open Common;; (* FIXME (issue #1): thread a session object through this eventually. *) let log_iltypes = ref false;; (* IL type system, very rudimentary. *) type bits = Bits8 | Bits16 | Bits32 | Bits64 ;; type scalar_ty = ValTy of bits | AddrTy of referent_ty and referent_ty = ScalarTy of scalar_ty | StructTy of referent_ty array | UnionTy of referent_ty array | ParamTy of ty_param_idx (* Thing of current-frame type-param #n *) | OpaqueTy (* Unknown memory-resident thing. *) | CodeTy (* Executable machine code. *) | NilTy (* 0 bits of space. *) ;; let (voidptr_t:scalar_ty) = AddrTy OpaqueTy;; let (codeptr_t:scalar_ty) = AddrTy CodeTy;; (* Operands. *) type vreg = int ;; type hreg = int ;; type label = int ;; type spill = int ;; type reg = Vreg of vreg | Hreg of hreg ;; type mem = Abs of Asm.expr64 | RegIn of (reg * (Asm.expr64 option)) | Spill of spill ;; type typed_reg = (reg * scalar_ty);; type typed_mem = (mem * referent_ty);; type typed_imm = (Asm.expr64 * ty_mach);; type typed_imm_ptr = (fixup * referent_ty);; type cell = Reg of typed_reg | Mem of typed_mem ;; (* * ImmPtr (a, rty) can be assigned to anything of scalar_ty * AddrTy rty; the difference is that ImmAddr carries its value * so can be used in cases where we want to have an immediate * address constant-propagated through the code to the backend. *) type operand = Cell of cell | Imm of typed_imm | ImmPtr of typed_imm_ptr ;; type code = CodeLabel of label (* Index into current quad block. *) | CodePtr of operand | CodeNone ;; (* NB: for the most part, we let the register allocator assign spills * from vregs, and we permanently allocate aliased slots to stack * locations by static aliasing information early, in layout. * * The one awkward case this doesn't handle is when someone tries to * pass a literal-atom to an alias-slot. This *requires* a memory slot * but we only realize it rather late, much later than we'd normally * have thougt to desugar the literal into a temporary. * * So in these cases, we let the trans module explicitly demand a * "Spill n" operand, which the register allocator mops up before it * gets started on the vregs. * * NOTE: if we were more clever we'd integrate vregs and spills like * this together along with the general notion of a temporary way back * at the desugaring stage, and use some kind of size-class * consolidation so that spills with non-overlapping lifetimes could * share memory. But we're not that clever yet. *) (* Helpers. *) let direct_code_ptr fix = (CodePtr (ImmPtr (fix, CodeTy))) ;; let cell_referent_ty c = match c with Reg (_, st) -> ScalarTy st | Mem (_, rt) -> rt ;; let cell_is_nil c = match c with Mem (_, NilTy) -> true | Reg (_, AddrTy NilTy) -> true | _ -> false ;; let operand_is_nil o = match o with Cell c -> cell_is_nil c | _ -> false ;; let mem_off (mem:mem) (off:Asm.expr64) : mem = let addto e = Asm.ADD (off, e) in match mem with Abs e -> Abs (addto e) | RegIn (r, None) -> RegIn (r, Some off) | RegIn (r, Some e) -> RegIn (r, Some (addto e)) | Spill _ -> bug () "Adding offset to spill slot" ;; let mem_off_imm (mem:mem) (imm:int64) : mem = mem_off mem (Asm.IMM imm) ;; (* Quads. *) type binop = ADD | SUB | IMUL | UMUL | IDIV | UDIV | IMOD | UMOD | AND | OR | XOR | LSL | LSR | ASR ;; type unop = NEG | NOT | UMOV | IMOV | ZERO ;; type jmpop = JE | JNE | JZ | JNZ (* FIXME: Synonyms with JE/JNE in x86, others? *) | JL | JLE | JG | JGE (* Signed. *) | JB | JBE | JA | JAE (* Unsigned. *) | JC | JNC | JO | JNO | JMP ;; type binary = { binary_op: binop; binary_dst: cell; binary_lhs: operand; binary_rhs: operand } ;; type unary = { unary_op: unop; unary_dst: cell; unary_src: operand } ;; type cmp = { cmp_lhs: operand; cmp_rhs: operand } ;; type lea = { lea_dst: cell; lea_src: operand } ;; type jmp = { jmp_op: jmpop; jmp_targ: code; } ;; type call = { call_dst: cell; call_targ: code } type quad' = Binary of binary | Unary of unary | Lea of lea | Cmp of cmp | Jmp of jmp | Push of operand | Pop of cell | Call of call | Debug (* Debug-break pseudo-instruction. *) | Enter of fixup (* Enter-fixup-block pseudo-instruction. *) | Leave (* Leave-fixup-block pseudo-instruction. *) | Ret (* Return to caller. *) | Nop (* Keep this quad here, emit CPU nop. *) | Dead (* Keep this quad but emit nothing. *) | Regfence (* Clobber all hregs. *) | End (* Space past the end of quads to emit. *) ;; type quad = { quad_fixup: fixup option; quad_implicits: label list; quad_body: quad'; } type quads = quad array ;; (* Query functions. *) let cell_is_scalar (c:cell) : bool = match c with Reg (_, _) -> true | Mem (_, ScalarTy _) -> true | _ -> false ;; let bits_of_ty_mach (tm:ty_mach) : bits = match tm with | TY_u8 -> Bits8 | TY_i8 -> Bits8 | TY_u16 -> Bits16 | TY_i16 -> Bits16 | TY_u32 -> Bits32 | TY_i32 -> Bits32 | TY_u64 -> Bits64 | TY_i64 -> Bits64 | TY_f32 -> Bits32 | TY_f64 -> Bits64 ;; let cell_scalar_ty (c:cell) : scalar_ty = match c with Reg (_, st) -> st | Mem (_, ScalarTy st) -> st | _ -> bug () "mem of non-scalar in Il.cell_scalar_ty" ;; let operand_scalar_ty (op:operand) : scalar_ty = match op with Cell c -> cell_scalar_ty c | Imm (_, t) -> ValTy (bits_of_ty_mach t) | ImmPtr (_, t) -> AddrTy t ;; let scalar_ty_bits (word_bits:bits) (st:scalar_ty) : bits = match st with ValTy bits -> bits | AddrTy _ -> word_bits ;; let cell_bits (word_bits:bits) (c:cell) : bits = match c with Reg (_, st) -> scalar_ty_bits word_bits st | Mem (_, ScalarTy st) -> scalar_ty_bits word_bits st | Mem _ -> bug () "mem of non-scalar in Il.cell_bits" ;; let operand_bits (word_bits:bits) (op:operand) : bits = match op with Cell cell -> cell_bits word_bits cell | Imm (_, tm) -> bits_of_ty_mach tm | ImmPtr _ -> word_bits ;; let bits_size (bits:bits) : int64 = match bits with Bits8 -> 1L | Bits16 -> 2L | Bits32 -> 4L | Bits64 -> 8L ;; let bits_align (bits:bits) : int64 = match bits with Bits8 -> 1L | Bits16 -> 2L | Bits32 -> 4L | Bits64 -> 8L ;; let scalar_ty_size (word_bits:bits) (st:scalar_ty) : int64 = bits_size (scalar_ty_bits word_bits st) ;; let scalar_ty_align (word_bits:bits) (st:scalar_ty) : int64 = bits_align (scalar_ty_bits word_bits st) ;; let rec referent_ty_layout (word_bits:bits) (rt:referent_ty) : (size * size) = match rt with ScalarTy st -> (SIZE_fixed (scalar_ty_size word_bits st), SIZE_fixed (scalar_ty_align word_bits st)) | StructTy rts -> begin let accum (off,align) rt : (size * size) = let (elt_size, elt_align) = referent_ty_layout word_bits rt in let elt_off = align_sz elt_align off in (add_sz elt_off elt_size, max_sz elt_align align) in Array.fold_left accum (SIZE_fixed 0L, SIZE_fixed 1L) rts end | UnionTy rts -> begin let accum (sz,align) rt : (size * size) = let (elt_size, elt_align) = referent_ty_layout word_bits rt in (max_sz sz elt_size, max_sz elt_align align) in Array.fold_left accum (SIZE_fixed 0L, SIZE_fixed 1L) rts end | OpaqueTy -> bug () "opaque ty in referent_ty_layout" | CodeTy -> bug () "code ty in referent_ty_layout" | ParamTy i -> (SIZE_param_size i, SIZE_param_align i) | NilTy -> (SIZE_fixed 0L, SIZE_fixed 1L) and referent_ty_size (word_bits:bits) (rt:referent_ty) : size = (fst (referent_ty_layout word_bits rt)) and referent_ty_align (word_bits:bits) (rt:referent_ty) : size = (snd (referent_ty_layout word_bits rt)) ;; let get_element_offset (word_bits:bits) (elts:referent_ty array) (i:int) : size = let elts_before = Array.sub elts 0 i in let elt_rty = elts.(i) in let elts_before_size = referent_ty_size word_bits (StructTy elts_before) in let elt_align = referent_ty_align word_bits elt_rty in let elt_off = align_sz elt_align elts_before_size in elt_off ;; (* Processor. *) type quad_processor = { qp_reg: (quad_processor -> reg -> reg); qp_mem: (quad_processor -> mem -> mem); qp_cell_read: (quad_processor -> cell -> cell); qp_cell_write: (quad_processor -> cell -> cell); qp_code: (quad_processor -> code -> code); qp_op: (quad_processor -> operand -> operand); } ;; let identity_processor = let qp_cell = (fun qp c -> match c with Reg (r, b) -> Reg (qp.qp_reg qp r, b) | Mem (a, b) -> Mem (qp.qp_mem qp a, b)) in { qp_reg = (fun _ r -> r); qp_mem = (fun qp a -> match a with RegIn (r, o) -> RegIn (qp.qp_reg qp r, o) | Abs _ | Spill _ -> a); qp_cell_read = qp_cell; qp_cell_write = qp_cell; qp_code = (fun qp c -> match c with CodePtr op -> CodePtr (qp.qp_op qp op) | CodeLabel _ | CodeNone -> c); qp_op = (fun qp op -> match op with Cell c -> Cell (qp.qp_cell_read qp c) | ImmPtr _ -> op | Imm _ -> op) } ;; let process_quad (qp:quad_processor) (q:quad) : quad = { q with quad_body = match q.quad_body with Binary b -> Binary { b with binary_dst = qp.qp_cell_write qp b.binary_dst; binary_lhs = qp.qp_op qp b.binary_lhs; binary_rhs = qp.qp_op qp b.binary_rhs } | Unary u -> Unary { u with unary_dst = qp.qp_cell_write qp u.unary_dst; unary_src = qp.qp_op qp u.unary_src } | Lea le -> Lea { lea_dst = qp.qp_cell_write qp le.lea_dst; lea_src = qp.qp_op qp le.lea_src } | Cmp c -> Cmp { cmp_lhs = qp.qp_op qp c.cmp_lhs; cmp_rhs = qp.qp_op qp c.cmp_rhs } | Jmp j -> Jmp { j with jmp_targ = qp.qp_code qp j.jmp_targ } | Push op -> Push (qp.qp_op qp op) | Pop c -> Pop (qp.qp_cell_write qp c) | Call c -> Call { call_dst = qp.qp_cell_write qp c.call_dst; call_targ = qp.qp_code qp c.call_targ } | Ret -> Ret | Nop -> Nop | Debug -> Debug | Regfence -> Regfence | Enter f -> Enter f | Leave -> Leave | Dead -> Dead | End -> End } ;; let visit_quads (qp:quad_processor) (qs:quads) : unit = Array.iter (fun x ->ignore ( process_quad qp x); ()) qs ;; let process_quads (qp:quad_processor) (qs:quads) : quads = (process_quad qp) qs ;; let rewrite_quads (qp:quad_processor) (qs:quads) : unit = for i = 0 to ((Array.length qs) - 1) do qs.(i) <- process_quad qp qs.(i) done ;; (* A little partial-evaluator to help lowering sizes. *) let rec size_to_expr64 (a:size) : Asm.expr64 option = let binary a b f = match (size_to_expr64 a, size_to_expr64 b) with (Some a, Some b) -> Some (f a b) | _ -> None in match a with SIZE_fixed i -> Some (Asm.IMM i) | SIZE_fixup_mem_sz f -> Some (Asm.M_SZ f) | SIZE_fixup_mem_pos f -> Some (Asm.M_POS f) | SIZE_rt_neg s -> begin match (size_to_expr64 s) with None -> None | Some s -> Some (Asm.NEG s) end | SIZE_rt_add (a, b) -> binary a b (fun a b -> Asm.ADD (a,b)) | SIZE_rt_mul (a, b) -> binary a b (fun a b -> Asm.MUL (a,b)) | SIZE_rt_max (a, b) -> binary a b (fun a b -> Asm.MAX (a,b)) | SIZE_rt_align (a, b) -> binary a b (fun a b -> Asm.ALIGN (a,b)) | _ -> None ;; (* Formatters. *) let string_of_bits (b:bits) : string = match b with Bits8 -> "b8" | Bits16 -> "b16" | Bits32 -> "b32" | Bits64 -> "b64" ;; let rec string_of_scalar_ty (s:scalar_ty) : string = match s with ValTy b -> (string_of_bits b) | AddrTy r -> (string_of_referent_ty r) ^ "*" and string_of_referent_ty (r:referent_ty) : string = match r with ScalarTy s -> (string_of_scalar_ty s) | StructTy rs -> Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat "," (Array.to_list ( string_of_referent_ty rs))) | UnionTy rs -> Printf.sprintf "(%s)" (String.concat "|" (Array.to_list ( string_of_referent_ty rs))) | ParamTy i -> Printf.sprintf "#%d" i | OpaqueTy -> "?" | CodeTy -> "!" | NilTy -> "()" ;; type hreg_formatter = hreg -> string;; let string_of_reg (f:hreg_formatter) (r:reg) : string = match r with Vreg i -> Printf.sprintf "" i | Hreg i -> f i ;; let string_of_off (e:Asm.expr64 option) : string = match e with None -> "" | Some (Asm.IMM i) when (i64_lt i 0L) -> Printf.sprintf " - 0x%Lx" (Int64.neg i) | Some e' -> " + " ^ (Asm.string_of_expr64 e') ;; let string_of_mem (f:hreg_formatter) (a:mem) : string = match a with Abs e -> Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (Asm.string_of_expr64 e) | RegIn (r, off) -> Printf.sprintf "[%s%s]" (string_of_reg f r) (string_of_off off) | Spill i -> Printf.sprintf "[]" i ;; let string_of_cell (f:hreg_formatter) (c:cell) : string = match c with Reg (r,ty) -> if !log_iltypes then Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" (string_of_reg f r) (string_of_scalar_ty ty) else Printf.sprintf "%s" (string_of_reg f r) | Mem (a,ty) -> if !log_iltypes then Printf.sprintf "%s:%s" (string_of_mem f a) (string_of_referent_ty ty) else Printf.sprintf "%s" (string_of_mem f a) ;; let string_of_operand (f:hreg_formatter) (op:operand) : string = match op with Cell c -> string_of_cell f c | ImmPtr (f, ty) -> if !log_iltypes then Printf.sprintf "$<%s>.mpos:%s*" f.fixup_name (string_of_referent_ty ty) else Printf.sprintf "$<%s>.mpos" f.fixup_name | Imm (i, ty) -> if !log_iltypes then Printf.sprintf "$%s:%s" (Asm.string_of_expr64 i) (string_of_ty_mach ty) else Printf.sprintf "$%s" (Asm.string_of_expr64 i) ;; let string_of_code (f:hreg_formatter) (c:code) : string = match c with CodeLabel lab -> Printf.sprintf "