//! This module is responsible for implementing handlers for Language Server //! Protocol. The majority of requests are fulfilled by calling into the //! `ra_ide` crate. use std::{ io::Write as _, process::{self, Stdio}, }; use lsp_server::ErrorCode; use lsp_types::{ CallHierarchyIncomingCall, CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams, CallHierarchyItem, CallHierarchyOutgoingCall, CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams, CallHierarchyPrepareParams, CodeLens, Command, CompletionItem, Diagnostic, DocumentFormattingParams, DocumentHighlight, DocumentSymbol, FoldingRange, FoldingRangeParams, Hover, HoverContents, Location, MarkupContent, MarkupKind, Position, PrepareRenameResponse, Range, RenameParams, SemanticTokensParams, SemanticTokensRangeParams, SemanticTokensRangeResult, SemanticTokensResult, SymbolInformation, TextDocumentIdentifier, Url, WorkspaceEdit, }; use ra_ide::{ FileId, FilePosition, FileRange, Query, RangeInfo, RunnableKind, SearchScope, TextEdit, }; use ra_prof::profile; use ra_project_model::TargetKind; use ra_syntax::{AstNode, SyntaxKind, TextRange, TextSize}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use serde_json::to_value; use stdx::format_to; use crate::{ cargo_target_spec::CargoTargetSpec, config::RustfmtConfig, diagnostics::DiagnosticTask, from_json, from_proto, lsp_ext::{self, InlayHint, InlayHintsParams}, to_proto, world::WorldSnapshot, LspError, Result, }; pub fn handle_analyzer_status(world: WorldSnapshot, _: ()) -> Result { let _p = profile("handle_analyzer_status"); let mut buf = world.status(); format_to!(buf, "\n\nrequests:\n"); let requests = world.latest_requests.read(); for (is_last, r) in requests.iter() { let mark = if is_last { "*" } else { " " }; format_to!(buf, "{}{:4} {:<36}{}ms\n", mark, r.id, r.method, r.duration.as_millis()); } Ok(buf) } pub fn handle_syntax_tree( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::SyntaxTreeParams, ) -> Result { let _p = profile("handle_syntax_tree"); let id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(id)?; let text_range = params.range.map(|r| from_proto::text_range(&line_index, r)); let res = world.analysis().syntax_tree(id, text_range)?; Ok(res) } pub fn handle_expand_macro( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::ExpandMacroParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_expand_macro"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, params.position); let res = world.analysis().expand_macro(FilePosition { file_id, offset })?; Ok(res.map(|it| lsp_ext::ExpandedMacro { name: it.name, expansion: it.expansion })) } pub fn handle_selection_range( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::SelectionRangeParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_selection_range"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let res: Result> = params .positions .into_iter() .map(|position| { let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, position); let mut ranges = Vec::new(); { let mut range = TextRange::new(offset, offset); loop { ranges.push(range); let frange = FileRange { file_id, range }; let next = world.analysis().extend_selection(frange)?; if next == range { break; } else { range = next } } } let mut range = lsp_types::SelectionRange { range: to_proto::range(&line_index, *ranges.last().unwrap()), parent: None, }; for &r in ranges.iter().rev().skip(1) { range = lsp_types::SelectionRange { range: to_proto::range(&line_index, r), parent: Some(Box::new(range)), } } Ok(range) }) .collect(); Ok(Some(res?)) } pub fn handle_matching_brace( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::MatchingBraceParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_matching_brace"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let res = params .positions .into_iter() .map(|position| { let offset = from_proto::offset(&line_index, position); let offset = match world.analysis().matching_brace(FilePosition { file_id, offset }) { Ok(Some(matching_brace_offset)) => matching_brace_offset, Err(_) | Ok(None) => offset, }; to_proto::position(&line_index, offset) }) .collect(); Ok(res) } pub fn handle_join_lines( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::JoinLinesParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_join_lines"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(file_id); let mut res = TextEdit::default(); for range in params.ranges { let range = from_proto::text_range(&line_index, range); let edit = world.analysis().join_lines(FileRange { file_id, range })?; match res.union(edit) { Ok(()) => (), Err(_edit) => { // just ignore overlapping edits } } } let res = to_proto::text_edit_vec(&line_index, line_endings, res); Ok(res) } pub fn handle_on_enter( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_on_enter"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params)?; let edit = match world.analysis().on_enter(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(position.file_id); let edit = to_proto::snippet_text_edit_vec(&line_index, line_endings, true, edit); Ok(Some(edit)) } // Don't forget to add new trigger characters to `ServerCapabilities` in `caps.rs`. pub fn handle_on_type_formatting( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::DocumentOnTypeFormattingParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_on_type_formatting"); let mut position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(position.file_id); // in `ra_ide`, the `on_type` invariant is that // `text.char_at(position) == typed_char`. position.offset -= TextSize::of('.'); let char_typed = params.ch.chars().next().unwrap_or('\0'); assert!({ let text = world.analysis().file_text(position.file_id)?; text[usize::from(position.offset)..].starts_with(char_typed) }); // We have an assist that inserts ` ` after typing `->` in `fn foo() ->{`, // but it requires precise cursor positioning to work, and one can't // position the cursor with on_type formatting. So, let's just toggle this // feature off here, hoping that we'll enable it one day, 😿. if char_typed == '>' { return Ok(None); } let edit = world.analysis().on_char_typed(position, char_typed)?; let mut edit = match edit { Some(it) => it, None => return Ok(None), }; // This should be a single-file edit let edit = edit.source_file_edits.pop().unwrap(); let change = to_proto::text_edit_vec(&line_index, line_endings, edit.edit); Ok(Some(change)) } pub fn handle_document_symbol( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::DocumentSymbolParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_document_symbol"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let mut parents: Vec<(DocumentSymbol, Option)> = Vec::new(); for symbol in world.analysis().file_structure(file_id)? { let doc_symbol = DocumentSymbol { name: symbol.label, detail: symbol.detail, kind: to_proto::symbol_kind(symbol.kind), deprecated: Some(symbol.deprecated), range: to_proto::range(&line_index, symbol.node_range), selection_range: to_proto::range(&line_index, symbol.navigation_range), children: None, }; parents.push((doc_symbol, symbol.parent)); } let mut document_symbols = Vec::new(); while let Some((node, parent)) = parents.pop() { match parent { None => document_symbols.push(node), Some(i) => { let children = &mut parents[i].0.children; if children.is_none() { *children = Some(Vec::new()); } children.as_mut().unwrap().push(node); } } } let res = if world.config.client_caps.hierarchical_symbols { document_symbols.into() } else { let url = to_proto::url(&world, file_id)?; let mut symbol_information = Vec::::new(); for symbol in document_symbols { flatten_document_symbol(&symbol, None, &url, &mut symbol_information); } symbol_information.into() }; return Ok(Some(res)); fn flatten_document_symbol( symbol: &DocumentSymbol, container_name: Option, url: &Url, res: &mut Vec, ) { res.push(SymbolInformation { name: symbol.name.clone(), kind: symbol.kind, deprecated: symbol.deprecated, location: Location::new(url.clone(), symbol.range), container_name, }); for child in symbol.children.iter().flatten() { flatten_document_symbol(child, Some(symbol.name.clone()), url, res); } } } pub fn handle_workspace_symbol( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::WorkspaceSymbolParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_workspace_symbol"); let all_symbols = params.query.contains('#'); let libs = params.query.contains('*'); let query = { let query: String = params.query.chars().filter(|&c| c != '#' && c != '*').collect(); let mut q = Query::new(query); if !all_symbols { q.only_types(); } if libs { q.libs(); } q.limit(128); q }; let mut res = exec_query(&world, query)?; if res.is_empty() && !all_symbols { let mut query = Query::new(params.query); query.limit(128); res = exec_query(&world, query)?; } return Ok(Some(res)); fn exec_query(world: &WorldSnapshot, query: Query) -> Result> { let mut res = Vec::new(); for nav in world.analysis().symbol_search(query)? { let info = SymbolInformation { name: nav.name().to_string(), kind: to_proto::symbol_kind(nav.kind()), location: to_proto::location(world, nav.file_range())?, container_name: nav.container_name().map(|v| v.to_string()), deprecated: None, }; res.push(info); } Ok(res) } } pub fn handle_goto_definition( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::GotoDefinitionParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_goto_definition"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_definition(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range }; let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&world, Some(src), nav_info.info)?; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_goto_implementation( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::request::GotoImplementationParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_goto_implementation"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_implementation(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range }; let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&world, Some(src), nav_info.info)?; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_goto_type_definition( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::request::GotoTypeDefinitionParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_goto_type_definition"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let nav_info = match world.analysis().goto_type_definition(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let src = FileRange { file_id: position.file_id, range: nav_info.range }; let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&world, Some(src), nav_info.info)?; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_parent_module( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_parent_module"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params)?; let navs = world.analysis().parent_module(position)?; let res = to_proto::goto_definition_response(&world, None, navs)?; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_runnables( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::RunnablesParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_runnables"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let offset = params.position.map(|it| from_proto::offset(&line_index, it)); let mut res = Vec::new(); let workspace_root = world.workspace_root_for(file_id); let cargo_spec = CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&world, file_id)?; for runnable in world.analysis().runnables(file_id)? { if let Some(offset) = offset { if !runnable.nav.full_range().contains_inclusive(offset) { continue; } } // Do not suggest binary run on other target than binary if let RunnableKind::Bin = runnable.kind { if let Some(spec) = &cargo_spec { match spec.target_kind { TargetKind::Bin => {} _ => continue, } } } res.push(to_proto::runnable(&world, file_id, runnable)?); } // Add `cargo check` and `cargo test` for the whole package match cargo_spec { Some(spec) => { for &cmd in ["check", "test"].iter() { res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable { label: format!("cargo {} -p {}", cmd, spec.package), location: None, kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo, args: lsp_ext::CargoRunnable { workspace_root: workspace_root.map(|root| root.to_owned()), cargo_args: vec![ cmd.to_string(), "--package".to_string(), spec.package.clone(), ], executable_args: Vec::new(), }, }) } } None => { res.push(lsp_ext::Runnable { label: "cargo check --workspace".to_string(), location: None, kind: lsp_ext::RunnableKind::Cargo, args: lsp_ext::CargoRunnable { workspace_root: workspace_root.map(|root| root.to_owned()), cargo_args: vec!["check".to_string(), "--workspace".to_string()], executable_args: Vec::new(), }, }); } } Ok(res) } pub fn handle_completion( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::CompletionParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_completion"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position)?; let completion_triggered_after_single_colon = { let mut res = false; if let Some(ctx) = params.context { if ctx.trigger_character.unwrap_or_default() == ":" { let source_file = world.analysis().parse(position.file_id)?; let syntax = source_file.syntax(); let text = syntax.text(); if let Some(next_char) = text.char_at(position.offset) { let diff = TextSize::of(next_char) + TextSize::of(':'); let prev_char = position.offset - diff; if text.char_at(prev_char) != Some(':') { res = true; } } } } res }; if completion_triggered_after_single_colon { return Ok(None); } let items = match world.analysis().completions(&world.config.completion, position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(items) => items, }; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let line_endings = world.file_line_endings(position.file_id); let items: Vec = items .into_iter() .map(|item| to_proto::completion_item(&line_index, line_endings, item)) .collect(); Ok(Some(items.into())) } pub fn handle_folding_range( world: WorldSnapshot, params: FoldingRangeParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_folding_range"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let folds = world.analysis().folding_ranges(file_id)?; let text = world.analysis().file_text(file_id)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let line_folding_only = world.config.client_caps.line_folding_only; let res = folds .into_iter() .map(|it| to_proto::folding_range(&*text, &line_index, line_folding_only, it)) .collect(); Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_signature_help( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::SignatureHelpParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_signature_help"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let call_info = match world.analysis().call_info(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let concise = !world.config.call_info_full; let mut active_parameter = call_info.active_parameter.map(|it| it as i64); if concise && call_info.signature.has_self_param { active_parameter = active_parameter.map(|it| it.saturating_sub(1)); } let sig_info = to_proto::signature_information(call_info.signature, concise); Ok(Some(lsp_types::SignatureHelp { signatures: vec![sig_info], active_signature: Some(0), active_parameter, })) } pub fn handle_hover(world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::HoverParams) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_hover"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let info = match world.analysis().hover(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(info) => info, }; let line_index = world.analysis.file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, info.range); let res = Hover { contents: HoverContents::Markup(MarkupContent { kind: MarkupKind::Markdown, value: crate::markdown::format_docs(&info.info.to_markup()), }), range: Some(range), }; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_prepare_rename( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_prepare_rename"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params)?; let optional_change = world.analysis().rename(position, "dummy")?; let range = match optional_change { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it.range, }; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, range); Ok(Some(PrepareRenameResponse::Range(range))) } pub fn handle_rename(world: WorldSnapshot, params: RenameParams) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_rename"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position)?; if params.new_name.is_empty() { return Err(LspError::new( ErrorCode::InvalidParams as i32, "New Name cannot be empty".into(), ) .into()); } let optional_change = world.analysis().rename(position, &*params.new_name)?; let source_change = match optional_change { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it.info, }; let workspace_edit = to_proto::workspace_edit(&world, source_change)?; Ok(Some(workspace_edit)) } pub fn handle_references( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::ReferenceParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_references"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position)?; let refs = match world.analysis().find_all_refs(position, None)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(refs) => refs, }; let locations = if params.context.include_declaration { refs.into_iter() .filter_map(|reference| to_proto::location(&world, reference.file_range).ok()) .collect() } else { // Only iterate over the references if include_declaration was false refs.references() .iter() .filter_map(|reference| to_proto::location(&world, reference.file_range).ok()) .collect() }; Ok(Some(locations)) } pub fn handle_formatting( world: WorldSnapshot, params: DocumentFormattingParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_formatting"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let file = world.analysis().file_text(file_id)?; let crate_ids = world.analysis().crate_for(file_id)?; let file_line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let end_position = to_proto::position(&file_line_index, TextSize::of(file.as_str())); let mut rustfmt = match &world.config.rustfmt { RustfmtConfig::Rustfmt { extra_args } => { let mut cmd = process::Command::new("rustfmt"); cmd.args(extra_args); if let Some(&crate_id) = crate_ids.first() { // Assume all crates are in the same edition let edition = world.analysis().crate_edition(crate_id)?; cmd.arg("--edition"); cmd.arg(edition.to_string()); } cmd } RustfmtConfig::CustomCommand { command, args } => { let mut cmd = process::Command::new(command); cmd.args(args); cmd } }; if let Ok(path) = params.text_document.uri.to_file_path() { if let Some(parent) = path.parent() { rustfmt.current_dir(parent); } } let mut rustfmt = rustfmt.stdin(Stdio::piped()).stdout(Stdio::piped()).spawn()?; rustfmt.stdin.as_mut().unwrap().write_all(file.as_bytes())?; let output = rustfmt.wait_with_output()?; let captured_stdout = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?; if !output.status.success() { match output.status.code() { Some(1) => { // While `rustfmt` doesn't have a specific exit code for parse errors this is the // likely cause exiting with 1. Most Language Servers swallow parse errors on // formatting because otherwise an error is surfaced to the user on top of the // syntax error diagnostics they're already receiving. This is especially jarring // if they have format on save enabled. log::info!("rustfmt exited with status 1, assuming parse error and ignoring"); return Ok(None); } _ => { // Something else happened - e.g. `rustfmt` is missing or caught a signal return Err(LspError::new( -32900, format!( r#"rustfmt exited with: Status: {} stdout: {}"#, output.status, captured_stdout, ), ) .into()); } } } Ok(Some(vec![lsp_types::TextEdit { range: Range::new(Position::new(0, 0), end_position), new_text: captured_stdout, }])) } pub fn handle_code_action( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::CodeActionParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_code_action"); // We intentionally don't support command-based actions, as those either // requires custom client-code anyway, or requires server-initiated edits. // Server initiated edits break causality, so we avoid those as well. if !world.config.client_caps.code_action_literals { return Ok(None); } let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let range = from_proto::text_range(&line_index, params.range); let frange = FileRange { file_id, range }; let diagnostics = world.analysis().diagnostics(file_id)?; let mut res: Vec = Vec::new(); let fixes_from_diagnostics = diagnostics .into_iter() .filter_map(|d| Some((d.range, d.fix?))) .filter(|(diag_range, _fix)| diag_range.intersect(range).is_some()) .map(|(_range, fix)| fix); for fix in fixes_from_diagnostics { let title = fix.label; let edit = to_proto::snippet_workspace_edit(&world, fix.source_change)?; let action = lsp_ext::CodeAction { title, group: None, kind: None, edit: Some(edit), command: None }; res.push(action); } for fix in world.check_fixes.get(&file_id).into_iter().flatten() { let fix_range = from_proto::text_range(&line_index, fix.range); if fix_range.intersect(range).is_none() { continue; } res.push(fix.action.clone()); } for assist in world.analysis().assists(&world.config.assist, frange)?.into_iter() { res.push(to_proto::code_action(&world, assist)?.into()); } Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_code_lens( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::CodeLensParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_code_lens"); let mut lenses: Vec = Default::default(); if world.config.lens.none() { // early return before any db query! return Ok(Some(lenses)); } let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let cargo_spec = CargoTargetSpec::for_file(&world, file_id)?; if world.config.lens.runnable() { // Gather runnables for runnable in world.analysis().runnables(file_id)? { let (run_title, debugee) = match &runnable.kind { RunnableKind::Test { .. } | RunnableKind::TestMod { .. } => { ("â–¶\u{fe0e} Run Test", true) } RunnableKind::DocTest { .. } => { // cargo does not support -no-run for doctests ("â–¶\u{fe0e} Run Doctest", false) } RunnableKind::Bench { .. } => { // Nothing wrong with bench debugging ("Run Bench", true) } RunnableKind::Bin => { // Do not suggest binary run on other target than binary match &cargo_spec { Some(spec) => match spec.target_kind { TargetKind::Bin => ("Run", true), _ => continue, }, None => continue, } } }; let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, runnable.nav.range()); let r = to_proto::runnable(&world, file_id, runnable)?; if world.config.lens.run { let lens = CodeLens { range, command: Some(Command { title: run_title.to_string(), command: "rust-analyzer.runSingle".into(), arguments: Some(vec![to_value(&r).unwrap()]), }), data: None, }; lenses.push(lens); } if debugee && world.config.lens.debug { let debug_lens = CodeLens { range, command: Some(Command { title: "Debug".into(), command: "rust-analyzer.debugSingle".into(), arguments: Some(vec![to_value(r).unwrap()]), }), data: None, }; lenses.push(debug_lens); } } } if world.config.lens.impementations { // Handle impls lenses.extend( world .analysis() .file_structure(file_id)? .into_iter() .filter(|it| match it.kind { SyntaxKind::TRAIT_DEF | SyntaxKind::STRUCT_DEF | SyntaxKind::ENUM_DEF => true, _ => false, }) .map(|it| { let range = to_proto::range(&line_index, it.node_range); let pos = range.start; let lens_params = lsp_types::request::GotoImplementationParams { text_document_position_params: lsp_types::TextDocumentPositionParams::new( params.text_document.clone(), pos, ), work_done_progress_params: Default::default(), partial_result_params: Default::default(), }; CodeLens { range, command: None, data: Some(to_value(CodeLensResolveData::Impls(lens_params)).unwrap()), } }), ); } Ok(Some(lenses)) } #[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] enum CodeLensResolveData { Impls(lsp_types::request::GotoImplementationParams), } pub fn handle_code_lens_resolve(world: WorldSnapshot, code_lens: CodeLens) -> Result { let _p = profile("handle_code_lens_resolve"); let data = code_lens.data.unwrap(); let resolve = from_json::>("CodeLensResolveData", data)?; match resolve { Some(CodeLensResolveData::Impls(lens_params)) => { let locations: Vec = match handle_goto_implementation(world, lens_params.clone())? { Some(lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse::Scalar(loc)) => vec![loc], Some(lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse::Array(locs)) => locs, Some(lsp_types::GotoDefinitionResponse::Link(links)) => links .into_iter() .map(|link| Location::new(link.target_uri, link.target_selection_range)) .collect(), _ => vec![], }; let title = if locations.len() == 1 { "1 implementation".into() } else { format!("{} implementations", locations.len()) }; // We cannot use the 'editor.action.showReferences' command directly // because that command requires vscode types which we convert in the handler // on the client side. let cmd = Command { title, command: "rust-analyzer.showReferences".into(), arguments: Some(vec![ to_value(&lens_params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri).unwrap(), to_value(code_lens.range.start).unwrap(), to_value(locations).unwrap(), ]), }; Ok(CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(cmd), data: None }) } None => Ok(CodeLens { range: code_lens.range, command: Some(Command { title: "Error".into(), ..Default::default() }), data: None, }), } } pub fn handle_document_highlight( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_types::DocumentHighlightParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_document_highlight"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(position.file_id)?; let refs = match world .analysis() .find_all_refs(position, Some(SearchScope::single_file(position.file_id)))? { None => return Ok(None), Some(refs) => refs, }; let res = refs .into_iter() .filter(|reference| reference.file_range.file_id == position.file_id) .map(|reference| DocumentHighlight { range: to_proto::range(&line_index, reference.file_range.range), kind: reference.access.map(to_proto::document_highlight_kind), }) .collect(); Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_ssr( world: WorldSnapshot, params: lsp_ext::SsrParams, ) -> Result { let _p = profile("handle_ssr"); let source_change = world.analysis().structural_search_replace(¶ms.query, params.parse_only)??; to_proto::workspace_edit(&world, source_change) } pub fn publish_diagnostics(world: &WorldSnapshot, file_id: FileId) -> Result { let _p = profile("publish_diagnostics"); let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let diagnostics: Vec = world .analysis() .diagnostics(file_id)? .into_iter() .map(|d| Diagnostic { range: to_proto::range(&line_index, d.range), severity: Some(to_proto::diagnostic_severity(d.severity)), code: None, source: Some("rust-analyzer".to_string()), message: d.message, related_information: None, tags: None, }) .collect(); Ok(DiagnosticTask::SetNative(file_id, diagnostics)) } pub fn handle_inlay_hints( world: WorldSnapshot, params: InlayHintsParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_inlay_hints"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let analysis = world.analysis(); let line_index = analysis.file_line_index(file_id)?; Ok(analysis .inlay_hints(file_id, &world.config.inlay_hints)? .into_iter() .map(|it| to_proto::inlay_int(&line_index, it)) .collect()) } pub fn handle_call_hierarchy_prepare( world: WorldSnapshot, params: CallHierarchyPrepareParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_call_hierarchy_prepare"); let position = from_proto::file_position(&world, params.text_document_position_params)?; let nav_info = match world.analysis().call_hierarchy(position)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let RangeInfo { range: _, info: navs } = nav_info; let res = navs .into_iter() .filter(|it| it.kind() == SyntaxKind::FN_DEF) .map(|it| to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&world, it)) .collect::>>()?; Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_call_hierarchy_incoming( world: WorldSnapshot, params: CallHierarchyIncomingCallsParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_call_hierarchy_incoming"); let item = params.item; let doc = TextDocumentIdentifier::new(item.uri); let frange = from_proto::file_range(&world, doc, item.range)?; let fpos = FilePosition { file_id: frange.file_id, offset: frange.range.start() }; let call_items = match world.analysis().incoming_calls(fpos)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let mut res = vec![]; for call_item in call_items.into_iter() { let file_id = call_item.target.file_id(); let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let item = to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&world, call_item.target)?; res.push(CallHierarchyIncomingCall { from: item, from_ranges: call_item .ranges .into_iter() .map(|it| to_proto::range(&line_index, it)) .collect(), }); } Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing( world: WorldSnapshot, params: CallHierarchyOutgoingCallsParams, ) -> Result>> { let _p = profile("handle_call_hierarchy_outgoing"); let item = params.item; let doc = TextDocumentIdentifier::new(item.uri); let frange = from_proto::file_range(&world, doc, item.range)?; let fpos = FilePosition { file_id: frange.file_id, offset: frange.range.start() }; let call_items = match world.analysis().outgoing_calls(fpos)? { None => return Ok(None), Some(it) => it, }; let mut res = vec![]; for call_item in call_items.into_iter() { let file_id = call_item.target.file_id(); let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let item = to_proto::call_hierarchy_item(&world, call_item.target)?; res.push(CallHierarchyOutgoingCall { to: item, from_ranges: call_item .ranges .into_iter() .map(|it| to_proto::range(&line_index, it)) .collect(), }); } Ok(Some(res)) } pub fn handle_semantic_tokens( world: WorldSnapshot, params: SemanticTokensParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_semantic_tokens"); let file_id = from_proto::file_id(&world, ¶ms.text_document.uri)?; let text = world.analysis().file_text(file_id)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?; let highlights = world.analysis().highlight(file_id)?; let semantic_tokens = to_proto::semantic_tokens(&text, &line_index, highlights); Ok(Some(semantic_tokens.into())) } pub fn handle_semantic_tokens_range( world: WorldSnapshot, params: SemanticTokensRangeParams, ) -> Result> { let _p = profile("handle_semantic_tokens_range"); let frange = from_proto::file_range(&world, params.text_document, params.range)?; let text = world.analysis().file_text(frange.file_id)?; let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(frange.file_id)?; let highlights = world.analysis().highlight_range(frange)?; let semantic_tokens = to_proto::semantic_tokens(&text, &line_index, highlights); Ok(Some(semantic_tokens.into())) }