..) => { println!("union definition of type {:?}", cx.tcx.type_of(did)); }, hir::ItemKind::Trait(..) => { println!("trait decl"); if cx.tcx.trait_is_auto(did.to_def_id()) { println!("trait is auto"); } else { println!("trait is not auto"); } }, hir::ItemKind::TraitAlias(..) => { println!("trait alias"); }, hir::ItemKind::Impl(hir::Impl { of_trait: Some(ref _trait_ref), .. }) => { println!("trait impl"); }, hir::ItemKind::Impl(hir::Impl { of_trait: None, .. }) => { println!("impl"); }, } } #[allow(clippy::similar_names)] #[allow(clippy::too_many_lines)] fn print_pat(cx: &LateContext<'_>, pat: &hir::Pat<'_>, indent: usize) { let ind = " ".repeat(indent); println!("{}+", ind); match pat.kind { hir::PatKind::Wild => println!("{}Wild", ind), hir::PatKind::Binding(ref mode, .., ident, ref inner) => { println!("{}Binding", ind); println!("{}mode: {:?}", ind, mode); println!("{}name: {}", ind, ident.name); if let Some(inner) = *inner { println!("{}inner:", ind); print_pat(cx, inner, indent + 1); } }, hir::PatKind::Or(fields) => { println!("{}Or", ind); for field in fields { print_pat(cx, field, indent + 1); } }, hir::PatKind::Struct(ref path, fields, ignore) => { println!("{}Struct", ind); println!( "{}name: {}", ind, rustc_hir_pretty::to_string(rustc_hir_pretty::NO_ANN, |s| s.print_qpath(path, false)) ); println!("{}ignore leftover fields: {}", ind, ignore); println!("{}fields:", ind); for field in fields { println!("{} field name: {}", ind, field.ident.name); if field.is_shorthand { println!("{} in shorthand notation", ind); } print_pat(cx, field.pat, indent + 1); } }, hir::PatKind::TupleStruct(ref path, fields, opt_dots_position) => { println!("{}TupleStruct", ind); println!( "{}path: {}", ind, rustc_hir_pretty::to_string(rustc_hir_pretty::NO_ANN, |s| s.print_qpath(path, false)) ); if let Some(dot_position) = opt_dots_position { println!("{}dot position: {}", ind, dot_position); } for field in fields { print_pat(cx, field, indent + 1); } }, hir::PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(ref ty, path)) => { println!("{}Resolved Path, {:?}", ind, ty); println!("{}path: {:?}", ind, path); }, hir::PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::TypeRelative(ty, seg)) => { println!("{}Relative Path, {:?}", ind, ty); println!("{}seg: {:?}", ind, seg); }, hir::PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::LangItem(lang_item, ..)) => { println!("{}Lang Item Path, {:?}", ind, lang_item.name()); }, hir::PatKind::Tuple(pats, opt_dots_position) => { println!("{}Tuple", ind); if let Some(dot_position) = opt_dots_position { println!("{}dot position: {}", ind, dot_position); } for field in pats { print_pat(cx, field, indent + 1); } }, hir::PatKind::Box(inner) => { println!("{}Box", ind); print_pat(cx, inner, indent + 1); }, hir::PatKind::Ref(inner, ref muta) => { println!("{}Ref", ind); println!("{}mutability: {:?}", ind, muta); print_pat(cx, inner, indent + 1); }, hir::PatKind::Lit(e) => { println!("{}Lit", ind); print_expr(cx, e, indent + 1); }, hir::PatKind::Range(ref l, ref r, ref range_end) => { println!("{}Range", ind); if let Some(expr) = l { print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); } if let Some(expr) = r { print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); } match *range_end { hir::RangeEnd::Included => println!("{} end included", ind), hir::RangeEnd::Excluded => println!("{} end excluded", ind), } }, hir::PatKind::Slice(first_pats, ref range, last_pats) => { println!("{}Slice [a, b, ..i, y, z]", ind); println!("[a, b]:"); for pat in first_pats { print_pat(cx, pat, indent + 1); } println!("i:"); if let Some(pat) = *range { print_pat(cx, pat, indent + 1); } println!("[y, z]:"); for pat in last_pats { print_pat(cx, pat, indent + 1); } }, } } fn print_guard(cx: &LateContext<'_>, guard: &hir::Guard<'_>, indent: usize) { let ind = " ".repeat(indent); println!("{}+", ind); match guard { hir::Guard::If(expr) => { println!("{}If", ind); print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); }, hir::Guard::IfLet(pat, expr) => { println!("{}IfLet", ind); print_pat(cx, pat, indent + 1); print_expr(cx, expr, indent + 1); }, } }