language: generic os: - linux - osx dist: xenial cache: # Cache the global cargo directory, but NOT the local `target` directory which # we cannot reuse anyway when the nightly changes (and it grows quite large # over time). directories: - $HOME/.cargo - $HOME/.rustup # Run in PRs and for bors, but not on master. branches: only: - master - auto - try if: branch = auto OR branch = try OR type = pull_request OR type = cron before_script: # Compute the Rust version we use. We do not use "language: rust" to have more control here. - | if [[ "$TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE" == cron ]]; then RUSTC_HASH=$(git ls-remote master | awk '{print $1}') else RUSTC_HASH=$(cat rust-version) fi # Install Rust. We use the "stable" toolchain for better caching, it is just used to build `rustup-toolchain-install-master`. # But we also need to take into account that the build cache might have a different, outdated default. - curl -sSf | sh -s -- -y --default-toolchain none --profile minimal - export PATH=$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH - rustup default stable - rustup toolchain uninstall beta nightly - rustup update # Install "master" toolchain. - cargo install rustup-toolchain-install-master - travis_retry rustup-toolchain-install-master -f -n master $RUSTC_HASH -c rust-src -c rustc-dev -c llvm-tools - rustup default master - rustc --version - cargo --version script: - ./ before_cache: # Don't cache "master" toolchain, it's a waste. - rustup default stable - rustup toolchain uninstall master notifications: email: on_success: never recipients: - -